18 research outputs found

    Expression, regulation and clinical relevance of the ATPase Inhibitory Factor 1 (IF1) in human cancers

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    Recent findings in colon cancer cells indicate that inhibition of the mitochondrial H(+)-adenosine triphosphate (ATP) synthase by the ATPase inhibitory factor 1 (IF1) promotes aerobic glycolysis and a reactive oxygen species (ROS)-mediated signal that enhances proliferation and cell survival. Herein, we have studied the expression, biological relevance, mechanism of regulation and potential clinical impact of IF1 in some prevalent human carcinomas. We show that IF1 is highly overexpressed in most (>90%) of the colon (n=64), lung (n=30), breast (n=129) and ovarian (n=10) carcinomas studied as assessed by different approaches in independent cohorts of cancer patients. The expression of IF1 in the corresponding normal tissues is negligible. By contrast, the endometrium, stomach and kidney show high expression of IF1 in the normal tissue revealing subtle differences by carcinogenesis. The overexpression of IF1 also promotes the activation of aerobic glycolysis and a concurrent ROS signal in mitochondria of the lung, breast and ovarian cancer cells mimicking the activity of oligomycin. IF1-mediated ROS signaling activates cell-type specific adaptive responses aimed at preventing death in these cell lines. Remarkably, regulation of IF1 expression in the colon, lung, breast and ovarian carcinomas is exerted at post-transcriptional levels. We demonstrate that IF1 is a short-lived protein (t(1/2) ∼100 min) strongly implicating translation and/or protein stabilization as main drivers of metabolic reprogramming and cell survival in these human cancers. Analysis of tumor expression of IF1 in cohorts of breast and colon cancer patients revealed its relevance as a predictive marker for clinical outcome, emphasizing the high potential of IF1 as therapeutic target

    Las sucesiones sedimentarias continentales expuestas en Centinela del Mar, provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina (Pleistoceno Inferior-Holoceno)

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    In the present paper, the geomorphological and sedimentary characteristics of the continental sequences exposed on the coastal cliffs and surrounding areas of the Centinela del Mar locality are described and interpreted. Fourteen lithofacies are defined, their relation, geometry and structure are represented using transversal and longitudinal detailed profiles. In the basal and medium sector of the profile, facies of different degrees of transport and aqueous rework were recognized. In the superior sector, a succession of marine peri-coastal facies corresponding to the «Belgranense» transgression (=Fm. Pascua) were identified, ending the secuence with relictual eolic facies. The different historical interpretations are discussed, homologating the units referred previously with the ones proposed on this paper. These units are correlated with those defined in the allostratigrapic scheme proposed by other authors for the area covered between Playa San Carlos and Arroyo Chapadmalal. This allowed recognize for the area under study the presence of the Punta San Andrés and Arroyo Lobería Alloformations (basal-medium and superior sector, respectively). Between these two entities, a association of well defined progradant marine facies are found and named on this paper as Centinela del Mar Alloformation. Finally, the information gathered here (magnetostratigraphy, radiometric dating, stratigraphic correlations, etc) indicates, at least preliminarily, that the secuence of Centinela del Mar corresponds to the Ensenadense-Lujanense interval (Lower Pleistocene - Holocene).<br><br>Son descriptas e interpretadas las características geomorfológicas y sedimentarias de las sucesiones continentales expuestas en los acantilados litorales y sectores aledaños de la localidad Centinela del Mar. Se definen catorce litofacies, cuyas relaciones, geometría y estructuras son representadas mediante perfiles transversales y longitudinales de detalle. En el sector basal y medio del perfil fueron reconocidas facies de distinto grado de transporte y retrabajo ácueo, en tanto, en el sector superior fue identificada una secuencia de facies marinas y perilitorales correspondientes a la transgresión «Belgranense» (=Fm. Pascua), culminando la sucesión facies eólicas relictuales. Las diferentes interpretaciones históricas son ampliamente discutidas, homologándose las unidades referidas previamente con las propuestas en este trabajo. Dichas unidades se correlacionan con aquellas definidas en el esquema aloestratigráfico propuesto para el área comprendida entre Playa San Carlos y Arroyo Chapadmalal. Esto permitió reconocer para el área bajo estudio la presencia de las Aloformaciones Punta San Andrés y Arroyo Lobería (sector basal-medio y cuspidal, respectivamente). Entre estas dos entidades, se intercala una asociación de facies marinas progradantes hacia ambientes perilitorales definidas y nominadas aquí como Aloformación Centinela del Mar. Finalmente, la información aquí reunida (magnetoestratigrafía, dataciones radio-métricas, correlaciones estratigráficas, etc.) permite indicar, al menos preliminarmente, que la sucesión de Centinela del Mar corresponde al intervalo Ensenadense-Lujanense (Pleistoceno Inferior-Holoceno)

    About the presence of a Sciaenidae (Teleostei: Perciformes) at the “Belgranense” (= Pascua Formation, Upper Pleistocene) of Centinela del Mar, Buenos Aires (Argentina)

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    [EN] The objective of the present communication is to report the presence of an otolith (sagitta) referable to a whitemouth croaker, Micropogonias furnieri. This material proceeds from estuarine strata corresponding to the marine transgression “Belgranense” (Upper Pleistocene) of the locality of Centinela del Mar, province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. The otolith has a prominent protuberance at the external tip, character that nowadays is related to the southernmost population of the species to which was referred. The material presented here constitutes the only otolith of Micropogonias furnieri known for the Pleistocene of Argentina and also one of the scarce records for the Neogene of South America.[ES] La presente comunicación tiene por objetivo reportar la presencia de un otolito (sagitta) referible a la corvina rubia Micropogonias furnieri. Este material procede de facies estuariales correspondientes a la transgresión marina “Belgranense” (= Formación Pascua, Pleistoceno Superior) de la localidad de Centinela del Mar, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina. El otolito cuenta con una prominente protuberancia en el extremo posterior, carácter que ha sido recientemente vinculado a la población más meridional de la especie. Dicho registro constituye el único otolito de Micropogonias furnieri conocido para el Pleistoceno de Argentina, así como uno de los escasos registros para el Neógeno de América del Sur

    Reptiles escamosos (Squamata) del Pleistoceno Medio del Norte de la ciudad de Mar del Plata (provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina)

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    In this study, we describe two fossil remains of squamate reptiles found in Middle Pleistocene outcrops at the northern marine cliffs of the city of Mar del Plata (Buenos Aires province). The specimens were found forming a taphocenosis with remains of other microvertebrates (amphibians, mammals and birds). The reptiles recognized in the association are represented by remains of an undetermined colubrid, and the anguid Ophiodes sp. This latter finding represents the first fossil record for the family Anguidae exhumed in Argentina

    Primer registro del género Jenynsia Günther, 1866 (Teleostei: Cyprinodontiformes) en el Pleistoceno Medio tardío de la provincia de Buenos Aires (Argentina)

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    En este trabajo se da a conocer un premaxilar izquierdo referible al género Jenynsia recuperado en facies lacustres correspondientes al Piso-Edad Bonaerense (Pleistoceno Medio tardío) de la localidad de Centinela del Mar, provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Dicho material constituye el primer registro fósil para este género y uno de los escasos antecedentes para la familia Anablepidae. El hallazgo aquí comunicado brinda nuevas evidencias para la comprensión de las ictiofaunas cuaternarias de América del Sur.<br>In this article, we described a left premaxilla assigned to Jenynsia, recovered in lacustrine facies corresponding to the Bonaerian Stage-Age (Late Middle Pleistocene) from Centinela del Mar, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. This material constitutes the first fossil record of the genus and one among the few antecedents of the Anablepidae family. The finding communicated here offers new evidence towards the understanding of the Quaternary South American ichthyofaunas

    S1_Morphological data matrix TNT file

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    S1 [Morphological data matrix TNT file] Morphological data matrix for cladistic analysis in TNT, composed by 62 characters evaluated in 26 Echimyid taxa. S2 [Combined data matrix TNT file] Combined data matrix for cladistic analysis in TNT of 30 Echimyid taxa. Data set is composed both 62 morphological and 5303 DNA characters from the first portion of the protein-coding cytochrome b gene, 12S ribosomal RNA, growth hormone receptor exon 10, recombination activating gene 1, and the v von Willebrand factor exon 28. S3 [Combined data matrix Nexus file] Nexus file of combined data matrix for the Bayesian analysis. Detail of the matrix composition is indicated in Supplemental Material S2. S4 [Common synapomorphies and autapomorphies] List of common synapomorphies and autapomorphies of three most parsimonious morphological trees obtained in the TNT cladistics analysis of equal weights

    A new species of the genus Ctenomys (Mammalia; Rodentia) from the Upper Pliocene-Middle Pleistocene from southeastern Buenos Aires Province, Argentina

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    [ES] En este trabajo es descripta y nominada una nueva especie fósil del género Ctenomys. Este nuevo taxón proviene de la localidad de Centinela del Mar (Partido de General Alvarado, Provincia de Buenos Aires) y ha sido colectado en sedimentos referibles al Plioceno tardío-Pleistoceno medio. La nueva especie pertenecería a las formas asociadas al grupo “C. mendocinus”, acercándose especialmente a la especie C. mendocinus Philippi, 1869.[EN] In this paper a new fossil species of the genus Ctenomys is described. This new taxon comes from the Centinela del Mar fossiliferous locality (Partido de General Alvarado, province of Buenos Aires) and has been colected in outcrops referable to the Late Pliocene-Middle Pleistocene. This species is included within the “C. mendocinus” species group, being nearly related to C. mendocinus Philippi, 1869