1,290 research outputs found

    Influencia del estado nutricional sobre las complicaciones tras cirugía electiva de cáncer colorrectal en el adulto mayor

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    El cáncer colorrectal tiene una elevada incidencia que esta aumentado en los últimos años sobre todo en el adulto mayor. Las complicaciones posquirúrgicas son frecuentes a pesar de la implementación progresiva de protocolos ERAS, entre ellas, la desnutrición es uno de los factores que influyen en el aumento de las complicaciones y la mortalidad tras la cirugía.Colorectal cancer has a high incidence that’s is increasing in recent years especially in the elderly. Postoperative complications are frequent despite the progressive implementation of ERAS protocol, among them, malnutrition is one of the factors that influence the increase in complications and mortality after surgery.Medicin

    Current Concepts in Pediatric Robotic Assisted Pyeloplasty

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    Robotic surgery in pediatric urology has been gaining popularity since its introduction almost two decades ago. Robotic assisted pyeloplasty is the most common robotic procedure performed in pediatric urology. Advances in robotic technology, instrumentation, patient care and surgical expertise have allowed the correction of ureteropelvic junction (UPJ) obstruction in most patients using this minimally invasive technique. The excellent experience with robotic assisted pyeloplasty has challenged other approaches as a new standard for the treatment of UPJ obstruction. In this review, we will describe the technique as it relates to the different robotic platforms, review the surgical experience and compare its results to other surgical approaches. Also, we will discuss patient and parent satisfaction, cost and financial considerations, along with evaluating the future of robotic surgery in the treatment of UPJ obstruction

    Gender diversity on boards: Determinants that underlie the proposals for female directors

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    [Abstract] Although the gender composition of corporate boards and the contribution of female directors to corporate governance have been previously analysed, few studies have investigated the factors that may help contribute to increasing the still scarce presence of women on boards. Therefore, using three-stage least squares (3SLS) estimation on a data panel comprising the 100 largest companies in the world according to the 2019 Fortune Global 500 ranking, including data on (re)election proposals for corporate board members, this research aims to analyse the influence of the number of men's nominations, board interlocks, director tenure, geographical area, the sector to which the firms belong, and the relevance of firms on women's nominations for boards of directors. The results show the factors that facilitate the presence of women on boards. In addition, the different influences that remain in the election of female and male directors when considering factors related to the experience, expertise, and networks of directors or the visibility of firms can also be observed. This study contributes to the knowledge of gender diversity on boards, shedding light on the factors that might lead to gender-balanced boards. It could also help companies and policymakers design strategies to build more egalitarian boards

    Color preference of Sergentomyia minuta (Diptera: Phlebotominae) determined using Flebocollect do it yourself light traps based on LED technology

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    Whether phlebotomine sand fies show a preference for diferent light colors remains controversial. As light-capture methods are widely used to study sand fies, knowing the visual stimuli they respond to could help the design of novel control tools to prevent their attraction to hosts. We have detected a signifcant preference of male Sergentomyia minuta for green and red light sources. Accordingly, male S. minuta were 2.16 and 2.01 times more likely to be lured by Flebocollect model traps with green and red diode-lights, respectively, than the commercial CDC traps. Flebocollect traps are homemade light traps developed through citizen science. Dipterans are widely considered unable to distinguish the color red so this fnding was unexpected. To our knowledge, this is the frst description of a color preference in a species of the genus Sergentomyia. Our research also confrms the great potential of Flebocollect light traps for use in medical entomology studiesOpen Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Natur

    Senior Games

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    Nuestro proyecto pretende prestar atención a un grupo de personas que no siempre recibe toda la que necesita. Estas son las personas mayores, las cuales sufren un declive cognitivo debido al envejecimiento. Debido a esto, hemos desarrollado un videojuego serio que servirá para estudiar y analizar (GA) las capacidades de las personas mayores, como: memoria, orientación, atención, planificación o percepción. No pretendemos que el videojuego resuelva ni mejore los deterioros o problemas que presenten los jugadores por sí mismo. La función del videojuego es recoger, de manera entretenida y a la vez rigurosa, datos sobre el comportamiento de nuestros jugadores frente a situaciones típicas de la vida cotidiana que puedan suponer un reto para sus capacidades cognitivas. Estos datos recogidos se envían estandarizados a un servidor para su almacenamiento y cuantificación. Nuestro objetivo es que la información resultante pueda ser utilizada por psicólogas expertas en este ámbito, para detectar de manera prematura detrimentos en las capacidades de personas mayores. Lo cual, pueda servir para evitar la evolución de problemas más graves, o para encontrar posibles soluciones a los ya encontrados. Siguiendo este proceso el trabajo podría aportar beneficios terapéuticos a las personas mayores

    Perspectivas de la experimentación animal en ciencias biomédicas

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    En la presente revisión bibliográfica se pretende realizar un ejercicio de divulgación científica de un tema tan controvertido como es la experimentación con animales en los últi¬mos siglos, los orígenes, sujetos y objetivos de esta práctica, el estado actual tanto ético como legislativo y lo que nos cabe esperar de la misma en los años venideros. Una visión verificada con un importante componente social de hacia dónde se dirigen este tipo de ensayos, los retos, el futuro que nos cabe esperar y las perspectivas que del mismo se derivan en relación al ejercicio de la actividad.In the present literature review intends to carry out an exercise of scientific disclosure of such a controversial topic as is the experimentation with animals in the past few centuries, the mos signal sources, subjects and objectives of this practice, the current state both ethical as legislative and what we can expect from the same in the coming years. A vision verified with an important social component of where they are headed this type of testing, the challenges, the future that we can expect and the prospects arising from it in relation to the exercise of the activity

    Stabilisation of mixed peptide/lipid complexes in selective antifungal hexapeptides

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    AbstractThe design of antimicrobial peptides could have benefited from structural studies of known peptides having specific activity against target microbes, but not toward other microorganisms. We have previously reported the identification of a series of peptides (PAF-series) active against certain postharvest fungal phytopathogens, and devoid of toxicity towards E. coli and S. cerevisiae [López-Garcı́a et al. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 68 (2002) 2453]. The peptides inhibited the conidia germination and hyphal growth. Here, we present a comparative structural characterisation of selected PAF peptides obtained by single-amino-acid replacement, which differ in biological activity. The peptides were characterised in solution using fluorescence and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopies. Membrane and membrane mimetic–peptide interactions and the lipid-bound structures were studied using fluorescence with the aid of extrinsic fluorescent probes that allowed the identification of mixed peptide/lipid complexes. A direct correlation was found between the capability of complex formation and antifungal activity. These studies provide a putative structural basis for the mechanism of action of selective antifungal peptides

    Evaluating the pharmacological response in fluorescence microscopy images: The Δm algorithm

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    Current drug discovery procedures require fast and effective quantification of the pharmacological response evoked in living cells by agonist compounds. In the case of G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs), the efficacy of a particular drug to initiate the endocytosis process is related to the formation of endocytic vesicles or endosomes and their subsequent internalisation within intracellular compartments that can be observed with high spatial and temporal resolution by fluorescence microscopy techniques. Recently, an algorithm has been proposed to evaluate the pharmacological response by estimating the number of endosomes per cell on time series of images. However, the algorithm was limited by the dependence on some manually set parameters and in some cases the quality of the image does not allow a reliable detection of the endosomes. Here we propose a simple, fast and automated image analysis method?the ?m algorithm- to quantify a pharmacological response with data obtained from fluorescence microscopy experiments. This algorithm does not require individual object detection and computes the relative increment of the third order moment in fluorescence microscopy images after filtering with the Laplacian of Gaussian function. It was tested on simulations demonstrating its ability to discriminate different experimental situations according to the number and the fluorescence signal intensity of the simulated endosomes. Finally and in order to validate this methodology with real data, the algorithm was applied to several time-course experiments based on the endocytosis of the mu opioid receptor (MOP) initiated by different agonist compounds. Each drug displayed a different ?m sigmoid time-response curve and statistically significant differences were observed among drugs in terms of efficacy and kinetic parameters

    Análisis de indicadores urbanos como base para la definición de las zonas de bajas emisiones. Zaragoza como caso de estudio.

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    En los últimos años, nuestro modelo de desplazamiento ha priorizado el uso del vehículo privado. Como consecuencia, las ciudades han empeorado su calidad del aire llegando a niveles de riesgo para la salud. Desde Europa se ha tratado de establecer unas medidas que regulen las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero contribuyendo a mitigar los efectos del cambio climático. En España se han aprobado unas estrategias que trabajan en línea con las planteadas en Eu-ropa. Una de esas estrategias es la delimitación de zonas de bajas emisiones (ZBE). Ciudades como Madrid o Barcelona ya las han llevado a la práctica generado gran controversia. La falta de un documento general que las regule es una de las razones. Este Trabajo trata de dar solución a esta carencia a través del análisis de indicadores urbanos que puedan servir como base para la delimitación de las ZBE a nivel general. El estudio se ha realizado en Zaragoza por presentar características socioeconómicas que la convierten en un modelo extrapolable al resto de ciudades. Para ello, se han estudiados qué factores afectan por su naturaleza a la calidad del aire, utilizando para ello una metodología estadística que permita establecer relaciones entre ellos. De esta forma, se han obtenido como resultado la identificación de zonas que son susceptibles de ser reguladas y que corresponde actualmente con áreas con problemas de movilidad. Las ZBE deberán contar con un seguimiento de los indicadores urbanos para revisar su adecuación. Se plantea como desarrollo futuro a este trabajo el estudio de una metodología que ayude a establecer unas directrices generales de supervisión y seguimiento.<br /

    Identification and modeling of a novel chloramphenicol resistance protein detected by functional metagenomics in a wetland of Lerma, Mexico

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    The exploration of novel antibiotic resistance determinants in a particular environment may be limited because of the presence of uncultured microorganisms. In this work, a culture independent approach based on functional metagenomics was applied to search for chloramphenicol resistance genes in agro-industrial wastewater in Lerma de Villada, Mexico. To this end, a metagenomic library was generated in Escherichia coli DH10B containing DNA isolated from environmental samples of the residual arsenic-enriched (10 mg/ml) effl uent. One resistant clone was detected in this library and further analyzed. An open reading frame similar to a multidrug resistance protein from Aeromonas salmonicida and responsible for chloramphenicol resistance was identifi ed, sequenced, and found to encode a member of the major facilitator superfamily (MFS). Our results also showed that the expression of this gene restored streptomycin sensitivity in E. coli DH10B cells. To gain further insight into the phenotype of this MFS family member, we developed a model of the membrane protein multiporter that, in addition, may serve as a template for developing new antibiotics. [Int Microbiol 2013; 16(2):103-111]Keywords: Escherichia coli; chloramphenicol; functional metagenomics; major facilitator superfamily; homology models; membrane proteins; arseni