288 research outputs found

    Cordel Corrido: What Are the Implications of Creating a New Narrative Voice for Education?

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    In this article the author proposes queering the teaching of Brazilian and Mexican popular poetry, cordel and corrido, for students in high school or freshmen in college engaging with a curriculum of the brown bodies and aesthetic currere. The author criticizes the teaching of canonic literature in classrooms usually written by white, straight, and middle-class men, and proposes teaching popular poetry from Latin America as a project to interrupt that canon. Teaching and encouraging students to write poetry is a way to oppose the epistemicide in classrooms, and students of color (African descendants, Native peoples, and with roots in Latin America) have “sacred truth spaces” to be who they are

    Sonnet from the Future

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    Plantifa: Antifascist Guerrilla Gardening Curriculum

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    This paper suggests that an anti-fascist guerilla gardening (Plantifa) curriculum offers unique educational opportunities in the form of wholesome, and much needed, praxis. Utilizing anti-fascist (Bray, 2017), decolonizing (Tuck et al., 2014), and eco-justice frameworks (Shiva, 2015), Plantifa presents community activism that connects people with place, history, permaculture, and subversion of hegemony. In the context of education, a Plantifa curriculum offers learners to be immersed with their communities and local ecosystems, beyond mere classroom walls. It is a process of mapping local terrain and history, identifying non-invasive plants and suitable locations, considering food-bearing plants for community needs, as well as the afterward tasks of watering and nurturing. Questions of, Why is \u27democracy\u27 as we understand and practice limited to humans, and who, what, or where ought to be included in a democracy? ; “Is planting local flora legally or ethically wrong?” and “Why is anti-fascism important to our community and our eco-system?” are just some of the questions learners can consider during this process of eco-revanchism. Ultimately, we are connecting wholeheartedly with the anti-fascist movement all over the world by appropriating their acronym (Antifa) with deference as a way to plant seeds of love against hierarchies. We are Plantifa

    Protein changes as robust signatures of fish chronic stress: a proteomics approach to fish welfare research

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    Background Aquaculture is a fast-growing industry and therefore welfare and environmental impact have become of utmost importance. Preventing stress associated to common aquaculture practices and optimizing the fish stress response by quantification of the stress level, are important steps towards the improvement of welfare standards. Stress is characterized by a cascade of physiological responses that, in-turn, induce further changes at the whole-animal level. These can either increase fitness or impair welfare. Nevertheless, monitorization of this dynamic process has, up until now, relied on indicators that are only a snapshot of the stress level experienced. Promising technological tools, such as proteomics, allow an unbiased approach for the discovery of potential biomarkers for stress monitoring. Within this scope, using Gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) as a model, three chronic stress conditions, namely overcrowding, handling and hypoxia, were employed to evaluate the potential of the fish protein-based adaptations as reliable signatures of chronic stress, in contrast with the commonly used hormonal and metabolic indicators. Results A broad spectrum of biological variation regarding cortisol and glucose levels was observed, the values of which rose higher in net-handled fish. In this sense, a potential pattern of stressor-specificity was clear, as the level of response varied markedly between a persistent (crowding) and a repetitive stressor (handling). Gel-based proteomics analysis of the plasma proteome also revealed that net-handled fish had the highest number of differential proteins, compared to the other trials. Mass spectrometric analysis, followed by gene ontology enrichment and protein-protein interaction analyses, characterized those as humoral components of the innate immune system and key elements of the response to stimulus. Conclusions Overall, this study represents the first screening of more reliable signatures of physiological adaptation to chronic stress in fish, allowing the future development of novel biomarker models to monitor fish welfare.This study received Portuguese national funds from FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology through project UIDB/04326/2020 and project WELFISH (Refª 16–02-05-FMP-12, “Establishment of Welfare Biomarkers in farmed fish using a proteomics approach”) financed by Mar2020, in the framework of the program Portugal 2020. Cláudia Raposo de Magalhães acknowledges an FCT PhD scholarship, Refª SFRH/BD/138884/2018. Denise Schrama acknowledges an FCT PhD scholarship, Refª SFRH/BD/136319/2018.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Organização dos serviços para garantir acesso e promover vinculação do usuário de drogas

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    Na primeira unidade aborda os desafios e as propostas existentes para a organização do trabalho de acolhimento e cuidado do usuário de álcool e outras drogas por equipes multidisciplinares capazes de escuta qualificada. Trata da importância do registro como ferramenta de vinculação e das demais estratégias para garantir o acesso da clientela aos serviços. Na segunda unidade trata da construção do vínculo por meio da abertura de portas em diferentes lugares, da importância de conhecer o usuário, da flexibilidade do cuidado como ferramenta fundamental. Aborda, também, a consolidação do vínculo, por meio do trabalho em equipes interdisciplinares e em redes, da adequação da comunicação, das boas condições do ambiente e da construção do PTS. Em ambas as unidades, apresenta leituras complementares e referências.1.0Ministério da Saúd

    Linking personality and appraisal modulators in fish

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    Tese de doutoramento, Ciências do Mar, da Terra e do Ambiente, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2016The reason why some individuals from the same fish population react so differently under similar aquaculture husbandry practices or to any other stressful situation is at the core of today’s fish welfare research. In this context, the large individual variation in the physiological or behavioural response under stressful conditions is now accepted as reflection of distinct personality traits and of divergent cognitive evaluation that the individual makes of the situation, i.e. on the way the stressor is appraised. This thesis aimed to uncover which appraisal criteria fish use, the interplay with their personality traits, the underlying neurophysiological mechanisms and the potential application of psychological modulators of the stress response to improve fish welfare. Thus, the experimental work was oriented towards: i) investigating whether pre-existing inherent traits in behaviour and physiology affect the outcome of exposure to environmental stressors in Gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) and Atlantic seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) (Chapter II.1 and Chapter II.2); ii) evaluating the effect of predictability on the onset of action-related responses to aversive and appetitive stimuli (Chapter III.1); iii) inferring how predictability stressor modulates the cognitive stress response (Chapter III.2); iv) investigating how controllability improves coping ability on both seabream and seabass (Chapter IV.1); v) examining the relationship between thermal choice and animal personality using Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) as model (Chapter IV.2). Differences in behaviour, physiology and brain states measurements support specific appraisal and motivations in fish, according to the prospect of reward or punishment. This seems to be, nevertheless, highly dependent of both species - and contextspecificity. In addition they suggest that predictable stimuli and social support alongside with perception of control can be used as psychological modulators of the stress response to make animals more resilient and empowered under sustainable farming systems. The link between personality and appraisal deserves further investigation as evidences are narrow. The work developed in the core of this thesis has brought new insights on how to manipulate fish´s ability to cope with changes in their environment, ensuring positive outcomes in terms of welfare, fitness and survival

    Supramolecular metallogels for application in catalysis

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    La tesis describe el diseño y la síntesis de geles moleculares funcionalizados con fragmentos catalíticos de feniltriazol (PhTzValn), benciltriazol (BzTzAValn) y azidocoumarinatriazol (RAzTzValn) y su aplicación como catalizadores heterogéneos de la reacción de cicloadición azida-alquino catalizada con cobre (CuAAC). Los gelantes sintetizados demostraron capacidad para complejar el cobre (I), resultando en un aumento de sus propiedades mecánicas. Aparte de la actividad catalítica verificada en la reacción `click' entre la bencilazida y el fenilacetileno, la familia de gelantes PhTzValn demuestra también capacidad para catalizar su propia síntesis. El metalogel Cu(I)-PhTzVal3 ha sido utilizado en la catálisis de un sistema multicomponente de las reacciones tándem aldol-`click', promoviendo la formación de un compuesto aldol-triazol. El metalogel anfifílico Cu(I)-Et2NAzTzValn exhibió una mejor actividad catalítica en la reacción `click' modelo entre la bencilazida y el fenilacetileno, derivada de su auto-ensamblaje dinámico.This thesis describes the design and synthesis of amino acid derived molecular gels functionalized with phenyltriazole (PhTzValn), benzyltriazole (BzTzAValn) and azidocoumarinetriazole (RAzTzValn) catalytic fragments and their application as heterogeneous catalysts on the copper(I)-catalyzed azide-alkyne cycloaddition (CuAAC). The synthesized gelators were able to coordinate copper(I), resulting in the formation of metallogels with improved mechanical properties. Apart from catalytic activity demonstrated towards the model `click' reaction between benzylazide and phenylacetylene, the family of gelators PhTzValn also exhibited autocatalytic activity, being capable of a catalyzing their own synthesis in a self-sustainable way. The metallogel Cu(I)-PhTzVal3 was successfully applied as a tandem heterogeneous catalyst of a three-component reaction system composed by an aldol and a `click' reaction, resulting in the formation of an aldol-triazole compound. The amphiphilic metallogel Cu(I)-Et2NAzTzValn demonstrated the best catalytic activity towards the model `click' reaction between benzylazide and phenylacetylene, arising from the transient self-assembly behavior of the metallogel.Programa de Doctorat en Cièncie

    Melaninas de origem marinha: caracterização química e termofísica

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    Tese de mestrado, Química, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2010A necessidade de um conhecimento mais aprofundado acerca da estrutura e propriedades das melaninas tendo em vista novas aplicações deste biopolímero, sobretudo em áreas que envolvam elevadas temperaturas, despertou o interesse na realização deste trabalho. Para o estudo destes pigmentos, procedeu-se ao isolamento e caracterização de melaninas provenientes de dois organismos marinhos, o polvo e choco. Estas melaninas foram submetidas a vários processos de secagem e purificação, tendo-se avaliado a influência destes métodos nas suas propriedades finais. A análise recorrendo a técnicas de caracterização estrutural (espectroscopia IV, espectroscopia UV-Vis) e morfológica (SEM-EDS) permitiu concluir que estes tratamentos não produziram alterações significativas no biopolímero. No estudo das propriedades estruturais, morfológicas e ópticas das melaninas isoladas de fontes naturais, utilizou-se melanina sintética como termo de comparação, tendo-se avaliado a influência dos diferentes processos de (bio)síntese nas propriedades referidas. Concluiu-se que as melaninas de origem natural possuem propriedades acrescidas (nomeadamente ao nível da fotoprotecção) comparativamente a melanina sintética, para as quais muito contribuem o aspecto morfológico e estrutural das primeiras. Neste trabalho também as propriedades termofísicas das melaninas foram alvo de investigação. Do tratamento térmico da melanina extraída da tinta de choco (inicialmente um pó preto e amorfo) até 500 ºC, obteve-se um pó branco e cristalino. A análise por difracção de raios-X do material obtido sugere a presença de CaCO3 entre outros compostos, não tendo ocorrido uma decomposição total do biopolímero. A análise DSC da melanina isolada da tinta de choco permitiu concluir que este biopolímero e dotado de uma elevada capacidade de armazenamento de calor (Cp entre 6 kJkg-1K-1 e 10 kJkg-1K-1, consoante o grau de hidratação da amostra analisada), possibilitando a sua aplicação em processos que envolvam transferência e armazenamento de calor. O valor de ρCp deste material (entre 6,7 Jcm-3K-1 e 15,2 Jcm- 3K-1) revela-se bastante superior ao verificado nos fluidos de transferência de calor correntemente utilizados. A combinação deste material com fluidos que possam ser utilizados com este propósito (líquidos iónicos), formando ionanofluidos, poderá constituir uma alternativa ambiental e economicamente mais viável. Estudos de adsorção, recorrendo-se à técnica de espectroscopia UV-Vis, foram ainda realizados na melanina extraída da tinta de choco e seca por liofilização. Os resultados obtidos revelaram uma grande afinidade deste composto para corantes de natureza catiónica, pelo que poderá ser utilizado na descoloração de águas residuais, contaminadas com este tipo de compostos. Por fim, procedeu-se a síntese de melaninas utilizando-se condições reaccionais distintas, procurando a obtenção de melaninas morfologicamente semelhantes as de origem natural. Quatro processos de síntese foram testados, dos quais três envolviam autoxidação do L-DOPA em diferentes meios reaccionais e um outro oxidação do LDOPA na presença de H2O2, KI e nanopartículas V2O5. A análise espectroscópica (espectroscopia IV) do produto resultante destes processos de síntese indicou a presença de melanina. No entanto, o aspecto morfológico pretendido não foi alcançado. A reacção que envolveu a oxidação de L-DOPA recorrendo ao uso de H2O2, KI e nanopartículas V2O5 apresentou um rendimento razoável (0,62 mg melanina partindo-se de uma solução 1 mM L-DOPA). Desta reacção, importa destacar o carácter catalítico das nanopartículas, o que possibilitou a obtenção de uma quantidade razoável de melanina após 1 dia de reacção. Este período de tempo é considerado curto quando comparado com os métodos de autoxidação do L-DOPA correntemente utilizados, cuja reacção se prolonga por um período entre 3 -8 dias.A better knowledge on the structure and properties of melanins is required for new applications of this material, mainly in fields that require high temperatures. In this work, we isolated and characterized melanins from two different marine organisms: octopus and cuttlefish. The pigments were dried and purified using different methods, in order to evaluate the influence of these processes in the final properties of the biopolymer. The results obtained by IR, SEM-EDS and UV-Vis analysis showed that the different methods used didn’t produce pronounced changes in the biopolymer. In the study of the structural, morphological and optical properties of melanins isolated from natural sources, synthetic melanin was used for comparison purposes. Spectroscopy techniques (IR, UV-Vis), microscopy techniques (SEM-EDS) and mass spectrometry (MALDI) were used, and the obtained results showed that the melanins isolated from marine organisms had enhanced properties (mainly in photoprotecting ability) when compared with synthetic melanin. This thesis also focuses on the thermophysical properties of melanin, as the behavior of this biopolymer when exposed to heat was investigated. Surprisingly, the thermal treatment (until 500 °C) of melanin isolated from cuttlefish ink, which was initially black and amorphous, produced a white crystalline powder. The results obtained from XRD analysis suggested that besides CaCO3, other compounds are present in the mixture, including melanin that resisted to the thermal treatment. DSC analysis of melanin isolated from cuttlefish ink suggested that this biopolymer has a considerable capacity of heat storage (C between 6 kJkg-1K-1 and 10 kJkg-1K-1, depending on the hydration degree of the sample), allowing its application in fields that involve heat storage and heat transfer processes. The calculated heat storage capacity by unit of volume for this biopolymer (ρCp between 6.7 Jcm-3K-1 and 15.2 Jcm-3K-1) is greater than the observed for the fluids actually used in heat transfer processes. The combination of this material with ionic liquids, producing ionanofluids, can constitute a greener and more economic alternative to the heat transfer fluids currently used. Adsorption studies were also done in the melanin extracted from the ink sac of the cuttlefish, regarding an environmental application of this pigment. The studies were done using UV-Vis spectroscopy, and the obtained results revealed that melanin was able to adsorb cationic dyes, indicating a possible application of this biopolymer as decolorizing agent of wastewaters, polluted with this kind of compounds. In the last chapter of this thesis, we proceeded to the synthesis of melanin, in order to obtain a final compound morphologically similar to the melanin extracted from cuttlefish and the octopus. Four different syntheses were done, three involving the autoxidation of L-DOPA and one the oxidation of L-DOPA in the presence of H2O2, KI and V2O5 nanowires. IR analysis of the obtained product suggested the presence of melanin. However, the morphologic aspect of the synthesized melanins was very different from the one observed for the melanins extracted from the marine organisms. The yield obtained in the synthesis which involved the oxidation of L-DOPA in the presence of H2O2, KI and V2O5 nanowires was rather good (0.62 mg of melanin starting from a 1 mM L-DOPA solution). In this reaction, it is also important to focus the catalytic behavior of the V2O5 nanowires, obtaining a fair quantity of melanin after 1 day of reaction. This period of time can be considered short when compared with the methods of L-DOPA autoxidation currently used, which take about 3 to 8 days of reaction in order to achieve the production of melanin in a relatively good yield

    O Neoconservadorismo e a Política Externa dos Estados Unidos da América

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    Os acontecimentos de 11 de setembro de 2001 proporcionaram uma mudança no panorama das Relações Internacionais ao trazer ao centro do debate novamente um pensamento sobre política externa que na visão de muitos estava adormecido desde o encerramento da Guerra Fria: o neoconservadorismo. A administração de Ronald Reagan foi considerada como um período de aplicação dos métodos desta doutrina, mesmo quando tal ainda não havia sido reconhecida e, portanto, desde o fim das tensões entre Estados Unidos e União Soviética, com êxito dos norte-americanos, pensava-se que estava decretado o seu fim. Contudo, os ataques às torres do World Trade Center e ao Pentágono comprovaram o equívoco que era a constatação de que o neoconservadorismo havia exaurido sua presença na política externa norte-americana, vide a administração de George W. Bush que utilizou dos seus conceitos na “Guerra ao Terror”. Neste sentido, o neoconservadorismo é uma escola de política externa tipicamente norte-americana, de relevância político-intelectual para a atuação dos EUA no cenário internacional, que fez uso da “americanidade” em momentos históricos desta nação. Baseada nos princípios da democracia, nacionalismo, poder militar e liberalismo económico, a escola neoconservadora foi de grande importância na elaboração da grande estratégia hegemónica, conceito que define a tática elaborada para alcance e manutenção da posição de superioridade norte-americana no sistema internacional e, portanto, ao contrário dos que anunciam o seu fim, ainda faz-se bem presente na conjuntura política dos EUA.The events of September 11th, 2001 provided a change in the scenario of International Relations bringing to the heart of the debate again a thought about foreign policy that in the sight of a lot of people was asleep since the end of the Cold War: the neoconservatism. Ronald Reagan’s administration was considerated as a period of application of the methods of this doctrine even when this one wasn’t recognized so, since the end of tensions between United States and Soviet Union with triumph of the americans, in the same period of the acknowledgement of the neoconservative school, there was a conclusion it had come to the end. However, the World Trade Center and Pentagon’s attacks proved the mistake thinking it was the end of neoconservatism in american foreign policy, as it’s able to see in George W. Bush’s administration that used its concepts in the “War on Terror”. In this way, neoconservatism is a typical American school of foreign policy that owns intellectual-political relevance for the United States’ acting on the international scenario that used the “americanism” in historical moments of this nation. Based on the principles of democracy, nationalism, militar power and free market, the neoconservative school had great importance in elaboration of the grand strategic hegemony, concepts that defines the tactic to reach and maintain the United States’ position of superiority in the international system and, therefore, instead who announce its end, neoconservatism is still present in the political situation of the United States of America

    Feste verbindungen aus adjektiven und verben im Deutschen und ihre portugiesischen entsprechungen (unter besonderer berücksichtigung der raumadjektive)

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Estudos Luso-Alemães - Área de Especialização em Formação Bilingue e InterculturalDiese sprachwissenschaftliche Arbeit ist eine Analyse der semantischen und syntaktischen Eigenschaften der Raumadjektive im Deutschen, die mit den entsprechenden Verben feste Verbindungen bilden. Bei dem erstellten Korpus handelt es sich dabei um die Adjektive breit, dick, dünn, eng, fern, flach, gerade, groß, hoch, klein, kurz, kürzer, lang, leer, nahe, näher, nieder, niedrig, schief, tief, voll, weit und weiter und um Verben, die im Satz grundsätzlich als Vollverben fungieren – mit Ausnahme der Verben sein und werden sowie der Modalverben. Dabei muss betont werden, dass es sich bei dem Korpus um eine Auswahl von Idioms handelt, damit der Rahmen dieser Arbeit in gewisser Hinsicht beschränkt gehalten wird. Nach einer eingehenden Untersuchung der semantischen Merkmale sowohl der Verben als auch der Adjektive in diesen idiomatischen Ausdrücken ist festzustellen, dass beide Wortkategorien (insbesondere die Adjektive) ihre ursprüngliche Wortbedeutung transformieren. Dabei ist bezüglich der Erfassung der syntaktischen Eigenschaften der Adjektive zu erwähnen, dass diese nicht immer klar gefasst werden können. In den Ausdrücken übernehmen die Adjektive in der Regel eine prädikative oder eine adverbale Funktion, wobei zu betonen ist, dass die attributive Funktion in vereinzelten Beispielen nicht völlig auszuschlieβen ist. Bei der Gegenüberstellung der festen Verbindungen des Deutschen mit den portugiesischen Übersetzungen ist festzuhalten, dass in einzelnen Beispielen volläquivalente oder teiläquivalente Entsprechungen zu registrieren sind. Da aber für die Sprachstruktur des Portugiesichen die Kombination Adjektiv-Verb – von einigen Ausnahmen abgesehen – nicht vorgesehen ist, operiert diese Sprache hauptsächlich mit anderen linguistischen Mitteln (Wortkategorien und -strukturen, syntaktische Strukturen, Paraphrasierungen, etc.), um die idiomatischen Ausdrücke des Deutschen wiederzugeben.Este trabalho linguístico constitui uma análise das características semânticas e sintácticas dos adjectivos de espaço do Alemão que formam sintagmas fixos com os respectivos verbos. Os adjectivos que fazem parte do corpus elaborado são os seguintes: breit, dick, dünn, eng, fern, flach, gerade, groß, hoch, klein, kurz, kürzer, lang, leer, nahe, näher, nieder, niedrig, schief, tief, voll, weit e weiter. O grupo dos verbos é formado pelos verbos que, em geral, têm na frase a função de verbo principal – com excepção dos verbos sein e werden e dos verbos modais. Há que salientar que houve necessidade de limitar o número de expressões idiomáticas do corpus analisado, de modo a não tornar o trabalho demasiadamente extenso. Após uma análise aprofundada das características semânticas tanto dos verbos, como dos adjectivos nestas expressões idiomáticas, observam-se alterações semânticas nos seus constituintes de ambas as categorias gramaticais (especialmente nos adjectivos). Quanto à classificação das funções sintácticas dos adjectivos, é por vezes difícil determinar claramente a função dos mesmos. Nas expressões idiomáticas é-lhes atribuída, de uma forma geral, as funções predicativa ou adverbal, muito embora não se exclua completamente a função atributiva em alguns dos exemplos. Ao comparar os sintagmas fixos do Alemão com os seus equivalentes do Português, encontram-se alguns exemplos, cujos elementos constituintes correspondem por completo ou em parte aos elementos que constituem as traduções para o Português. Dado não prever esta combinação adjectivo-verbo, a estrutura da Língua Portuguesa dispõe de meios linguísticos diferentes (categorias gramaticais e estruturas lexicais, estruturas sintácticas, paráfrases, etc.), para traduzir as expressões idiomáticas do Alemão