13 research outputs found

    Kerangka Konseptual Kepuasan Pelanggan terhadap Jasa Transportasi Online Go Ride menggunakan Service Quality

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    Customer satisfaction in organizations is one of the critical succes factors for developing organizations.  To improve the quality of services, an organization must know customer satisfaction with the services provided by the organization. This study aims to present a conceptual framework that is used to analyze factors that affect service quality, customer loyalty and intention to repurchase or reuse online transportation services, Go-Ride. A conceptual framework proposed to measure Go-Ride customer satisfaction and its impact on customer loyalty and intention to repurchase. Starting from analyzing what is expected and what is felt by customer when the customer use these services with Servqual Method. This conceptual framework allows stakeholders in online transportation Go-Ride to understand customer and measure the quality of services. Conceptual Framework also can be used to set strategy and decision making improve the quality of customer services. In this study the transportation service provider can also divide customers into various categories, so the organization know how to position itself in the future that can be compared to quality of service with the competitors.Keywords : Go-Ride, Servqual, Customer Satisfaction, Servqual, Customer Loyalty, Intention to repurchas

    Analysis of E-Government Health Application Features Acceptance on Partner Applications During COVID-19

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    This study analyzes the factors that influence public acceptance of E-Government Health Application feature on partner applications. The current phenomenon in the health sector is the emergence of COVID-19 which has a very fast rate of human-to-human spread. To handle these cases, the government evaluates and looks for new innovations by cooperating with new partners and making E-Government Health Application feature accessible through partner applications to make it easier for the public. The successful use of the system is influenced by the acceptance and use of the individual who uses it. The research model used in this study is a modified UTAUT2 model with a total sample of 250 respondents. Model testing is done by statistical analysis using SmartPLS software. It was found that Facilitating Conditions and Behavioral Intention variables had a positive and significant effect on Use Behavior variable with t-statistic of 3.659 and 4.505. Habit had a positive and significant effect on Behavioral Intention and Use Behavior variables with t-statistic of 7.939 and 3.232. Meanwhile, the Experience moderating variable affects the Facilitating Condition on Behavioral Intention variable and affects the Behavioral Intention on Use Behavior variable with t-statistics of 2.069 and 1.972This study analyzes the factors that influence public acceptance of E-Government Health Application feature on partner applications. The current phenomenon in the health sector is the emergence of COVID-19 which has a very fast rate of human-to-human spread. To handle these cases, the government evaluates and looks for new innovations by cooperating with new partners and making E-Government Health Application feature accessible through partner applications to make it easier for the public. The successful use of the system is influenced by the acceptance and use of the individual who uses it. The research model used in this study is a modified UTAUT2 model with a total sample of 250 respondents. Model testing is done by statistical analysis using SmartPLS software. It was found that Facilitating Conditions and Behavioral Intention variables had a positive and significant effect on Use Behavior variable with t-statistic of 3.659 and 4.505. Habit had a positive and significant effect on Behavioral Intention and Use Behavior variables with t-statistic of 7.939 and 3.232. Meanwhile, the Experience moderating variable affects the Facilitating Condition on Behavioral Intention variable and affects the Behavioral Intention on Use Behavior variable with t-statistics of 2.069 and 1.97

    Framework Development for The Assessment of The Supply Chain Resilience Using The House of Risk

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has created uncertainty and disruptions in Supply Chain (SC), which has caused many researchers to re-study Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM) to deal with risks due to the pandemic. Moreover, the direction of post-pandemic SCRM research is more toward Supply Chain Resilience (SCRes) which is the ability of a supply chain to prepare for disruptions and return to normalcy. Many researchers have started researching SCRes to carry out SC recovery measures. However, research on the quantification of SCRes is still rare and is an opportunity. One of the risk quantification methods in the SCRM field is the House of Risk (HoR). This study develops a SCRes assessment framework with the help of the HoR. HoR has two stages, namely: HoR1 for identifying the risks and HoR2 for mitigating the risks. In this study, one step was added, namely the level assessment stage of resilience. The resilience profile is calculated based on the risk map and mitigation plan. This study succeeded in providing a framework for assessing the level of resilience using the help of HoR. Meanwhile, only an illustrative case study is used. Our future research is on how to apply the proposed resilience assessment framework to a real case. Keywords: supply chain, risk management, supply chain resilience, house of risk, framewor

    Implementation of Quality Function Deployment (QFD) for Decision Making in Improving Integrated Academic Information System

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    Academic Information System is a tool to support academic activities in implementing education in institutions effectively and efficiently. Institut Teknologi Telkom Surabaya is an institution that already has an integrated academic information system called I-Gracias. I-Gracias uses a single-user system for all applications. Most users of I-Gracias are students, so student satisfaction with integrated academic information system services can be used as benchmarks in determining I-Gracias improvement plans. One method used for the I-Gracias improvement process is the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) method. This method determines the student's desire for I-Gracias using the House of Quality (HOQ) matrix. The result of this research is that the QFD method can prioritize technical responses to the main obstacles for students in using I-Gracias by correlating Voice of Consumer (VOC) and technical response. The highest priority for technical response is coordinating with other units with a technical importance rating of 620.9 and a relative weight value of 21%. Next is to update the module regularly, socialize i-Gracias, meet management targets, receive criticism and suggestions, carry out regular checks and recruit HR if needed as a sequence of improvements to i-Gracias.Academic Information System is a tool to support academic activities in implementing education in institutions effectively and efficiently. Institut Teknologi Telkom Surabaya is an institution that already has an integrated academic information system called I-Gracias. I-Gracias uses a single-user system for all applications. Most users of I-Gracias are students, so student satisfaction with integrated academic information system services can be used as benchmarks in determining I-Gracias improvement plans. One method used for the I-Gracias improvement process is the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) method. This method determines the student's desire for I-Gracias using the House of Quality (HOQ) matrix. The result of this research is that the QFD method can prioritize technical responses to the main obstacles for students in using I-Gracias by correlating Voice of Consumer (VOC) and technical response. The highest priority for technical response is coordinating with other units with a technical importance rating of 620.9 and a relative weight value of 21%. Next is to update the module regularly, socialize i-Gracias, meet management targets, receive criticism and suggestions, carry out regular checks and recruit HR if needed as a sequence of improvements to i-Gracias

    Implementation of Importance-Performance Analysis on Integrated Information System Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto

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    Improving information systems is essential to increase user satisfaction which then has a positive impact on the institution. This study aims to measure the importance and performance of website service quality attributes on the i-Gracias ITTP using Importance Performance Analysis. This study integrate e-ServQual and WebQual to measure the level of student satisfaction with i-Gracias as a web-based information system service comprehensively. Generally, the satisfaction score shows that the performance of quality attributes does not meet the expectations of students as users. Of the 30 quality attributes measured, there is one attribute in quadrant I, 12 in quadrant II, 13 in quadrant III, and 3 in quadrant IV. The attributes that describe the fundamental functions of i-Gracias as an online service system are efficiency, security, fulfillment, information quality, and accessibility. The next priority for improvement for i-Gracias is efficiency improvement and process simplification

    Comparison study of transfer function and artificial neural network for cash flow analysis at Bank Rakyat Indonesia

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    The cash flow analysis is essential to examine the economic flows in the financial system. In this paper, the financial dataset at Bank Rakyat Indonesia was used, it recorded the sources of cash inflow and outflow during a particular period. The univariate time series model like the autoregressive and integrated moving average is the common approach to build the prediction based on the historical dataset. However, it is not suitable to estimate the multivariate dataset and to predict the extreme cases consisting of nonlinear pairs between independent-dependent variables. In this study, the comparison of using two types of models i.e., transfer function and artificial neural network (ANN) were investigated. The transfer function model includes the coefficient of moving average (MA) and autoregressive (AR), which allows the multivariate analysis. Furthermore, the artificial neural network allows the learning paradigm to achieve optimal prediction. The financial dataset was divided into training (70%) and testing (30%) for two types of models. According to the result, the artificial neural network model provided better prediction with achieved root mean square error (RMSE) of 0.264897 and 0.2951116 for training and testing respectively


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    Salah satu perusahaan yang menerapkan Wide Area Network (WAN) adalah perusahaan BUMN manufaktur energi yang memiliki salah satu kantor unit pusat di Surabaya. Perusahaan BUMN manufaktur energi mulai menerapkan WAN pada tahun 1998, penerapan WAN dipilih dengan alasan adanya keputusan implementasi ERP server di kantor pusat sehingga diperlukan WAN untuk akses aplikasi ERP dari setiap unit. Teknologi WAN yang diterapkan di perusahaan adalah Metro E (Metro Ethernet). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan evaluasi implementasi teknologi WAN pada sebuah perusahaan manufaktur pemasok energi di Indonesia. Informan penelitian berasal dari kantor pusat unit Surabaya perusahaan manufaktur energi dengan melakukan analisa kualitatif untuk mengeksplor hasil implementasi WAN di perusahaan. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa fenomena dari implementasi WAN yang memberikan manfaat namun membutuhkan biaya yang cukup besar terjadi pada implementasi WAN di perusahaan BUMN manufaktur energi

    Innovative Design of Ecommerce Mobile Application Using Kansei Engineering and System Usability Scale

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    Information technology is currently growing at a rapid speed in order to provide users with convenience, one of which is the ease of accessing the internet via mobile phones. The emergence of social media programs such as virtual buddy applications has contributed to the rapid increase in internet users, particularly via mobile phones. Social media, in addition to being a virtual friendship application, also functions as a promotional medium, one of which is the promotion of online shopping applications, hence boosting the number of online purchasing transactions in Indonesia. An online shopping platform was chosen to market university’s products, allowing customers to shop easier and may increase the growth rapidly. As a result, Kansei Engineering is used in this study to develop applications that tap into users’ emotional demands. In addition, to establish the optimum design for the user, the prototype was tested for performance and usability using a System Usability Scale (SUS) questionnaire. According to the study’s findings, the application will be created with the following feelings in mind: appealing, attractive, organised, practical, innovative, quick, effective, accessible, interactive, and unique. According to usability studies, the “friendly concept” application generated better levels of satisfaction than the other design concepts

    Pendekatan Sistem Dinamik Untuk Meningkatkan Efisiensi Dan Produktivitas Tebu Dalam Rangka Mendukung Keberlanjutan Budidaya Tebu (Studi Kasus : Jawa Timur)

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    Gula yang dihasilkan bahan baku tebu merupakan salah satu komuditi strategis dalam perekonomian dan industri gula di Indonesia yang sampai saat ini masih bergantung pada pasokan tebu. Gula menjadi salah satu kebutuhan pokok tertinggi setelah beras yang sampai saat ini masih menjadi masalah karena kekurangan produksi dalam negeri. Seiring dengan meningkatnya jumlah penduduk di Indonesia, maka konsumsi gula dan permintaan akan gula juga meningkat. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pokok gula, pemerintah mempunyai tantangan dalam meningkatkan produktivitas tebu secara maksimal. Salah satu tantangan tersebut adalah cuaca yang tidak menentu sehingga menyebabkan tebu gampang terserang hama dan penyakit dan hal tersebut dapat menurunkan produktivitas tebu mencapai 30% untuk semua hama dan penyakit. Selain cuaca, luas lahan juga berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan produksi gula. Lahan yang berpotensi untuk tanaman tebu dapat dimanfaatkan untuk perkebunan tebu sehingga dapat meningkatkan produktivitas lahan dan produksi tebu secara berkelanjutan. Dalam penelitian ini, peningkatan produktivitas tebu dimodelkan dengan menggunakan pendekatan sistem dinamis untuk menganalisa kondisi saat ini dan mengevaluasi permasalahan dengan memberikan alternatif skenario untuk meningkatkan produksi tebu. Hasil simulasi intensifikasi menunjukkan bahwa rata rata peningkatan produktivitas tebu sebesar 13.4 %. Hasil skenario ektensefikasi dapat meningkatkan produksi tebu sebesar 14.10%. Sedangkan gabungan skenario intensifikasi dan ektensifikasi dapat meningkatkan produksi gula sebesar 23.2%. Untuk sisa pemanfaatam hasil panen berupa silase pada tahun 2030 dapat menghasilkan 721,676 ton dan biobriket sebesar 414,107 ton setelah skenario intensifikasi dan ektensifikasi. Pemanfaatan hasil panen silase dan biobriket dapat dijual dan bermanfaat untuk mengurangi biaya produksi tebu. ========== Sugar produced by sugarcane is one of strategic commodities in sugar economy and industry in Indonesia which still depend on sugarcane supply. Sugar become the higest basic needs after rice and still a problem because of the shortage of domestic production. Over time with increasing population in Indonesia, the consumption of sugar and demand of sugar also increases. To complete the basic needs of sugar, the government has a challenge to increasing sugarcane productivity in maximum. One of the challenge is the uncertain weather because sugarcane to be easily attacked by pest and deseases. In addition to weather, the land area of cultivation alsi affects to increase of sugar production. In this study, increasing sugarcane productivity is modeled by using a dynamic system approach to analyze current condition and evaluate problems by poviding alternative scenarios to increase sugarcane production. The intensification simulation results show that the average increase of sugarcane productivity by average 13.4%. The result of extsensification scenario can increase sugar cane production by average 14.10%. While the combination of intensification and intensification scenarios can increase the production of sugar by average 23.2%. For utilization of harvest residue in year 2030 can produce 721,676 ton of sillage and 414,107 ton of biobriquettes after intensification and extensification scenario. The utilization of sugar cane harvest can be sold with economic value and can reduce the sugarcane production cost

    Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi Terhadap Kualitas Informasi Berdampak pada Individu Organisasi

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    ABSTRAK Budaya organisasi mempunyai peran terhadap kualitas sebuah informasi. Tidak sedikit organisasi yang menganut budaya tradisional (bapakisme) dalam operasional kesehariannya. Bapakisme adalah istilah budaya tradisional yang didominasi oleh kekuasaan pimpinan. Hal ini menjadi menarik saat sebuah budaya mampu membentuk pola kerja suatu organisasi. Pada penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa budaya bapakisme berpengaruh terhadap dampak individual suatu organisasi. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hal ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui dampak budaya bapakisme di Indonesia khususnya di organisasi yang dekat dengan masyarakat. Posyandu didirikan tahun 1984 menjadi objek pendukung penelitian karena merupakan organisasi yang masih aktif hingga saat ini. Posyandu dianggap mengalami perpindahan antara budaya tradisional dan modern. Penelitian ini berkontribusi dalam menjelaskan faktor apa saja yang berpengaruh dari budaya bapakisme terhadap dampak individu di organisasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah budaya bapakisme, kualitas informasi, kualitas sistem, kepuasan pengguna mempunyai pengaruh terhadap dampak individual.Kata kunci: budaya organisasi, bapakisme, kualitas informasi, kualitas sistem, kepuasan pengguna, dampak individualABSTRACT Organizational culture has a role in the quality of information. Not a few organizations that embrace traditional culture (bapakism) in their daily operations. Bapakism is a traditional term issued by the authorities. This becomes interesting when a culture makes work patterns of an organization. In this study shows the father's culture of individuals who represent organizations. The research method was conducted qualitatively and quantitatively. This is done to find out the influence of bapakism culture in Indonesia, especially in organizations close to the community. Posyandu was established in 1984 as a supporting object of research because it is an organization that is still active today. Considered as a substitute for traditional and modern traditions. This research contributes to explain what factors support the culture of bapakism on the influence of individuals in the organization. The results of this research are bapakism culture, information quality, system quality, user satisfaction related to individual influence.Keywords: Organizational culture, bapakism, information quality, system quality, user satisfaction, individual impac