4,394 research outputs found

    Pendidikan Berbasis Adil Gender (Membongkar Akar Permasalahan dan Pengarusutamaan Gender sebagai sebuah Solusi)

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    Responsive gender education is a foundation of women\u27s empowerment. It is conducted not to create a higher statue for women. In the contrary, it is held to improve the independency, power and participation of women in order to avoid discrimination often happened to them. Therefore, a co-operative work by government, the private (non- government) institutions, independent institutions, and stakeholders of gender issue is expected to produce better public adjustments of gender. The gender mainstream will not only encourage to a stabilized and adjusted gender, but also will hold the government accountability of public to be in increase

    Workplace stress experienced by contractor in Malaysian construction industry

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    Work pressure can be experienced by any of the parties and organizations within various sectors. The work pressure issue also can be found in the construction industry, as the orientation and the nature of the job lead toward work pressure, such as organization factors, work demand factors, job roles and challenging work environment. Besides, previous studies have proven that uncontrollable of work pressure also led positively towards accident on a construction site. However, this issue had a lack of support and consensus among the parties itself. Therefore, this study is being carried out to explore the issue work stress in the Malaysian construction industry. The aim of this study is to identify the major contributor and measure work stress level in the Malaysian construction industry. The study was conducted within 78 individuals that involved from G7 class of contractors in Malacca with 74% rate of respond. This research is statistically descriptive orientation and questionnaire is being used as a research instrument. Data were analyzed by using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences 20.0 software. Based on the results, it showed that work demand is the main factors contributing to the high-pressure jobs. Level of work stress experienced by the respondents is high, but they still have a good job in terms of achievements and satisfaction. Therefore, based on the results, all parties; DOSH, CIDB, contractors and others should take this issue seriously. The parties also need to put effort to handle the issue as its consider as an alternative to reduce the number of accidents in construction sites as well as improving performance of the industry

    Some Fundamental Properties of a Multivariate von Mises Distribution

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    In application areas like bioinformatics multivariate distributions on angles are encountered which show significant clustering. One approach to statistical modelling of such situations is to use mixtures of unimodal distributions. In the literature (Mardia et al., 2011), the multivariate von Mises distribution, also known as the multivariate sine distribution, has been suggested for components of such models, but work in the area has been hampered by the fact that no good criteria for the von Mises distribution to be unimodal were available. In this article we study the question about when a multivariate von Mises distribution is unimodal. We give sufficient criteria for this to be the case and show examples of distributions with multiple modes when these criteria are violated. In addition, we propose a method to generate samples from the von Mises distribution in the case of high concentration.Comment: fixed a typo in the article title, minor fixes throughou


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    Abstract: The Role of the Center Method in Early Childhood Character Education in TK Islam Plus E-School PinrangThis study aims to describe the Role of the Center Method in Early Childhood Character Education in TK Islam Plus E-School Pinrang.This research Using qualitative descriptive research methods. Collecting data using interviews, documentation, and field notes. The observed components consist of; factors affecting the role of teachers in implementing the center method; Strategy for implementing the central method; and the impact of the center method on improving the character of early childhood. The results showed that the Islamic Kindergarten Plus E-School Pinrang had implemented central learning well in accordance with the prescribed rules. Abstrak: Peran Metode Sentra dalam Pendidikan Karakter Anak Usia Dini di Tk Islam E-School PinrangPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendiskripsikan Peran Metode Sentra dalam Pendidikan Karakter Anak Usia Dini di TK Islam Plus E-School Pinrang. Riset menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, dokumentasi, dan catatan lapangan. Komponen yang diamati terdiri dari; faktor yang mempengaruhi peran guru dalam menerapkan metode sentra; Strategi penerapan metode sentra; dan dampak metode sentra terhadap peningkatan karakter anak usia dini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa TK Islam Plus E-School Pinrang telah mengimplementasikan pembelajaran sentra dengan baik sesuai dengan kaidah yang ditentukan

    Aurat dan Pakaian Perempuan

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    The issue of nakedness and clothing is a contextual-historical problem. This means that the limits of genitalia and how to dress is a matter of local culture. The development of a culture also influences the conception of values ​​in the actions and interaction patterns of each of its members. Various problems actually arise in society that give rise to pro and contra opinions related to the issue of genitalia and women's clothing, especially the issue of limitation of genitalia on women and the law to close it, clothing or clothing criteria used to cover it. Regarding women's clothing, there are a number of provisions. Firstly, a woman must not reveal her nakedness (large nakedness) except in front of her husband. Secondly, the minimum limitation of women's clothing that generally applies is to close the upper intimate area, namely the breast and underarm area, and cover the lower intimate area. This form of dress is not something that should be treated in social interaction in society, but is demanded to dress in accordance with the ethics, morals, and customs of the community. Thirdly, the Qur'an and Sunnah definitely prohibit all activities, both passive and active, if someone is suspected can cause sexual arousal to the opposite sex. Fourth, QS. An-Nur verses 31 and QS. Al-Ahzab verse 59 is an ethical and moral guidance in dressing for women so that they avoid social disturbances when they leave the house to meet their needs.Isu aurat dan pakaian adalah masalah kontekstual-historis. Ini berarti bahwa batas aurat dan bagaimana tatacara berpakaian adalah masalah budaya lokal. Perkembangan budaya juga mempengaruhi konsepsi nilai dalam tindakan dan pola interaksi masing-masing anggota masyarakat. Berbagai masalah justru bermunculan di masyarakat yang memunculkan opini pro dan kontra terkait dengan masalah alat aurat dan pakaian wanita, khususnya masalah pembatasan aurat pada wanita dan hukum untuk menutupnya, kriteria pakaian atau pakaian yang digunakan untuk menutupinya. Terkait dengan aurat dan pakaian perempuan terdapat beberapa ketentuan, yaitu, pertama, seorang perempuan tidak boleh menampakkan auratnya (aurat besar) kecuali di hadapan suaminya; kedua,batasan minimal pakaian perempuan yang berlaku secara umum adalah menutup aurat bagian atas (al-juyub al-‘ulwiyyah), yaitu daerah payudara dan bawah ketiak, dan menutup aurat bagian bawah (al-juyub as-sufliyah), bentuk berpakaian semacam ini bukan yang harus diperlakukan dalam melakukan interaksi sosial dalam masyarakat, tetapi dituntut untuk berpakaian sopan sesuai dengan etika, moral, dan adat masyarakat setempat; ketiga, Alqur’an dan sunnah secara pasti melarang segala aktivitas baik pasif maupun aktif yang dilakukan seseorang bila diduga dapat menimbulkan ransangan birahi kepada lawan jenisnya. Keempat, QS. An-Nur ayat 31 dan QS. Al-Ahzab ayat 59 merupakan tuntunan etika dan moral dalam berpakaian bagi perempuan agar mereka terhindar dari gangguan sosial ketika mereka keluar rumah untuk memenuhi kebutuhannya
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