55 research outputs found

    The lithic assemblage of the US 13 at the middle paleolithic site of Oscurusciuto (Ginosa, Taranto, Southern Italy): technological studies

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    Master Erasmus Mundus em Quaternário e Pré-Históri

    Continuities and discontinuities during the late Middle Palaeolithic at the Oscurusciuto rock shelter (southern Italy). An integrated study of lithic manufacture in the strata SU 15, SU 14, SU 13 and SU 11.

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    Aquesta investigació té com a objectiu interpretar les variacions en la producció Neandertal, així com la funcionalitat de les eines de pedra mitjançant l'anàlisi de conjunts lítics dins l'últim Paleolític Mitjà del sud d'Itàlia. L'abric Oscurusciuto és clau per a la comprensió del comportament dels neandertals, ja que ofereix un dipòsit llarg i fiable, d'uns 6 m de profunditat, format per diversos nivells que oscil•len entre 42,724 ± 716 cal BP i 55 ± 2 kyrs (40Ar/39Ar). L’objectiu principal d'aquesta investigació és realitzar un estudi del conjunt d’eines de lítica, present a la secció inferior de la sèrie investigada fins ara en aquest jaciment: SU 15, SU 14, SU 13 i SU 11. Volem individualitzar, des d'un punt de vista diacrònic, les continuïtats i discontinuïtats d'aquests tecno-complexos lítics. Tenim la intenció d'aconseguir aquest objectiu a través d'un estudi integrat del material lític que permetrà una descripció del comportament econòmic relacionat amb l'explotació de les fonts de matèria primera lítica, seguit d'una descripció detallada de les fases de la seqüència de reducció, així com una definició de conceptes, mètodes, dinàmiques i objectius de la talla. Aquesta anàlisi tecnològica fonamental s'aplica als quatre nivells: SU 15, SU 14, SU 13 i SU 11. Basant-nos en les característiques del material recollit, s'han dut a terme diversos estudis: d’unitats de matèria primera (RMU) i de remuntatges per SU 13 i SU 14, per tal de comprendre millor la fragmentació de la cadena operativa. A més, s'ha desenvolupat un protocol tecno-funcional sobre un grup seleccionat de peces de la SEU 13, per tal d'aprofundir la nostra comprensió sobre la potencialitat les eines. Els resultats demostren que aquestes unitats estratigràfiques mostren peculiaritats específiques en termes de sistemes de producció lítica, elements estructurals, distribució espacial i tipus d'ocupació.Esta investigación tiene como objetivo interpretar las variaciones en la producción y la funcionalidad de herramientas de piedra de los Neandertales a través del análisis de los conjuntos líticos referibles a la última parte del Paleolítico Medio del sur de Italia. Un sitio clave para este propósito es el abrigo Oscurusciuto. Este es esencial para la comprensión del comportamiento de los Neandertales porque ofrece un depósito largo y confiable, de unos 6 m de profundidad. El mismo se encuentra formado por varios niveles que oscilan entre 42,724 ± 716 cal BP y 55 ± 2 kyrs (40Ar/39Ar). El propósito explícito de esta investigación es realizar un estudio integrado de las herramientas líticas presentes en la sección inferior de la serie hasta ahora investigada del abrigo Oscurusciuto: SU 15, SU 14, SU 13 y SU 11. Se pretende individualizar, desde un punto de vista diacrónico, las continuidades y discontinuidades de estos tecnocomplejos líticos. Para lograr este propósito se realizará un estudio integrado del material lítico, que permita una descripción del comportamiento económico relacionado con la explotación de las fuentes de materias primas líticas, una descripción detallada de las fases de la secuencia de reducción, así como también una definición de conceptos, métodos, dinámicas y objetivos del debitage. Este análisis tecnológico fundamental se aplica a los cuatro niveles. Considerando las características del material recogido, se han llevado a cabo estudios adicionales, como Unidades de Materia Prima (RMU) y remontajes para SU 13 y SU 14, con el fin de comprender mejor la fragmentación de la cadena operativa. Además, se ha desarrollado un protocolo tecno-funcional sobre un grupo seleccionado de piezas de SU 13, con el fin de profundizar nuestra comprensión de la potencialidad de las herramientas. Los resultados demuestran que estas unidades estratigráficas muestran peculiaridades específicas en términos de sistemas de producción lítica, elementos estructurales, manejo espacial y tipo de ocupación.This research aims to interpret the variations in the Neanderthal production and functionality of stone tools through analyses of lithic assemblages referable to the last Middle Palaeolithic of southern Italy. A key site for this purpose is the Oscurusciuto rock shelter, which is essential to the understanding of Neanderthal behaviour, as it offers a long, reliable deposit, about 6 m in depth, made up of several levels ranging between 42,724 ± 716 cal BP and 55 ± 2 kyrs (40Ar/39Ar). The explicit purpose of this research is to perform an integrated study of the lithic manufacture present in the lower section of the series so far investigated the Oscurusciuto rock shelter: SU 15, SU 14, SU 13 and SU 11. We want to individuate, from a diachronic point of view, the continuities and discontinuities of these lithic techno-complexes. We intend to achieve this purpose through an integrated study of the lithic material, which in turn allows for a description of the economic behaviour involved in the exploitation of the sources of lithic raw material, followed by a detailed description of the phases in the reduction sequence, as well as a definition of concepts, methods, dynamics and objectives of the debitage. This fundamental technological analysis is applied to all four levels: SU 15, SU 14, SU 13, and SU 11 (48,382 items). Based on the characteristics of the collected material, further studies have been undertaken, such as Raw Material Units plus refitting studies for SU 13 and SU 14, in order to better understand the fragmentation of the operative chain. Moreover, a techno-functional protocol has been developed regarding a selected group of pieces from SU 13, in order to deepen our comprehension of productional vs. functional tools. The results demonstrate that these stratigraphic units show specific peculiarities in terms of lithic production systems, structural elements, spatial management, and type of occupation


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    O presente artigo tem por objetivo analisar os aspectos da transição entre o Paleolítico Médio e Paleolítico Superior observando as dinâmicas de natureza biológica, cultural e cognitivo/simbólica que marcaram com particular ênfase aos aspectos evolutivos entre às espécies H. neanderthalensis - H. sapiens, cujo cenário geográfico associa o continente Europeu aos Neandertais e o Africano aos sapiens

    O primeiro povoamento do Homo sapiens na Itália o que sabemos sobre o tecnno-complexo Uluzziano

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    O Uluzziano é um tecno-complexo que data entre aproximadamente 45.000 a 40.000 anos AP, e está associado ao período em que os Neandertais desaparecem e tem-se o início do sinal arqueológico do Homo sapiens na Europa. Este tecno-complexo foi inicialmente descrito tipologicamente, com base nos materiais encontrados em Grotta del Cavallo (Salento, Puglia, sudeste da Itália). Sua caracterização inicial indicou que apresentava características que geralmente são consideradas típicas do chamado "comportamento moderno", incluindo a presença de substâncias corantes, ferramentas ósseas e ornamentos. Além disso, o Uluzziano representa uma ruptura material brusca em comparação ao tecno-complexo Musteriense, anterior e parcialmente contemporâneo, tanto do ponto de vista tecnológico como de estratégia de caça e subsistência. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar a história da definição deste tecno-complexo, suas características em relação à indústria lítica, indústria óssea, ornamentos, e métodos de subsistência. Serão apresentadas as hipóteses sobre sua origem e seu fim, e sua relevância para o debate sobre a transição do Paleolítico Superior Médio na Europa

    Middle Palaeolithic technical behaviour: Material import-export and Levallois production at the SU 13 of Oscurusciuto rock shelter, Southern Italy

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    The Oscurusciuto rock shelter, located in southern Italy (Puglia), has yielded a long Middle Palaeolithic stratigraphy rich in lithic assemblages, fireplaces and faunal remains, attesting Neanderthal occupation during the MIS 3. This paper is focused on the stratigraphic unit 13, consisting of a sandy compact deposit mixed with pyroclastic sediment above a thick level of tephra-US 14, identified as Mt. Epomeo green tuff (dated Ar/Ar ~ 55 ka).Level 13 represents the first stable human occupation after the deposition of tephra. Our goal was to examine the lithic assemblage of this stratigraphic unit by means of an interdisciplinary approach (technology, RMU, refitting program) in order to identify the economic behaviour and technical strategies of Neanderthals occupying the stratigraphic unit 13 of Oscurusciuto.The technical strategies applied indicate fragmentation of the reduction processes, as well as probable events of importation and exportation of objects. The lithic material were introduced at different stages of manufacturing. Pieces were introduced in the form of rough objects (pebbles), as well as semi-finished items, and as finished tools. This fragmentation of the chaîne opératoire also demonstrate the palimpsest nature of the level which is made up of different events happening one after another.The main concept of debitage was Levallois, generally realized on local jasper and siliceous limestone pebbles or cortical flakes. Jasper and siliceous limestone flakes, backed flakes and convergent flakes were the technological objectives of the debitage. A marginal volumetric debitage aimed at producing bladelets was also attested

    Middle Palaeolithic technical behaviour: Material import-export and Levallois production at the SU 13 of Oscurusciuto rock shelter, Southern Italy

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    The Oscurusciuto rock shelter, located in southern Italy (Puglia), has yielded a long Middle Palaeolithic stratigraphy rich in lithic assemblages, fireplaces and faunal remains, attesting Neanderthal occupation during the MIS 3. This paper is focused on the stratigraphic unit 13, consisting of a sandy compact deposit mixed with pyroclastic sediment above a thick level of tephra-US 14, identified as Mt. Epomeo green tuff (dated Ar/Ar ~ 55 ka).Level 13 represents the first stable human occupation after the deposition of tephra. Our goal was to examine the lithic assemblage of this stratigraphic unit by means of an interdisciplinary approach (technology, RMU, refitting program) in order to identify the economic behaviour and technical strategies of Neanderthals occupying the stratigraphic unit 13 of Oscurusciuto.The technical strategies applied indicate fragmentation of the reduction processes, as well as probable events of importation and exportation of objects. The lithic material were introduced at different stages of manufacturing. Pieces were introduced in the form of rough objects (pebbles), as well as semi-finished items, and as finished tools. This fragmentation of the chaîne opératoire also demonstrate the palimpsest nature of the level which is made up of different events happening one after another.The main concept of debitage was Levallois, generally realized on local jasper and siliceous limestone pebbles or cortical flakes. Jasper and siliceous limestone flakes, backed flakes and convergent flakes were the technological objectives of the debitage. A marginal volumetric debitage aimed at producing bladelets was also attested.

    Middle Palaeolithic lithic tools: Techno-functional and use-wear analysis of target objects from SU 13 at the Oscurusciuto rock shelter, Southern Italy

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    The Oscurusciuto rock shelter (Ginosa, Puglia, southern Italy) is a Middle Palaeolithic site characterized by a significant stratigraphy made up by several anthropic levels. The stratigraphic unit 13, consisting of a sandy compact deposit mixed with pyroclastic sediment, is a short palimpsest situated on a layer of tephra, identified as Mt. Epomeo green tuff (dated Ar/Ar ~ 55 ka BP). From a technological point of view, the aims of the production were backed flakes, convergent flakes, and other flakes obtained by means of a Levallois debitage, plus (less represented) bladelets produced by an additional volumetric reduction system. Our aim in this research was to examine a selection of the above-mentioned target objects produced by debitage in order to understand the manufacture and life-cycle of each single tool from a dynamic perspective. We integrated techno-functional and use-wear analyses: the first was implemented to globally comprehend each tool, identifying each single techno-functional unity (prehensile and transformative portions), whereas the second revealed the way in which these tools had been used, proceeding to identify the activity involved (e.g., piercing, cutting and/or scraping), and the type of material (vegetable/animal, soft/hard) on which these activities had been carried out. The combined use of these two approaches allows us to ascertain the intention of the prehistoric craftsmen, the gestures and procedures involved in making the tools, and the way they had been used. From one single object we are thus able to reconstruct a series of complex behaviours, encompassing the creation, the life-cycle and finally the ‘death’ or repurposing of the tool in question

    Gestão, pesquisa e valorização do sítio arqueológico Grotta Dei Santi (Toscana - Itália)

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    Grotta dei Santi-GDS é um sítio préhistórico do Paleolítico Médio, situado na região da Toscana (Itália Central). Apresenta vestígios da ocupação neandertalense entre 50.000 e 40.000 anos antes do presente. Por sua importância no panorama paleolítico italiano, o Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche della Terra e dell'Ambiente-Unità di Ricerca di Preistoria e Antropologia dell'Università di Siena (Itália), há mais de dez anos, conduz as pesquisas, escavações e ações de valorização patrimonial com a finalidade de aprofundar o conhecimento sobre o comportamento neandertal na região e também valorizar um sítio que, por sua própria importância científica e localização, se apresenta como único em seu gênero. Neste capítulo, apresentamos o projeto desenvolvido no sítio GDS com foco numa gestão integrada do território

    Back to the Past. The paleogeography as key to understand the Middle Palaeolithic peopling at Grotta dei Santi (Mt Argentario – Tuscany)

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    The mobility of hunter-gatherer groups is crucial in understanding Palaeolithic settlement dynamics. The concept of mobility cannot be separated from the space in which it occurs, including landscape components, localization of critical resources and of other sites, and routes between them. Nevertheless, the landscape is not constant in time due to the geomorphological changes that occurred in the long timescale of Prehistory. Here we present a paleogeographic reconstruction of the coastal area around Grotta dei Santi during the Neandertal occupation. A GIS-based approach, combining geological, bathymetric, and sea-level fluctuations data, allows us to reconstruct the landscape around the cave at about 45 ky BP. The cave today opens onto a cliff facing the sea. The Neandertal occupation occurred with a sea-level 74 m lower than present-day. Consequently, the cave faced a vast coastal plain, playing a strategic role due to its position, allowing both proximity and control of essential resources