250 research outputs found

    ITK y VTK : Ingeniería inversa y análisis de arquitectura Pipeline

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    Proyecto de Trabajo de Grado en donde se utilizó una versión modificada de la metodología RUP para realizar un proceso de investigación a partir de un proceso de ingeniería inversa en donde se identificó la arquitectura de pipelines de las librerías de procesamiento de imágenes ITK y VTK. Así mismo, se realizó un prototipo de una interfaz para la edición de pipelines que aporte al desarrollo de flujo de datos para la creación de nuevos algoritmos de procesamiento.Degree work project where a modified version of the RUP methodology was used to do an investigation where a reverse engineer process was used to identify the pipeline architecture of the image processing libraries ITK and VTK. At the same time, a prototype of a user interface for the edition of pipelines was done to contribute in the development of data flows for the creation of new processing algorithms.Ingeniero (a) de SistemasPregrad

    Vaginal Probiotics for Reproductive Health and Related Dysbiosis: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    This research received no direct external funding. A.L.-M. was granted with the IniciaTC programme—OTRI-UGR. Infrastructure Reference Microbiota Laboratory funding projects FEDERIE_ 2019-198 and EIN-2019-103082.The authors acknowledge support from the Programs IniciaTC 2019, and INV 2019–2021 from the Plan Propio of the University of Granada. Part of results is from Ana López- Moreno doctoral thesis, Biomedicine Doctorate Program of the University of Granada.The use of probiotics in reproductive-related dysbiosis is an area of continuous progress due to the growing interest from clinicians and patients suffering from recurrent reproductive microbiota disorders. An imbalance in the natural colonization sites related to reproductive health-vaginal, cervicovaginal, endometrial, and pregnancy-related altered microbiota-could play a decisive role in reproductive outcomes. Oral and vaginal administrations are in continuous discussion regarding the clinical effects pursued, but the oral route is used and studied more often despite the need for further transference to the colonization site. The aim of the present review was to retrieve the standardized protocols of vaginal probiotics commonly used for investigating their microbiota modulation capacities. Most of the studies selected focused on treating bacterial vaginosis (BV) as the most common dysbiosis; a few studies focused on vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC) and on pretreatment during in vitro fertilization (IVF). Vaginal probiotic doses administered were similar to oral probiotics protocols, ranging from >= 10(7) CFU/day to 2.5 x 10(10) CFU/day, but were highly variable regarding the treatment duration timing. Moderate vaginal microbiota modulation was achieved; the relative abundance of abnormal microbiota decreased and Lactobacillus species increased.FEDER-IE_2019-198EIN-2019-10308

    Endobolome, a New Concept for Determining the Influence of Microbiota Disrupting Chemicals (MDC) in Relation to Specific Endocrine Pathogenesis

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    This work was carried out within the frame of GP/EFSA/ENCO/380 2018/03/G04: OBEMIRISK: Knowledge platform for assessing the risk of Bisphenols on gut microbiota and its role in obesogenic phenotype: looking for biomarkers. This research was also funded by Spanish State Research Agency (SRA) EIN2019-103431, EIN2019-103082 and Proyecto cofinanciado FEDER-Consejeria de Salud y Familias, Junta de Andalucia PE-0250-2019.The results presented in this article constitute part of YG-O doctoral thesis, performed in the Nutrition and Food Sciences Doctorate Program of the University of Granada.Endogenous steroid hormones and Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDC) interact with gut microbiota through different pathways. We suggest the use of the term “endobolome” when referring to the group of gut microbiota genes and pathways involved in the metabolism of steroid hormones and EDC. States of dysbiosis and reduced diversity of the gut microbiota may impact and modify the endobolome resulting at long-term in the development of certain pathophysiological conditions. The endobolome might play a central role in the gut microbiota as seen by the amount of potentially endobolome-mediated diseases and thereby it can be considered an useful diagnostic tool and therapeutic target for future functional research strategies that envisage the use of next generation of probiotics. In addition, we propose that EDC and other xenobiotics that alter the gut microbial composition and its metabolic capacities should be categorized into a subgroup termed “microbiota disrupting chemicals” (MDC). This will help to distinguish the role of contaminants from other microbiota natural modifiers such as those contained or released from diet, environment, physical activity and stress. These MDC might have the ability to promote specific changes in the microbiota that can ultimately result in common intestinal and chronic or long-term systemic diseases in the host. The risk of developing certain disorders associated with gut microbiota changes should be established by determining both the effects of the MDC on gut microbiota and the impact of microbiota changes on chemicals metabolism and host susceptibility. In any case, further animal controlled experiments, clinical trials and large epidemiological studies are required in order to establish the concatenated impact of the MDC-microbiota-host health axis.OBEMIRISK: Knowledge platform for assessing the risk of Bisphenols on gut microbiota and its role in obesogenic phenotype: looking for biomarkers GP/EFSA/ENCO/380 2018/03/G04Spanish State Research Agency (SRA) EIN2019-103431 EIN2019-103082Junta de Andalucia PE-0250-201

    Probiotic Strains and Intervention Total Doses for Modulating Obesity-Related Microbiota Dysbiosis: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

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    Obesity is a growing health threat worldwide. Administration of probiotics in obesity has also parallelly increased but without any protocolization. We conducted a systematic review exploring the administration pattern of probiotic strains and effective doses for obesity-related disorders according to their capacity of positively modulating key biomarkers and microbiota dysbiosis. Manuscripts targeting probiotic strains and doses administered for obesity-related disorders in clinical studies were sought. MEDLINE, Scopus, Web of Science, and Cochrane Library databases were searched using keywords during the last fifteen years up to April 2020. Two independent reviewers screened titles, abstracts, and then full-text papers against inclusion criteria according to PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) guidelines. From 549 interventional reports identified, we filtered 171 eligible studies, from which 24 full-text assays were used for calculating intervention total doses (ITD) of specific species and strains administered. Nine of these reports were excluded in the second-step because no specific data on gut microbiota modulation was found. Six clinical trials (CT) and 9 animal clinical studies were retained for analysis of complete outcome prioritized (body mass index (BMI), adiposity parameters, glucose, and plasma lipid biomarkers, and gut hormones). Lactobacillus spp. administered were double compared to Bifidobacterium spp.; Lactobacillus as single or multispecies formulations whereas most Bifidobacteria only through multispecies supplementations. Differential factors were estimated from obese populations’ vs. obesity-induced animals: ITD ratio of 2 × 106 CFU and patterns of administrations of 11.3 weeks to 5.5 weeks, respectively. Estimation of overall probiotics impact from selected CT was performed through a random-effects model to pool effect sizes. Comparisons showed a positive association between the probiotics group vs. placebo on the reduction of BMI, total cholesterol, leptin, and adiponectin. Moreover, negative estimation appeared for glucose (FPG) and CRP. While clinical trials including data for positive modulatory microbiota capacities suggested that high doses of common single and multispecies of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium ameliorated key obesity-related parameters, the major limitation was the high variability between studies and lack of standardized protocols. Efforts in solving this problem and searching for next-generation probiotics for obesity-related diseases would highly improve the rational use of probiotics.Programme "Intensificacion de la Investigacion" University of Granada (2019-2020)UGR Plan Propio de Investigacion 2019-2020University of Granada BIO-190Junta de Andalucia BIO-19

    El portafolio de evidencias del alumno: una estrategia didáctica de enseñanza-aprendizaje favorecedora de la evaluación clínica

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    La sociedad del conocimiento y la introducción en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación, están exigiendo de quienes nos dedicamos a la educación en el ámbito universitario, la utilización de nuevas estrategias didácticas y la reinvención de algunas antiguas o no tan nuevas. Se trata de dar respuesta a la demanda social de “aprender de otra manera” para mejorar la inserción de los nuevos egresados en su ámbito profesional. Esta nueva forma de aprender debe tener en consideración las exigencias de los nuevos contextos de enseñanza-aprendizaje, donde el protagonismo de los estudiantes es un elemento esencial y la relación de lo aprendido con sus posibilidades de aplicación en el contexto profesional es el otro. Casualmente el modelo de formación basado en competencias desde el enfoque socioformativo coincide en ambos protagonismos y el portafolio como estrategia didáctica que puede utilizarse en este modelo puede ayudar a dotar de protagonismo al que aprende haciéndole tomar conciencia de que el aprendizaje no se produce de manera automática sino a través de una serie de pasos y etapas que a la vez que se van consiguiendo nos permiten reflexionar el proceso. Una vez llevado a cabo este proceso de reflexión general, puede aplicarse en el ámbito médico para iniciar al estudiante a tomar conciencia de su semejanza con el diagnóstico clínico

    El portafolio de evidencias del alumno

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    The knowledge society and the introduction in the teaching-learning processes of information and communication technologies are demanding from those of us who are dedicated to education in the university field, the use of new teaching strategies and the reinvention of some old ones or not so new It is about responding to the social demand of "learning differently" to improve the insertion of new graduates in their professional field. This new way of learning must take into account the demands of the new teaching-learning contexts, where the protagonism of students is an essential element and the relationship of what is learned with its possibilities of application in the professional context is the other. Coincidentally, the model of competency-based training from the socioformative approach coincides in both roles and the portfolio as a teaching strategy that can be used in this model can help to give prominence to the learner by making him aware that learning does not occur automatically but through a series of steps and stages that, while being achieved, allow us to reflect on the process. Once this process of general reflection has been carried out, it can be applied in the medical field to initiate the student to become aware of its resemblance to the clinical diagnosis. Keywords: portfolio; teaching-learning strategies; clinical diagnosis; Socioformative approach.La sociedad del conocimiento y la introducción en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación, están exigiendo de quienes nos dedicamos a la educación en el ámbito universitario, la utilización de nuevas estrategias didácticas y la reinvención de algunas antiguas o no tan nuevas. Se trata de dar respuesta a la demanda social de “aprender de otra manera” para mejorar la inserción de los nuevos egresados en su ámbito profesional. Esta nueva forma de aprender debe tener en consideración las exigencias de los nuevos contextos de enseñanza-aprendizaje, donde el protagonismo de los estudiantes es un elemento esencial y la relación de lo aprendido con sus posibilidades de aplicación en el contexto profesional es el otro. Casualmente el modelo de formación basado en competencias desde el enfoque socioformativo coincide en ambos protagonismos y el portafolio como estrategia didáctica que puede utilizarse en este modelo puede ayudar a dotar de protagonismo al que aprende haciéndole tomar conciencia de que el aprendizaje no se produce de manera automática sino a través de una serie de pasos y etapas que a la vez que se van consiguiendo nos permiten reflexionar el proceso. Una vez llevado a cabo este proceso de reflexión general, puede aplicarse en el ámbito médico para iniciar al estudiante a tomar conciencia de su semejanza con el diagnóstico clínico. Palabras clave: portafolio; estrategias de enseñanza-aprendizaje; diagnóstico clínico; enfoque socioformativo

    Estudio sobre inmunidad contra la rubéola en población femenina de Bogotá

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    Rubella inmunity index from female population in the city of Bogota was determined by the HI test applied over en aleatory sample. Rubella in Bogota has endemic characteristics as in other world populations. Women over 15 years of age have not protective titers in 54% and 1% are in risk of infection by rubella during pregnancy. A selective vaccination program is recomended.Sobre una muestra aleatoria se determinó por la prueba HI el índice inmunitario contra la rubeola en la población femenina de Bogotá. Los hallazgos concuerdan con los comunicados por otros autores para poblaciones donde la enfermedad se presenta con caracteres de endemicidad. El 54% de las mujeres mayores de 15 años no presentan títulos de protección, con un riesgo del 1% de hacer la enfermedad durante el embarazo. Se recomienda establecer un programa de vacunación selectiva

    Consideraciones acerca del autocontrol emocional en atletas de beisbol y la dirección de equipo (Revisión)

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    In the course of its evolution as a science, in Psychology applied to sports numerous studies have been generated with the purpose of illustrating the role of psychological factors in the sports training process and in particular, the influence of emotions on athletes However, when these investigations seem to exhaust the controversies on this subject, explanatory conceptual models continue to emerge, which represents a challenge to continue deepening the issue of the emotional responses of athletes. In this article, a conceptual review is carried out about different ways of addressing the issue related to self-control, from purely pedagogical aspects related to the school learning activity, taking into account certain mental actions and their control and in another considered as self-control emotional related to sports activity, specifically in baseball athletes and team management in this sport.En el transcurso de su evolución como ciencia, en la Psicología aplicada al deporte se han generado numerosos estudios con el propósito de ilustrar la función de los factores psicológicos en el proceso de entrenamiento deportivo y de manera particular, la influencia de las emociones en los deportistas, Sin embargo, cuando estas investigaciones parecen agotar las controversias sobre este tema, siguen emergiendo modelos conceptuales explicativos, lo cual representa un desafío para continuar profundizando en el tema de las respuestas emocionales de los deportistas. En este artículo, se realiza una revisión conceptual acerca de diferentes formas de abordar la cuestión relacionada con el autocontrol, desde aspectos puramente pedagógicos referidos a la actividad de aprendizaje escolar, teniendo en cuenta determinadas acciones mentales y su control y en otro considerado como el autodominio emocional relacionado con la actividad deportiva, específicamente en atletas de beisbol y la dirección de equipo en este deporte