754 research outputs found

    Formation of b-Bi2O3 and d-Bi2O3 during laser irradiation of Bi films studied in-situ by spatially resolved Raman spectroscopy

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    The formation of different phases of Bi2O3 induced by laser irradiation of Bi films has been assessed in situ by micro-Raman spectroscopy as a function of laser wavelength, power density and irradiation time. Raman mapping of the irradiated samples enabled a spatially-resolved study of the distribution of the formed Bi2O3 phases. Red laser (633 nm) irradiation was found to induce the appearance of b-Bi2O3, within a certain range of power densities, by diffusion-controlled processes. In contrast, ultraviolet (UV, 325 nm) laser irradiation, above a certain power density threshold, initially induces the formation of both b and d-Bi2O3 phases. The amount of the produced d-Bi2O3 phase increases by increasing the irradiation time, while that of the b phase follows the opposite trend. UV laser irradiation seems to be a suitable method to produce room temperature stable d-Bi2O3 patterns on Bi film

    Robust and continuous metric subregularity for linear inequality systems

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    This paper introduces two new variational properties, robust and continuous metric subregularity, for finite linear inequality systems under data perturbations. The motivation of this study goes back to the seminal work by Dontchev, Lewis, and Rockafellar (2003) on the radius of metric regularity. In contrast to the metric regularity, the unstable continuity behavoir of the (always finite) metric subregularity modulus leads us to consider the aforementioned properties. After characterizing both of them, the radius of robust metric subregularity is computed and some insights on the radius of continuous metric subregularity are provided.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This research has been partially supported by Grant PGC2018-097960-B-C2(1,2) from MICINN, Spain, and ERDF, “A way to make Europe”, European Union, and Grant PROMETEO/2021/063 from Generalitat Valenciana, Spain

    Implementation of the Z-scan technique using NI cRIO 9074 system

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    This paper presents the implementation of Z-scan technique using NI cRIO 9074 system to characterize different types of nanofluids and films. This technique was implemented in the Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Mexico. For this experiment a chassis NI cRIO9074 of National Instruments, a linear translation stage NRT150E and a stepper motor controller BSC203 were used, both of Thorlabs. Three steps were followed for this implementation first, the connection between NI cRIO9074 and BSC203 controller. Second, the program on LabVIEW was developed and finally, all optic part of the z-scan technique was implemented. This implementation can be used to characterize relatively thin (< 5mm) optical materials. The system testing was done with gold nanoparticles. The results showed the nonlinear optical properties of these samples

    El Cíborg como una nueva categoría de Análisis Jurídico: Una mirada desde la Responsabilidad Civil y Penal

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    The Fourth Industrial Revolution advances by leaps and bounds while the Law is in its characterized immobility. The sole purpose of this article is to think and rethink Law and its relationship with technology, but under the conjunction of flesh and metal, of the organic and the artificial, a mixture between the mechanical and the human that day after day will appearing in our circumstances: the cyborg. To this extent, the paper asks about the cyborg as a new category of study in Law and what are its possible implications in the legal field, specifically, the "cyborg question" is analyzed from the focus of criminal responsibility, the non-contractual civil liability and civil liability for a defective product.La Cuarta Revolución Industrial avanza a pasos agigantados mientras el Derecho se encuentra en su caracterizada inmovilidad. El presente artículo tiene como única finalidad pensar y repensar el Derecho y su relación con la tecnología, pero bajo la conjunción de la carne y el metal, de lo orgánico y lo artificial, una mixtura entre lo mecánico y lo humano que día tras día irá apareciendo en nuestras circunstancias: el cíborg. En esa medida, el escrito se pregunta por el cíborg como una nueva categoría de estudio en el Derecho y cuáles son sus posibles implicaciones en el plano jurídico, en concreto, se analiza la “cuestión ciborgiana” desde el foco de la responsabilidad penal, la responsabilidad civil extracontractual y la responsabilidad civil por producto defectuoso

    Ether gas-sensor based on Au nanoparticles-decorated ZnO microstructures

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    Trabajo de Investigación derivado de la estancia Posdoctoral del Dr. Roberto LópezAn ether gas-sensor was fabricated based on gold nanoparticles (Au-NPs) decorated zinc oxide microstructures (ZnO-MS). Scanning electron microscope (SEM) and high-resolution transmission elec- tron microscope (HRTEM) measurements were performed to study morphological and structural proper- ties, respectively, of the ZnO-MS. The gas sensing response was evaluated in a relatively low temperature regime, which ranged between 150 and 250 C. Compared with a sensor fabricated from pure ZnO-MS, the sensor based on Au-NPs decorated ZnO-MS showed much better ether gas response at the highest working temperature. In fact, pure ZnO-MS based sensor only showed a weak sensitivity of about 25%. The improvement of the ether gas response for sensor fabricated with Au-NPs decorated ZnO-MS was attributed to the catalytic activity of the Au-NPs.Investigación realizada bajo proyecto UAEM 1025/2014RIF