577 research outputs found

    Trends in bronchoscopic findings over a decade

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    The incidence of lung cancer in Maltese males is higher than that in females. However trends in Maltese and other foreign populations indicate a substantial recent increment in the diagnosis of lung cancer in women. In this retrospective study we report the trends seen along the last decade in bronchoscopic findings of bronchoscopies carried out by one hospital firm in order to try and reflect the practices and results of this important endoscopic investigation on the incidence, diagnosis and treatment of lung malignancies in Malta.peer-reviewe

    A Study Investigating Depictions of Workplace Bullying in Hollywood Films

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    The presentation will focus on the investigative portrayal and depiction of workplace bullying from a sample of 100 popular Hollywood films over the past two decades. It will highlight the theoretical underpinnings of film theory, social construction theory, and symbolic interaction theory. The Hymes’ SPEAKING Model, a well-established ethnographic communication method (Hymes, 1974), will also be discussed because of its rich interpretive and descriptive nature and its focus on analyzing communication and interaction in terms of both verbal and nonverbal exchanges. The findings shed new light on understanding the portrayals of workplace bullying in contemporary films and how this impacts media and other critical topics that we are facing in today’s society, such as systemic racism, structural violence, and broken relations between law enforcement and communities

    Preference Theory and Low Fertility: A Comparative Perspective

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    The discussion on the causes of the most recent fertility decline in Europe, and in particular on the emergence of lowest low fertility, emphasises the relevance of cultural factors in addition to economic ones. Being part of such a cultural framework, the heterogeneity of preferences concerning the "career vs. family" dichotomy has been systematised in the "Preference Theory" approach developed by Catherine Hakim. So far, however, this heterogeneity in preferences has been underinvestigated in a comparative framework. This paper makes use of new comparative data from the 2004/05 Round of the European Social Survey to test the links between individual-level preferences and both fertility outcomes and intentions in a variety of social settings. Results confirm a link between work-family lifestyle preferences and realised fertility in a variety of European countries, while they do not support the relevance of lifestyle preferences for fertility intentions.Preference Theory, low and lowest low fertility, Europe, European Social Survey, welfare regime.

    On the age dynamics of learned societies - taking the example of the Austrian Academy Sciences

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    In a hierarchical organisation of stable size the annual intake is strictly determined by the number of deaths and a statutory retirement age (if there is one). In this paper we reconstruct the population of the Austrian Academy of Sciences from 1847 to 2005. For the Austrian Academy of Sciences we observe a shift of its age distribution towards older ages, which on the one hand is due to rising life expectancy, i.e., a rising age at death, as well as to an increased age at entry on the other hand. Therefore the number of new entrants has been fluctuating considerably - especially reflecting several statutory changes - and the length of tenure before reaching the age limit has declined during the second half of the last century. Based on alternative scenarios of the age distribution of incoming members - including a young, an old, the 'current' and a mixed-age model - we then project the population of the Austrian Academy and its ageing forward in time. Our results indicate that the 'optimum policy' would be to elect either young or old aged new members.

    The impact of policies influencing the demography of age-structured populations: lessons from academies of sciences

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    In this paper, we assess the role of policies aimed at regulating the number and age structure of elections on the size and age structure of five European Academies of Sciences. We show the recent pace of ageing and the degree of variation in policies across them and discuss the implications of different policies on the size and age structure of academies. We also illustrate the potential effect of different election regimes (regimens? types?) (fixed vs. linked) and age structures of elections (younger vs. older) by contrasting the steady-state dynamics of different projections of Full Members in each academy into 2070 and measuring the size and age-compositional effect of changing a given policy relative to a status quo policy scenario. Our findings suggest that academies with linked intake (i.e., where the size of the academy below a certain age is fixed and the number of elections is set to the number of members becoming that age) may be a more efficient approach to curb growth without suffering any aging trade-offs relative to the faster growth of academies electing a fixed number of members per year. We further discuss the implications of our results in the context of stable populations open to migration

    Preference theory and low fertility: a comparative perspective

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    The discussion on the causes of the most recent fertility decline in Europe, and in particular on the emergence of lowest-low fertility, emphasizes the relevance of cultural factors in addition to economic ones. As part of such a cultural framework, the heterogeneity of preferences concerning the "career vs. family" dichotomy has been systematized in the "Preference Theory" approach developed by Catherine Hakim. This heterogeneity in preferences, however, has so far been underinvestigated in a comparative framework. This paper makes use of comparative data from the 2004/2005 Round of the European Social Survey to test the links between individual-level preferences and both fertility outcomes and fertility intentions, in a variety of societal settings. Results confirm an association between work–family lifestyle preferences and realized fertility in a variety of European countries, while they do not show a relationship between lifestyle preferences and fertility intentions. Results further support the existence of heterogeneous patterns of association between lifestyle preferences and fertility choices among welfare regimes.Le dĂ©bat portant sur les causes de la baisse la plus rĂ©cente de la fĂ©conditĂ© en Europe, et en particulier sur l’émergence des fĂ©conditĂ©s les plus basses met l’accent sur le rĂŽle des facteurs culturels, par-delĂ  les facteurs Ă©conomiques. Dans le cadre de ces facteurs culturels, l’hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© des prĂ©fĂ©rences en matiĂšre de dilemme "carriĂšre ou famille" a Ă©tĂ© formalisĂ© par Catherine Hakim sous la forme de la "thĂ©orie des prĂ©fĂ©rences". Cette hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© des prĂ©fĂ©rences a toutefois Ă©tĂ© peu explorĂ©e dans une perspective comparative. Cet article exploite les donnĂ©es comparatives de la vague 2004/2005 de l’EnquĂȘte Sociale EuropĂ©enne pour tester les liens entre les prĂ©fĂ©rences individuelles, d’une part, et la fĂ©conditĂ© rĂ©elle et souhaitĂ©e, d’autre part, dans des contextes sociaux trĂšs divers. Les rĂ©sultats confirment une association entre les prĂ©fĂ©rences en matiĂšre de mode de vie par rapport au travail et Ă  la famille et la fĂ©conditĂ© rĂ©elle dans toute une sĂ©rie de pays europĂ©ens, mais ne mettent pas en Ă©vidence de lien entre les prĂ©fĂ©rences en matiĂšre de mode de vie et la fĂ©conditĂ© souhaitĂ©e. De plus, les rĂ©sultats confirment l’existence de schĂ©mas hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšnes d’association entre les prĂ©fĂ©rences en matiĂšre de modes de vie et les choix de fĂ©conditĂ© dans les diffĂ©rents rĂ©gimes d’Etat-providence

    On the age dynamics of learned societies— taking the example of the Austrian Academy of Sciences

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    In a hierarchical organisation of stable size the annual intake is strictly determined by the number of deaths and a statutory retirement age (if there is one). In this paper we reconstruct the population of the Austrian Academy of Sciences from 1847 to 2005. For the Austrian Academy of Sciences we observe a shift of its age distribution towards older ages, which on the one hand is due to rising life expectancy, i.e., a rising age at death, as well as to an increased age at entry on the other hand. Therefore the number of new entrants has been fluctuating considerably—especially reflecting several statutory changes—and the length of tenure before reaching the age limit has declined during the second half of the last century. Based on alternative scenarios of the age distribution of incoming members— including a young, an old, the ‘current’ and a mixed-age model—we then project the population of the Austrian Academy and its ageing forward in time. Our results indicate that the ‘optimum policy’ would be to elect either young or old aged new members

    Como consomem os turistas um destino de enoturismo no Centro de Portugal? Uma anĂĄlise espaciotemporal

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    Space-time tourist behaviour is influenced by numerous factors related both to tourists and the destination. Yet, however complex it may be, understanding and to some extent managing the way tourists move in space and time is crucial to ensuring the quality of their experience, as well as the effective and sustainable management of destinations and attractions. In the rural wine tourism context, studies on space-time behaviour are rare. The present study uses empirical data collected from tourists staying in hotels of the Bairrada Wine Route territory (N = 116), combining a GPS tracking study with a questionnaire survey. Using a time-geographical analytical approach, the GPS tracking data were mapped for a more detailed analysis of the tourists’ movements in the Bairrada terroir. The findings highlight specificities of tourist consumption in the context of rural wine regions and provide valuable insights for destination planning, service design and marketing of the Bairrada Wine Route.O comportamento turĂ­stico espaciotemporal Ă© influenciado por diversos fatores relacionados tanto com os turistas como com o destino. No entanto, por complexo que seja, compreender e, em certa medida, gerir a forma como os turistas se movem no espaço e no tempo Ă© crucial para assegurar a qualidade da sua experiĂȘncia, bem como a gestĂŁo eficaz e sustentĂĄvel de destinos e atraçÔes. No contexto do enoturismo, sĂŁo raros os estudos sobre o comportamento espaciotemporal. O presente estudo utiliza dados empĂ­ricos recolhidos junto de turistas alojados em hotĂ©is do territĂłrio da Rota do Vinho da Bairrada (N= 116), combinando um estudo de rastreamento por GPS com um inquĂ©rito por questionĂĄrio. Utilizando uma perspetiva temporal de anĂĄlise, os dados de rastreamento por GPS foram mapeados para o estudo mais aprofundado dos movimentos dos turistas no terroir da Bairrada. Os resultados destacam as especificidades do consumo turĂ­stico no contexto das regiĂ”es vitivinĂ­colas e fornecem informaçÔes relevantes para o planeamento do destino, conceção do serviço e marketing da Rota do Vinho da Bairrada.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Trends in food consumption of university students

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    Los jĂłvenes universitarios necesitan consolidar buenos hĂĄbitos alimentarios basados en una adecuada selecciĂłn de alimentos, los cuales constituyen un factor de fundamental importancia para mantener un buen estado de salud y prevenir enfermedades. Objetivo: Evaluar la ingesta de alimentos y el perfil de la dieta de estudiantes universitarios de TucumĂĄn y su variaciĂłn a travĂ©s del tiempo. Analizar si cumplen las recomendaciones dietĂ©ticas actuales. Materiales y mĂ©todos: La recolecciĂłn de datos se llevĂł a cabo durante los años 1998-1999 (G1) y 2012-2013 (G2); se realizĂł mediante una autoencuesta alimentaria y cuestionario de frecuencia de consumo de alimentos. Fue aplicada a 329 estudiantes universitarios seleccionados en forma aleatoria. El perfil alimentario se describiĂł segĂșn la frecuencia de consumo habitual de los principales grupos de alimentos. Resultados: Los estudiantes resultaron 25,2% hombres y 74,8% mujeres, con edad promedio de 23±3 años. En general, en ambos grupos, la mayorĂ­a de los estudiantes presentĂł un IMC normal, sin embargo se destacĂł un elevado porcentaje de hombres con sobrepeso (18,2%) y obesidad (12,1%) y mujeres con bajo peso (11,6%). SegĂșn los grupos analizados y en funciĂłn del sexo se observaron algunas diferencias estadĂ­sticamente significativas en la composiciĂłn de macronutrientes de la dieta: en G1 fue mayor el consumo de carbohidratos en detrimento de proteĂ­nas y lĂ­pidos; se encontraron tambiĂ©n diferencias en la ingesta de algunos micronutrientes, observĂĄndose mayor consumo de hierro y menor de vitaminas B1, B2, niacina y C en el G2. La dieta fue monĂłtona para ambos grupos y con diferencias en el perfil de nutrientes que la conforman. La mĂĄs notable fue el incremento gradual del consumo de productos azucarados, alimentos procesados, snacks y menor consumo de lĂĄcteos, pescados, frutas y vegetales en el G2. En ambos grupos, la adecuaciĂłn de la ingesta alimentaria de la poblaciĂłn estudiantil no cubriĂł las recomendaciones de hierro, calcio y vitamina A. Ante el perfil alimentario observado en la poblaciĂłn universitaria, se advierte la necesidad de promover cambios para prevenir la apariciĂłn de obesidad y enfermedades cardiovasculares en la edad adulta; serĂ­a conveniente realizar mayor educaciĂłn alimentario-nutricional.The university students need to consolidate good dietary habits based on an adequate selection of food, which is a factor of fundamental importance to maintain good health and prevent disease. Objective: To evaluate the food intake and diet profile of university students from TucumĂĄn and its variation over time. Analyse if they accomplish current dietary recommendations. Material and method: Data collection was carried out during the years 1998-1999 (G1) and 2012-2013 (G2); was performed by a self-survey and food frequency questionnaire of food consumption. It was applied to 329 university students selected randomly. The dietary pattern was described by frequency of usual consumption of principal food groups. Results: Students were 25.2% male and 74.8% female, mean age 23 ± 3 years. In general, in both groups most of the students had a normal BMI, but had a high percentage of men with overweight (18.2%) and obesity (12.1%) and women with underweight (11.6%). According to the groups and sex analysis some significant statistically differences in macronutrient composition of the diet were observed: the G1 was higher carbohydrate intake than proteins and lipids; also differences in the intake of some micronutrients were found, with a higher intake of iron and less intake of vitamins B1, B2, niacin and C in G2. The diet was monotonous for both groups and with differences in the profile of nutrients. The most notable was the gradual increase consumption of sugary products, processed foods, snacks and decrease consumption of dairy, fish, fruits and vegetables in G2. In both groups, adequacy of dietary intake of the university students did not cover the recommendations of iron, calcium and vitamin A. Given the food profile observed in the student population, is warned the need to promote changes to prevent the development of obesity and cardiovascular disease in adulthood; it should be convenient to carrying out food and nutrition educationFil: de Piero Belmonte, Alexia Juliana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - TucumĂĄn. Instituto Superior de Investigaciones BiolĂłgicas. Universidad Nacional de TucumĂĄn. Instituto Superior de Investigaciones BiolĂłgicas; ArgentinaFil: Bassett, Maria Natalia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - TucumĂĄn. Instituto Superior de Investigaciones BiolĂłgicas. Universidad Nacional de TucumĂĄn. Instituto Superior de Investigaciones BiolĂłgicas; ArgentinaFil: Rossi, Analia Mabel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - TucumĂĄn. Instituto Superior de Investigaciones BiolĂłgicas. Universidad Nacional de TucumĂĄn. Instituto Superior de Investigaciones BiolĂłgicas; ArgentinaFil: Samman, Norma Cristina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - TucumĂĄn. Instituto Superior de Investigaciones BiolĂłgicas. Universidad Nacional de TucumĂĄn. Instituto Superior de Investigaciones BiolĂłgicas; Argentin
