8 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Bahasa Mandarin Bagi Karyawan Pt. World Innovative Telecommunication (OPPO Smartphone)

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    This community service focuses on training to improve Chinese language skills for employees of PT. World Innovative Telecommunication as a solution offered to the communication constraints between foreign nationals and employees so that employee performance decreases. This training for employees includes language skills training, namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In this training, they are taught how to communicate using Chinese daily and are also trained to master Chinese Business. The instructors in this training consisted of Chinese teachers and Indonesian teachers. From the training results obtained, it was seen that the participants were very enthusiastic in participating in the activities carried out, as evidenced by the participants asking several questions and responding actively to the presenters. In addition, there was a significant increase in test results over time, starting from the 1st exam to the final exam. The obstacle faced in this training was ignorance about Video conferences which caused the virtual room to become out of control so that the learning atmosphere was not conducive. Through this short training, it is hoped that employees will be facilitated to increase their knowledge and abilities, which will ultimately impact improving employee performance in doing work


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui respon implementasi bahan ajar digital Bahasa Mandarin “æµåˆ©è¯´æ±‰è¯­â€ [liúlì shuÅ hànyÇ”]. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan instrumen pendukung berupa lembar angket terbuka yang disebar melalui google form. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah guru pengampu mata pelajaran Bahasa Mandarin dan siswa SMA kelas X lintas minat SMAN 2 Malang. Data dalam penelitian ini merupakan hasil lembar angket terbuka yang diisi oleh guru pengampu mata pelajaran Bahasa Mandarin dan siswa SMA kelas X. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu respon siswa dan guru Bahasa Mandarin terhadap implementasi bahan ajar digital “æµåˆ©è¯´æ±‰è¯­â€ [liúlì shuÅ hànyÇ”]pada pembelajaran Bahasa Mandarin mendapatkan respon positif. Terdapat saran yang diberikan oleh peneliti agar penggunaan bahan ajar digital tersebut dapat digunakan secara maksimal. Bahan ajar tersebut lebih baik digunakan mengunakan jaringan internet agar dapat mengoperasikan video didalamnya, Saran selanjutnya yaitu untuk pengembang selanjutnya agar dapat mengembangkan bahan ajar sejenis yang dapat digunakan secara offline dan materi lainnya yang sesuai dengan Kurikulum yang berlaku. &nbsp

    Pelatihan Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Creative Exercise Bagi Guru MGMP Bahasa Mandarin

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    Bahasa Mandarin mempunyai peran yang penting, namun sangat disayangkan kondisi real dari pelaksanaan belum maksimal seperti kurang lengkapnya media dan bahan ajar. Berdasarkan kondisi tersebut peneliti juga telah melakukan observasi, wawancara dan menyebarkan angket dengan hasil bahwa garis besar yaitu bahan ajar yang sulit didapat/diakses, bahan ajar untuk SMA/MA belum seragam sehingga setiap sekolah berbeda yang menimbulkan ketidakseragaman pemahaman dan ketidaktercapaian indikator pada kurikulum. Hal tersebut membuat peneliti merasa penting adanya kegiatan pelatihan pengembangan bahan ajar. Metode pelatihan ini adalah metode pembimbingan dengan tahapan 1) Persiapan, 2) perancangan, 3) Pelaksanaan, 4) Evaluasi, dan 5) Pelaporan dan Luaran. Hasil pelatihan sesuai harapan pengabdi yaitu pemahaman guru terhadap penggunaan media dan bahan ajar bahasa Mandarin mengalami peningkatan terlihat sekali antusias para guru dalam mengikuti kegiatan, aktif berdiskusi dan mengajukan pertanyaan. Oleh karena itu Pelatihan berjudul “Pelatihan Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Creative Exercise bagi Guru MGMP Bahasa Mandarin Se-Malang Raya” ini penting dilakukan guna membantu anggota MGMP bahasa Mandarin Se-Malang Raya dalam memahami pengembangan bahan ajar. Kata kunci— Bahan ajar,  Pelatihan bahasa, Bahasa Mandarin Abstract  The Chinese Language has an important role, but unfortunately, the actual implementation conditions still need to be maximized, such as the lack of complete media and teaching materials. Based on these conditions, researchers have also conducted observations, interviews, and distributed questionnaires with the results that the outline is that teaching materials are difficult to obtain/access, teaching materials for SMA/MA are not uniform, so each school is different which causes uneven understanding and unattainable indicators in the curriculum. It makes researchers feel the importance of training activities for developing teaching materials. This training method is a mentoring method with the stages of 1) Preparation, 2) Design, 3) Implementation, 4) Evaluation, and 5) Reporting and Outcomes. The results of the training according to the authors’ expectations, namely the teacher’s understanding of the use of media and Chinese language teaching materials have increased. It is seen that the teachers' enthusiasm in participating in activities, actively discussing and asking questions. Therefore, the training entitled "Creative Exercise Teaching Material Development Training for Chinese Language MGMP Teachers in Malang Raya" is important to help members of the Malang Raya Chinese language MGMP understand the development of teaching materials. Keywords— Teaching materials, Training, Chinese languag

    New Designed Technology-Based Textbook of Indonesian for Foreign Speakers (BIPA)

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    BIPA learning for academic purposes for Chinese students has been going quite well so far. The implementation of this program has not been optimal, one of which is due to the absence of teaching materials that are ready to be used. Teaching materials are one of the components that determine the success of learning. The absence of adequate teaching materials has caused BIPA learning for academic purposes to seem sporadic. Moreover, Chinese students have language and cultural characteristics that are different from students in other programs, so Chinese students cannot make use of teaching materials commonly used in other BIPA programs. For this reason, an effort is needed to develop BIPA learning teaching materials for academic purposes. The model for developing teaching materials used in this study is the Borg and Gall model. The results of this study are in the form of teaching materials BIPA for academic purposes for intermediate-level learners. The results showed that the developed teaching materials were feasible to be implemented with an average score of 91.25

    The Learning Orientation of Mandarin among Third-year Students of Mandarin Study Program at Universitas Negeri Malang

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    The Mandarin Language Education Study Program at the Universitas Negeri Malang routinely reviews the curriculum once a year. The learning curriculum is intended to develop and be relevant to the needs of students at all time. One way to be able to adjust the curriculum to the needs of students is to know the learning orientation of students studying Mandarin. Hence, the purpose of this study was to determine the learning orientation of third-year students of Mandarin study program at the Universitas Negeri Malang in learning Mandarin. The supporting instruments used were questionnaire sheets and interview guidelines. Data were analysed using the Miles and Huberman analysis. The results show that there were four learning orientations in Mandarin, namely learning Mandarin because it is an important communication tool at this time; it is considered to be easier to get a job; the popularity of Mandarin; and Mandarin can increase self-confidence. Based on this, the orientation of learning Mandarin for third-year students of Mandarin study program at the Universitas Negeri Malang was extrinsic and instrumental. Keywords: learning orientation, Mandarin language, third-year student

    Developing a Learning Module 唐诗 (Tangshi)

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    Poetry is a critical element of literature which must be studied. The language in poetry is a parable language and difficult to understand because the language is rarely used in everyday life. Similarly, classical Chinese poetry preserves ancient Mandarin (文言文) [Wén yán wén] which was used in the past in China. This study is based on the findings of students’ difficulties in understanding the meaning of classical Chinese poetry. The research aimed to develop a learning medium in the form of a famous Chinese classical poetry learning module during the Tang Dynasty. There are three classical Chinese poems in this module, namely, the 静夜思 [ Jìngyè sī] by 李白 [Li Bai]; 春晓 [Chūnxiao] by ̌ 孟浩然 [Meng Haoran]; and 春夜 喜雨 [Chūnyè x ̌iyu] by ̌ 杜甫 [Du Fu], which are accompanied with an explanation of the poetry, learning activities, formative assignments, and evaluation. This study uses the Five Phases of Instructional Design Model developed by Cennamo and Kalk (2005). The results of this study indicate that the module is excellent and suitable for learning. Keywords: learning module, 唐诗 (Tangshi), literature Study, R&


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    ABSTRAKSaat ini, dengan meningkatnya hubungan politik, budaya, ekonomi dan pendidikan antara Indonesia dengan China, membuat hubungan antara kedua negara secara bertahap semakin hangat dan erat. Kedudukan bahasa Mandarin di Indonesia juga sangat penting. Hal tersebut terbukti dengan semakin meningkatnya kesadaran masyarakat akan pentingnya bahasa Mandarin dan diimbangi dengan semakin banyaknya instansi atau lembaga pendidikan yang membuka pembelajaran bahasa Mandarin. Dampak dari peningkatan investasi adalah dibangunnya banyak perusahaan dan membantu Indonesia dalam penyerapan tenaga kerja. Kelancaran kegiatan usaha tentunya perusahaan tersebut banyak membutuhkan tenaga kerja yang mampu berkomunikasi lancar bahasa Mandarin. Dari observasi dan wawancara yang dilakukan oleh peneliti terhadap MGMP bahasa Mandarin di kota Malang mendapatkan hasil data berupa guru memerlukan penguatan pemahaman terhadap wawasan bahasa Mandarin pada aspek materi lintas budaya. Metode pelaksanaan yang digunakan yaitu metode pembimbingan, diskusi dan ceramah. Data yang diambil selain dari data observasi selama dilaksanakan kegiatan juga mengambil data hasil kegiatan yang didapat berdasarkan angket yang disebar. Hasil dan tanggapan positif dapatkan dari hasil observasi maupun angket dan terlihat sekali antusias para guru dalam mengikuti kegiatan yang dilaksanakan dan juga pemahaman materi lintas budaya. Harapan peneliti melalui pelatihan yang singkat ini terjadinya jalinan komunikasi yang lebih baik guna membantu mengatasi kendala yang dihadapi dalam melakukan pembelajaran Mandarin. Kata kunci: pemahaman; mandarin; lintas budaya; MGMP. ABSTRACTCurrently, with the increasing political, cultural, economic and educational relations between Indonesia and China, the relations between the two countries are gradually getting warmer and closer. The position of Chinese in Indonesia is also very important. This is evidenced by the increasing public awareness of the importance of Chinese and balanced by the increasing number of institutions or educational institutions that open Chinese language learning. The smooth running of business activities, of course, the company requires a lot of workers who are able to communicate fluently in Chinese. From observations and interviews conducted by researchrers on The Chinese MGMP in the city of Malang obtained data results in the form of teachers requiring strengthening understanding of Chinese language insights on cross-cultural aspects of material. The implementation method used is the method of mentoring, discussion and lecture. The data taken apart from observation data during the activities carried out also took data from the results of activities obtained based on the questionnaires distributed. Positive results and responses were obtained from the results of observations and questionnaires and it was seen that the teachers were very enthusiastic in participating in the activities carried out and also understanding cross-cultural material. The researchers hope that through this short training, there will be a better communication network to help overcome the obstacles faced in learning Chinese. Keywords: understanding; chinese; cross-cultural; MGMP


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    The development of Chinese learning throughout the world has increased significantly from time to time, including in Indonesia. For this reason, an increase in public interest in Chinese learning causes an increase in the need for learning resources. The current obstacle is that teachers find it challenging to choose the right textbook for learning Chinese by the government curriculum. So it is necessary to reference Chinese teachers in Indonesia to select teaching materials suitable for learning Chinese, especially for high school students