591 research outputs found

    Psychological adjustment in children with episodic migraine: a population-based study

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    We investigated psychological adjustment in a preadolescent pediatric population as a function of headache diagnosis. Children from a city public education system were enrolled in this study. Parents were interviewed using validated headache questionnaires and the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ), which measures psychological adjustment. Crude and adjusted prevalence ratios were obtained using a binary regression model. The relative risk [RR] of SDQ items and scores were modeled as a function of headache diagnosis in adjusted analyses. Multivariate models estimated determinants of psychological adjustment characteristics in children with migraine. The sample consisted of 846 children (65.9% of the target sample) from 5 to 12 years old (50.5% girls). Relative to children without headache, children with episodic migraine (EM) were more likely to have abnormal scores on the following SDQ scales: emotional symptoms (RR = 3.43, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 2.51-4.69), conduct problems (RR = 1.96, 95% CI = 1.37-2.79), total difficulties (RR = 2.23, 95% CI = 1.59-3.13), and total impact (RR = 2.85, 95% CI = 1.15-7.11). The multivariate analysis showed that total difficulties in psychological adjustment in children with EM were significantly influenced by headache frequency (p < .05), analgesic intake (p < .001), and the occurrence of nausea (p < .01) and vomiting (p < .05) in headache attacks. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study reported in the literature to identify determinants of the association between migraine and difficulties in psychological adjustment in preadolescent children. Providers and educators should be aware of this association, and studies that address causality should be conducted71334

    Behavioral management of headache in children and adolescents

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    Headache is the most frequent neurological symptom and the most prevalent pain in children and adolescents, and constitutes a serious health problem that may lead to impairment in several areas. Psychosocial factors, social environment, life events, school and family stressors are all closely related to headaches. A multidisciplinary strategy is fundamental in addressing headache in children and adolescents. Applying such a strategy can lead to reductions in frequency and severity of the pain, improving significantly the quality of life of these children.It has been demonstrated that behavioral intervention is highly effective, especially in the treatment of paediatric headache, and can enhance or replace pharmacotherapy, with the advantage of eliminating dangerous side effects and or reducing costs. Behavioral interventions appear to maximize long-term therapeutic benefits and improve compliance with pharmacological treatment, which has proven a significant problem with child and adolescent with headache.The goal of this review is to examine the existing literature on behavioral therapies used to treat headache in children and adolescents, and so provide an up-to-date picture of what behavioral therapy is and what its effectiveness is

    Prenatal exposure to tobacco and alcohol are associated with chronic daily headaches at childhood: a population-based study

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    The influence of prenatal events on the development of headaches at childhood has not been investigated and is the scope of our study. Of 2,173 children identified as the target sample, consents and analyzable data were provided by 1,440 (77%). Parents responded to a standardized questionnaire with a validated headache module and specific questions about prenatal exposures. Odds of chronic daily headache (CDH) were significantly higher when maternal tabagism was reported. When active and passive smoking were reported, odds ratio (OR) of CDH were 2.29 [95% confidence intervals (CI)=1.6 vs. 3.6)]; for active tabagism, OR=4.2 (95% CI=2.1-8.5). Alcohol use more than doubled the chance of CDH (24% vs. 11%, OR=2.3, 95% CI=1.2-4.7). In multivariate analyses, adjustments did not substantially change the smoking/CDH association. Prenatal exposure to tobacco and alcohol are associated with increased rates of CDH onset in preadolescent children

    Clinical approach to headaches in children

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    A cefaléia é um dos sintomas mais freqüentes da infância e apresenta dificuldades diagnósticas específicas. Nesta revisão, analisam-se tais dificuldades e revêem-se os principais tipos de cefaléia, na infância: agudas, crônicas recorrentes e crônicas progressivas; na discussão das cefaléias crônicas, recorrentes, são comentadas as limitações do uso de critérios, diagnósticos de migrânea infantil, propostos pela Sociedade Internacional de Cefaléia, e se propõe um roteiro para o diagnóstico e tratamento da migrânea, na infância.Headache is one of the most frequent symptons in children and it has specific diagnostic problems. In this review, there problems are analyzed and main types of headache in children are discussed - acute, chronic recurrent and chronic progressive. In the discussion of chronic recurrent headaches, limitations of diagnostic criteria of the International Society of Headache for child migraine are commented and a diagnostic and therapeutic guides for migraine in children is proposted

    Gestor Escolar: a Educomunicação como alternativa de Administração Educacional para o Ensino Médio Integrado

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    Escolas de Ensino Médio Integrado são experiências novas e muito diferentes das dos modelos tradicionais. Além dessas escolas terem de conceber e implementar um currículo mais organicamente integrado, abrigam e põem em diálogo obrigatório profissionais e instituições de origens e tradições diversificadas. A perspectiva de se trabalhar a educomunicação como alternativa para a reforma do Ensino Médio Integrado pode trazer uma importante base para a realização de novos modelos de gestão da comunicação no ambiente de trabalho educativo. Neste contexto, o Gestor Escolar assume o papel de mediador da inter-relação dos profissionais da área da comunicação e da educação. Este trabalho teve como objetivo geral promover uma reflexão sobre o currículo do Ensino Médio Integrado; realizar uma pesquisa bibliográfica sobre educomunicação; verificar quais são os desafios do gestor escolar necessários para implantar a educomunicação. Este estudo se justifica, pois busca uma base contextual para que se promova uma reflexão, levando em conta a perspectiva da educomunicação que levaria a uma mudança substancial no tratamento do Ensino Médio pelas políticas públicas no Brasil. A fundamentação teórica será realizada à luz de Soares (2011), Citelli e Costa (2011). A metodologia dar-se-á por meio de pesquisa exploratória com delineamento bibliográfico com base em material já elaborado, constituído principalmente de livros e artigos científicos

    Laser Ablation (imaging) For Mapping And Determining Se And S In Sunflower Leaves.

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    Qualitative and quantitative methods were developed for selenium and sulphur mapping/quantification in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) leaves. The plants were grown for 50 days in a greenhouse, being divided into two groups, one irrigated with only deionized water and the other treated with a daily dose of 7.58 mg of Na(2)SeO(3). Leaves were collected during the growth period for directly evaluating the distribution of Se and S in these structures. For quantification analysis, pellets were produced from both CRM (100 and 1575a for Se and S, respectively) and the sunflower materials. The pellets were doped with 25 and 1200 μg g(-1) Se and 5 and 20 mg g(-1) S and analyzed by LA-ICP-MS. For accuracy purposes all the samples were also decomposed via microwave and analyzed by ICP-MS. To avoid polyatomic interferences Se and S were monitored as SeO(+) and SO(+) at m/z 96 and 48, respectively, (12)C(+) was used as an internal standard, and the ratios between SeO(+)/C(+) and SO(+)/C(+) were used for measurements. Statistic tests (t test at 95% confidence level) confirming good agreement between LA-ICP-MS and ICP-MS indicated the accuracy of this technique.562-

    The role of Attachment Insecurity in the emergency of anxiety symptoms in children and adolescent with migraine: an empirical study

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    Background: It is widely recognised that there are associations between headache, psychiatric comorbidity and attachment insecurity in both adults and children. The aims of this study were: 1) to compare perceived attachment security and anxiety in children and adolescents with migraine without aura and a healthy control group; 2) to test whether the child’s perceived security of attachment to the mother and the father mediated the association between migraine and anxiety. Methods: One hundred children and adolescents with Migraine without Aura were compared with a control group of 100 children without headache. The Security Scale (measures perceived security of attachments) and the Self-Administered Psychiatric Scales for Children and Adolescents, a measure of anxiety symptoms, were administered to all participants. Results: The clinical group had lower attachment security than the control group and higher scores on all anxiety scales. Anxiety was negatively correlated with attachment. Children’s attachment to their mother mediated the increase in global anxiety in the clinical group. Insecure paternal attachment was associated with greater insecurity in maternal attachment, suggesting that there is a complex pathway from migraine to anxiety symptoms mediated by perceived insecurity of paternal attachment and hence also by perceived insecurity of maternal attachment. Conclusion: These results suggest that insecure parental attachment may exacerbate anxiety in children and adolescents with migraine and point to the importance of multimodal interventions, perhaps taking account of family relationships, for children and adolescents with migraine

    Framework for Live Synchronization of RDF Views of Relational Data

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    This Demo presents a framework for the live synchronization of an RDF view defined on top of relational database. In the proposed framework, rules are responsible for computing and publishing the changeset required for the RDB-RDF view to stay synchronized with the relational database. The computed changesets are then used for the incremental maintenance of the RDB_RDF views as well as application views. The Demo is based on the LinkedBrainz Live tool, developed to validate the proposed framework

    Direct analysis of Antarctic krill by slurry sampling: determination of copper, iron, manganese and zinc by flame atomic absorption spectrometry

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    Slurry sampling in combination with flame atomic absorption spectrometry was employed for the direct determination of four essential trace elements, namely Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn in Antarctic krill. The effect of instrumental operating conditions and slurry sampling preparation on the analytical signal was investigated. For the determination of Cu, Fe and Zn, samples were suspended in a solution containing 2 mol L-1 HNO3. In the case of Mn, 4 mol L-1 HNO3 was necessary for the preparation of the slurry. The precision between sample replicates was better than 5%. The method was applied to the direct determination of Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn in Antarctic krill samples using aqueous reference solutions to prepare the calibration curves. The results obtained were in good agreement with those achieved by FAAS and ICP-AES after microwave-assisted wet digestion of the krill samples. The detection limits were 4.5, 1.0, 4.9 and 8.4 mug L-1 for Cu, Zn, Mn and Fe, respectively.A técnica de amostragem de suspensão aliada à espectrometria de absorção atômica com chama foi empregada para a determinação direta de Cu, Fe, Mn e Zn em matrizes de Krill antártico. O efeito dos parâmetros instrumentais e o preparo das suspensões foram estudados em função do sinal analítico. Para a determinação de Cu, Fe e Zn, as amostras foram suspensas em uma solução de HNO3 2,0 mol L-1 e para a determinação de Mn, o krill foi suspenso em uma solução de HNO3 4,0 mol L-1. A precisão entre as replicas foi melhor que 5 %. A metodologia foi aplicada para a determi-nação direta de Cu, Fe, Mn e Zn em amostras de krill antártico, usando padrões aquosos no preparo das curvas analíticas. Os resultados obtidos estão concordantes com os encontrados na determinação por FAAS e ICP-AES, depois da digestão das amostras em um forno de microondas. Os limites de detecção foram 4,5; 1,0; 4,9 e 8,4 mig L-1 para Cu, Zn, Mn e Fe, respectivamente.365370Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Correlation between body mass index and body circumference in children 4 to 10 year-old

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    Objetivos: Correlacionar el índice de masa corporal (IMC) con las circunferencias corporales de niños brasileros de 4 a 10 años. Diseño: Estudio de tipo descriptivo correlacional. Institución: Universidad Estatal de Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brasil. Participantes: Niños de 4 a 10 años de edad. Intervenciones: Se seleccionó 517 niños de ambos sexos de manera probabilística (estratificada), siendo 256 niños y 261 niñas. Se evaluó las medidas antropométricas de peso corporal (kg), estatura (cm), IMC [IMC=peso (kg)∕estatura (m)2] y las circunferencias corporales del brazo relajado, muslo y pantorrilla media (cm). Para el análisis de los datos se utilizó la estadística descriptiva de media aritmética (X), desviación estándar (DE) y el coeficiente de correlación producto-momento de Pearson (r), así como para inferir el análisis de regresión múltiple stepwise paso a paso. Principales medidas de resultados: Correlación del índice de masa corporal con las circunferencias corporales. Resultados: El IMC muestra elevados coeficientes de correlación (r) con las tres circunferencias corporales. Sin embargo, cuando se aplicó la regresión estadística simple, los mejores valores fueron observados a partir de la circunferencia del brazo relajado (R2=0,74) para niñas y la pantorrilla media para niños (R2=0,70). A su vez, cuando se utilizó la regresión múltiple (brazo y pantorrilla) el nivel de explicación para las niñas aumentó a (R2=0,80) y para los niños a (R2=0,75), respectivamente. Conclusiones: Las circunferencias corporales del brazo y la pantorrilla en forma individual y conjunta podrían ser utilizadas como variables independientes del IMC, puesto que este índice por sí solo no podría distinguir el sobrepeso y exceso de grasa en niños de ambos géneros de 4 a 10 años, sobre todo cuando se encuentran en fase de crecimiento y desarrollo somático.Objectives: To compare body mass index (BMI) with body circumferences in 4 to 10 year-old Brazilian children. Design: Descriptive correlational type study. Setting: Universidad Estatal de Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Participants: Children 4 to 10 year-old. Interventions: We selected in a probabilistic (stratified) manner a total of 517 children both sexes, 256 boys and 261 girls. We evaluated anthropometric measurements of body weight (kg), height (cm), BMI [BMI = weight (kg)/height (m)2] and relaxed mean arm girth, thigh and calf (cm). For data analysis descriptive statistics were used for arithmetic mean (X), standard deviation (SD) and Pearson’s coefficient correlation product moment (r) as well as to infer step by step the stepwise multiple regression analysis. Main outcome measures: Correlation of body mass index with body circumferences. Results: BMI had high correlation coefficients (r) with the three body circumferences. However, when simple statistical regression was applied, the best values were observed with the relaxed arm circumference (R2=0.74) for girls and children half calf (R2=0.70). In turn, when multiple regression was used (arm and calf) the level of explanation for girls increased to (R2=0.80) and children (R2=0.75), respectively. Conclusions: Arm circumferences and calf individually and together could be used as independent variables of BMI, since this index alone can not distinguish between overweight and excess fat in both gender children 4-10 year-old, especially when they are in the process of growth and somatic development