26 research outputs found

    Excessive use of the preferred foot in on-the-ball skills execution compromises performance and tactical behaviour of football players

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    This study aimed to compare tactical behaviour and performance of football players with different on-theball skills execution functional technical asymmetry levels and to verify whether functional technical and tactical performance indexes of football players are associated. The sample included 59 football players (14.2 ± 1.5 years of age). FUT-SAT and SAFALL-FOOT were used as instruments for performance analysis. Participants were divided in two groups: higher and lower functional technical asymmetry. Student’s t-test was used to compare the behaviour and tactical performance of the groups, and the Pearson test was used to verify associations between functional technical asymmetry and tactical performance indexes. A significance level of 5% was adopted. The higher functional technical asymmetry group showed less tactical efficiency (t57 = 1.9; p = .05; d = .17) and low performance results in the execution of defensive actions (t57 = 2.1; p = .04; d = .55; t57 = 2.1; p = .04; d = .61) compared to the lower functional technical asymmetry group. No association was found between the functional technical asymmetry and tactical performance indexes (r = -.06; p = .66). It is concluded that the levels of functional technical asymmetry affected the behaviour and tactical performance of players although functional technical asymmetry and tactical performance indexes values are not associated. Future investigations may verify how football players with high and low levels of functional technical asymmetry change their behaviour and tactical performance from different kinds of training

    Real Roots of Random Polynomials and Zero Crossing Properties of Diffusion Equation

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    We study various statistical properties of real roots of three different classes of random polynomials which recently attracted a vivid interest in the context of probability theory and quantum chaos. We first focus on gap probabilities on the real axis, i.e. the probability that these polynomials have no real root in a given interval. For generalized Kac polynomials, indexed by an integer d, of large degree n, one finds that the probability of no real root in the interval [0,1] decays as a power law n^{-\theta(d)} where \theta(d) > 0 is the persistence exponent of the diffusion equation with random initial conditions in spatial dimension d. For n \gg 1 even, the probability that they have no real root on the full real axis decays like n^{-2(\theta(2)+\theta(d))}. For Weyl polynomials and Binomial polynomials, this probability decays respectively like \exp{(-2\theta_{\infty}} \sqrt{n}) and \exp{(-\pi \theta_{\infty} \sqrt{n})} where \theta_{\infty} is such that \theta(d) = 2^{-3/2} \theta_{\infty} \sqrt{d} in large dimension d. We also show that the probability that such polynomials have exactly k roots on a given interval [a,b] has a scaling form given by \exp{(-N_{ab} \tilde \phi(k/N_{ab}))} where N_{ab} is the mean number of real roots in [a,b] and \tilde \phi(x) a universal scaling function. We develop a simple Mean Field (MF) theory reproducing qualitatively these scaling behaviors, and improve systematically this MF approach using the method of persistence with partial survival, which in some cases yields exact results. Finally, we show that the probability density function of the largest absolute value of the real roots has a universal algebraic tail with exponent {-2}. These analytical results are confirmed by detailed numerical computations.Comment: 32 pages, 16 figure

    TRY plant trait database – enhanced coverage and open access

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    Plant traits - the morphological, anatomical, physiological, biochemical and phenological characteristics of plants - determine how plants respond to environmental factors, affect other trophic levels, and influence ecosystem properties and their benefits and detriments to people. Plant trait data thus represent the basis for a vast area of research spanning from evolutionary biology, community and functional ecology, to biodiversity conservation, ecosystem and landscape management, restoration, biogeography and earth system modelling. Since its foundation in 2007, the TRY database of plant traits has grown continuously. It now provides unprecedented data coverage under an open access data policy and is the main plant trait database used by the research community worldwide. Increasingly, the TRY database also supports new frontiers of trait‐based plant research, including the identification of data gaps and the subsequent mobilization or measurement of new data. To support this development, in this article we evaluate the extent of the trait data compiled in TRY and analyse emerging patterns of data coverage and representativeness. Best species coverage is achieved for categorical traits - almost complete coverage for ‘plant growth form’. However, most traits relevant for ecology and vegetation modelling are characterized by continuous intraspecific variation and trait–environmental relationships. These traits have to be measured on individual plants in their respective environment. Despite unprecedented data coverage, we observe a humbling lack of completeness and representativeness of these continuous traits in many aspects. We, therefore, conclude that reducing data gaps and biases in the TRY database remains a key challenge and requires a coordinated approach to data mobilization and trait measurements. This can only be achieved in collaboration with other initiatives

    Contracepção hormonal e lesÔes cervicais pelo Papilomavírus Humano: uma revisão de literatura / Hormonal contraception and cervical injuries by Human Papillomavirus: a literature review

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    Introdução: A infecção pelo papilomavĂ­rus humano (HPV) Ă© a doença sexualmente transmissĂ­vel (DST) mais comum, afetando 50% da população mundial. Estima-se que entre 75 e 80% da de indivĂ­duos sexualmente ativos adquirirĂŁo algum subtipo de HPV ao longo da vida. No Brasil, a taxa de prevalĂȘncia de HPV varia de 13,7 a 54,3%, de acordo com a população e as regiĂ”es estudadas. Assim, este artigo tem como objetivo analisar a associação entre os hormĂŽnios contracepção e o aparecimento de lesĂ”es induzidas por HPV em o colo uterino. Metodologia: O presente estudo foi elaborado por meio de uma pesquisa bibliogrĂĄfica, realizada eletronicamente, procurando registros sobre o desenvolvimento de lesĂ”es induzidas por HPV em colo uterino e hormĂŽnios de contracepção. Objetivando com isso identificar atravĂ©s da literatura a associação entre os hormĂŽnios de contracepção e o aparecimento de lesĂ”es induzidas por HPV em colo uterino. Para a realização do mesmo foram analisados artigos publicados em revistas cientĂ­ficas, utilizando as bases de dados da BVS (Biblioteca Virtual da SaĂșde), como: Lilacs (Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em CiĂȘncias da SaĂșde) e Scielo (Scientific Electronic Library Online). Resultados: ApĂłs a seleção, restaram nove artigos para a discussĂŁo. Podemos observar os artigos escolhidos no quadro, composto pelos autores, tĂ­tulo, metodologia, resultados e conclusĂŁo que cada um encontrou. Em seguida foi realizada uma discussĂŁo acerca destes artigos. ConclusĂŁo: Muitos estudos relataram que os mecanismos envolvidos na persistĂȘncia e incidĂȘncia de lesĂ”es de HPV estĂŁo longe de ser esclarecidas, e que novas estudos sĂŁo necessĂĄrios para elucidar melhores abordagens em relação ao tipo de contracepção, via de administração e doses hormonal que nĂŁo estĂŁo associadas a lesĂ”es induzidas por HPV

    Os desafios do atendimento de pacientes com sequelas cardiovasculares decorrentes de trauma do tĂłrax / Challenges in the care of patients with cardiovascular sequels resulting from chest trauma

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    Introdução: O tĂłrax apresenta estruturas de diversos sistemas de sustentação da vida, dentre eles o respiratĂłrio e o cardiovascular. Por conter, estruturas nobres para a manutenção da vida, os potenciais para ocorrer lesĂ”es graves em decorrĂȘncia de traumas sĂŁo muito grandes, como dados mostram, 25% das mortes sĂŁo secundĂĄrias a trauma torĂĄcico. Dentro deste contexto, questiona-se quais os desafios no atendimento de pacientes com sequelas cardiovasculares decorrentes de traumas torĂĄcicos? Portanto, esse estudo tem como objetivo identificar as dificuldades enfrentadas na assistĂȘncia de saĂșde de pacientes com repercussĂ”es cardiovasculares devido a trauma de tĂłrax, atravĂ©s da elaboração de um formulĂĄrio baseado em revisĂŁo bibliogrĂĄfica de dados da literatura cientĂ­fica publicados sobre esse tema. Metodologia: O trabalho baseia-se numa revisĂŁo integrativa de literatura, na qual foram analisados artigos publicados em revistas cientĂ­ficas, utilizando-se das bases de dados da BVS (Biblioteca Virtual da SaĂșde), como: Lilacs (Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em CiĂȘncias da SaĂșde) e Scielo (Scientific Electronic Library Online). Resultados: ApĂłs as anĂĄlises e seleção, restaram-se sete artigos para integrar a discussĂŁo. Os artigos selecionados, estĂŁo descritos na tabela, com autores, tĂ­tulo, metodologia, resultados e conclusĂŁo. Em seguida, foi realizada uma discussĂŁo acerca destes artigos. ConclusĂŁo: Cada um dos casos revisados neste estudo demonstra a necessidade e a importĂąncia de acompanhamento cuidadoso de todos os pacientes que sofreram trauma torĂĄcico fechado, mesmo que a avaliação cardĂ­aca inicial possa ser negativa.

    Modelling human choices: MADeM and decision‑making

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    Research supported by FAPESP 2015/50122-0 and DFG-GRTK 1740/2. RP and AR are also part of the Research, Innovation and Dissemination Center for Neuromathematics FAPESP grant (2013/07699-0). RP is supported by a FAPESP scholarship (2013/25667-8). ACR is partially supported by a CNPq fellowship (grant 306251/2014-0)

    Plasmas Froids: Interactions PlasmaSurface, ModÚles, Diagnostics et Procédés

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    pour le champs 'auteurs', les Directeurs de publications apparaissent en premier puis le Directeur de collection.International audienceP. 11|I, MODELISATION |P. 13|I-1, Dynamique molĂ©culaire pour des nanocristaux de Si dans les plasmas froids – effet de la tempĂ©rature / H.-C. Weissker, N. Ning et H. Vach|P. 29|I-2, ModĂ©lisation de la croissance de couches minces / A. Dollet. |P. 99|I-3, Approches de modĂ©lisation de gravure des matĂ©riaux par plasma froid / A. Rhallabi|P. 127|I-4, ModĂ©lisation des transferts en projection thermique / D. Gobin, A. Vardelle|P. 141|II, DIAGNOSTICS|P. 143|II-1, Application des spectroscopies infrarouges de rĂ©flexion Ă  l’analyse des surfaces / B. Desbat|P. 155|II-2, Analyse par spectromĂ©trie de masse de produits d’interaction plasma-surface / C. Cardinaud|P. 183|III, PROCEDES|P. 185|III-1, Interaction ion/surface en PACVD basse frĂ©quence du TMS / A. Soum-Glaude, L. Thomas, A. Dollet, J.-M. Badie, C. Picard, J. Capeillere, G. Rambaud|P. 211|III-2, ContrĂŽle des dĂ©pĂŽts obtenus par PECVD en mĂ©lange O2/ HMDSO grĂące aux plasmas pulsĂ©s / A. Bousquet, A. Goullet, A. Granier |P. 235|III-3, Plasma et couches minces nanocomposites, multicouches, avec insertion de particules, texturĂ©es, poreuses / J. Durand|P. 263|III-4, Interaction plasma thermique-surface de poudre : application Ă  la purification du silicium mĂ©tallurgique / M. Benmansour, D. Morvan|P. 313|III-5, Effet des lasers sur les surfaces avant projection thermique / S. Costil|P. 335|III-6, Science des surfaces en mĂ©tallurgie : vers de nouveaux outils pour la comprĂ©hension des interactions plasma-surface / T. Duguet, J.-M. Dubois, V. FournĂ©e, T. Belmont

    Plasma et son environnement. Plasmas Froids en France et au Québec

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    pour le champs 'auteurs', les Directeurs de publications apparaissent en premier puis le Directeur de collection.International audience15|PrĂ©face / Alix Gicquel.|19|PrĂ©face « France-QuĂ©bec » / Alain Denoirjean.|23|Le RĂ©seau « Plasmas Froids ».|33|Plasma-QuĂ©bec, regroupement stratĂ©gique en science et applications des plasmas.|Plasma et son environnement.|47|1- Plasmas & liquides.|49|PhĂ©nomĂšnes prĂ©disruptifs dans les liquides : « modes » de propagation et mĂ©canismes / Olivier Lesaint.|77|La gazĂ©ification de biomasse en ambiance plasma sur bain de verre / I. Carlesi, M. Mabrouk, C. Lafon, F.Lemont, J.M. Baronnet.|113|2- Plasmas & milieux poreux.|115|DĂ©charges hors-Ă©quilibre Ă  pression atmosphĂ©rique dans les milieux confinĂ©s, poreux ou alvĂ©olaires / Pierre Tardiveau, StĂ©phane Pasquiers.|137|Transport / adsorption / diffusion / agrĂ©gation d’atomes pulvĂ©risĂ©s par plasma dans les matĂ©riaux poreux. ExpĂ©riences et modĂ©lisations / Pascal Brault, Jean-Marc Bauchire, AmaĂ«l Caillard, Anne-Lise Thomann, Sujuan Wu, François James, Christophe Josserand.|159|3- Plasmas & parois.|161|Pourquoi et comment est-ce que les parois des rĂ©acteurs contrĂŽlent la chimie des plasmas basse pression ? / Gilles Cunge.|185|4- Sources & couplage sources - plasmas.|187|Plasma Micro-onde: Sources et techniques de couplage / François Silva, Khaled Hassouni.|229|Diagnostics Ă©lectriques et alimentations des dĂ©charges / Nicolas NaudĂ©, Jean Paillol, Antoine Belinger, Roland Subileau.|265|MatĂ©riaux piĂ©zoĂ©lectriques dĂ©diĂ©s Ă  la gĂ©nĂ©ration de plasmas froids : principes, applications et investigations rĂ©centes / François Pigache, Thierry Callegari.|293|5- Plasmas / surfaces.|295|Emission Ă©lectronique sous impact d'Ă©lectrons de basse Ă©nergie / Thomas Tondu, Mohammed Belhaj, Julien Roupie.|311|6- 1Ăšre JournĂ©e Francophone.|313|SynthĂšse de films minces par condensation de vapeur rĂ©active en rĂ©gime de forte ionisation / Stephanos Konstantinidis, Rony Snyders.|329|Plasmas Froids en France et au QuĂ©bec.|331|Plasmas d’entrĂ©e atmosphĂ©rique : problĂ©matique et enjeux / Arnaud Bultel, Julien Annaloro.|363|Les microdĂ©charges / RĂ©mi Dussart, Antoine Rousseau, Pascal Chabert, Vincent Puech, Leanne Pitchford, Nader Sadeghi, Thierry Belmonte, Caroline Boisse Laporte, Eric Robert.|407|Plasmas induits par laser pour la gĂ©nĂ©ration de photons « extrĂȘmes » / Tsuneyuki Ozaki.|429|La Physique de l’interaction des impulsions laser relativistes avec la matiĂšre / Vladimir T. Tikhonchu