892 research outputs found

    Velocidad media de infiltración en un vertisol bajo distintos sistemas de labranza

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    Soil compaction is regarded as the most serious environmental problem caused by conventional agriculture. Few studies are concerned with the assessment of soil compaction using infiltration speed, specifically in the Vertisol soil characteristic of the main maize producing area of the Toluca-Atlacomulco Valley in central Mexico. The aim of this research was to examine the effect on infiltration speed and penetration resistance of a Vertisol soil when compacted by wheeled agricultural traffic in three different types of tillage systems: zero, minimal and conventional. Penetration resistance was measured on the wheel track with a portable digital penetrometer, and the mean infiltration speed was determined according to the double cylinder infiltrometer method. The pressure exerted by the number of wheeled traffic passes increased Vertisol soil compaction at 30 cm depth. Even though the benefits of zero tillage were similar to those showed by mínimum tillage during the experimental period, minimum tillage reported the highest infiltration spee

    Validación de un instrumento para medir el respeto de la autonomía del paciente en situación terminal durante la toma de decisiones médicas sobre el final de la vida

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    Antecedents: El respecte per l'autonomia de la persona consisteix a considerar-les preferències i valors de la persona malalta durant la presa de decisions sobre el tipus d'atenció que rep i és un element bioeticojurídic. No obstant això, no hi ha instruments validats sobre aquest fenomen que ajudin a aclarir la percepció del metge sobre aquest principi. Objectiu: Elaborar, validar mitjançant un judici d'experts i pilotejar per obtenir la consistència interna d'un instrument que avalua el nivell d'acord dels metges sobre els diferents elements que constitueixen el respecte per l'autonomia de la persona malalta en l'etapa terminal. Mètodes: Estudi transversal. Mètode de validació per judici de deu experts de Mèxic. L'instrument es va pilotejar en metges d'un hospital públic d'alta especialitat per determinar-ne la consistència interna. Resultats: Es va generar un instrument de 15 ítems amb un índex de validesa de contingut de 0.82 per a 10 experts. Va ser pilotejat en una mostra de 96 metges. S'obtingué un alfa de Cronbach de 0.694. Conclusions: Es va desenvolupar, validar i avaluar la consistència interna d'un qüestionari per mesurar el nivell d'acord de metges que atenen persones malaltes en etapa terminal amb relació als aspectes constitutius sobre el respecte de la seva autonomia. Se'n recomana l'aplicació en metges per corroborar-ne la utilitat i afavorir un diagnòstic situacional sobre la situació estudiada.Background: Respect for the autonomy of the person consists in considering the preferences and values of the sick person when making decisions about the type of care they receive and is a bioethical-legal element. However, there are no validated instruments on this phenomenon that help to clarify the physician's perception of this principle. Objective: To elaborate, validate through expert judgment and determine the internal consistency of an instrument that evaluates the level of agreement that the doctors have on the different elements that constitute respect for the autonomy of the terminally ill person. Methods: Cross-sectional study. The expert judgment validation method was used with a panel of ten experts from Mexico. The instrument was piloted in doctors of a highly specialized public hospital to determinate its internal consistency. Results: An instrument of 15 items was generated with a content validity index of 0.82 for 10 experts. It was piloted in a sample of 96 doctors (31.3% female and 68.7% male) and with an average age of 30 years. The Cronbach's alpha was 0.694. Conclusions: A questionnaire was developed to measure the level of agreement that the doctor who cares for terminally ill people has in relation to the constitutive aspects of respect for their autonomy. Based on the results of the validation and internal consistency, its application in medical populations is recommended to corroborate its usefulness and favor a simple situational diagnosis of the situation studied.Antecedentes: El respeto por la autonomía de la persona consiste en considerarlas preferencias y valores de la persona enferma durante la toma de decisions sobre el tipo de atención que recibe y es un elemento bioético-jurídico. Sin embargo, no existen instrumentos validados sobre este fenómeno que ayuden aclarificar la percepción del médico sobre este principio. Objetivo: Elaborar, validar mediante juicio de expertos y pilotear para obtener la consistencia interna de un instrumento que evalúa el nivel de acuerdo de los médicos sobre los diferentes elementos que constituyen el respeto por la  autonomía de la persona enferma en etapa terminal. Métodos: Estudio transversal. Método de validación por juicio de diez expertos de México. El instrumento se piloteó en médicos de un hospital público de alta especialidad para determinar la consistencia interna del mismo. Resultados: Se generó un instrumento de 15 ítems con un índice de validez de contenido de 0.82 para 10 expertos. Fue piloteado en una muestra de 96 médicos. Se obtuvo un alfa de Cronbach de 0.694. Conclusiones: Se desarrolló, validó y evaluó la consistencia interna de un cuestionario para medir el nivel de acuerdo de médicos que atienden a persones enfermas en etapa terminal con relación a los aspectos constitutivos sobre el respeto de su autonomía. Se recomienda su aplicación en médicos para corroborar su utilidad y favorecer un diagnóstico situacional sobre la situación estudiada

    Mejoras en la estimación de la frecuencia y magnitud de avenidas torrenciales mediante técnicas dendrogeomorfológicas

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    Para prevenir el riesgo de inundación, en el análisis científico de la peligrosidad asociada a las avenidas fluviales, clásicamente se han empleado métodos hidrológico-hidráulicos y, en menor medida, histórico-paleohidrológicos y geológico-geomorfológicos. Sin embargo, estas técnicas plantean enormes incertidumbres científicas por la disponibilidad de los datos de partida, su validez espacio-temporal, y su representatividad estadística. La Dendrogeomorfología es un conjunto de técnicas que, aprovechando fuentes de información registradas en las raíces, troncos y ramas de los árboles y arbustos ubicados en determinadas posiciones geomorfológicas (bancos de orilla, barras longitudinales, llanura de inundación, etc.), permite completar (e incluso suplir) el registro sistemático y paleohidrológico de avenidas torrenciales que han acontecido en esa corriente. En este artículo se propone investigar, se muestran los resultados-tipo y se discute sobre la aplicación y limitaciones de las fuentes de datos y los métodos científicos derivados del análisis dendrogeomorfológico. Para llevarlo a cabo, se sugiere una combinación de métodos de adquisición de datos en campo, estudios de laboratorio y análisis de datos en gabinete, con un plan de trabajo que contempla doce tareas o actividades: 1, caracterización geomorfológica; 2, caracterización florística; 3, muestreo de ejemplares: 4, adquisición de datos topográficos detallados; 5, preparación de las muestras; 6, conteo y medida de los anillos de crecimiento; 7, estudio anatómico e histológico; 8, sincronización de las series; 9, detección y datación de eventos; 10, modelación hidráulica de tramos; 11, análisis estadístico de caudales de avenida; y 12, cartografía de las áreas de peligrosidad por avenidas torrenciales y mapas de riesgo. - In order to prevent flood risks, scientific fluvial flood hazard analysis has been carried out traditionally with hydrologic and hydraulic methods, and secondarily, using palaeohydrological-historical and geological-geomorphological methods. Nonetheless, these techniques pose countless uncertainties due to the availability of the data, their spatio-temporal validity and their statistical representativeness. Dendrogeomorphology is a set of techniques that takes advantage of sources of information registered in roots, trunks and branches of trees or treelike bushes placed in certain geomorphological locations (such as banks, longitudinal bars, flood prone areas, etc.), that may be useful to complete the systematic registry or paleohydrologic data of torrential floods that have occurred in a certain stream. The aim of this paper is to research the usefulness and limitations of the data sources and methodologies derived from the dendrogeomorphological analysis. For accomplishing this objective a combination of methods is proposed, from data acquisition methods in field, laboratory studies, to data analysis. The schedule comprises twelve tasks: 1, geomorphologic characterization; 2, floristic characterization; 3, species sampling: 4, acquisition of detailed topographic data; 5, sample arrangement; 6, growth ring count and measurement; 7, hystologic and anatomic study; 8, series synchronization; 9, event detection and dating; 10, hydraulic reach modelling; 11, flow data statistical analysis; y 12, hazard and flood prone areas cartography and risk mapping

    Effects of glutenins (Glu-1 and Glu-3) allelic variation on dough properties and bread-making quality of CIMMYT bread wheat breeding lines

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    Wheat dough characteristics and end-use quality are strongly influenced by the amount and specific composition of the glutenins, the major components of gluten. Such proteins are divided into high-molecular-weight glutenins, encoded by the Glu-A1, Glu-B1 and Glu-D1 loci; and low-molecular-weight glutenins, encoded by the Glu-A3, Glu-B3 and Glu-D3 loci. Allelic variation at each of these loci has been associated with changes in wheat functionality. However, most of the studies conducted so far included a relatively limited number of genotypes. Also for this reason, it is still unclear which locus contributes more to dough characteristics and how important are the interactions between the glutenin loci. To try to answer these questions, the quality data of 4623 grain samples derived from 2550 genotypes and generated across 10 years at the CIMMYT bread wheat breeding program, was used to estimate the effect of the glutenin loci and their interactions on gluten quality and bread-making potential. Gluten strength was the trait more strongly influenced by glutenin variations, with the Glu-B1, Glu-D1 and Glu-B3 loci having the greatest effect. Among the glutenin alleles, Glu-A1a, Glu-A1b, Glu-B1al, Glu-B1i, Glu-B1f, Glu-D1d, Glu-A3b, Glu-A3d, Glu-A3f, Glu-B3c and Glu-B3d were associated in general with greater gluten strength, good extensibility and higher bread loaf volume. Differently, alleles Glu-A1c, Glu-B1a, Glu-B1d, Glu-D1a, Glu-A3e and Glu-B3j were associated with an overall poor quality. Glutenin interactions were significantly associated with most of the analyzed quality traits even if their influence was often lower compared to the effect of the single glutenin loci. This is probably the largest study ever done on the effects of the glutenins on wheat quality. The results obtained confirm the importance of such proteins on wheat quality variation and corroborate the usefulness of determining the glutenin profile to improve the selection efficiency for wheat quality in breeding programs

    El impacto de la pandemia del COVID-19 en la educación médica: adaptabilidad y experiencia con enseñanza a distancia de la Sociedad Médica Peruano Americana

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    The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on medical care and medical education in Peru.  In response, the Peruvian American Medical Society (PAMS), a charitable medical organization based in the USA, pursued its medical and educational missions in Peru by adopting virtual learning technology. We developed closer collaborative relationships with several medical schools and the Peruvian Association of Medical Schools (ASPEFAM) while offering a faculty panel of twenty-four members to provide lectures and multidisciplinary webinars in Spanish. We conducted 19 webinars including COVID -19 and non-COVID-19 related topics that over the last two years attracted 14,489 participants from 23 countries. They were the foundation for twenty publications in Peruvian medical journals. Our clinical investigations competition was positively received as was our pilot project on research mentorship. The COVID -19 pandemic had a positive effect on the educational mission of PAMS in Peru.La pandemia del COVID-19 tuvo un impacto significativo en el cuidado y la educación médicos en el Perú. En respuesta, la Sociedad Médica Peruano Americana (PAMS), una organización médica benéfica con sede en los EE. UU., adoptó sus misiones médicas y educativas en Perú usando estrategias virtuales. Desarrollamos colaboración con varias facultades de medicina y la Asociación Peruana de Facultades de Medicina (ASPEFAM) y ofrecimos un panel de veinte y cuatro miembros para brindar conferencias y seminarios multidisciplinarios en español. Hicimos 19 seminarios, incluyendo temas relacionados y no relacionados al COVID-19, que en los últimos dos años atrajo a 14 489 participantes de 23 países. Ellas fueron la base de 20 publicaciones en revistas médicas peruanas. Nuestro concurso de investigaciones clínicas y nuestro proyecto piloto de mentoría de investigación fueron recibidos positivamente. La pandemia del COVID-19 tuvo un efecto positivo en la misión educativa de PAMS en Perú

    Predictors of outcome in a Spanish cohort of patients with Fabry disease on enzyme replacement therapy

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    Fabry disease may be treated by enzyme replacement therapy (ERT), but the impact of chronic kidney disease (CKD) on the response to therapy remains unclear. The aim of the present study was to analyse the incidence and predictors of clinical events in patients on ERT. Study design: Multicentre retrospective observational analysis of patients diagnosed and treated with ERT for Fabry disease. The primary outcome was the first renal, neurological or cardiological events or death during a follow-up of 60 months (24-120). Results: In 69 patients (42 males, 27 females, mean age 44.6±13.7 years), at the end of follow-up, eGFR and the left ventricular septum thickness remained stable and the urinary albumin: creatinine ratio tended to decrease, but this decrease only approached significance in patients on agalsidase-beta (242-128mg/g (p=0.05). At the end of follow-up, 21 (30%) patients had suffered an incident clinical event: 6 renal, 2 neurological and 13 cardiological (including 3 deaths). Events were more frequent in patients with baseline eGFR≤60ml/min/1.73m2 (log Rank 12.423, p=0.001), and this remained significant even after excluding incident renal events (log Rank 4.086, p=0.043) and in males and in females. Lower baseline eGFR was associated with a 3- to 7-fold increase the risk of clinical events in different Cox models. Conclusions: GFR at the initiation of ERT is the main predictor of clinical events, both in males and in females, suggesting that start of ERT prior to the development of CKD is associated with better outcomes

    Enfrentando los riesgos socionaturales

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    El objetivo del libro es comprender la magnitud de los Riesgos Socionaturales en México y Latinoamérica, para comprender el peligro que existe por algún tipo de desastre, ya sea inundaciones, sismos, remoción en masa, entre otros, además conocer qué medidas preventivas, correctivas y de contingencias existen para estar atentos ante alguna señal que la naturaleza esté enviando y así evitar alguna catástrofe. El libro se enfoca en los aspectos básicos de análisis de los peligros, escenarios de riesgo, vulnerabilidad y resiliencia, importantes para la gestión prospectiva o preventiva

    Diet and lifestyle in relation to small intestinal cancer risk: findings from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC)

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    PurposeThe incidence of small intestinal cancer (SIC) is increasing, however, its aetiology remains unclear due to a lack of data from large-scale prospective cohorts. We examined modifiable risk factors in relation to SIC overall and by histological subtype.MethodsWe analysed 450,107 participants enrolled in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort. Cox proportional hazards models were used to estimate univariable and multivariable hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs).ResultsDuring an average of 14.1 years of follow-up, 160 incident SICs (62 carcinoids, 51 adenocarcinomas) were identified. Whilst univariable models revealed a positive association for current versus never smokers and SIC (HR, 95% CI: 1.77, 1.21-2.60), this association attenuated in multivariable models. In energy-adjusted models, there was an inverse association across vegetable intake tertiles for SIC overall (HRT3vsT1, 95% CI: 0.48, 0.32-0.71, p-trend: < 0.001) and for carcinoids (HRT3vsT1, 95% CI: 0.44, 0.24-0.82, p-trend: 0.01); however, these attenuated in multivariable models. Total fat was also inversely associated with total SIC and both subtypes but only in the second tertile (SIC univariable HRT2vsT1, 95% CI: 0.57, 0.38-0.84; SIC multivariable HRT2vsT1, 95% CI: 0.55, 0.37-0.81). Physical activity, intake of alcohol, red or processed meat, dairy products, or fibre were not associated with SIC.ConclusionThese exploratory analyses found limited evidence for a role of modifiable risk factors in SIC aetiology. However, sample size was limited, particularly for histologic subtypes; therefore, larger studies are needed to delineate these associations and robustly identify risk factors for SIC