246 research outputs found

    Nuclear Receptor Coactivators Modulate Hormone-Dependent Gene Expression in Brain and Female Reproductive Behavior in Rats

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    Gonadal steroid hormones act in the brain to elicit changes in gene expression that result in profound effects on behavior and physiology. A variety of in vitro studies indicate that nuclear receptor coactivators are required for efficient transcriptional activity of steroid receptors. Two nuclear receptor coactivators, steroid receptor coactivator-1 (SRC-1) and cAMP response element binding protein-binding protein (CBP), have been shown to act in concert to enhance ER activity in vitro. In the present study, we investigated the function of these important nuclear receptor coactivators in estrogen action in rodent brain. Reduction of SRC-1 and CBP protein in brain disrupted ER-mediated activation of the behaviorally relevant progestin receptor gene. Furthermore, we found that SRC-1 and CBP function in brain to modulate the expression of hormone-dependent female sexual behavior. These findings indicate that these nuclear receptor coactivators function in brain to modulate ER transcriptional activity and the expression of hormone-dependent behavior

    Measuring NIR Atmospheric Extinction Using a Global Positioning System Receiver

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    Modeling molecular absorption by Earth's atmosphere is important for a wide range of astronomical observations, including broadband NIR photometry and high-resolution NIR spectroscopy. Using a line-by-line radiative transfer approach, we calculate theoretical transmission spectra in the deep red optical (700 to 1050 nm) for Apache Point Observatory. In this region the spectrum is dominated by H2O, which is known to be highly variable in concentration on short timescales. We fit our telluric models to high-resolution observations of A stars and estimate the relative optical depth of H2O absorption under a wide range of observing conditions. We compare these optical depth estimates to simultaneous measurements of Precipitable Water Vapor (PWV) based on data from a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver located at Apache Point. We find that measured PWV correlates strongly with the scaling of H2O absorption lines in our spectra, indicating that GPS-based PWV measurements combined with atmospheric models may be a powerful tool for the real-time estimation of total molecular absorption in broad NIR bands. Using photometric measurements from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) DR8 database we demonstrate that PWV biases the calibrated r-z colors and z-band fluxes of mid-M stars but not mid-G stars. While this effect is small compared to other sources of noise in the SDSS z-band observations, future surveys like the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope aim for higher precision and will need to take time-variable molecular transmission into account for the global calibration of NIR measurements of objects having strong spectral features at these wavelengths. Empirical calibrations based on PWV may be immediately applicable to ongoing efforts to make mmag differential measurements of M stars to detect transiting exoplanets.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in PAS

    Jekyll and Hyde: men's constructions of feminism and feminists

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    Research and commentary on men's responses to feminism has demonstrated the range of ways in which men have mobilised both against and for feminist principles. This paper argues that further analyses of men's responses require a sophisticated theory of discourse acknowledging the fragmented and contradictory nature of representation. A corpus of men's talk on feminism and feminists was studied to identify the pervasive patterns in men's accounting and regularities in rhetorical organisation. Material from two samples of men was included: a sample of white middle-class 17-18 year old school students and a sample of 60 interviews with a more diverse sample of older men aged 20 to 64. Two interpretative repertoires of feminism and feminists were identified. These set up a 'Jekyll and Hyde' binary and positioned feminism along with feminists very differently as reasonable versus extreme and monstrous. Both repertoires tended to be deployed together and the paper explores the ideological and interactional consequences of typical deployments along with the identity work accomplished by the men as they positioned themselves in relation to these

    Diarrhea as a potential cause and consequence of reduced gut microbial diversity among undernourished children in Peru

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    BACKGROUND: Detrimental effects of diarrhea on child growth and survival are well documented, but details of the underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood. Recent evidence demonstrates that perturbations to normal development of the gut microbiota in early life may contribute to growth faltering and susceptibility to related childhood diseases. We assessed associations between diarrhea, gut microbiota configuration, and childhood growth in the Peruvian Amazon. METHODS: Growth, diarrhea incidence, illness, pathogen infection, and antibiotic exposure were assessed monthly in a birth cohort of 271 children aged 0-24 months. Gut bacterial diversity and abundances of specific bacterial taxa were quantified by sequencing 16S rRNA genes in fecal samples collected at 6, 12, 18, and 24 months. Linear and generalized linear models were used to determine whether diarrhea was associated with altered microbiota and, in turn, if features of the microbiota were associated with the subsequent risk of diarrhea. RESULTS: Diarrheal frequency, duration, and severity were negatively associated with bacterial diversity and richness (P \u3c .05). Children born stunted (length-for-age z-score [LAZ] ≤ -2) who were also severely stunted (LAZ ≤ -3) at the time of sampling exhibited the greatest degree of diarrhea-associated reductions in bacterial diversity and the slowest recovery of bacterial diversity after episodes of diarrhea. Increased bacterial diversity was predictive of reduced subsequent diarrhea from age 6 to 18 months. CONCLUSIONS: Persistent, severe growth faltering may reduce the gut microbiota\u27s resistance and resilience to diarrhea, leading to greater losses of diversity and longer recovery times. This phenotype, in turn, denotes an increased risk of future diarrheal disease and growth faltering

    Impacts of Climate Change in Determining the Ecological Reserve

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    The intermediate and long-term impacts of climate change require evaluation of the adaptive capacity of the riverine ecosystems to pro-mote sustainability. The predicted climate change impacts are the moti-vation behind the current research which targets the knowledge gap of the impacts of climate change on the ecological Reserve (or Ecological Water Requirements [EWR]). In order for the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) to meet their mandate to protect aquatic ecosystems, given the constraints of climate change, it is necessary to take cogni-sance of the implications of climate change and to make the necessary adjustments and changes to the ecological Reserve determination methodology. These adjustments will help ensure that sufficient water, at the right time, distributed in the right flow pattern and of adequate quality is provided, so that key ecological processes are sustained, and that biotic communities maintain their health and integrity

    Enhanced hepatic respiratory capacity and altered lipid metabolism support metabolic homeostasis during short-term hypoxic stress.

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    BACKGROUND: Tissue hypoxia is a key feature of several endemic hepatic diseases, including alcoholic and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and organ failure. Hypoxia imposes a severe metabolic challenge on the liver, potentially disrupting its capacity to carry out essential functions including fuel storage and the integration of lipid metabolism at the whole-body level. Mitochondrial respiratory function is understood to be critical in mediating the hepatic hypoxic response, yet the time-dependent nature of this response and the role of the respiratory chain in this remain unclear. RESULTS: Here, we report that hepatic respiratory capacity is enhanced following short-term exposure to hypoxia (2 days, 10% O2) and is associated with increased abundance of the respiratory chain supercomplex III2+IV and increased cardiolipin levels. Suppression of this enhanced respiratory capacity, achieved via mild inhibition of mitochondrial complex III, disrupted metabolic homeostasis. Hypoxic exposure for 2 days led to accumulation of plasma and hepatic long chain acyl-carnitines. This was observed alongside depletion of hepatic triacylglycerol species with total chain lengths of 39-53 carbons, containing palmitic, palmitoleic, stearic, and oleic acids, which are associated with de novo lipogenesis. The changes to hepatic respiratory capacity and lipid metabolism following 2 days hypoxic exposure were transient, becoming resolved after 14 days in line with systemic acclimation to hypoxia and elevated circulating haemoglobin concentrations. CONCLUSIONS: The liver maintains metabolic homeostasis in response to shorter term hypoxic exposure through transient enhancement of respiratory chain capacity and alterations to lipid metabolism. These findings may have implications in understanding and treating hepatic pathologies associated with hypoxia.GlaxoSmithKlin

    Development of a rapid and quantitative lateral flow assay for the simultaneous measurement of serum κ and λ immunoglobulin free light chains (FLC):inception of a new near-patient FLC screening tool

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    Item does not contain fulltextBACKGROUND: Serum free light chains (FLC) are sensitive biomarkers used for the diagnosis and management of plasma cell dyscrasias, such as multiple myeloma (MM), and are central to clinical screening algorithms and therapy response criteria. We have developed a portable, near-patient, lateral-flow test (Seralite(R)) that quantitates serum FLC in 10 min, and is designed to eliminate sample processing delays and accelerate decision-making in the clinic. METHODS: Assay interference, imprecision, lot-to-lot variability, linearity, and the utility of a competitive-inhibition design for the elimination of antigen-excess ('hook effect') were assessed. Reference ranges were calculated from 91 healthy donor sera. Preliminary clinical validation was conducted by retrospective analysis of sera from 329 patients. Quantitative and diagnostic results were compared to Freelite(R). RESULTS: Seralite(R) gave a broad competitive-inhibition calibration curve from below 2.5 mg/L to above 200 mg/L, provided good assay linearity (between 1.6 and 208.7 mg/L for kappa FLC and between 3.5 and 249.7 mg/L for lambda FLC) and sensitivity (1.4 mg/L for kappa FLC and 1.7 mg/L for lambda FLC), and eliminated anomalous results from antigen-excess. Seralite(R) gave good diagnostic concordance with Freelite(R) (Roche Hitachi Cobas C501) identifying an abnormal FLC ratio and FLC difference in 209 patients with newly diagnosed MM and differentiating these patients from normal healthy donors with polyclonal FLC. CONCLUSIONS: Seralite(R) sensitively quantitates FLC and rapidly identifies clinical conditions where FLC are abnormal, including MM

    Federating structural models and data:Outcomes from a workshop on archiving integrative structures

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    Structures of biomolecular systems are increasingly computed by integrative modeling. In this approach, a structural model is constructed by combining information from multiple sources, including varied experimental methods and prior models. In 2019, a Workshop was held as a Biophysical Society Satellite Meeting to assess progress and discuss further requirements for archiving integrative structures. The primary goal of the Workshop was to build consensus for addressing the challenges involved in creating common data standards, building methods for federated data exchange, and developing mechanisms for validating integrative structures. The summary of the Workshop and the recommendations that emerged are presented here

    Development of a Kemp\u27s Ridley Sea Turtle Stock Assessment Model

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    We developed a Kemp’s ridley (Lepidochelys kempii) stock assessment model to evaluate the relative contributions of conservation efforts and other factors toward this critically endangered species’ recovery. The Kemp’s ridley demographic model developed by the Turtle Expert Working Group (TEWG) in 1998 and 2000 and updated for the binational recovery plan in 2011 was modified for use as our base model. The TEWG model uses indices of the annual reproductive population (number of nests) and hatchling recruitment to predict future annual numbers of nests on the basis of a series of assumptions regarding age and maturity, remigration interval, sex ratios, nests per female, juvenile mortality, and a putative ‘‘turtle excluder device effect’’ multiplier starting in 1990. This multiplier was necessary to fit the number of nests observed in 1990 and later. We added the effects of shrimping effort directly, modified by habitat weightings, as a proxy for all sources of anthropogenic mortality. Additional data included in our model were incremental growth of Kemp’s ridleys marked and recaptured in the Gulf of Mexico, and the length frequency of stranded Kemp’s ridleys. We also added a 2010 mortality factor that was necessary to fit the number of nests for 2010 and later (2011 and 2012). Last, we used an empirical basis for estimating natural mortality, on the basis of a Lorenzen mortality curve and growth estimates. Although our model generated reasonable estimates of annual total turtle deaths attributable to shrimp trawling, as well as additional deaths due to undetermined anthropogenic causes in 2010, we were unable to provide a clear explanation for the observed increase in the number of stranded Kemp’s ridleys in recent years, and subsequent disruption of the species’ exponential growth since the 2009 nesting season. Our consensus is that expanded data collection at the nesting beaches is needed and of high priority, and that 2015 be targeted for the next stock assessment to evaluate the 2010 event using more recent nesting and in-water data
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