685 research outputs found

    Motivos de práctica físico-deportiva en mujeres : diferencias entre practicantes y no practicantes

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    Para avanzar en el conocimiento de las razones de práctica de las mujeres comprometidas con una actividad físico-deportiva y contribuir a la disminución de las altas tasas de mujeres sedentarias, este trabajo estudia los motivos de práctica de mujeres practicantes versus no practicantes, con una muestra de 197 y 164 mujeres, respectivamente. Con una muestra de 328 mujeres, las propiedades psicométricas del Cuestionario de contenido de los objetivos en el ejercicio (GCEQ) de Sebire, Standage, y Vansteeskiste (2008) mostraron que la escala era válida y fiable para medir los motivos de práctica en mujeres. El motivo salud mostró valores medios más altos, seguido de la imagen y el desarrollo de la habilidad. Concretamente, las practicantes valoraban más la salud y desarrollo de la habilidad, mientras que las no practicantes declararon que practicarían por afiliación y reconocimiento social. Se discuten estos resultados respecto a la optimización de futuros programas orientados a la mujer.To advance the understanding of the practical reasons for women engaged in physical activity and help to reduce the high rates of sedentary women, this article examines the reasons behind physically active women versus non-physically active women, with a sample of 197 and 164 women, respectively. With a sample of 328 women, the psychometric properties of the Goal Content for Exercise Questionnaire (GCEQ) of Sebire, Standage, and Vansteeskiste (2008) showed that the scale was a valid and reliable measure of practical motives for women. As a reason, health showed higher average values, followed by image and skills development. Physically active women valued the health and skills development aspects, while nonphysically active women said they would do sports to be part of a group and for social recognition. These results are discussed with respect to the optimisation of programmes aimed at women.Para avançar na compreensão das razões das mulheres comprometidas com uma actividade físico-desportiva e contribuir para a redução das altas taxas de mulheres sedentárias, este trabalho examina os motivos para a prática de praticantes do sexo feminino versus não-praticantes com uma amostra de 197 e 164 mulheres, respectivamente. Com uma amostra de 328 mulheres, as propriedades psicométricas do Questionário de conteúdo dos objectivos no exercício (GCEQ) de Sebire, Standage, e Vansteeskiste (2008) mostraram que a escala era válida e fiável para medir os motivos da prática em mulheres. O motivo saúde apresentou valores médios mais elevados, seguido da imagem e desenvolvimento de competências. Especificamente, os praticantes valorizavam mais a saúde e o desenvolvimento da competência, enquanto as não-praticantes revelaram que praticariam por filiação e reconhecimento social. Esses resultados são discutidos relativamente à optimização dos futuros programas destinados às mulheres


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    Introduction The Pilates Method may be an appropriate form of exercise for improving trunk muscle strength, which can be a predictor of pain and musculoskeletal problems. Objective The objective of this study was to assess the effects of the Pilates Method on muscle strength and endurance of the extensor and flexor muscles of the trunk in a group of adolescents. Methods The sample consisted of 101 high-school students divided into two groups: an experimental group (EG=81) and a control group (CG=20). The intervention was carried out twice a week for six weeks. Each session lasted 55 minutes, and was divided into three parts: warm-up, main part, and cool down. Muscle strength was assessed by the Sörensen Test and the Bench Trunk-curl Test. The paired sample T-test, the T- test for independent samples, and Pearson’s correlation coefficient were applied. The size of the effect (d) was determined. Results The EG showed significant improvements in both tests (+34.77 points; +18.55 points, respectively). No changes were observed in the CG. The effect size was high (d\u3e1.15) for both tests, which means that the results were improved in a large proportion of the participants. The control group showed a decline in strength of the trunk musculature. In the experimental group, both boys and girls showed significant improvements in both tests. This strength increase was enhanced for a large proportion of boys and girls (d\u3e1.15). The effect size was high (d\u3e1.15) for both tests and for both sexes. Conclusion Six-weeks after implementing the Pilates Method in Physical Education lessons, the muscle strength of the flexor and extensor muscles of the trunk in adolescents was improved. Level of Evidence II; Therapeutic studies-Investigation of treatment results

    Autonomía Funcional y Sarcopenia: Efectos del entrenamiento de la Fuerza para la mejora de la Salud en personas mayores

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    El aumento progresivo de la población mayor a nivel mundial está demandando nuevos cambios económicos, políticos, sociales etc. Los avances en investigación sobre programas de actividad física y de ejercicio físico con el colectivo de personas mayores, demuestran beneficios tanto físicos como psicológicos en las personas mayores. Es demostrado, que el ejercicio físico previene enfermedades y puede ayudar a los mayores a tener una mayor calidad de vida. En este capítulo se abordará el envejecimiento desde el estudio de la autonomía funcional, la sarcopenia, los beneficios a través de la práctica regular y como se debe prescribir un programa de entrenamiento de la fuerza con el objetivo de ayudar a las personas mayores a tener una mayor salud y en consecuencia una mayor calidad de vida.Actividad Física y Deport

    Benefits of Adding an Aquatic Resistance Interval Training to a Nutritional Education on Body Composition, Body Image Perception and Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in Older Women

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    The human population is increasing due to lengthening life expectancy, but the quality of life and health of people is moving in the opposite direction. The purpose of this study is to evaluate how aquatic resistance interval training can influence body composition, body image perception and adherence to the Mediterranean diet (MD) in older women participants in a nutrition education program and to study the relation between these variables. Thirty-four participants aged 69 ± 4 years were randomly assigned into two groups: experimental (aquatic resistance interval training plus nutritional intervention) and control (nutritional intervention). The intervention consisted of resistance training in an aquatic environment carried out for 14 weeks (three sessions per week; 60 min each). Body composition, body image perception and adherence to MD diet were evaluated at baseline and 14 weeks. No significant differences were found between groups regarding body image perception and adherence to the MD. There was a significant increase in muscle mass (kg) (p < 0.001) and a significant decrease in fat mass (kg) (p < 0.001) in the intervention group when compared to the control group. The addition of aquatic resistance interval training to a nutritional intervention was not sufficient to change body image perception and adherence to MD but produced improvement in body composition (through an increase in muscle mass and decrease on fat mass) in older women

    Movement velocity can be used to estimate the relative load during the bench press and leg press exercises in older women

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    Background: Movement velocity has been proposed as an effective tool to prescribe the load during resistance training in young healthy adults. This study aimed to elucidate whether movement velocity could also be used to estimate the relative load (i.e., % of the one-repetition maximum (1RM)) in older women. Methods: A total of 22 older women (age = 68.2 ± 3.6 years, bench press 1RM = 22.3 ± 4.7 kg, leg press 1RM = 114.6 ± 15.9 kg) performed an incremental loading test during the free-weight bench press and the leg press exercises on two separate sessions. The mean velocity (MV) was collected with a linear position transducer. Results: A strong linear relationship between MV and the relative load was observed for the bench press (%1RM = -130.4 MV + 119.3; r2 = 0.827, standard error of the estimate (SEE) = 6.10%1RM, p < 0.001) and leg press exercises (%1RM = -158.3 MV + 131.4; r2 = 0.913, SEE = 5.63%1RM, p < 0.001). No significant differences were observed between the bench press and leg press exercises for the MV attained against light-medium relative loads (>70%1RM), while the MV associated with heavy loads (>80%1RM) was significantly higher for the leg press. Conclusions: These results suggest that the monitoring of MV could be useful to prescribe the loads during resistance training in older women. However, it should be noted that the MV associated with a given %1RM is significantly lower in older women compared to young healthy individuals

    Impact of a motivational resistance-training programme on adherence and body composition in the elderly

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    Lack of physical activity is one of the major causes for obesity and functional disability in the elderly. Including regular exercise in the elderly’s lifestyle is not an easy task. The main objective was to analyse the effect of a motivational resistance-training programme on satisfying the individual’s psychological needs, level of self-determination and body composition. A quasi-experimental study was performed with 47 volunteers (29 females, 18 males) of 67–75 years of age, divided into two groups: experimental (n = 27) and control (n = 20). A 12-week intervention programme was performed, with a total of 36 sessions. The results of the inter-group analysis indicated significant differences in the post-test measurement between the experimental group and the control group (in favour of the experimental group) regarding basic psychological needs. The experimental group, in comparison to the control group, significantly decreased their percentage of fat mass and increased muscle mass. Body weight and BMI values increased in the control group, while significantly decreasing in the experimental group. In conclusion, the motivational resistance-training programme in the elderly gave rise to positive significant changes at the physical, psychological and social levels, according to the definition of health by the World Health Organization

    Técnica del Rompecabeza vs. al trabajo en grupo tradicional: rendimiento académico y satisfacción de los estudiantes universitarios

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    Alternative learning methods such as the Jigsaw Puzzle (JP) technique have gained prominence over traditional teaching to promote the acquisition of skills in Higher Education. The aim of this research was to compare the academic performance and satisfaction of students depending on whether the JP technique or traditional group work was used. This is a cross-sectional study that involved 61 students in their 2nd year of the Degree in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences (20.11 ± 0.43 years). In one class group, the JP technique was applied (n = 29), while the traditional technique was used in the other group (n = 32). After the end of the workshop, the grade and the degree of satisfaction obtained with the techniques used were evaluated. The JP group obtained a grade (X = 8.52; SD = 0.5) and a degree of satisfaction (X = 7.28; SD = 1.5) which were significantly higher than the traditional group (rating: X = 5.58; SD = 0.6; satisfaction: X = 6.34; SD = 1.6) (p ˂ .001 and p = .023, respectively). A correlation was found between grade and satisfaction (ICC = .360; p = .004). In conclusion, conducting a one-off session based on the JP technique versus using a traditional technique yields better grades and greater satisfaction with the teaching-learning process.Los métodos de aprendizaje alternativos como la técnica del Jigsaw Puzzle (JP) han cobrado relevancia frente a la enseñanza tradicional para promover la adquisición de las competencias en la Educación Superior. El objetivo de la presente investigación fue comparar el rendimiento académico y el grado de satisfacción de los alumnos en función de si se utilizaba la técnica JP o el trabajo en grupo tradicional. Se trata de una investigación trasversal. En el estudio participaron 61 alumnos de 2º curso del Grado en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte (20.11 ± 0,43 años). En un grupo de clase se aplicó la técnica JP (n = 29) y en el otro grupo una metodología tradicional (n = 32). Tras la aplicación del taller se evaluó la calificación obtenida en el taller y el grado de satisfacción con la técnica utilizada. El grupo JP obtuvo una calificación (X = 8.52; DS = 0.5) y un grado de satisfacción (X = 7.28; DS = 1.5) con la técnica empleada superior al grupo de trabajo tradicional (calificación: X = 5.58; SD = 0.6; satisfacción: X = 6.34; SD = 1.6) de manera significativa (p ˂ .001 and p = .023, respectivamente). Se encontró una correlación entre la calificación y la satisfacción (CCI = .360; p = .004). En conclusión, la realización de una sesión puntual basada en la técnica JP frente al uso de una técnica tradicional reporta mejores calificaciones y mayor satisfacción con el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje.Actividad Física y Deport

    COVID-19 and Social Isolation: A Case for Why Home-Based Resistance Training Is Needed to Maintain Musculoskeletal and Psychosocial Health for Older Adults

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    The coronavirus disease outbreak in China has become the world’s leading health headline and is causing major panic and public concerns. Public health guidelines in many countries are suggesting that people stay at home to avoid human-to-human transmission of the virus, which may lead to reduced physical activity and greater feelings of isolation. Such effects may be particularly problematic in older adults due to their reduced physical capacities and their potential for increased mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression. A potential way to minimize many of these side effects of stay-at-home guidelines may be progressive home-based resistance training. A simple way to provide progressive overload in home-based resistance training may involve elastic resistance, which has been demonstrated to provide similar benefits to traditional resistance training equipment typically found in gymnasiums. Recommendations on how older adults can safely and effectively perform elastic resistance training at home are provided.Actividad Física y Deport

    Effect of aquatic resistance interval training and dietary education program on physical and psychological health in older women: Randomized controlled trial

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    Due to demographic changes, the world’s population is progressively aging. The physiological deterioration of the older adult may lead to reduced balance capacity and increased risk of falls, among others, due to the prevalence of degenerative diseases. Physical exercise can be effective in reducing the risk of disease and slowing functional decline in older people. The aim of the research is to test the effects of aquatic resistance training and dietary education on health indicators, strength, balance, functional autonomy, perception of satisfaction with life. Thirty-four participants aged 69 ± 4 years were randomly assigned into two groups: experimental (aquatic resistance interval training) and control group (no intervention). The intervention consisted of resistance training in an aquatic environment carried out for 14 weeks (three sessions per week: 60 min each). All variables were analyzed twice; pre - post intervention. Aquatic resistance training has positive effects on strength (p < 0.001), functional self-sufficiency (p < 0.001) and aerobic capacity (p < 0.001), however, no significant differences were observed in the perception of satisfaction with life and balance. Research results suggest that older women who engage in regular, scheduled aquatic resistance training have greater autonomy in performing activities of daily living, agility, gait control, and body composition variables (lower fat compartment and greater muscle mass)

    Acute Effects of Work Rest Interval Duration of 3 HIIT Protocols on Cycling Power in Trained Young Adults

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    High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is described as a succession of short duration and maximum or near-maximum intensity efforts, alternated by recovery periods during which exercise continues at a lower intensity (active recovery) or is interrupted (passive recovery). Our objective was to evaluate the acute responses of three HIIT protocols of different work/rest interval times over the total time of the session, with self-selectable load and up to exhaustion, “all out”.The sample was composed of 22 male participants (n = 22) between 19 and 24 years old. The HIIT protocol consisted of one of the three HIIT protocols, of 30, 60 and 90 s density ratio 1:1 and with passive rest, with a total exercise duration of 10 min. The test was performed in a cycloergometer set in workload mode independent of the pedaling frequency. The comparison of the three HIIT protocols shows that the duration of the work/rest intervals, starting from 30 s of work, in the cycloergometer, there are no significant differences in the levels of lactate concentration in the blood, nor in the heart rate, since a similar amount is obtained in the three protocols. The percentage of maximum power developed reached in each HIIT protocol is related to the duration of the working intervals