2,113 research outputs found

    A inserção de shopping center em área consolidada: estudo do Shopping Iguatemi de Florianópolis e o impacto na usabilidade de seu entorno imediato

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    Oaumento do número de shoppings centersnas cidades surge da competição do mercado varejistajunto ao capital imobiliário e dabusca por conforto segurança e agilidade pelo consumidor. Sua implantação altera substancialmente o modo de vida da população, o comércio local e o tecido urbano. O artigo aborda sobre a inserção destes empreendimentos em áreas urbanas consolidadas e seu impacto na usabilidade dos epaços adjacentes. Pela análise da inserção do Shopping Iguatemiem Florianópolis, análisa-se suainterferênciano sistema viário, infraestrutura,espaços públicos, acessibilidadee condições gerais de seu entorno imediato. Coletou-se através da revisão teórica os elementos e categorias espaciais ideais de usabilidade espacial. No estudo de caso, pela observação do local com registros fotográficos e descritivos, analisou-se as categorias e as condiçõesreais de uso. O trabalho visa contribuir para a realização de propostasacadêmicas e profissionais dirigidas à melhoria da qualidade espacial das cidades.The increased number of shopping centers arises from competition in the retail market alongside the real estate capital and the search for the comfort and safety of the consumer. Theirimplantation changes the urban fabric substantially, as well as local trade and the population’s way of life. This article aims to study and understand the main aspects of the insertion of malls in consolidated areas. Through the study of Iguatemi Shopping Center’simpact on the usability in the spaces ofit’s immediate surroundings, focusing on the building’s interference with the road system, public areas, it’s scale in relation to the surrounding area, accessibility, and general conditions of the adjacent areas. Methodology: theoretical review, survey of categories and elements of usability, case study of the immediate surroundings from cropping of the area, as well as visits, photographic records and observation. It is expected to contribute scientifically to future works focused on urban quality

    Mentoring Entrepreneurial Networks : mapping conceptions of participants in technological-based business incubators in Brazil

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    La agenda de la investigación reciente sobre emprendedores incluye el análisis de las estructuras cognitivas de los empresarios de éxito, revelándose como una herramienta importante a la hora de examinar una trayectoria emprendedora. Mediante técnicas de mapas cognitivos, este estudio explora los conceptos de una trayectoria de éxito y la red en sí misma como un todo, para el desarrollo de esta carrera. Fueron estudiados 53 empresarios en siete viveros tecnológicos de la ciudad de Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. El objetivo específico de este estudio era situar los significados comunes de los emprendedores del vivero teniendo en cuenta las redes de apoyo informal. Este tipo de redes ofrecen apoyo a la carrera empresarial, y el presente estudio examina tanto las características como el modelo conceptual que subyace bajo éstas. La recolección de datos fue realizada por medio de entrevistas a través de la técnica de evocación libre. Los significados comunes indican la existencia de categorías de pensamiento inherentes que fomentan el contexto de la red en el entorno del vivero, especialmente en las redes-mentor. Los resultados refuerzan la interpretación de un modelo mentor informal que emerge de las evocaciones predominantes respecto a una carrera de éxito y de la red en sí misma como promotora de su desarrollo.The recent entrepreneurship research agenda includes the analysis of cognitive structures of successful entrepreneurs, revealing an important tool for the examination of an entrepreneurial career. Using techniques of cognitive maps, this study explores the concepts of a successful career and the network itself, as a whole, for career development. Fifty-three entrepreneurs were studied, in seven technological incubators in the city of Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil. Specifically, this study aimed to map the shared meanings of the incubated entrepreneurs regarding informal support networks. Such networks support the entrepreneurial career and the present study explores the characteristics and the conceptual model that underlies the networks. The data collection was achieved through interviews through a free evocation technique. The shared meanings indicate the existence of inherent thought categories that support network context in the incubator environment, mainly the mentoring networks. The results endorse the interpretation of an informal mentoring model emerging from the dominant evocations concerning a successful career and of the network itself as promoter of career development

    The role of apoptosis proteins and complement components in the etiopathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus

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    Systemic lupus erythematosus is a prototypical autoimmune disease characterized by the deregulation of T and B cells, tissue infiltration by mononuclear cells, tissue damage and the production of autoantibodies. There is a consensus that accelerated apoptosis of circulating lymphocytes and/or impaired clearance of apoptotic bodies may increase the amount of nuclear antigens presented to T lymphocytes. This process is accompanied by autoimmune responses that can lead to the development of lupus. The dysfunction of apoptosis may be a direct consequence of alterations in proteins/genes such as Fas, Bcl-2 and C1q. Increased expression of Fas antigen could intensify the exposure of hidden antigens. The overexpression of Bcl-2 protein might inhibit the removal of auto-reactive cells, and the lack of C1q could impair the clearance of self-antigens. The complete knowledge of the role of apoptosis components in the etiopathogenesis of lupus could lead to the development of new therapies targeting the apoptotic threshold, which could result in a more specific and effective disease response compared to global immunosuppression. This review summarizes the role of each component of the apoptotic process in the pathogenesis of lupus

    Real Time Monitoring with Indigenous Peoples: Technical, Social and Political Challenges, and Lessons from Brazil

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    The government of Brazil has introduced two health and nutrition monitoring systems (the Indigenous Health Care Information System (SIASI) and the Food and Nutrition Surveillance System for Indigenous People (SISVAN?I) as part of reforms to health care and social protection services for indigenous peoples, who have the worst health status of any population group in the country. This article covers the origins and development of these systems and examines their functioning in one local health district, which serves the Xavante people. It assesses the systems' performance in relation to the aspects established in the case study terms of reference: quality of information, inclusivity, relevance to potential users, costs and sustainability. A number of key issues are identified. Some are intrinsic to the technical, cultural and political challenges of working with indigenous peoples, while others reflect problems with the implementation of responses to these challenges at different levels in Brazil

    Rede arte: contribuindo para a formaçâo Continuada/permanente do docente

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    Trabalho apresentado no 31º SEURS - Seminário de Extensão Universitária da Região Sul, realizado em Florianópolis, SC, no período de 04 a 07 de agosto de 2013 - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.Esta comunicação apresenta a contribuição do Projeto Arte na Escola na formação continuada e permanente do professor da escola pública municipal e estadual. O Projeto contempla, dentre uma série de ações, grupos de estudos, que ao refletir sobre as concepções de ensino e a formação da identidade docente são, neste momento, corresponsáveis na formação continuada.Os grupos de estudo sustentam, neste momento específico, as ações de formação continuada destinada aos professores da escola pública, pois articulam ensino, pesquisa e extensão. Todas essas ações estão apoiadas em referenciais teóricos que sustentam o ensino da arte em uma perspectiva inclusiva visando o aperfeiçoamento do fazer docente em arte na escola pública

    A midiatização do Rockin1000 alcança o Foo Fighters: espalhamento e convergência como mecanismos de circulação

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    Resumo Na Itália, o projeto Rockin1000 reuniu mil roqueiros ao ar livre para tocar uma canção da banda americana de rock Foo Fighters e sensibilizar seus componentes a fazer um show em Cesena. O foco deste artigo é sobre a construção e a realização do Rockin1000, na tentativa de compreender como a midiatização potencializou o alcance do projeto, criando um circuito de divulgação que deu origem a outros dois subcircuitos. Para tal, traçamos um caminho que inicia com uma discussão sobre a noção de mídia de espalhamento, direcionando a reflexão sobre como a convergência midiática embasa o projeto que envolve atores, mídias e suportes diversos. Em seguida, adentramos o conceito de midiatização, buscando identificar os circuitos e subcircuitos que o projeto estabeleceu durante suas fases de planejamento e execução. Palavras-chave: rockin1000, midiatização, circulação, convergência, espalhamento.   Resumen En Italia, el proyecto Rockin1000 reunió a mil rockeros al aire libre para jugar una canción de la banda estadounidense de rock Foo Fighters y sensibilizar a sus electores a hacer un show en Cesena. El objetivo de este artículo es sobre la construcción y terminación de la Rockin1000 en un intento de entender cómo la mediatización potenció el alcance del proyecto, la creación de un circuito de comunicación que dio lugar a dos subcircuitos. Para ello, se dibuja un camino que se inicia con un análisis de la noción de la dispersión de los medios de comunicación, la dirección de la reflexión sobre cómo la convergencia de medios subyace en el proyecto que involucra a actores, medios de comunicación y diversos suportes mediáticos. Luego entramos en el concepto de mediatización, buscando identificar los circuitos y subcircuitos que el proyecto ha establecido durante sus fases de planificación y ejecución. Palabras-clave: rockin1000; mediatización; circulatcion; convergencia; dispersión     Abstract In Italy, the Rockin1000 project brought one thousand rockers outdoors to play a song by American rock band Foo Fighters and sensitize their constituents to do a show in Cesena. The focus of this article is about the construction and completion of the Rockin1000 in an attempt to understand how the media coverage potentiated the scope of the project, creating a communications circuit that gave rise to two subcircuits. To do this, we draw a path that starts with a discussion of the notion of scattering media, directing the reflection on how media convergence underlies the project involving actors, media and various media. Then we enter the concept of media coverage, seeking to identify the circuits and subcircuits that the project has established during its phases of planning and execution. Keywords: rockin1000; mediatization; circulation; convergence; spreadin


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    The National Program of Newborn Screening for research of the Phenylketonuria, Congenital Hypothyroidism,Cystic Fibrosis, Sickle Cell Disease and other Hemoglobinopathies, it has as objective precociously todetect and to treat illnesses that, if prevented, prevent sequels as the mental deficiency and others. We intend,through this article, to awake the attention of the health professionals, mainly of the nurses, who act in the attendanceof the just-been newborn, of the gestante, the woman in labor and in puerperium, on the importance of theprecocious diagnosis of the diseases searched in the Program, with primordial purposes to assist the suckle for itsgood physical, neurological, psychological and intellectual development, besides offering to familiar the o geneticadvise. The examination gratuitous and is supported by law, and so that the prevention is effective, all the Maternitiesmust always carry through the collections of sample of blood of the heel of the high baby in the hospital one