129 research outputs found

    The arrival of personalized genomics in bone marrow failure

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    Hematopoietic cell transplantation and gene therapy for Diamond-Blackfan anemia: state of the art and science

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    Diamond-Blackfan anemia (DBA) is one of the most common inherited causes of bone marrow failure in children. DBA typically presents with isolated erythroid hypoplasia and anemia in infants. Congenital anomalies are seen in 50% of the patients. Over time, many patients experience panhematopoietic defects resulting in immunodeficiency and multilineage hematopoietic cytopenias. Additionally, DBA is associated with increased risk of myelodysplastic syndrome, acute myeloid leukemia and solid organ cancers. As a prototypical ribosomopathy, DBA is caused by heterozygous loss-of-function mutations or deletions in over 20 ribosomal protein genes, with RPS19 being involved in 25% of patients. Corticosteroids are the only effective initial pharmacotherapy offered to transfusion-dependent patients aged 1 year or older. However, despite good initial response, only ~20-30% remain steroid-responsive while the majority of the remaining patients will require life-long red blood cell transfusions. Despite continuous chelation, iron overload and related toxicities pose a significant morbidity problem. Allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) performed to completely replace the dysfunctional hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells is a curative option associated with potentially uncontrollable risks. Advances in HLA-typing, conditioning regimens, infection management, and graft-versus-host-disease prophylaxis have led to improved transplant outcomes in DBA patients, though survival is suboptimal for adolescents and adults with long transfusion-history and patients lacking well-matched donors. Additionally, many patients lack a suitable donor. To address this gap and to mitigate the risk of graft-versus-host disease, several groups are working towards developing autologous genetic therapies to provide another curative option for DBA patients across the whole age spectrum. In this review, we summarize the results of HCT studies and review advances and potential future directions in hematopoietic stem cell-based therapies for DBA

    GATA2 deficiency and MDS/AML: experimental strategies for disease modelling and future therapeutic prospects

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    The importance of predisposition to leukaemia in clinical practice is being increasingly recognized. This is emphasized by the establishment of a novel WHO disease category in 2016 called 'myeloid neoplasms with germline predisposition'. A major syndrome within this group is GATA2 deficiency, a heterogeneous immunodeficiency syndrome with a very high lifetime risk to develop myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) and acute myeloid leukaemia (AML). GATA2 deficiency has been identified as the most common hereditary cause of MDS in adolescents with monosomy 7. Allogenic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation is the only curative option; however, chances of survival decrease with progression of immunodeficiency and MDS evolution. Penetrance and expressivity within families carrying GATA2 mutations is often variable, suggesting that co-operating extrinsic events are required to trigger the disease. Predictive tools are lacking, and intrafamilial heterogeneity is poorly understood; hence there is a clear unmet medical need. On behalf of the ERAPerMed GATA2 HuMo consortium, in this review we describe the genetic, clinical, and biological aspects of familial GATA2-related MDS, highlighting the importance of developing robust disease preclinical models to improve early detection and clinical decision-making of GATA2 carriers

    A functional assay for the clinical annotation of genetic variants of uncertain significance in Diamond\u2013Blackfan anemia

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    Diamond-Blackfan anemia (DBA) is a rare genetic hypoplasia of erythroid progenitors characterized by mild to severe anemia and associated with congenital malformations. Clinical manifestations in DBA patients are quite variable and genetic testing has become a critical factor in establishing a diagnosis of DBA. The majority of DBA cases are due to heterozygous loss-of-function mutations in ribosomal protein (RP) genes. Causative mutations are fairly straightforward to identify in the case of large deletions and frameshift and nonsense mutations found early in a protein coding sequence, but diagnosis becomes more challenging in the case of missense mutations and small in-frame indels. Our group recently characterized the phenotype of lymphoblastoid cell lines established from DBA patients with pathogenic lesions in RPS19 and observed that defective pre-rRNA processing, a hallmark of the disease, was rescued by lentiviral vectors expressing wild-type RPS19. Here, we use this complementation assay to determine whether RPS19 variants of unknown significance are capable of rescuing pre-rRNA processing defects in these lymphoblastoid cells as a means of assessing the effects of these sequence changes on the function of the RPS19 protein. This approach will be useful in differentiating pathogenic mutations from benign polymorphisms in identifying causative genes in DBA patients

    Lymphoblastoid cell lines from Diamond Blackfan anaemia patients exhibit a full ribosomal stress phenotype that is rescued by gene therapy

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    Diamond Blackfan anaemia (DBA) is a congenital bone marrow failure syndrome characterised by selective red cell hypoplasia. DBA is most often due to heterozygous mutations in ribosomal protein (RP) genes that lead to defects in ribosome biogenesis and function and result in ribosomal stress and p53 activation. The molecular mechanisms underlying this pathology are still poorly understood and studies on patient erythroid cells are hampered by their paucity. Here we report that RP-mutated lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs) established from DBA patients show defective rRNA processing and ribosomal stress features such as reduced proliferation, decreased protein synthesis, and activation of p53 and its target p21. These phenotypic alterations were corrected by gene complementation. Our data indicate that DBA LCLs could be a useful model for molecular and pharmacological investigations

    Germline landscape of RPA1, RPA2 and RPA3 variants in pediatric malignancies: identification of RPA1 as a novel cancer predisposition candidate gene

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    Replication Protein A (RPA) is single-strand DNA binding protein that plays a key role in the replication and repair of DNA. RPA is a heterotrimer made of 3 subunits – RPA1, RPA2, and RPA3. Germline pathogenic variants affecting RPA1 were recently described in patients with Telomere Biology Disorders (TBD), also known as dyskeratosis congenita or short telomere syndrome. Premature telomere shortening is a hallmark of TBD and results in bone marrow failure and predisposition to hematologic malignancies. Building on the finding that somatic mutations in RPA subunit genes occur in ~1% of cancers, we hypothesized that germline RPA alterations might be enriched in human cancers. Because germline RPA1 mutations are linked to early onset TBD with predisposition to myelodysplastic syndromes, we interrogated pediatric cancer cohorts to define the prevalence and spectrum of rare/novel and putative damaging germline RPA1, RPA2, and RPA3 variants. In this study of 5,993 children with cancer, 75 (1.25%) harbored heterozygous rare (non-cancer population allele frequency (AF) < 0.1%) variants in the RPA heterotrimer genes, of which 51 cases (0.85%) had ultra-rare (AF < 0.005%) or novel variants. Compared with Genome Aggregation Database (gnomAD) non-cancer controls, there was significant enrichment of ultra-rare and novel RPA1, but not RPA2 or RPA3, germline variants in our cohort (adjusted p-value < 0.05). Taken together, these findings suggest that germline putative damaging variants affecting RPA1 are found in excess in children with cancer, warranting further investigation into the functional role of these variants in oncogenesis

    Somatic mutations and progressive monosomy modify SAMD9-related phenotypes in humans

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    It is well established that somatic genomic changes can influence phenotypes in cancer, but the role of adaptive changes in developmental disorders is less well understood. Here we have used next-generation sequencing approaches to identify de novo heterozygous mutations in sterile α motif domain–containing protein 9 (SAMD9, located on chromosome 7q21.2) in 8 children with a multisystem disorder termed MIRAGE syndrome that is characterized by intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) with gonadal, adrenal, and bone marrow failure, predisposition to infections, and high mortality. These mutations result in gain of function of the growth repressor product SAMD9. Progressive loss of mutated SAMD9 through the development of monosomy 7 (–7), deletions of 7q (7q–), and secondary somatic loss-of-function (nonsense and frameshift) mutations in SAMD9 rescued the growth-restricting effects of mutant SAMD9 proteins in bone marrow and was associated with increased length of survival. However, 2 patients with –7 and 7q– developed myelodysplastic syndrome, most likely due to haploinsufficiency of related 7q21.2 genes. Taken together, these findings provide strong evidence that progressive somatic changes can occur in specific tissues and can subsequently modify disease phenotype and influence survival. Such tissue-specific adaptability may be a more common mechanism modifying the expression of human genetic conditions than is currently recognized
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