20 research outputs found

    Identificació de marcadors biològics amb potencial per a l’optimització sensorial i tecnològica de la carn de porc i pernil curat

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    L’aplicació de tecnologies innovadores per a l’anàlisi de la qualitat (proteòmica) i per al processat de productes carnis (envasament actiu i altes pressions hidrostàtiques) amb la finalitat d’optimitzar la qualitat i la seguretat de productes carnis llestos per al consum fou evaluat. Els resultats obtinguts amb l’anàlisi proteòmic van permetre la detecció de pèptids/ proteïnes candidats a marcadors proteics de la qualitat dels lloms i dels pernils. La detecció d’aquests marcadors a la matèria primera (llom i pernil fresc) ajudaria a predir la qualitat final dels productes carnis processats (llom cuit i pernil curat), i proporcionaria una eina per al control de la qualitat de la carn de porc. No obstant, la validació del paper d’aquestes proteïnes a la qualitat final dels productes carnis és necessària abans de poder-los considerar marcadors proteics. Per altra banda, es va estudiar la possiblitat de millorar la seguretat alimentària de llonganissa sense sal afegida obtinguda amb el procés QDS® process a través l’ús de tecnologies innovadores (envasament actiu i altes pressions hidrostàtiques). La llonganissa sense sal afegida no va permetre el creixement de L. monocytogenes. No obstant, el patogen seria capaç de sobreviure durant la vida útil del producte en cas de recontaminació. L’envasament antimicrobià amb la inclusió de nisina com a antimicrobià natural es pot considerar un mètode efectiu per a millorar la seguretat de la llonganissa estudiada. L. monocytogenes va sobreviure al tractament d’alta pressió hidrostàtica (600 MPa, 5 min, 12ºC) gràcies a les característiques del producte de baixa activitat d’aigua i presència de lactat a la seva formulació. Per aquest motiu, la APH no es consideraria un tractament apropiat per a reduir la presència de L. monocytogenes en aquest tipus de producte.Application of novel technologies for quality measurement (proteomics) and for meat products processing (active packaging and high pressure processing) with the objective to optimise the quality and safety of ready-to-eat meat products was assessed. Candidate soluble protein markers for the quality of cooked loin and dry-cured hams were identified. The detection of these markers in the raw material would help to predict the final quality of meat products and would provide us with a tool for raw material quality control and selection. However, further validation of the involvement of these proteins in meat quality is needed before considering them as protein markers. On the other hand, sliced dry-fermented sausages with no added sodium salt obtained with the QDS® process proved to be products not able to support L. monocytogenes growth. However, the pathogen would be able to survive during the product shelf-life, if post-processing contamination occurred. Antimicrobial packaging with the inclusion of nisin as a natural antimicrobial could be considered as an effective method to improve the safety of sliced dry-fermented sausages with no added sodium salt obtained with the QDS® process. L. monocytogenes was able to survive to high pressure processing (600 MPa, 5 min, 12ºC) due to the conditions of the product under study of low water activity and presence of lactate in its formulation. Therefore, HPP could not be considerate an appropriate treatment to reduce L. monocytogenes in the type of dry-fermented sausage under study

    Mejora de la seguridad alimentaria en productos cárnicos listos para el consumo mediante la aplicación combinada de tecnologías de conservación emergentes

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    La demanda creixent de productes mínimament processats i llestos per al consum planteja un important repte per a la seguretat alimentaria i ha conduit al desenvolupament de tractaments suaus que permetin inhibir el creixement microbià conservant la qualitat dels aliments. Els treballs recollits a la present tesi van plantejar diverses estratègies consistents en la combinació d'obstacles al creixement microbià per a millorar la seguretat de productes carnis llestos per al consum. Amb l'objectiu de millorar la seguretat dels embotits poc àcids, es va valorar l'aplicació del tractament per alta pressió hidrostàtica (APH) i l'addició de cultius iniciadors en embotits poc àcids. Per altra banda, per a reduir el risc de L. monocytogenes durant la conservació del pernil cuit llescat, es va avaluar l'efecte combinat de l'addició d'antimicrobians naturals (lactatat-diacetat i enterocines), afegits directament o a través de l'envasament antimicrobià, i el tractament per alta pressió hidrostàtica.The growing demand of minimally processed ready to eat food products raises a challenge for the food safety and has derived in the development of mild treatments effective to inhibit microbial growth without damaging food quality. The articles collected in this work studied the application of some strategies consisting of a combination of hurdles to inhibit microbial growth in order to improve the safety of ready to eat meat products. On one hand, the combined effect of high pressure processing and addition of starter cultures to improve the safety of low acid fermented sausages (fuet and chorizo) was assessed. On the other hand, the combination of high pressure processing and addition of natural antimicrobials (lactate-diacetate and enterocins), added directly or included in antimicrobial packaging, in order to reduce the risk of L. monocytogenes during storage of sliced cooked ham was evaluated

    High pressure induced changes in beef muscle proteome: correlation with quality parameters

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    The relationship between pressure induced changes on individual proteins and selected quality parameters in bovine longissimus thoracis et lumborum (LTL) muscle was studied. Pressures ranging from 200 to 600 MPa at 20 °C were used. High pressure processing (HPP) at pressures above 200 MPa induced strong modifications of protein solubility, meat colour and water holding capacity (WHC). The protein profiles of non-treated and pressure treated meat were observed using two dimensional electrophoresis. Proteins showing significant differences in abundance among treatments were identified by mass spectrometry. Pressure levels above 200 MPa strongly modified bovine LTL proteome with main effects being insolubilisation of sarcoplasmic proteins and solubilisation of myofibrillar proteins. Sarcoplasmic proteins were more susceptible to HPP effects than myofibrillar. Individual protein changes were significantly correlated with protein solubility, L*, b* and WHC, providing further insights into the mechanistic processes underlying HPP influence on quality and providing the basis for the future development of protein markers to assess the quality of processed meats

    Active and intelligent packaging systems for a modern society

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    Active and intelligent packaging systems are continuously evolving in response to growing challenges from a modern society. This article reviews: (1) the different categories of active and intelligent packaging concepts and currently available commercial applications, (2) latest packaging research trends and innovations, and (3) the growth perspectives of the active and intelligent packaging market. Active packaging aiming at extending shelf life or improving safety while maintaining quality is progressing towards the incorporation of natural active agents into more sustainable packaging materials. Intelligent packaging systems which monitor the condition of the packed food or its environment are progressing towards more cost-effective, convenient and integrated systems to provide innovative packaging solutions. Market growth is expected for active packaging with leading shares for moisture absorbers, oxygen scavengers, microwave susceptors and antimicrobial packaging. The market for intelligent packaging is also promising with strong gains for time-temperature indicator labels and advancements in the integration of intelligent concepts into packaging materials

    High pressure induced changes on sarcoplasmic protein fraction and quality indicators

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    The combined effect of pressure and mild temperature treatments on bovine sarcoplasmic proteins and quality parameters was assessed. M. longissimus dorsi samples were pressurised in a range of 200–600 MPa and 10–30 °C. High Pressure Processing (HPP) induced a reduction of protein solubility (p < 0.001) compared to non-treated controls (NT), more pronounced above 200 MPa. HPP at pressures higher than 200 MPa induced a strong modification (p < 0.001) of meat colour and a reduction of water holding capacity (WHC). SDS–PAGE analysis demonstrated that HPP significantly modified the composition of the sarcoplasmic protein fraction. The pressurisation temperature mainly affected protein solubility and colour; a smaller effect was observed on protein profiles. Significant correlations (p < 0.001) between sarcoplasmic protein solubility and both expressible moisture (r = −0.78) and colour parameters (r = −0.81 to −0.91) suggest that pressure induced denaturation of sarcoplasmic proteins could influence to some extent WHC and colour modifications of beef. Changes in protein band intensities were also significantly correlated with protein solubility, meat lightness and expressible moisture. These results describe the changes induced by HPP on sarcoplasmic proteins and confirm a relationship between modification of the sarcoplasmic protein fraction and alteration of meat quality characteristic

    High-pressure processing and antimicrobial biodegradable packaging to control Listeria monocytogenes during storage of cooked ham

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    The efficiency of combining high-pressure processing (HPP) and active packaging technologies to control Listeria monocytogenes growth during the shelf life of artificially inoculated cooked ham was assessed. Three lots of cooked ham were prepared: control, packaging with alginate films, and packaging with antimicrobial alginate films containing enterocins. After packaging, half of the samples were pressurized. Sliced cooked ham stored at 6 °C experienced a quick growth of L. monocytogenes. Both antimicrobial packaging and pressurization delayed the growth of the pathogen. However, at 6 °C the combination of antimicrobial packaging and HPP was necessary to achieve a reduction of inoculated levels without recovery during 60 days of storage. Further storage at 6 °C of pressurized antimicrobial packed cooked ham resulted in L. monocytogenes levels below the detection limit (day 90). On the other hand, storage at 1 °C controlled the growth of the pathogen until day 39 in non-pressurized ham, while antimicrobial packaging and storage at 1 °C exerted a bacteriostatic effect for 60 days. All HPP lots stored at 1 °C led to counts <100 CFU/g at day 60. Similar results were observed when combining both technologies. After a cold chain break no growth of L. monocytogenes was observed in pressurized ham packed with antimicrobial films, showing the efficiency of combining both technologies

    Use of antimicrobial biodegradable packaging to control Listeria monocytogenes during storage of cooked ham

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    The antimicrobial effect against L. monocytogenes of biodegradable films (alginate, zein and polyvinyl alcohol) containing enterocins was investigated. Survival of the pathogen was studied by means of challenge tests performed at 6 °C during 8 and 29 days, for air-packed and vacuum-packed sliced cooked ham, respectively. Air packaging was tested with two concentrations of enterocins (200 and 2000 AU/cm2). Control air-packed cooked ham showed an increase of L. monocytogenes from 104 to 107 CFU/g after 8 days. By contrast, packaging with antimicrobial films effectively slowed down the pathogen's growth, leading to final counts lower than in control lots. Air-packaging with alginate films containing 2000 AU/cm2 of enterocins effectively controlled L. monocytogenes for 8 days. An increase of only 1 log unit was observed in zein and polyvinyl alcohol lots at the same enterocin concentration. Vacuum packaging with films containing enterocins (2000 AU/cm2) also delayed the growth of the pathogen. No increase from inoculated levels was observed during 15 days in antimicrobial alginate films. After 29 days of storage, the lowest counts were obtained in samples packed with zein and alginate films containing enterocins, as well as with zein control films. The most effective treatment for controlling L. monocytogenes during 6 °C storage was vacuum-packaging of sliced cooked ham with alginate films containing 2000 AU/cm2 of enterocins. From the results obtained it can concluded that antimicrobial packaging can improve the safety of sliced cooked ham by delaying and reducing the growth of L. monocytogenes

    High pressure processing of swede (Brassica napus): Impact on quality properties

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    The effects of combined pressure/temperature treatments (200, 400 and 600 MPa, at 20 and 40 °C) on the physical and nutritional properties of swede roots (Brassica napus var. napobrassica) were assessed. Changes induced by high pressure processing (HPP) on the original properties of swede samples were compared with those produced by thermal treatment (blanching). All studied treatments altered the physical properties of swede, resulting in a loss of hardness and water binding capacity. The strongest alteration of texture was observed after HPP at 400 MPa, while 600 MPa was the treatment that better preserved the texture properties of swede. Blanching caused less total colour changes (ΔE) than HPP. Antioxidant properties of swede were measured as total antioxidant capacity, ascorbic acid and total phenol content. All treatments caused a loss of antioxidant capacity, which was less pronounced after HPP at 600 MPa and 20 °C and blanching. Four glucosinolates were detected in swede roots, glucoraphanin, progoitrin, glucobrassicanapin and glucobrassicin. Glucobrassicanapin and glucobrassicin contents were reduced with all studied treatments. Progoitrin content was not affected by blanching and HPP at 200 MPa. HPP at higher pressure levels (400 and 600 MPa), though, induced an increase of progoitrin levels. The results indicated that blanching and HPP at 600 MPa and 20 °C were the treatments that better preserved the original quality properties of swede