86 research outputs found

    Impacto da desnutrição na qualidade de vida de pacientes com cirrose hepática

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    Liver cirrhosis is associated with high morbidity and mortality, impairment of quality of life (QOF) and malnutrition. This study assessed the impact of malnutrition on QOF of hospitalized cirrhotic patients. The instruments used were Nutritional Subjective Global Assessment (SGA) and Quality of Life Short Form (SF-36). Ninety two patients were included. Malnutrition was quite prevalent and QOF in all its domains was impaired, specially the role-physical domain. Malnutrition was associated with lower QOF in physical and emotional aspects domains. Early diagnostic approach can provide valuable information for the better nutritional and psychological management of patients, given the need for greater humanization in the treatment of the physical and emotional suffering of these patients

    Religious habits of patients submitted to amputation

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    Background. Religious habits constitute an important component in many people's lives, and this importance seems to increase with the onset of middle age. The aim of this study was to identify the existence of religious habits, before and after surgery, of patients who underwent amputation of lower limbs. Material and methods. Twelve patients, eleven men and one woman, were included in the study, with ages ranging from 24 to 73 years (mean age 61.5 years). The method of evaluation was by means of an individual questionnaire, especially elaborated for this research, regarding some religious customs classified as either institutional or non-institutional. The patients were requested to complete the questionnaire before the surgery, immediately after the surgery before being released from hospital, and when they returned for a check-up. Normal ethical considerations were complied with including approval of the local Ethics Research Committee. For statistical analysis, percentages were utilized. Results. A total of 83.33% said they were Catholics, 8.33% said they were spiritualists, and 8.33% reported to be protestants. The majority (91.66%) reported that religion was an important factor in the process of accepting the illness. Before the amputation, their religious habits included praying (91.66%), frequenting church (83.33%), watching or listening to religious services (25%), contact with friends from the church (83.33%), and participating in religious events (41.66%). Conclusions. Religious habits help patients deal with the stress caused by amputation. Even if some of the habits are reduced due to with the purpose of providing some acceptance of the act of surgery and to reduce the symptoms of stress caused

    C-glycosyl flavones and a comparative study of the antioxidant, hemolytic and toxic potential of Jatropha multifida leaves and bark

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    The ethyl acetate extract from Jatropha multifida (Euphorbiaceae) leaves yielded two C-glycosyl flavones. Their structures were elucidated through spectroscopic methods, including UV, IR, 1D and 2D NMR, and compared with the related known compounds. The structures of the two flavonoids were determined as Vitexin (1) and Isovitexin (2). The ethanol extracts of leaves and bark and their fractions did not interfere in the integrity of erythrocytes, not even 1 and 2. In the Brine shrimp lethality method, bark extracts showed greater toxic potential than the leaf extracts. Both flavonoids are not toxic. The Phosphomolybdenum and DPPH assays were used in order to investigate the antioxidant activity of both compounds and fractions of leaf and bark extracts. The ethyl acetate fraction of bark showed excellent activity, with IC50 17.23 μg/mL-1, equivalent to the standard values, Vitamin C and Rutin. Compounds 1 - 2 demonstrated good activity with IC50 values of 54.37 and 87.27μg/mL-1.  In the Phosphomolybdenum test, the ethyl acetate fraction of bark showed 86.18% of antioxidant activity compared with Rutin, and the chloroform fraction of leaves, 103.29%. In all tests the bark extracts were more bioactive than the leaf extracts

    Terapia tópica para feridas crônicas: contribuições de um módulo de ensino à distância para o conhecimento de estudantes de enfermagem

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    The purpose of this quasi-experimental research was to assess the performance of nursing students on a knowledge test before and after their participation in a distance learning unit on topical therapy for chronic wounds using a virtual learning environment (VLE Moodle). The study was conducted in three stages: application of a pretest, implementation of the intervention in the VLE Moodle, and application of a post-test. The participants were 37 students from the last year of a nursing undergraduate course in a public higher education institution in the state of São Paulo. There was a statistically significant increase in the mean number of correct answers obtained on the knowledge test after the intervention in all fields and items assessed in the test. The use of the VLE Moodle may represent a supporting strategy to strengthen and broaden the access of nursing undergraduates to knowledge on relevant topics for nursing care.Estudio cuasi experimental tuvo como objetivo evaluar el desempeño de estudiantes de enfermería en test de conocimiento antes y después de participar en un módulo de enseñanza a distancia sobre terapia tópica para heridas crónicas utilizando Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizaje (AVA-Moodle). Desarrollado en tres etapas: aplicación del pre-test, implementación de la intervención en AVA-Moodle y aplicación del post-test. Participaron 37 estudiantes en el último año del Curso en Enfermería de Institución Pública de Enseñanza Superior del Estado de São Paulo. Hubo aumento estadísticamente significativo del promedio de aciertos obtenidos en el test posterior a la intervención en todos los dominios e ítems evaluados. La utilización del AVA-Moodle constituye una estrategia de apoyo para estudiantes de grado en enfermería en la potenciación y ampliación del acceso al conocimiento sobre temas relevantes para la atención de enfermería.Estudo quase-experimental que objetivou avaliar o desempenho dos estudantes de enfermagem em teste de conhecimento, antes e após a participação em um módulo de ensino a distância, sobre terapia tópica para feridas crônicas usando o Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem (AVA-Moodle). O estudo foi desenvolvido em três etapas: aplicação do pré-teste, implementação da intervenção no AVA-Moodle e aplicação do pós-teste. Participaram 37 estudantes do último ano do Curso de Enfermagem de uma Instituição Pública de Ensino Superior do estado de São Paulo. Houve aumento estatisticamente significativo, no número médio de acertos, obtidos no teste de conhecimento após a intervenção educativa em todos os domínios e itens avaliados. A utilização do AVA-Moodle pode ser uma estratégia de apoio aos estudantes de graduação em enfermagem para potencializar e ampliar o acesso ao conhecimento sobre temas relevantes para a assistência de enfermagem

    C-glycosyl flavones and a comparative study of the antioxidant, hemolytic and toxic potential of Jatropha multifida leaves and bark

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    The ethyl acetate extract from Jatropha multifida (Euphorbiaceae) leaves yielded two C-glycosyl flavones. Their structures were elucidated through spectroscopic methods, including UV, IR, 1D and 2D NMR, and compared with the related known compounds. The structures of the two flavonoids were determined as Vitexin (1) and Isovitexin (2). The ethanol extracts of leaves and bark and their fractions did not interfere in the integrity of erythrocytes, not even 1 and 2. In the Brine shrimp lethality method, bark extracts showed greater toxic potential than the leaf extracts. Both flavonoids are not toxic. The Phosphomolybdenum and DPPH assays were used in order to investigate the antioxidant activity of both compounds and fractions of leaf and bark extracts. The ethyl acetate fraction of bark showed excellent activity, with IC50 17.23 μg/mL-1, equivalent to the standard values, Vitamin C and Rutin. Compounds 1 - 2 demonstrated good activity with IC50 values of 54.37 and 87.27μg/mL-1.  In the Phosphomolybdenum test, the ethyl acetate fraction of bark showed 86.18% of antioxidant activity compared with Rutin, and the chloroform fraction of leaves, 103.29%. In all tests the bark extracts were more bioactive than the leaf extracts

    Burnout and pre-competition : a study of its occurrence in Brazilian soccer players

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    The objective of this study was to identify and interpret the occurrence of symptoms associated with the burnout syndrome during the precompetition phase. A total of 134 male soccer players participated in the study: 71 professionals (Mage = 22.77 ± 3.98 years) and 63 amateurs (Mage = 17.18 ± 0.84 years) from three teams participating in the São Paulo State Championship, Series A-1 and A-2 (professional category) and the São Paulo Junior Soccer Cup (amateur category), organized by the São Paulo Soccer Federation, State of São Paulo, Brazil. In order to evaluate the Burnout Syndrome, a version of the Athlete Burnout Questionnaire (ABQ) was used, an instrument developed especially for the assessment of burnout in athletes. Values associated with greater vulnerability and, consequently, greater risk of evolving to the syndrome, were observed in a small portion of the players interviewed. The impact represented by the players with higher scores for burnout and the importance of such in relation to the team should be investigated.El objetivo del estudio actual fue identificar e interpretar la incidencia de la manifestación de los síntomas asociados al síndrome de burnout, durante la fase pre-competitiva. Participaron 134 jugadores de fútbol del sexo masculino, siendo 71 profesionales (edad = 22.77 ± 3.98 años) y 63 aficionados (edad = 17.18 ± 0.84 años) de tres equipos participantes del Campeonato Paulista de las Series A-1 y A-2 (categoría profesional) y Copa Sao Paulo de Fútbol Junior (categoría aficionados), organizado por la Federación Paulista de Fútbol del Estado de Sao Paulo, Brasil. Para evaluar el Síndrome de Burnout fue utilizado el Cuestionario de Burnout para Atletas (CBA), una versión del Athlete Burnout Questionaire (ABQ); instrumento original desarrollado especialmente para evaluar el Burnout en atletas. En una pequeña parte de los jugadores entrevistados, fueron observados valores asociados a una mayor vulnerabilidad y, consecuentemente, mayor riesgo de desarrollar el síndrome. Se debe investigar el impacto representado por los jugadores con puntajes más elevados para el burnout y su importancia en relación al equipo.O objetivo do atual estudo foi identificar e interpretar, a incidência da manifestação dos sintomas associados à síndrome de burnout, durante a fase pré-competitiva. Participaram 134 jogadores de futebol do sexo masculino, 71 profissionais (idade = 22.77 ± 3.98 anos) e 63 amadores (idade = 17.18 ± 0.84 anos) de três equipes participantes do Campeonato Paulista das Séries A-1 e A-2 (categoria profissional) e Copa São Paulo de Futebol Júnior (categoria amador), organizado pela Federação Paulista de Futebol, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Para avaliar a Síndrome de Burnout foi utilizado o Questionário de Burnout para Atletas (QBA), uma versão do Athlete Burnout Questionaire (ABQ), instrumento original desenvolvido especialmente para avaliar Burnout em atletas. Para uma pequena parcela dos jogadores entrevistados, observou-se valores associados a maior vulnerabilidade e, consequentemente, maior risco de evoluir para a síndrome. Deve-se investigar o impacto representado pelos jogadores com escores mais elevados para burnout e a sua importância em relação a sua equipe

    Evidências de validade e confiabilidade do questionário de representação da doença, impacto da epilepsia e estigma (QIRIS)

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    The objective of this study was to obtain reliability and validity evidence for the questionnaire of illness representation, the impact of epilepsy, and stigma (QIRIS) for use with adolescents and adults in Brazil. QIRIS consists of 14 questions grouped in three domains (attribution of meaning, impact of disease, and stigma) and was applied to 57 adults with epilepsy. QIRIS internal consistency was satisfactory (Cronbach’s α = 0. 866). Significant and strong correlation was found between issues belonging to the same domain, as expected. Three domains have highly significant and positive correlations with the instrument’s total score, indicating evidence of content validity. We conclude that QIRIS has psychometric properties and can facilitate a systematic evaluation of the patient’s representation according to a biopsychosocial approach that may contribute to clinical practice based on scientific evidence747561569Este estudo buscou evidências de confiabilidade e validade para o questionário de representação da doença, impacto da epilepsia e estigma (QIRIS), para uso em adolescentes e adultos no Brasil. O QIRIS consiste de 14 questões agrupadas em 3 domínios (atribuição de significados, impacto da doença e estigma) e foi aplicado em 57 adultos com epilepsia. A consistência interna do QIRIS foi satisfatória (α de Cronbach = 0,866). Foi encontrada forte e significante correlação entre as questões com o mesmo domínio.Os três domínios têm correlações altamente significativas e positivas com a pontuação total do instrumento, indicando evidências de validade de conteúdo. Concluímos que o QIRIS tem propriedades psicométricas que facilitam uma avaliação sistemática de representação do paciente de acordo com uma abordagem biopsicossocial, além de contribuir para uma prática clínica baseada em evidências científica

    Phytochemical constituents and preliminary toxicity evaluation of leaves from Rourea induta Planch. (Connaraceae)

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    A maioria das plantas ativas é tóxica em doses elevadas, portanto, é importante a investigação da toxicidade preliminar dos extratos das plantas. A espécie Rourea induta é uma droga potencial que não apresenta estudo fitoquímico ou biológico descrito na literatura. Assim, um estudo fitoquímico e análises toxicológicas foram realizados com o extrato etanólico obtido das folhas de Rourea induta Planch., Connaraceae. Foram obtidos um hidrocarboneto de cadeia longa, n-tetracosano, e quatro flavonóides, quercetina e três derivados glicosilados, quercetina-3-O-α-arabinofuranosideo, quercetina-3-O-β-xilosideo e quercetina-3-O-β-galactosideo. Esta é a primeira vez que estes compostos são isolados nesta espécie. As estruturas foram elucidadas por espectroscopia de RMN-13C, RMN-¹H, ultravioleta e infravermelho. A avaliação da toxicidade dos extratos foi analisada pelo método da Artemia salina e atividade hemolítica. Nenhuma das amostras testadas apresentou um potencial tóxico pelos métodos analisados.Most active plants are toxic at high doses and it is therefore important to investigate the preliminary toxicity of plant extracts. The Rourea induta species is a potential drug with no phytochemical or biological studies registered in the literature. Thus, a phytochemical study and a toxicity analysis of the ethanolic extract obtained from the leaves of Rourea induta Planch., Connaraceae, was run. A long chain hydrocarbon, n-tetracosane, and four flavonoids were identified: quercetin, and three glycosylated derivates, quercetin-3-O-α-arabinofuranoside, quercetin-3-O-β-xyloside and quercetin-3-O-β-galactoside. This is the first time these have been isolated in this species. The structures were elucidated by 13C NMR, ¹H NMR, UV and IR spectroscopy. The toxicity evaluation of extracts was performed by the brine shrimp method and determination of hemolytic activity. The samples demonstrated no toxic potential by the analyzed methods

    Characterization of the population served in a psychology ambulatory of a hospital-school

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    O objetivo do presente estudo é caracterizar a população atendida no ambulatório de um Serviço de Psicologia de um hospital-escola, durante um ano de atividades institucionais. Este ambulatório apresenta características de funcionamento similares às de um serviço de atendimento clínico em psicologia. Para caracterizar esta clientela, foi realizada análise dos prontuários dos pacientes atendidos pelo serviço. A amostra foi composta por 843 usuários. Os resultados indicaram a prevalência dos seguintes perfis: 73 crianças e adolescentes, do sexo feminino (59,2%), 11 anos (em média), 69,4% com ensino fundamental, que foram avaliados psicologicamente e com queixa de ansiedade/depressão; 770 adultos, com 37,2 anos (em média); do sexo feminino (60,5%), casado (59,6%), com ensino fundamental incompleto, avaliados psicologicamente para realizar procedimentos médicos contraceptivos. Os dados obtidos foram discutidos com a equipe de psicólogos do serviço e foram sugeridas algumas orientações para aprimorar o atendimento à clientela.Palavras-chave: psicologia da saúde, formação do psicólogo, demografia.The objective of the present study was to characterize the population attended in the outpatient clinic of a Psychology Service of a school hospital during a year of institutional activities. This outpatient clinic has functional characteristics similar to those of a clinical psychology clinic. To characterize this clientele, the medical records of the patients served by the service were analyzed. The sample consisted of 843 users. The results indicated the prevalence of the following profiles: 73 children and adolescents, female (59.2%), 11 years (on average), 69.4% with elementary school,who were evaluated by psychology and with anxiety/depression; 770 adults, aged 37.2 years (average), female (60.5%), married (59.6%), with incomplete primary education, evaluated by psychology to perform medical contraceptive procedures. The data obtained were discussed with the team of psychologists of the service and some guidelines were suggested to improve customer service.Keywords: health psychology, psychologist education, demographic characteristics

    Analysis of progressive muscle relaxation on psychophysiological variables in basketball athletes

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of a progressive muscle relaxation program on psychological (stress levels, anxiety, and mood states) and physiological (blood pressure and heart rate) variables in basketball athletes. Fifty-nine basketball players, aged 14 to 19 years, and members of Bauru Basket team, were recruited for this study and grouped into control group (CG, n = 30) and intervention group (IG, n = 29). The participants were evaluated, before and after the intervention, by the following means: Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2 (CSAI-2), to measure the pre-competitive anxiety state, i.e., how anxious each athlete felt just before the competition; Brunel Mood Scale (BRUMS), an instrument for early detection of overtraining syndrome; Recovery-Stress Questionnaire for Athletes (RESTQ-Sport), to identify the extent to which each athlete was physically or mentally stressed and the athlete’s current capability for recovery; Athlete Burnout Questionnaire (ABQ), specifically developed for athletes. The IG athletes participated in 12 progressive muscle relaxation sessions, a practice for tensing or tightening a specific muscle until an ideal state of relaxation is reached. Each participant had blood pressure and heart rate measured before and after every session. The CG athletes were evaluated similarly to those in the IG but without relaxation. The results showed statistically significant differences in cognitive anxiety (p = 0.039) and specific stress (p = 0.016) between CG and IG before the intervention; in addition, a significant heart rate decrease (p < 0.01) between IG and CG was noted.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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