130 research outputs found

    Irrigação do testículo em eqüino da raça Puro-Sangue Inglês

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    The testicular arteries, as well as the number of branches, and the distribution of its penetrating branches were studied in 30 pairs of adult equine testis of the English Thoroughbreds, provided from São Paulo Jockey Club, by using vascular corrosion models after injecting the vinyl acetate into the testicular arteries. In this species, the testicular arteries presented 5 distinct types of vascular arrangements, as follows: the testicular artery splits into a variable number of branches, from 2 to 10 medians, and 3 to 11 lateral branches (35 times - 58.4%); or it splits into 2 to 8 additional rami and at the half the way of its distance; at the free edge of the organ, it divides into two branches, one medial and the other, lateral one (12 times - 20.0%); or divides the organ irrigation into the so called complementary branches, that is, 1 branch (6 times - 10.0%) and 3 branches (1 time - 1.6%); or it gives the medial and lateral branches, with predominance of lateral one (3 times - 5.0%) or medial one (3 times - 5.0%). In respect to the penetrating into their different quadrants, its was observed that the medians, presented in order of their magnitude, the right testicles presented great number of penetrating arteries in the craniomedial (10.5), caudolateral (7.0) and caudomedial (6.5). For the testicles, the craniomedial quadrant was found with the largest number of penetrating arteries, followed by the craniolateral (10.0), and with equivalency to caudomedial and caudolateral (7.,0) quadrants. The anastomoses (8 times - 13.3%) were all found in the ventral face of the organ. By comparing the number of penetrating vessels of the right and left testis, no statistically significant differences were found, in relation to the English equine Thoroughbreds.Estudamos o comportamento da artéria testicular e seus ramos, bem como o número e distribuição dos vasos penetrantes, em 30 pares de testículos de eqüinos da raça Puro-Sangue Inglês, adultos, mediante análise de esquemas de modelos obtidos pela corrosão após injeção de acetato de vinil. Verificamos que a artéria testicular apresenta 5 diferentes tipos de arranjos vasculares, isto é: a artéria testicular emite número variável de ramos, de 2 a 10 ramos mediais e de 3 a 11 ramos laterais (35 vezes - 58,4%); ou cede de 3 a 8 ramos adicionais e ao nível da metade de seu percurso, na borda livre do órgão, divide-se em um ramo medial e outro lateral (12 vezes - 20,0%); ou divide a irrigação do órgão com ramos denominados de complementares, 1 ramo (6 vezes - 10,0%) e 3 ramos (1 vez - 1,6%); ou ainda fornece os ramos medial e lateral, com predominância do lateral (3 vezes - 5,0%) ou do medial (3 vezes - 5,0%). Quanto à distribuição dos vasos penetrantes nos diferentes quadrantes, observamos que em mediana, por ordem, os testículos direitos apresentam o maior número de vasos penetrantes no quadrante craniomedial (13,0), seguido pelos quadrantes craniolateral (10,5), caudolateral (7,0) e caudomedial (6,5). Nos testículos esquerdos, também o quadrante craniomedial mostra o maior número de vasos penetrantes (12,5), seguido pelos quadrantes craniolateral (10,0), e com equivalência os quadrantes caudomedial e caudolateral (7,0). Anastomoses (8 vezes - 13,3%) foram localizadas todas na face ventral do órgão. Comparando o número de vasos penetrantes dos testículos direitos e esquerdos, verificamos que não existem diferenças estatisticamente significativas nos eqüinos da raça Puro-Sangue Inglês

    Estudo morfológico do funículo espermático em ovinos da raça Corriedale (Ovis aries, L. 1758)

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    We have been studied histological aspect of 40 pairs of spermatic cord in adults Corriedale sheep. It was observed that structures were wrapped up a thin layer of dense fibroelastic connective tissue with variable thickness and folding, recovered by mesotelium, which involves all the neurovascular cord, and forms the mesoductus deferents. Under this arrangement there was a layer of loose fibroelastic tissue involving partially the cord and insulating in the deferential and abdeferential regions the vessels and nerves of the epididimus. Around the mesoductus deferents the subcapsular tissue forms with the internal layer of the meso, which protects vessels and nerves. In the abdeferential region we can see a little fatty tissue between vessels and nerves. A dense connective tissue with elastic fibers occurs between vessels and nerves of the testis and vessels of the deferential an abdeferential regions. The vascular arrangement shows in the cord the sinuous trajectory of the testicular artery recovered by the plexus pampiniformis, whose veins shows connections and have no valves. The veins of the epididimus and ductus deferents are subcapsular. The length of the intra spermatic cord segment of the testicular artery has a medium, maximum and minimal ranges, respectively 150.4 cm, 198.0 cm and 73.3 cm, on the right, and 149.6 cm, 189.2 cm and 90.0 cm, on the left. There were no statistical differences between the right and left medium ranges.Estudamos em 40 ovinos adultos da raça Corriedale os aspectos histológicos do funículo espermático. Observamos que este se acha envolvido por uma cápsula de tecido conjuntivo fibroelástico denso, de espessura variável, pregueada em alguns pontos, e revestida por mesotélio que circunda todo o conjunto vásculo-nervoso, e projeta-se para formar o mesoducto deferente. Em posição subcapsular, verifica-se uma camada de tecido conjuntivo fibroelástico frouxo, de espessura variável, que circunda parcialmente o funículo espermático, isolando nas regiões deferencial e abdeferencial conjuntos vásculo-nervosos, responsáveis pela nutrição do epidídimo. Na região do mesoducto deferente, o tecido subcapsular acompanhado de tecido adiposo constitui a camada interna deste meso, formando a sua adventícia e abrigando vasos e nervos deferenciais. Na região abdeferencial, pequenos acúmulos de tecido adiposo são vistos de permeio aos vasos e nervos desta região. Entre as artérias, veias e nervos testiculares, bem como entre os vasos das regiões deferencial e abdeferencial, observa-se o tecido conjuntivo denso, intervascular, rico em fibras elásticas, que constitui as adventícias contínuas destes vasos. O arranjo vascular mostra que o segmento da artéria testicular, contido no funículo espermático, apresenta trajeto sinuoso. Estando envolvido pelo plexo venoso pampiniforme, formado por veias testiculares desprovidas de válvulas de calibres variados, apresentando amplas comunicações entre si. As veias responsáveis pela drenagem do epidídimo e ducto deferente estão localizadas em posição subcapsular deferencial e abdeferencial e mostram-se providas de válvulas. O trato das artérias testiculares no funículo espermático apresenta como comprimento médio, máximo e mínimo, respectivamente, 150,4 cm, 198,0 cm e 73,3 cm, à direita, e 149,6 cm, 189,2 cm e 90,0 cm, à esquerda, não existindo diferenças estatisticamente significantes ao nível de 5%, quando comparamos a média do segmento da artéria testicular contida no funículo espermático direito em relação ao esquerdo

    Educação a Distância em Medicina Veterinária: História, situação atual Revisões e Perspectivas Futuras (uma Revisão Sistemática)

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    Technology has revolutionized education making it more accessible, overcoming time and space barriers, and reducing costs for undergraduates and professionals. In veterinary medicine as well as in other knowledge areas, distance education has evolved, going to the forefront of technological advances. Today, many tools, courses, and online platforms are available to facilitate and enhance the teaching-learning process for institutions and students. However, because of the Covid-19 (Sars-CoV-2) pandemic, educational institutions and veterinary medicine students around the world were forced to use distance education tools, many of them without being prepared or knowing the tools available or not having the necessary tools. In this sense, seeking to offer students and educators information about the evolution of distance education in veterinary medicine, its current situation and available tools, it was made a systematic review using the databases Science Direct, Scopus and Google Scholar, gathering more than 244 journal articles, and finally 116 articles were selected. The selected articles were analyzed for the history, platforms, and resources available, difficulties, current situation, and future perspectives, as well as the advantages and need of distance education in the actual pandemic situation. We can conclude that distance education is currently an indispensable tool in veterinary medicine, complementing face-to-face courses and reducing costs. This has led to the development of several platforms, applications and online educational resources that facilitate and enhance the teaching-learning process for educational institutions, veterinary students, and professionals. Keywords: Online learning. E-learning. Distance learning. Digital tools. Veterinary education.La tecnología ha revolucionado la educación haciéndola más accesible, superando las barreras del tiempo y el espacio y reduciendo los costos para estudiantes universitarios y profesionales. Tanto en veterinaria como en otras áreas del conocimiento, la educación a distancia ha evolucionado, situándose a la vanguardia de los avances tecnológicos. Hoy en día, se encuentran disponibles muchas herramientas, cursos y plataformas en línea para facilitar y mejorar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje para instituciones y estudiantes. Para conocer y brindar información sobre cómo ha evolucionado la educación a distancia en la medicina veterinaria y su situación actual, se realizó una revisión sistemática utilizando las bases de datos Science Direct, Scopus y Google Scholar, reuniendo más de 244 artículos de revistas, y finalmente se realizaron 116 artículos. seleccionado. Los artículos seleccionados fueron analizados por la historia, plataformas y recursos disponibles, dificultades, situación actual y perspectivas de futuro, así como las ventajas y necesidad de la educación a distancia en la actual situación pandémica del Covid-19 (Sars-CoV-2). .A tecnologia revolucionou a educação tornando-a mais acessível, superando as barreiras de tempo e espaço e reduzindo custos para graduandos e profissionais. Na medicina veterinária, assim como em outras áreas do conhecimento, a educação a distância tem evoluído, posicionando-se na vanguarda dos avanços tecnológicos. Hoje, muitas ferramentas, cursos e plataformas online estão disponíveis para facilitar e aprimorar o processo de ensino-aprendizagem de instituições e alunos. No entanto, decorrente da pandemia da Covid-19 (Sars-CoV-2), instituições de ensino e alunos de medicina veterinária ao redor do mundo ficaram obrigados a utilizar ferramentas de educação a distância, muitos destes sem estar preparados nem conhecer as ferramentas disponíveis ou não contando com as ferramentas necessárias. Neste sentido, buscando oferecer aos alunos e educadores informações sobre a evolução da educação a distância na medicina veterinária, sua situação atual e as ferramentas disponíveis, foi realizada uma revisão sistemática usando as bases de dados Science Direct, Scopus e Google Scholar, reunindo mais de 244 artigos de revistas científicas, e finalmente 116 artigos foram selecionados. Os artigos selecionados foram analisados pela história, plataformas e recursos disponíveis, dificuldades, situação atual e perspectivas futuras, bem como as vantagens e necessidade da educação a distância na atual situação de pandemia. Podemos concluir que a educação a distância é atualmente uma ferramenta indispensável na medicina veterinária, complementando os cursos presenciais e reduzindo custos. Isso levou ao desenvolvimento de várias plataformas, aplicativos e recursos educacionais online que facilitam e aprimoram o processo de ensino-aprendizagem para instituições educativas, estudantes de veterinária e profissionais. Palavras-chave: Aprendizagem online. E-learning. Aprendizagem a distância. Ferramentas digitais. Educação veterinária

    O funículo umbilical em bovinos azebuados

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    In this study information about the microscopic aspects of the structures that form the funiculus umbilicalis of zebu like cattle was collected. For this purpose, it was used funiculus umbilicalis of 30 fetuses (13 males, 17 females). Both arteries and veins showed wrinkles in the intima layer in their wall constitution, what was more characteristic in the arteries. The mediumlayer of arteries and veins showed well developed muscle, characterizing these vessels as muscular type ones. At the initial portion (juxta-fetal portion) the lumen of arteries and veins was almost obliterated, but it enlarged as they got closer to the juxta-placentaria portion of the funiculus umbilicalis. The amount of reticular, elastic and collagen fibers on the vessel wall was compared by the use of specific histological techniques. Some aspects about the alantoid duct were also noticed.Nesta pesquisa, obtiveram-se dados sobre os aspectos microscópicos das estruturas vasculares que compõem o funículo umbilical de bovinos azebuados. Para a realização da pesquisa utilizaram-se funículos umbilicais provenientes de 30 fetos (13 machos e 17 fêmeas).Tanto as artérias quanto as veias apresentavam, na constituição das suas paredes, um repregueamento da túnica íntima que se mostrava bastante  característico nas artérias. A túnica média das artérias e veias continha uma musculatura bem desenvolvida, fato que caracterizava esses vasos do tipo muscular. A luz dos vasos arteriais e venosos mostrava-se inicialmente (porção justa-fetal) quase obliterada e aumentava à medida que se aproximava da porção justa-placentária do funículo umbilical. A quantidade de fibras reticulares, elásticas e colágenas na parede dos vasos umbilicais foi comparada mediante técnicas histológicas específicas. Alguns aspectos inerentes ao dueto alantóide foram também observados

    Veia cava caudal e óstios das veias hepáticas em bovinos da raça Nelore

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    O estudo a fresco em 100 fígados de bovinos, machos, adultos, da raça Nelore, oriundos de e abatidos em Araçatuba (SP), permitiunos observar que o trato da veia cava caudal, em correspondência ao órgão em questão, varia de 12 cm a 27cm, com uma média de 19,9 cm; a distância entre óstios das veias hepáticas direita e intermédia no trato varia de 1,5 cm a 9,0 cm, com 5,3 cm em média; o diâmetro do trato da veia cava caudal, em sua coincidência com o fígado, oscila entre 5 cm e 12,5 cm, alcançando 8,8 cm em média; os óstios das veias hepáticas menores são contados entre 12 e 35, com maior freqüência de 17 (13%).The hepatic portion of the caudal vena cava was studied in 100 livers of adult, male, Nelore bovines, from Aragatuba, SP. The hepatic portions varied from 12 to 27 cm in length (average 19.9 cm); the distance of this portion between the ostia of the right and intermediate hepatic veins ranged from 15 to 9 cm (average 5.3 cm); the diameter of the caudal vena cava at the level of the liver varied from 5 to 12.5 cm (average 8.8 cm); the ostia of smaller hepatic veins ranged from 12 to 35 (higher frequency: 17, in 13%)

    Growth and development of the placenta in the capybara (Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The guinea pig is an attractive model for human pregnancy and placentation, mainly because of its haemomonochorial placental type, but is rather small in size. Therefore, to better understand the impact of body mass, we studied placental development in the capybara which has a body mass around 50 kg and a gestation period of around 150 days. We paid attention to the development of the lobulated arrangement of the placenta, the growth of the labyrinth in the course of gestation, the differentiation of the subplacenta, and the pattern of invasion by extraplacental trophoblast.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Material was collected from six animals at pregnancy stages ranging from the late limb bud stage to mid gestation. Methods included latex casts, standard histology, immunohistochemistry for cytokeratin, vimentin, alpha-smooth muscle actin, and proliferating cell nuclear antigen as well as transmission electron microscopy.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>At the limb bud stage, the placenta was a pad of trophoblast covered by a layer of mesoderm from which fetal vessels were beginning to penetrate at folds in the surface. By 70 days, the placenta comprised areas of labyrinth (lobes) separated by interlobular areas. Placental growth resulted predominantly from proliferation of cellular trophoblast situated in nests at the fetal side of the placenta and along internally directed projections on fetal mesenchyme. Additional proliferation was demonstrated for cellular trophoblast within the labyrinth.</p> <p>Already at the limb bud stage, there was a prominent subplacenta comprising cellular and syncytial trophoblast with mesenchyme and associated blood vessels. At 90 days, differentiation was complete and similar to that seen in other hystricognath rodents. Overlap of fetal vessels and maternal blood lacunae was confirmed by latex injection of the vessels. At all stages extraplacental trophoblast was associated with the maternal arterial supply and consisted of cellular trophoblast and syncytial streamers derived from the subplacenta.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>All important characteristics of placental development and organization in the capybara resembled those found in smaller hystricognath rodents including the guinea pig. These features apparently do not dependent on body size. Clearly, placentation in hystricognaths adheres to an extraordinarily stable pattern suggesting they can be used interchangeably as models of human placenta.</p

    The subplacenta of the red-rumped agouti (Dasyprocta leporina L)

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    BACKGROUND: Hystricognath rodents have a lobed placenta, comprising labyrinthine exchange areas and interlobular trophoblast. These correspond to the labyrinthine and spongy zones of other rodent placentae. Beneath them, however, is a structure unique to hystricognath rodents called the subplacenta. We here describe the subplacenta of the red-rumped agouti and examine the possible functional correlates of this structure. METHODS: Placentae were collected from early in midgestation to near term of pregnancy and examined by standard histological techniques, immunohistochemistry and transmission electron microscopy. In addition, to study the microvasculature of the subplacenta, vessel casts were inspected by scanning electron microscopy RESULTS: In the subplacenta, lamellae of connective tissue support a layer of mononuclear cytotrophoblast cells. Beneath this is found syncytiotrophoblast. Clusters of multinuclear giant cells occur in the transition zone between the subplacenta and decidua. There are prominent intercellular spaces between the cytotrophoblast cells. The basal membrane of these cells is often close to fetal blood vessels. The syncytiotrophoblast surrounds an extensive system of lacunae. Microvilli project into these lacunae from the plasma membrane of the syncytiotrophoblast. The syncytial cytoplasm contains electron-dense granules. This is probably the amylase-resistant PAS-positive material identified by histochemistry. The subplacenta is supplied entirely from the fetal circulation. Within it the vessels pursue a tortuous course with sinusoidal dilatations and constrictions. CONCLUSION: The functions that have been attributed to the subplacenta include hormone production. Our findings are consistent with this interpretation, but suggest that hormone secretion is directed towards the fetal circulation rather than the maternal tissues

    Vascularização arterial do trato gastrointestinal da Trachemys scripta elegans, Wied, 1838

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    Estudamos a irrigação do esôfago, ventrículo gástrico, pâncreas e intestinos de 30 tartarugas da espécie Trachemys scripta elegans injetados com substância látex, onde evidenciamos duas aorta, sendo aorta direita e esquerda, que em 100,00% dos casos apresenta um trato anastomótico entre elas, ao nível da emergência da artéria celíaca. A artéria mesentérica cranial é responsável pela irrigação do jejuno, íleo, ceco, colo ascendente, colo transverso em 100,00% dos casos. Já a artéria mesentérica caudal origina-se da artéria ilíaca interna no antímero direito, em 26 preparações (86,60%), e no antímero esquerdo em 03 casos (13,30%). Em 01 preparação (3,30%) a artéria mesentérica caudal, no antímero direito, origina-se a partir das artérias ilíacas direita e esquerda.We studied the irrigation of the esophagus, ventricle, pancreas and intestines of 30 turtles of the species Trachemys scripta elegans injected with substance latex, where we evidenced two aorta, being right and left aorta, that in 100.00% of the cases it presents a anastomotica tract among them, at the level of the emergency of the celiac artery. The cranial mesenteric artery is responsible for the irrigation of the jejunum, ileum, cecum, ascending colon and transverse colon in (100.00%) of the cases. The caudal mesenteric artery originates from the iliac artery in the right antimere, in 26 preparations (86.60%), and in the left antimere in 03 cases (13,30%). In 01 preparation (3,30%) the caudal mesenteric artery, in the right antimere, arises starting from the right and left iliac arteries

    Morphology of the male genital organs and cloaca of Rhea americana americana

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    As características morfológicas, macroscópicas e microscópicas, dos órgãos genitais masculinos e da cloaca foram analisados em 23 emas, quatro filhotes (duas semanas), sete jovens (de três a oito meses) e doze adultos (três anos), provenientes da Cooperativa Emas do Brasil, RS, e do CEMAS, Mossoró, RN. Os testículos da ema possuem formato alongado e localizam-se na cavidade celomática, na região intra-abdominal dorsal, com comprimento e larguras médias de 7,6±1,2cm e 2,6± 0,7cm nos adultos; 4,5±1,5cm e 0,9±0,4cm nos jovens; e 0,8±0,3cm, e 0,2±0,1cm nos filhotes. O testículo está envolto pela túnica albugínea e seu parênquima possui túbulos seminíferos irregulares, compostos por epitélio espermatogênico e por células de sustentação, e pelo tecido intersticial, com as células endócrinas intersticiais, tecido conjuntivo frouxo e vasos. Nos adultos observaram-se todas as células da linhagem espermatogênica, enquanto nos jovens com 3 meses, os testículos apresentaram túbulos seminíferos com luz reduzidas, espermatogônias e células de sustentação indiferenciadas. Os ductos eferentes possuem um epitélio cúbico ciliado, enquanto no ducto epididimário o epitélio é columnar. O epidídimo apresentou-se alongado e fusiforme junto a margem medial do testículo. O ducto deferentes apresentou trajeto sinuoso nos adultos, retilíneo nos jovens, convoluto na sua porção média, diminuindo seu formato sigmóide em sua porção caudal, próximo à cloaca. O epitélio é pseudoestratificado e reveste a luz irregular nos adultos e circular nos jovens, mantendo proximidade com o ureter. A cloaca dividiu-se em três segmentos: o coprodeu, o urodeo e o proctodeo. No urodeu os ductos deferentes desembocaram em papilas na parede ventro-lateral, próximo a inserção do falo fibroso. O falo é um órgão fibroso linfático, localizado na parede ventral, no assoalho da cloaca, e apresentou duas porções: uma rígida bifurcada e contorcida, e outra simples espiralada e flexível, a qual normalmente esteve invertida. Em exposição forçada, o falo teve 14 cm de comprimento. De forma geral os órgãos reprodutores das emas compartilharam da morfologia de outras aves, principalmente aquelas descritas para os avestruzes.The rhea (Rhea americana americana) is a bird that belongs to the group of the Ratitas, order Rheiforme and family Rheidae. Macroscopic and microscopic morphology of the male genital organ (testes, epididymis, deferent ducts, and phallus) and the cloaca were analyzed in 23 emas, four chicken (2 weeks old), young (3 to 10 months old), and twelve adult ones (3 years old), from Cooperativa Emas do Brasil, RS and from CEMAS, Mossoró, RN. The testis of rhea had elongated shape and were located inside coelomatic cavity, in dorsal region of abdominal cavity, with medium length and width of 7.6±1.2cm and 2.6±0.7cm at adult animals; 4.5±1.5cm and 0.9±0.4cm at young animals; and 0.8±0.3cm, and 0.2±0.1cm at chicken. The testis were recovered by the tunica albuginea and its parenchyma had seminiferous tubules composed by spermatogenic epithelium and by sustentation cells, and also interstitial tissue, with interstitial endocrine cells, connective tissue and vessels. At the adult animals were observed all the cells from spermatogenic lineage, whilst at the youngs with 3 months the seminiferous tubules had a smale lumen with spermatogonia and undifferentiated sustentacular cells. The efferents ductus were composed by a cubic ciliated epithelium, while the epididimydis duct had a columnar epithelium. The epididymis was elongated and fusiform closely to medial testis board. The deferent duct had sinuous stretch at adult animals, rectilineae at young animal, convolute at its medium portion, decreasing its sigmoid shape at caudal portion, next to cloaca. The epithelium was pseudostratified ciliated, irregular lumen at adult animal, and circular at young animal, closely with urether. The cloaca was divided into three segments: coprodeum, urodeum and proctodeum. At urodeum the deferent ducts discharged into papillas at the ventral side wall, next to fibrous phallus's insertion. The phallus was a lymphatic fibrous organ, located at ventral wall, at the cloaca floor, and was composed by two portions: one rigid forked and twisted, and another simple spiraled and flexible, which normally was inverted. In forced exposition, the phallus had 14 cm in length. In a general way the Rhea genital organs shared the morphology from others birds, mainly those described to the ostrich

    Mesenchymal stem cells with rhBMP-2 inhibits the growth of canine osteosarcoma cells

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) belong to a unique group of proteins that includes the growth factor TGF-β. BMPs play important roles in cell differentiation, cell proliferation, and inhibition of cell growth. They also participate in the maturation of several cell types, depending on the microenvironment and interactions with other regulatory factors. Depending on their concentration gradient, the BMPs can attract various types of cells and act as chemotactic, mitogenic, or differentiation agents. BMPs can interfere with cell proliferation and the formation of cartilage and bone. In addition, BMPs can induce the differentiation of mesenchymal progenitor cells into various cell types, including chondroblasts and osteoblasts. The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of treatment with rhBMP-2 on the proliferation of canine mesenchymal stem cells (cMSCs) and the tumor suppression properties of rhBMP-2 in canine osteocarcoma (OST) cells. Osteosarcoma cell lines were isolated from biopsies and excisions of animals with osteosarcoma and were characterized by the Laboratory of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Butantan Institute. The mesenchymal stem cells were derived from the bone marrow of canine fetuses (cMSCs) and belong to the University of São Paulo, College of Veterinary Medicine (FMVZ-USP) stem cell bank. After expansion, the cells were cultured in a 12-well Transwell system; cells were treated with bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells associated with rhBMP2. Expression of the intracytoplasmic and nuclear markers such as Caspase-3, Bax, Bad, Bcl-2, Ki-67, p53, Oct3/4, Nanog, Stro-1 were performed by flow citometry.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We evaluated the regenerative potential of <it>in vitro </it>treatment with rhBMP-2 and found that both osteogenic induction and tumor regression occur in stem cells from canine bone marrow. rhBMP-2 inhibits the proliferation capacity of OST cells by mechanisms of apoptosis and tumor suppression mediated by p53.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We propose that rhBMP-2 has great therapeutic potential in bone marrow cells by serving as a tumor suppressor to increase p53 and the pro-apoptotic proteins Bad and Bax, as well as by increasing the activity of phosphorylated caspase 3.</p> <p>Study design</p> <p>Canine bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells associated with rhBMP2 in canine osteosarcoma treatment: "<it>in vitro</it>" study</p