110 research outputs found

    Patrimonio arquitectónico del área metropolitana de Mendoza y desarrollo local

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    En los últimos cinco años con el impacto del turismo nacional e internacional el interés sobre el patrimonio cultural está en proceso de cambio desde las políticas públicas. El mercado de los bienes culturales físicos presenta en nuestro país características, dificultades e imperfecciones que justifican ampliamente una función reguladora del Estado en su protección, administración e integración a la vida del presente. Para ello el conocimiento científico y técnico que este proyecto ha planteado como objetivo constituye un aporte significativo para en la definición de estrategias y líneas de actuación respecto de este recurso, para un desarrollo territorial más sostenible del área metropolitana de Mendoza. El área metropolitana de Mendoza posee un valioso conjunto de bienes culturales, un recurso de grandes posibilidades que los dirigentes y quienes operan sobre el territorio no alcanzan a vislumbrar. Este trabajo hizo posible una evaluación completa y compleja, específica y relacional de este recurso, ofreciendo a los actores involucrados una herramienta con sustento científico para la conservación. El desconocimiento y desvalorización del patrimonio y de su papel dinamizador en los procesos de desarrollo han sido la principal dificultad para elaborar propuestas sostenibles a mediano y largo plazo

    Role of fetal MRI in the evaluation of isolated and non-isolated corpus callosum dysgenesis: results of a cross-sectional study

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    PURPOSE: The aims of this study were to characterize isolated and non-isolated forms of corpus callosum dysgenesis (CCD) at fetal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and to identify early predictors of associated anomalies. METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed 104 fetuses with CCD undergoing MRI between 2006 and 2016. Corpus callosum, cavum septi pellucidi, biometry, presence of ventriculomegaly, gyration anomalies, cranio-encephalic abnormalities and body malformations were evaluated. Results of genetic tests were also recorded. RESULTS: At MRI, isolated CCD was 26.9%, the rest being associated to other abnormalities. In the isolated group, median gestational age at MRI was lower in complete agenesis than in hypoplasia (22 vs 28 weeks). In the group with additional findings, cortical dysplasia was the most frequently associated feature (P = 0.008), with a more frequent occurrence in complete agenesis (70%) versus other forms; mesial frontal lobes were more often involved than other cortical regions (P = 0.006), with polymicrogyria as the most frequent cortical malformation (40%). Multivariate analysis confirmed the association between complete agenesis and cortical dysplasia (odds ratio = 7.29, 95% confidence interval 1.51-35.21). CONCLUSIONS: CCD is often complicated by other intra-cranial and extra-cranial findings (cortical dysplasias as the most prevalent) that significantly affect the postnatal prognosis. The present study showed CCD with associated anomalies as more frequent than isolated (73.1%). In isolated forms, severe ventriculomegaly was a reliable herald of future appearance of associated features

    Soft tissue cell adhesion to titanium abutments after different cleaning procedures: preliminary results of a randomized clinical trial

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    Objectives: A randomized controlled trial was performed to assess soft tissue cell adhesion to implant titanium abutments subjected to different cleaning procedures and test if plasma cleaning can enhance cell adhesion at an early healing time. Study Design: Eighteen patients with osseointegrated and submerged implants were included. Before re-opening, 18 abutments were divided in 3 groups corresponding to different clinical conditions with different cleaning processes: no treatment (G1), laboratory customization and cleaning by steam (G2), cleaning by plasma of Argon (G3). Abutments were removed after 1 week and scanning electron microscopy was used to analyze cell adhesion to the abutment surface quantitatively (percentage of area occupied by cells) and qualitatively (aspect of adhered cells and presence of contaminants). Results: Mean percentages of area occupied by cells were 17.6 ± 22.7%, 16.5 ± 12.9% and 46.3 ± 27.9% for G1, G2 and G3 respectively. Differences were statistically significant between G1 and G3 (p=0.030), close to significance between G2 and G3 (p=0.056), and non-significant between G1 and G2 (p=0.530). The proportion of samples presenting adhered cells was homogeneous among the 3 groups (p-valor = 1.000). In all cases cells presented a flattened aspect; in 2 cases cells were less efficiently adhered and in 1 case cells presented filipodia. Three cases showed contamination with cocobacteria. Conclusions: Within the limits of the present study, plasma of Argon may enhance cell adhesion to titanium abutments, even at the early stage of soft tissue healing. Further studies with greater samples are necessary to confirm these findings

    A pro longevity role for cellular senescence

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    Cellular senescence is a fundamental process that may play positive or detrimental roles for the organism. It is involved in tissue development and in tumor prevention although during aging is becoming a detrimental process contributing to the decline of tissue functions. In previous investigations, we have uncovered a better capacity to detect DNA damage in cells from long-lived mammals. Here, we report that cultured cells derived from long-lived species have a higher propensity to undergo senescence when challenged with DNA damage than cells derived from short-lived species. Using a panel of cells derived from six mammals, which range in lifespan from 3-4 years up to 120 years, we examined cell cycle response, induction of apoptosis and of cellular senescence. All species exhibited a cell cycle arrest while induction of apoptosis was variable. However, a significant positive correlation was found between the relative percent of cells, within a population which entered senescence following damage, and the lifespan of the species. We suggest that cellular senescence may have a positive role during development allowing it to contribute to the evolution of longevity

    Psychological effects of treatment with new oral anticoagulants in elderly patients with atrial fibrillation: a preliminary report

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common arrhythmia in elderly people, yet oral anticoagulation is underused in the aged. We tried to determine whether new oral anticoagulants (NOA) have greater psychological tolerability than warfarin. METHODS: Age-, gender-matched groups of AF patients receiving NOA (N = 15) or warfarin (N = 15) were assessed with the Anti-Clot Treatment Scale (ACTS) and the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS). RESULTS: Patients were old (81 ± 9 years). NOA group showed greater psychological satisfaction, with lower therapy-related burden (ACTS burdens: 16.3 ± 4.5 vs. 32.9 ± 10.2, p < 0.001) and higher awareness of benefits (ACTS benefits: 13.0 ± 1.3 vs. 10.8 ± 1.9, p = 0.001). Even stress was lower (PSS: 13.1 ± 4.0 vs. 17.1 ± 4.2, p = 0.013). The multivariate analysis confirmed these findings, showing that higher levels of anxiety and depression could justify more stress in warfarin patients. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this preliminary study show that NOA have an improved psychological impact compared with warfarin in elderly patients

    Avaliação da efetividade do método de Tanaka-Johnston para predição do diâmetro mésio-distal de caninos e pré-molares não-irrompidos

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    In the present study, the authors evaluated the Tanaka-Johnston method of prediction, with the objective of verifying its effectiveness for the right and left sides, for both genders and for the white, light mulatto, medium mulatto, dark mulatto and black races in the city of Salvador, Bahia. The mesiodistal diameter of the inferior permanent incisors, canines and premolars that had already erupted was measured with the aid of a digital caliper rule in the oral cavity of 98 individuals (45 males and 53 females), aging from 13 to 29 years. The results obtained with the application of the Tanaka-Johnston formulas were compared with the real values through statistical tests. After the analysis of the results, it was observed that the correlation between the estimated values and the real values was greater for females than it was for males. As to race, the coefficients of correlation were satisfactory. They were greater in the superior arch for the dark mulatto race (0.67), and in the inferior arch for the light mulatto race (0.74). Considering the sides, the findings revealed a greater coefficient of correlation for the inferior arch on the left side (0.61). It was concluded that the Tanaka-Johnston method, in spite of originating from a sample of European descendants, is indicated for the prediction of the mesiodistal diameter of canines and premolars in the different races evaluated in this research. The effectiveness of the referred method was also checked for both genders and sides in the studied sample.No presente estudo, os autores avaliaram o método de predição de Tanaka-Johnston com o objetivo de verificar sua efetividade para os lados direito e esquerdo, para ambos os sexos e para as raças branca, mulato claro, mulato médio, mulato escuro e negra, na cidade de Salvador - Bahia. Com o auxílio de um paquímetro digital, mediu-se o diâmetro mésio-distal dos incisivos inferiores permanentes, caninos e pré-molares, já irrompidos na cavidade bucal, de 98 indivíduos (45 do sexo masculino e 53 do sexo feminino), com idade variando entre 13 e 29 anos. Através de testes estatísticos, compararam-se os resultados obtidos a partir da aplicação das fórmulas de Tanaka-Johnston com os valores reais. Após análise dos resultados, observou-se que a correlação entre os valores estimados pela técnica de Tanaka-Johnston e os valores reais foram maiores para o sexo feminino que para o sexo masculino. Em relação à raça, os coeficientes de correlação foram satisfatórios para todas, sendo maior no arco dentário superior para a raça mulato escuro (0,67) e no arco dentário inferior para a raça mulato claro (0,74). Considerando-se os lados, os achados revelaram um maior coeficiente de correlação para o arco dentário inferior do lado esquerdo (0,61). Pôde-se concluir, neste trabalho, que o método de Tanaka-Johnston, apesar de ter sido preconizado a partir de uma amostra de descendentes europeus, é indicado para predição do diâmetro mésio-distal de caninos e pré-molares não-irrompidos para diferentes raças, sexos e lados dos arcos dentários na amostra estudada

    Term amniotic membrane is a high throughput source for multipotent mesenchymal stem cells with the ability to differentiate into endothelial cells in vitro

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    BACKGROUND: Term Amniotic membrane (AM) is a very attractive source of Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) due to the fact that this fetal tissue is usually discarded without ethical conflicts, leading to high efficiency in MSC recovery with no intrusive procedures. Here we confirmed that term AM, as previously reported in the literature, is an abundant source of hMSCs; in particular we further investigated the AM differentiation potential by assessing whether these cells may also be committed to the angiogenic fate. In agreement with the recommendation of the International Society for Cellular Therapy, the mesenchymal cells herein investigated were named Amniotic Membrane-human Mesenchymal Stromal Cells (AM-hMSC). RESULTS: The recovery of hMSCs and their in vitro expansion potential were greater in amniotic membrane than in bone marrow stroma. At flow cytometry analysis AM-hMSCs showed an immunophenotypical profile, i.e., positive for CD105, CD73, CD29, CD44, CD166 and negative for CD14, CD34, CD45, consistent with that reported for bone marrow-derived MSCs. In addition, amniotic membrane-isolated cells underwent in vitro osteogenic (von Kossa stain), adipogenic (Oil Red-O stain), chondrogenic (collagen type II immunohistochemichal detection) and myogenic (RT-PCR MyoD and Myogenin expression as well as desmin immunohistochemical detection) differentiation. In angiogenic experiments, a spontaneous differentiation into endothelial cells was detected by in vitro matrigel assay and this behaviour has been enhanced through Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) induction. According to these findings, VEGF receptor 1 and 2 (FLT-1 and KDR) were basally expressed in AM-hMSCs and the expression of endothelial-specific markers like FLT-1 KDR, ICAM-1 increased after exposure to VEGF together with the occurrence of CD34 and von Willebrand Factor positive cells. CONCLUSION: The current study suggests that AM-hMSCs may emerge as a remarkable tool for the cell therapy of multiple diseased tissues. AM-hMSCs may potentially assist both bone and cartilage repair, nevertheless, due to their angiogenic potential, they may also pave the way for novel approaches in the development of tissue-engineered vascular grafts which are useful when vascularization of ischemic tissues is required