100 research outputs found

    Composição de Agentes EBDI: Integração WASABI-Jason

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    Emoções assumem um papel muito importante no processo de tomada de decisão de seres humanos e é natural que a sua utilização torne-se um campo bastante fértil na área de Inteligência Artificial, seja com o intuito de aproximar o comportamentode agentes computacionais ao de humanos, ou simplesmente para aprimorar a relação humano-computador. Este trabalho apresenta a integração do simulador de emoções WASABI com o arcabouço para agentes BDI JASON, para prover agentes emocionais. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que o desempenho dos agentes no ambiente, assim como em sociedades humanas, é suscetível não só ao seu comportamento programado, mas à sua personalidade emocional e às condições do ambiente

    Lateral Interbody Fusion for Treatment of Discogenic Low Back Pain: Minimally Invasive Surgical Techniques

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    Low back pain is one of the most common ailments in the general population, which tends to increase in severity along with aging. While few patients have severe enough symptoms or underlying pathology to warrant surgical intervention, in those select cases treatment choices remain controversial and reimbursement is a substancial barrier to surgery. The object of this study was to examine outcomes of discogenic back pain without radiculopathy following minimally-invasive lateral interbody fusion. Twenty-two patients were treated at either one or two levels (28 total) between L2 and 5. Discectomy and interbody fusion were performed using a minimallyinvasive retroperitoneal lateral transpsoas approach. Clinical and radiographic parameters were analyzed at standard pre- and postoperative intervals up to 24 months. Mean surgical duration was 72.1 minutes. Three patients underwent supplemental percutaneous pedicle screw instrumentation. Four (14.3%) stand-alone levels experienced cage subsidence. Pain (VAS) and disability (ODI) improved markedly postoperatively and were maintained through 24 months. Segmental lordosis increased significantly and fusion was achieved in 93% of levels. In this series, isolated axial low back pain arising from degenerative disc disease was treated with minimally-invasive lateral interbody fusion in significant radiographic and clinical improvements, which were maintained through 24 months

    Towards a Model of Open and Reliable Cognitive Multiagent Systems: Dealing with Trust and Emotions

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     Open multiagent systems are those in which the agents can enter or leave the system freely. In these systems any entity with unknown intention can occupy the environment. For this scenario trust and reputation mechanisms should be used to choose partners in order to request services or delegate tasks. Trust and reputation models have been proposed in the Multiagent Systems area as a way to assist agents to select good partners in order to improve interactions between them. Most of the trust and reputation models proposed in the literature take into account their functional aspects, but not how they affect the reasoning cycle of the agent. That is, under the perspective of the agent, a trust model is usually just a “black box” and the agents usually does not take into account their emotional state to make decisions as well as humans often do. As well as trust, agent’s emotions also have been studied with the aim of making the actions and reactions of the agents more like those of humans being in order to imitate their reasoning and decision making mechanisms. In this paper we analyse some proposed models found in the literature and propose a BDI and multi-context based agent model which includes emotional reasoning to lead trust and reputation in open multiagent systems

    Tendências de mercado e o potencial do Oeste Catarinense para a fruticultura

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    Antes de iniciar o cultivo de frutíferas, o agricultor, investidor ou empreendedor deve procurar responder uma importante questão: “Existe mercado para minha produção?”. É necessário buscar informações de demanda do consumidor, volume, sazonalidade, padrão de qualidade, embalagem e logística de entrega no planejamento do empreendimento, principalmente pela perecibilidade das frutas, e as estratégias de comercialização devem estar definidas antes mesmo de iniciar o plantio. Depois de conhecer o mercado a ser atendido, deve-se buscar as informações técnicas para o planejamento de implantação do pomar, como: clima e solo favoráveis para cada espécie, escolha e preparo da área, aquisição de mudas de qualidade e todos os manejos subsequentes no pomar. A fruticultura mostra-se como alternativa às outras atividades, sendo uma opção de maior rentabilidade a produtores em pequenas áreas, diversificando a produção e a renda familiar. Desta forma, o objetivo desta publicação é contextualizar as tendências para o mercado de frutas e sugerir potencialidades para o desenvolvimento da fruticultura na região oeste catarinense

    Levantamento da produção de morangos no Oeste catarinense

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    The objective of the work was to carry out a survey of data on the production of strawberries in the western region of Santa Catarina, which enables the planning of technical assistance actions in the cultivation and development of the production chain. The survey was carried out in 2019, through the application of a questionnaire to Epagri extension workers. The researched data were the number of growers per municipality, cultivation system, number of plants per grower and the cultivars planted. The results show that there are 74 strawberry growers distributed in 81% of the municipalities in the region. The main production system adopted is the semi-hydroponic in elevated benches, which is present in 66% of the properties. Of the 74 growers, 84% are conventional. Regarding the number of cultivated plants, 50% have less than 2500 plants and 74% less than 5000 plants. The predominant cultivars are San Andreas and Albion.O objetivo do trabalho foi realizar um levantamento de dados sobre a produção de morangos na região Oeste Catarinense, que possibilite o planejamento de ações de assistência técnica no cultivo e de desenvolvimento da cadeia produtiva. O levantamento foi realizado no ano de 2019, através da aplicação de um questionário aos extensionistas da Epagri. Os dados pesquisados foram o número de produtores por munícipio, sistema de cultivo, número de plantas por produtor e as cultivares plantadas. Os resultados demonstram que existem 74 produtores de morango distribuídos em 81% dos municípios da região. O principal sistema de produção adotado é o semi-hidropônico em bancadas elevadas que se encontra presente em 66% das propriedades. Dos 74 produtores, 84% produzem no sistema convencional. Em relação ao número de plantas cultivadas, 50% possuem menos de 2500 plantas e 74% menos de 5000 plantas. Os cultivares predominantes são San Andreas e Albion.

    Crescimento vegetativo e potencial produtivo de fisális

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    Cape gooseberry (Physalis peruviana) is an exotic plant that belongs to the Solanaceae family. Its cultivation is still little explored in Brazil, but it is a new option for diversification for small farmers. The plant can reach two meters tall using a training system and pruning practices. The objective was to evaluate the behavior of cape gooseberry plant on the Southern Plateau of Santa Catarina, Brazil, in different training systems and spacing. We tested four training systems (free system, vertical trellis system, system in “X” and system in “V”), two spacing (3.00 x 0.50 m and 3.00 x 1.00 m), and 11 evaluation periods during the growing seasons 2008-2009 and 2009-2010. Cape gooseberry plants showed average length of the main branches of 2.48 meters and 15.25 millimeters in diameter. Cape gooseberry plants grown using the system ”V”, under the spacing 3.00 x 1.00 meters, showed the highest diameter of the branches. Plants grown in free systems, vertical trellis system, and system in “X”, with spacing 3.00 x 0.50 meters, provided higher productivity of the cape gooseberry in conditions of Southern Santa Catarina Plateau, Brazil.A fisális (Physalis peruviana) é uma planta exótica pertencente à família das solanáceas. Seu cultivo ainda é pouco explorado no Brasil, mas é uma nova opção de diversificação para a agricultura familiar. A planta pode chegar até dois metros de altura, adotando-se sistema de condução e práticas de poda. O objetivo foi avaliar o crescimento vegetativo das plantas e o potencial produtivo da cultura da fisális no Planalto Sul Catarinense em diferentes sistemas de condução e espaçamentos. Foram testados quatro sistemas de condução (livre, espaldeira, “X” e “V”), dois espaçamentos (3,00 x 0,50 m e 3,00 x 1,00 m, entre filas e plantas, respectivamente) e 11 períodos de avaliação durante as safras de 2008/09 e 2009/10. As plantas de fisális apresentaram comprimento médio dos ramos principais de 2,48 m de altura e diâmetro médio de 15,25 mm. Plantas de fisális conduzidas no sistema “V”, sob o espaçamento 3,00 x 1,00 m, apresentaram maior diâmetro médio dos ramos principais. Plantas conduzidas nos sistemas livre, espaldeira e “X”, com espaçamentos mais adensados (3,00 x 0,50 m), proporcionaram maior produtividade de fisális nas condições edafo-climáticas do Planalto Sul Catarinense

    Analysis of Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors in Women

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    AIM: Study the cardiovascular risk factors in a feminine population vulnerable to cardiovascular events particularly to evaluate the principal factors or possible confounding variables.METHODS: This is a cross-sectional descriptive study. Were analysed all the female patients from the Cardiovascular Rehabilitation Institute of Sports Medicine of Caxias do Sul who had the complete information on cardiovascular disease history, comorbidities and habits and who knew the complete gynaecological history by a phone interview.RESULTS: Were analysed 91 patients. About the comorbidities and habits, 45.2% of these patients presented some tobacco load, 82.4% are hypertensive, 61.5% are dyslipidemic, 25.3% are diabetic and the BMI average was 29.27 (overweight). Between the patients who undergone a hysterectomy and had an episode of the acute coronary syndrome (10 patients), 70% had the event after the procedure. Between the post-menopause women with at least one episode of the acute coronary syndrome, 80.5% (33 patients) had the first event after the menopause.CONCLUSION: We found multiple lifetime risk factors that predisposed the women of the sample to have cardiovascular disease. Between the women with specific to women risk factors and without, the prevalence of cardiovascular disease was very similar. This information supports the idea that these are just confounding factors of CVD and the principals involved are the genetic factors and habits. For this reason, the focus of CVD prevention and treatment should be directed towards these aspects