2,823 research outputs found

    Resistance Status of House Flies (Diptera: Muscidae) from Southeastern Nebraska Beef Cattle Feedlots to Selected Insecticides

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    The status of resistance to three insecticides (permethrin, stirofos, and methoxychlor), relative to a laboratory-susceptible colony, was evaluated in Þeld populations of house flies, Musca domestica L., collected from two beef cattle feedlots in southeastern Nebraska. Topical application and residual exposure to treated glass surfaces were suitable methods for determining the resistance status of house flies to permethrin, stirofos, or methoxychlor. However, in most cases, residual exposure was more sensitive in resistance detection (i.e., higher resistance ratios). The field populations tested were moderately resistant to permethrin (RR = 4.9-fold and RR = 7.3-fold, for topical application and residual exposure, respectively) and extremely resistant to stirofos and methoxychlor (not accurately quantifiable be cause of low mortality at the highest possible concentrations or doses). Probable explanations for the resistance status of these house fly populations and implications for global feedlot fly management are discussed

    The role of PKC/ERK1/2 signaling in the anti-inflammatory effect of tetracyclic triterpene euphol on TPA-induced skin inflammation in mice

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    AbstractInflammation underlies the development and progression of a number of skin disorders including psoriasis, atopic dermatitis and cancer. Therefore, novel antiinflammatory agents are of great clinical interest for prevention and treatment of these conditions. Herein, we demonstrated the underlying molecular mechanisms of the antiinflammatory activity of euphol, a tetracyclic triterpene isolated from the sap of Euphorbia tirucalli, in skin inflammation induced by 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) in mice. Topical application of euphol (100μg/ear) significantly inhibited TPA-induced ear edema and leukocyte influx through the reduction of keratinocyte-derived chemokine (CXCL1/KC) and macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-2 levels. At the intracellular level, euphol reduced TPA-induced extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase (ERK) activation and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) upregulation. These effects were associated with euphol's ability to prevent TPA-induced protein kinase C (PKC) activation, namely PKCα and PKCδ isozymes. Our data indicate that topical application of euphol markedly inhibits the inflammatory response induced by TPA. Thus, euphol represents a promising agent for the management of skin diseases with an inflammatory component

    Bat3 deficiency accelerates the degradation of Hsp70-2/HspA2 during spermatogenesis

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    Meiosis is critical for sexual reproduction. During meiosis, the dynamics and integrity of homologous chromosomes are tightly regulated. The genetic and molecular mechanisms governing these processes in vivo, however, remain largely unknown. In this study, we demonstrate that Bat3/Scythe is essential for survival and maintenance of male germ cells (GCs). Targeted inactivation of Bat3/Scythe in mice results in widespread apoptosis of meiotic male GCs and complete male infertility. Pachytene spermatocytes exhibit abnormal assembly and disassembly of synaptonemal complexes as demonstrated by abnormal SYCP3 staining and sustained γ-H2AX and Rad51/replication protein A foci. Further investigation revealed that a testis-specific protein, Hsp70-2/HspA2, is absent in Bat3-deficient male GCs at any stage of spermatogenesis; however, Hsp70-2 transcripts are expressed at normal levels. We found that Bat3 deficiency induces polyubiquitylation and subsequent degradation of Hsp70-2. Inhibition of proteasomal degradation restores Hsp70-2 protein levels. Our findings identify Bat3 as a critical regulator of Hsp70-2 in spermatogenesis, thereby providing a possible molecular target in idiopathic male infertility

    Genetic relatedness and molecular characterization of multidrug resistant Acinetobacter baumannii isolated in central Ohio, USA

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Over the last decade, nosocomial infections due to <it>Acinetobacter baumannii </it>have been described with an increasing trend towards multidrug resistance, mostly in intensive care units. The aim of the present study was to determine the clonal relatedness of clinical isolates and to elucidate the genetic basis of imipenem resistance.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p><it>A. baumannii </it>isolates (n = 83) originated from two hospital settings in central Ohio were used in this study. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis genotyping and antimicrobial susceptibility testing for clinically relevant antimicrobials were performed. Resistance determinants were characterized by using different phenotypic (accumulation assay for efflux) and genotypic (PCR, DNA sequencing, plasmid analysis and electroporation) approaches.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The isolates were predominantly multidrug resistant (>79.5%) and comprised of thirteen unique pulsotypes, with genotype VII circulating in both hospitals. The presence of <it>bla</it><sub>OXA-23 </sub>in 13% (11/83) and IS<sub><it>Aba1 </it></sub>linked <it>bla</it><sub>OXA-66 </sub>in 79.5% (66/83) of clinical isolates was associated with high level imipenem resistance. In this set of OXA producing isolates, multidrug resistance was bestowed by <it>bla</it><sub>ADC-25</sub>, class 1 integron-borne aminoglycoside modifying enzymes, presence of sense mutations in <it>gyrA</it>/<it>parC </it>and involvement of active efflux (with evidence for the presence of <it>adeB </it>efflux gene).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study underscores the major role of carbapenem-hydrolyzing class D β-lactamases, and in particular the acquired OXA-23, in the dissemination of imipenem-resistant <it>A. baumannii</it>. The co-occurrence of additional resistance determinant could also be a significant threat.</p

    Abyssal plain faunal carbon flows remain depressed 26 years after a simulated deep-sea mining disturbance

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    Future deep-sea mining for polymetallic nodules in abyssal plains will negatively impact the benthic ecosystem, but it is largely unclear whether this ecosystem will be able to recover from mining disturbance and if so, to what extent and at what timescale. During the “DISturbance and reCOLonization” (DISCOL) experiment, a total of 22% of the seafloor within a 10.8 km2 circular area of the nodulerich seafloor in the Peru Basin (SE Pacific) was ploughed in 1989 to bury nodules and mix the surface sediment. This area was revisited 0.1, 0.5, 3, 7, and 26 years after the disturbance to assess macrofauna, invertebrate megafauna and fish density and diversity. We used this unique abyssal faunal time series to develop carbon-based food web models for each point in the time series using the linear inverse modeling approach for sediments subjected to two disturbance levels: (1) outside the plough tracks; not directly disturbed by plough, but probably suffered from additional sedimentation; and (2) inside the plough tracks. Total faunal carbon stock was always higher outside plough tracks compared with inside plough tracks. After 26 years, the carbon stock inside the plough tracks was 54% of the carbon stock outside plough tracks. Deposit feeders were least affected by the disturbance, with modeled respiration, external predation, and excretion rates being reduced by only 2.6% inside plough tracks compared with outside plough tracks after 26 years. In contrast, the respiration rate of filter and suspension feeders was 79.5% lower in the plough tracks after 26 years. The “total system throughput” (T ..), i.e., the total sum of modeled carbon flows in the food web, was higher throughout the time series outside plough tracks compared with the corresponding inside plough tracks area and was lowest inside plough tracks directly after the disturbance (8.63 103 1.58 105 mmol Cm2 d1). Even 26 years after the DISCOL disturbance, the discrepancy of T .. between outside and inside plough tracks was still 56 %. Hence, C cycling within the faunal compartments of an abyssal plain ecosystem remains reduced 26 years after physical disturbance, and a longer period is required for the system to recover from such a small-scale sediment disturbance experiment.publishe

    Efeito de fitase sobre o desempenho zootécnico de frangos de corte consumindo dietas com maior ou menor teor de fitato.

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    Alimentos alternativos estão sendo estudados com o intuito de buscar matérias-primas em substituição ao milho e farelo de soja, os quais estão escassos e com um alto valor no mercado. Destes, uma opção é o farelo de trigo que pode ser incluído na dieta de aves em pequenas proporções, em virtude do alto teor de fibra e outros fatores antinutricionais. Para minimizar estes fatores pode-se optar pela suplementação de fitase exógena para aumentar a degradação do fitato do farelo de trigo, sendo que esta melhoria permite que o alimento seja usado em níveis mais elevados, fornecendo proporções consideráveis de fósforo e outros minerais, reduzindo os custos com alimentação e a poluição ambiental (POURREZA & CLASSEN, 2001; CLASSEN & BEDFORD, 2001; KERR et al., 2010). Com isso, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do farelo de trigo e fitase sobre os parâmetros de desempenho zootécnico de frangos de corte de um a 32 dias de idade

    Analiza pedagoškog znanja budućih nastavnika tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture

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    This study examined how pedagogical knowledge emerges in the teaching practice preservice teaching and supports the construction of pedagogical content knowledge of prospective physical education (PE) teachers. Four pairs of prospective PE teachers were purposefully selected to represent each of the four stages of a PE licensure. Data were collected during three academic semesters by means of interviews and structured reflective logs. The transcribed material was first divided into meaningful units, and then classified into three categories of analytical scope of pedagogical concern (macro, meso, and micro levels). Themes and patterns were sought by looking for similarities and differences among the data from analytical levels and prospective teacher pairs. Findings demonstrated that prospective PE teachers at the beginning of the program confined their primary educational concerns at the micro level, while those about to finish can also discern pedagogical issues at the meso level, but not yet at the macro level. Nevertheless, excessive concerns with a single lesson, with surviving, self-centered objectives and with a strict adherence to the planned strategies suggest a superficial share of pedagogical knowledge in the teaching practice preservice teaching and in the construction of the pedagogical content knowledge of the prospective teachers investigated.Ova studija je istraživala kako se pedagoško znanje očituje tijekom stručne prakse te kako podržava konstrukciju sadržaja pedagoškog znanja u budućih nastavnika tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture. Četiri para budućih profesora tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture bila su ciljano odabrana kao reprezentanti svakoga od četiri stupnja u procesu stjecanja kompetencija za provođenje nastave tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture. Podaci su se prikupljali tijekom tri semestra sveučilišne nastave intervjuima i strukturiranim dnevnicima rada. Prepisani dokumenti su najprije raspodijeljeni u smislene jedinice, a potom klasificirani u tri kategorije analitičkog raspona pedagoškog promišljanja (na makro, mezo i mikro razini). Teme i struktura znanja su definirane na temelju sličnosti i razlika između podataka koji su prikupljeni s različitih analitičkih razina od parova budućih nastavnika. Rezultati su pokazali da budući profesori tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture na početku svojeg školovanja ograničeno usmjeravaju pozornost na edukacijske vještine na mikro razini, dok oni koji su pri kraju svoje edukacije mogu prepoznavati i pedagoške probleme na mezo razini, ali ne i na makro razini. Ipak, pretjerana zaokupljenost pojedinačnim nastavnim satom, preživljavanjem, osobnim ciljevima te strogom provedbom planiranih strategija sugerira površan doprinos pedagoškog znanja procesu obrazovanja i konstrukciji sadržaja pedagoškog znanja budućih nastavnika tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture koji su bili sudionici ovoga kvalitativnog istraživanja

    On the Nature of the Rotational Energy Barrier of Atropisomeric Hydrazides

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    N-N atropisomers represent a useful class of compounds that has recently received important attention from many research groups. This article presents an in-depth analysis of the energy barrier needed for the racemization process of atropoisomeric hydrazides, combining an experimental and computational approach. The focus is on examining how electronic and steric factors impact the racemization process. The results obtained indicate that the barrier observed during the racemization process mainly arises from an increase in the p-orbital character of the nitrogen atoms