76 research outputs found

    Welfare practice in response of child neglect: reconstruction and analysis of the discourses on family, childrearing, and motherhood

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    Child neglect is an ongoing social problem, estimated to affect 5 - 10 per cent of children. The term neglect describes a behavior that deviates from an ideal norm. However, both the form of this ideal norm and the definition of deviation depend on contemporary discourses and scientific positions. Historically, it has been more frequently poor families and single mothers who have been disciplined for child neglect by the state, whilst their economic situation was marginalized. Parallel current findings raise questions regarding how these discourses form, how they influence decision-making processes, and whether a continuity can be ascertained in measures of social disciplining. Our ongoing research project on welfare practice in response of child neglect aims to reconstruct and analyze current discourses on family, childrearing, and motherhood in the context of child neglect. Taking a multi-perspectival approach, it will analyze and compare the expert discourse, the political/public discourse, and the perspective of affected mothers across two different time periods in five selected Swiss cantons. Preliminary findings indicate that gender categories, especially motherhood, continue to be of great importance. On the basis of a first analysis of casefiles, one could speak of a “motherism”: in case processing and in the course of the case, responsibility is attributed to the mother, and social and pedagogical contexts are neglected, even the financial situation seems to be given less importance. Instead, the willingness to cooperate often seems to be a key factor in deciding on further interventions. Furthermore, there are indications that in decision-making processes with far-reaching consequences, legal arguments are preferred while childrearing aspects are neglected. It can also be noted that normative and sometimes stigmatizing statements do not seem to belong to the past. In this article, we will give insight into the research design and first findings and discuss the necessity of reflecting on the images of family, childrearing, and motherhood in light of the rapid social changes in the spheres of family, motherhood, and fatherhood

    In situ reverse transcriptase-nested polymerase chain reaction to identify intracellular nucleic acids without the necessity of DNAse pretreatment and hybridisation

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    In the present study a protocol of in situ reverse transcriptasenested polymerase chain reaction (in situ RT-nested PCR) was examined based on the following modifications. (i) To exclude false positive signals caused by "DNA repair mechanisms" and "endogenous priming", a two-step PCR was applied after reverse transcription. The first step was performed in the presence of extrinsic primers and unlabeled nucleotides with a maximum of PCR cycles possible without destroying the cell morphology. The second step consisted of only one annealing/elongation reaction, the target sequence marked by addition of digoxigenin-labeled nucleotides and intrinsic primers. ing PCR cycles. By applying this protocol, immunostainings specific for phospholipase A2 of type IIA mRNA were exclusively detectable in the cytoplasm of HepG2 hepatoma cells, which were used as a model system, whereas the nuclei were unstained. Multiple control experiments yielded completely negative results. These data suggest that the in situ RT-nested PCR, which in comparison to the method of in situ RT-PCRin situ-hybridisation is simpler and less time-consuming, can be used as an alternative approach to identify intracellular nucleic acids

    The role of manufacturing in affecting the social dimension of sustainability

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    Interventionen der Sozialen Arbeit in Familien: Regulation im Namen der Integration

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    Zwischen Arbeit und Familie: Fürsorge und Erziehung schulpflichtiger Kinder unter prekären Lebens- und Arbeitsbedingungen

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    Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird der Zusammenhang zwischen Prekarität und Kindesvernachlässigung in den Fokus genommen. Dazu wird eine explorative Studie vorgestellt, welche die Lebens- und Arbeitssituation von neun sogenannten «vernachlässigenden» Familien ethnographisch erforschte.Die Ergebnisse weisen darauf hin, dass die multiple Problemkonstellation in den Familien eng mit der finanziellen Situation, den Erwerbsbedingungen sowie der sozialen Lage zusammenhängt und es aufgrund körperlicher und psychischer Erschöpfung, Erkrankungen und Sucht, sowie fehlenden Zukunftsperspektiven zu Einschränkungen der (erzieherischen) Handlungsfähigkeit kommt. Ein Teil der Kinder äussert sich dieser Situation gegenüber mit sozial auffälligem Verhalten, Leistungsstörungen in der Schule und körperlichen Erkrankungen. Die Soziale Arbeit ist gefordert, dieser Situation nicht lediglich mit erzieherischer Unterstützung zu begegnen, sondern über Ausbildung/Bildung und arbeitsmarktliche Bedingungen bei erwerbstätigen Familien nachzudenken und Lösungen zu entwickeln