7 research outputs found

    Desenvolvimento de Cordia trichotoma em função da adubação, em sistema silvipastoril no Sudoeste do Paraná-Brasil

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    This study aimed mainly to analyze the initial development of the louro-pardo (Cordia trichotoma (Vell.) Arrab. ex Steud.), planted at different levels of fertilization in silvopastoral system. Therefore, was made a louro-pardo consortium with grass Panicum maximum cv. aruana at the Universidade Tecnologica Federal do Paraná - Campus Dois Vizinhos. Were allocated 4 double lines in the range of 10 m with spacing of 2.0 m x 1.5 m these lines. The soil was prepared with a scarifier up until a depth of 30 cm. In the planting, jointly the seedlings were added 250 ml/plant of a hydrogel solution. In order to assess the importance of NPK fertilization on the system, this was tested at four different levels (treatments): T1 (without fertilization), T2 (recommended), T3 (twice the recommended) and T4 (triple the recommended). To evaluate the study, plant height measurements were made, stem diameter and two equidistant crown diameters, also were made qualitative evaluations of vigor, according health parameters, occurrence of pests or diseases, growth, overall visual appearance of the leaves and stem, nutrition and water stress. Data were statistically analyzed by software Assistat v. 7.6 Beta. The results showed a mean relative growth of 374.2% for the stem diameter, 278.3% for height and 1351.1% for crown area in the 10 months evaluated. The plant vigor was not influenced by the fertilizer levels, as independent of the tested treatment, there was significant reduction in the quality of seedlings due to the occurrence of bacteria and the coincidence with the winter period, because it is a deciduous plant. According to the study, can be recommended the dose of 192 g plant-1 (T4) of NPK with the tested formulation to louro-pardo.O estudo teve o objetivo principal de analisar o desenvolvimento inicial do louro-pardo (Cordia trichotoma (Vell.) Arrab. ex Steud.), implantado sob diferentes níveis de adubação, em sistema silvipastoril. Para tanto, realizou-se o consórcio de louro-pardo com capim Panicummaximum cv. aruana na Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná – Câmpus Dois Vizinhos. Foram alocadas 4 linhas duplas em intervalo de 10 m com espaçamento de 2 m x 1,5 m nessas linhas. O solo foi preparado com escarificador até uma profundidade de 30 cm. No plantio, juntamente com as mudas foram adicionados 250 mL/planta de uma solução de hidrogel. Com o propósito de avaliar a importância da adubação com NPK no sistema implantado, esta foi testada em quatro níveis diferentes (tratamentos): T1 (sem adubação), T2 (o recomendado), T3 (2 x recomendado) e T4 (3 x recomendado). Para avaliação do estudo, mediram-se a altura das plantas, diâmetros do colo e dois diâmetros de copa equidistantes, como também se realizaram avaliações qualitativas de vigor, conforme parâmetros de sanidade, ocorrência de pragas ou doenças, crescimento, aspecto visual geral das folhas e tronco, estresse nutricional e hídrico. Os dados obtidos foram analisados estatisticamente através do software Assistat v. 7.6 Beta. Os resultados apontaram um crescimento relativo (CR%) médio de 374,2% em diâmetro do colo, 278,3% em altura e 1351,1% em área de copa, nos 10 meses avaliados. O vigor das plantas não foi influenciado pela adubação, pois independente da dose, houve redução significativa na qualidade das plantas em função de ocorrência de uma bacteriose e a coincidência com o período de inverno, por se tratar de uma planta caducifólia. Com base nos resultados de crescimento obtidos até a idade avaliada, recomenda-se o uso de 192 g/planta de NPK, na formulação testada, para o louro-pardo


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    A fauna edáfica é sensível a perturbações ambientais e sua resposta pode indicar o estado de conservação do solo em locais com diferentes uso e manejo. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a diversidade de grupos da fauna invertebrada e sua relação com atributos edáficos em três sistemas de uso do solo (SUS): Floresta Nativa (FN), Reflorestamento de Pinus (RP) e Campo Nativo Melhorado (CNM), no município de Lages, SC. A amostragem consistiu em três pontos distanciados entre si por 30 metros, estabelecidos ao longo de transectos, em cada SUS. Avaliaram-se os atributos físicos e químicos do solo e da abundância e diversidade da fauna, coletada pelos métodos Pitfall traps e Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility (TSBF). Os dados foram submetidos a análise estatística multivariada. Identificaram-se 1210 organismos do solo, pertencentes a 17 grupos taxonômicos, sendo, os mais representativos Collembola e Coleoptera, independente do SUS. A FN apresentou maior riqueza e diversidade da fauna edáfica em comparação aos outros sistemas. Os maiores teores de matéria orgânica e pH demonstraram relação com Oligochaeta, Enchytraeidae e Collembola. A umidade do solo contribuiu para explicar a abundância dos grupos em CNM e FN. Contudo, a fauna mostrou respostas diferentes na sua distribuição para cada SUS, logo, as variáveis ambientais podem limitar o estabelecimento dos invertebrados mais frequentes no solo. Os sistemas FN e CNM apresentaram melhores condições dos atributos edáficos e por isso maior biodiversidade, quando comparados ao RP

    Análise da potencialidade de inundação da microbacia do rio Dois Vizinhos por meio de vetorização automática e manual aliadas as caracteristicas morfométricas

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    Whenever the flow to be drained by a river basin exceeds the capacity of the waterway ditch water, flooding occurs of course, after all that is a natural phenomenon, but it is inconvenient when the flooded area is occupied by activities human. Through vectorized ASTER images are analyzed physical characteristics of the watershed to determine their effects on the hydrological behavior. Because it is an important fact to the knowledge society, as the watershed of the Rio Dois Vizinhos is the one that crosses the entire urban area of the municipality, it is clear that the objective of this study is to compare two methods of vectorization with the true field to determine the capacity of the watershed through the flood indices: drainage density, form factor and coefficient of compactness. We used the ASTER GDEM elevation model to perform vetorizações (manual and automatic), to compare with the true location of the field and set the morphometric characteristics of the watershed. Its main river is called Rio Dois Vizinhos, and heads towards the east, interceding with Rio Chopim. The watershed totals an area of 198.63 Km², which corresponds to 47.4% of the municipal area. The sum total of all watercourses in truth the field is 148.98 km long. The most efficient vectorization for morphometric analysis of the watershed in question was the manual, as the results obtained from this closest to the field of truth, and this is the most accurate location information. The watershed of Rio Dois Vizinhos, considering the indexes of shape, compactness and density of drainage, not presented, the principle flood risk in normal annual rainfall.Pages: 8956-896

    Morphological Diversity of Springtails in Land Use Systems

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    ABSTRACT: Springtails (Collembola) are soil organisms with wide morphological diversity and are sensitive to alterations in the soil, regardless of whether they are human-caused or not. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of land use on the morphological diversity of springtails and verify their relationships with soil physical, chemical, and microbiological properties. Samples were collected in the eastern region of Santa Catarina, in three municipalities: Joinville, Blumenau, and Timbó. They included the following land use systems (LUSs): native forest (NF), Eucalyptus plantation (EP), pasture (PA), integrated crop-livestock (ICL), and no tillage (NT). Samples were collected to determine soil properties, and pitfall traps were set in the winter and summer at the same points. The captured springtails were counted and morphotyped, observing features such as presence or absence of ocelli and setae, pigmentation, antenna length, and furcula length. The data were analyzed based on abundance, the Shannon-Wiener (H') and Margalef diversity indices, Pielou's evenness index (J), morphotype richness, modified Soil Biological Quality index (QBS), and Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Springtails abundance was higher in ICL and PA, whereas morphotype richness was higher in NF and ICL in the winter. The Shannon-Wiener and Margalef indices were higher in the winter in NF. In the summer, only H' differed significantly among the LUSs and was higher in NF. The QBS values did not precisely follow the human intervention gradient in either of the two periods. The PCA showed difference among the periods and LUSs. In the winter, the occurrence of morphotypes was related to soil microbiological and chemical properties, whereas in the summer, the distribution of morphotypes was explained by soil physical and chemical properties. Morphological diversity analysis is a good alternative to study springtail distribution and soil biological quality, especially when associated with multivariate techniques

    Fauna e sua relação com atributos edáficos em Lages, Santa Catarina – Brasil

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    The soil fauna is sensitive to environmental disturbances, their response may indicate the state of soil conservation in different uses and management practices. The aim of this study was to evaluate the diversity of invertebrate fauna groups and its relationship with edaphic attributes in three land uses: Native Forest (NF), Pinus Reforestation (PR) and Native Improved Grassland (NIM), in Lages, SC - Brazil. Sampling consisted of three points distanced each other 30 meters, established along transects, on each system. The evaluations were physical and chemical soil attributes and the abundance and diversity of fauna, collected by methods Pitfall traps and Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility. The data were subjected to multivariate statistical analysis. They identified 1.210 soil organisms belonging to 17 taxonomic groups. The most representative groups were Collembola and Coleoptera, independent of the use. The NF has introduced greater richness and diversity of soil fauna in comparison to other LUS. The highest levels of organic matter and soil pH showed a relationship with Oligochaeta, Enchytraeidae and Collembola. The values of moisture contributed to explain the greater abundance of groups in NIM and NF. However, the soil fauna showed different responses in its distribution to each land use, being that the environmental variables may limit the establishment of most frequent belowground invertebrates. NF systems and NIM presented better terms of edaphic attributes and therefore greater biodiversity, when compared to the PR.A fauna edáfica é sensível às perturbações ambientais e sua resposta pode indicar o estado de conservação do solo em locais com diferentes usos e manejos. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a diversidade de grupos da fauna invertebrada e sua relação com atributos edáficos em três usos da terra: Floresta Nativa (FN), Reflorestamento de Pinus (RP) e Campo Nativo Melhorado (CNM), no município de Lages, SC. A amostragem consistiu em três pontos distanciados entre si por 30 metros, estabelecidos ao longo de transectos, em cada sistema. Avaliaram-se os atributos físicos e químicos do solo e da abundância e diversidade da fauna, coletada pelos métodos Pitfall traps e Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility. Os dados foram submetidos à análise estatística multivariada. Identificaram-se 1.210 organismos do solo, pertencentes a 17 grupos taxonômicos, sendo, os mais representativos Collembola e Coleoptera, independente do uso. A FN apresentou maior riqueza e diversidade da fauna edáfica em comparação aos outros sistemas. Os maiores teores de matéria orgânica e pH demonstraram relação com Oligochaeta, Enchytraeidae e Collembola. A umidade do solo contribuiu para explicar a abundância dos grupos em CNM e FN. Contudo, a fauna mostrou respostas diferentes na sua distribuição para cada uso da terra, logo, as variáveis ambientais podem limitar o estabelecimento dos invertebrados mais frequentes no solo. Os sistemas FN e CNM apresentaram melhores condições dos atributos edáficos e por isso maior biodiversidade, quando comparados ao RP

    Morphological Diversity of Coleoptera (Arthropoda: Insecta) in Agriculture and Forest Systems

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    <div><p>ABSTRACT Coleopterans (Coleoptera) are major ecosystem service providers. However ecomorphological features that are comparable in a wide range of invertebrates within this group and in various environments must be found, to be able to study regions with different species, contributing to overcome difficulties of the taxonomic approach and understand the functioning of ecosystems. This research addressed the diversity of Coleoptera, using a methodology of ecomorphological traits, as well as their relation with the land use systems (LUS) and the soil properties. The following LUS were evaluated: no-tillage (NT), crop-livestock integration (CLI), pasture (PA), Eucalyptus stands (EST), and native forest (NF). Samples were collected using a 3 × 3 point grid (sampling points at a distance of 30 m), in winter and summer, in three municipalities on the Southern Santa Catarina Plateau, Brazil. Coleopterans were collected using the methodology recommended by the Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility Program, based on the excavation of soil monoliths, and on pitfall traps. To evaluate the biological forms (morphotypes) and ecomorphological groups, the ecomorphological index (EMI) methodology was adopted and the modified soil biological quality (SBQ) index was determined. At the same points, samples were collected to evaluate environmental variables (soil physical, chemical, and microbiological properties). Density data underwent nonparametric univariate statistical analysis and multivariate abundance to verify the distribution of coleopterans in the LUS, and the environmental variables were considered as explanatory. Regardless of the LUS, 14 morphotypes were identified, and adult coleopterans with epigean morphologic adaptations were more abundant than hemi-edaphic and edaphic coleopterans, respectively. Morphotype diversity was higher in the systems NF, EST, and PA in summer and in NT in winter. The reductions in SBQ index were not associated with a gradient of land use intensification (NF> EST> PA> CLI> NT), and the index was higher for NF and lower for EST. Principal component analysis (PCA) indicated a different distribution of invertebrates between the LUS. For the edaphic species, better adapted to life in the soil, a relation with NT and CLI was observed, due to more favorable pH values and phosphorus content. In the NF, a greater amount of morphotypes was identified, and the properties related to soil carbon dynamics contributed to explain this distribution. Separation at the morphotype level, taking adaptation level to soil life into consideration, has proved efficient to discriminate the LUS, mainly along with other explanatory environmental variables.</p></div