146 research outputs found

    Fungal phylogenomics.A global analysis of fungal genomes and their evolution

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    Fungi is the eukaryotic group with a largest amount of completely sequenced species and therefore it is particularly well suited for comparative genomics analyses. A species tree is often an important part of phylogenomics analysis. Concern about its reliability led us to design several methods by which we could identify nodes in the species tree that were poorly supported by a whole phylome. We determined that the species tree was mostly well supported but some nodes showed large discrepancies to most genes.These results could partly be attributed to evolutionary events that result in topological changes in gene trees. Our analyses have shown that HGT plays an important role in fungal evolution. Gene duplications followed by differential loss are also often the cause of incongruence. The OXPHOS pathway, despite being formed by multi-protein complexes, has been affected by this process at similar levels than the rest of the genome.Els fongs són el grup d'espècies eucariotes amb un major nombre de genomes completament seqüenciats. Per això són un grup ideal on aplicar tècniques filogenòmiques. L'arbre de les espècies és un punt clau en molts anàlisis filogenòmics i com a tal necessitem saber si és fiable. Hem dissenyat diferents mesures que aprofiten la informació d'un filoma per identificar aquells punts en l'arbre de les especies que no estan ben suportats. Les discrepàncies que hem trobat poden ser degudes a successos evolutius (transferència horitzontal, duplicacions,...). Hem demostrat que la transferència horitzontal juga un paper important en l'evolució de fongs. També hem estudiat els efectes de duplicacions en l'evolució de la via metabòlica de la fosforilació oxidativa.Podem concloure que l'arbre de les especies és majoritàriament robust, però que necessitem ser capaços d'identificar nodes subjectes a variacions. Successos evolutius poden ser la causa de les discrepàncies observades en els arbres gènics

    Whole genome analysis of two sympatric human Mansonella: Mansonella perstans and Mansonella sp “DEUX”

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    IntroductionMansonella species are filarial parasites that infect humans worldwide. Although these infections are common, knowledge of the pathology and diversity of the causative species is limited. Furthermore, the lack of sequencing data for Mansonella species, shows that their research is neglected. Apart from Mansonella perstans, a potential new species called Mansonella sp “DEUX” has been identified in Gabon, which is prevalent at high frequencies. We aimed to further determine if Mansonella sp “DEUX” is a genotype of M. perstans, or if these are two sympatric species.MethodsWe screened individuals in the area of Fougamou, Gabon for Mansonella mono-infections and generated de novo assemblies from the respective samples. For evolutionary analysis, a phylogenetic tree was reconstructed, and the differences and divergence times are presented. In addition, mitogenomes were generated and phylogenies based on 12S rDNA and cox1 were created.ResultsWe successfully generated whole genomes for M. perstans and Mansonella sp “DEUX”. Phylogenetic analysis based on annotated protein sequences, support the hypothesis of two distinct species. The inferred evolutionary analysis suggested, that M. perstans and Mansonella sp “DEUX” separated around 778,000 years ago. Analysis based on mitochondrial marker genes support our hypothesis of two sympatric human Mansonella species.DiscussionThe results presented indicate that Mansonella sp “DEUX” is a new Mansonella species. These findings reflect the neglect of this research topic. And the availability of whole genome data will allow further investigations of these speciesWe acknowledge funding by DZIF (DZIF sequencing project number: TTU 03.820_00) and BMBF (ELIMONCHO-Project: 01DG20021). TG group acknowledges support from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation for grant PID2021-126067NB-I00, cofounded by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), from the Catalan Research Agency (AGAUR) SGR423; from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (ERC-2016-724173); from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation (Grant GBMF9742); from the “La Caixa” foundation (Grant LCF/PR/HR21/00737), and from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (IMPACT Grant IMP/0019 and CIBERINFEC CB21/13/00061-ISCIII-SGEFI/ERDF). NGS sequencing methods were performed with the support of the DFG-funded NGS Competence Center Tübingen (INST 37/1049-1). We acknowledge support by Open Access Publishing Fund of University of Tübingen.Peer Reviewed"Article signat per 14 autors/es: Miriam Rodi, Caspar Gross, Thaisa Lucas Sandri, Lilith Berner, Marina Marcet-Houben, Ersoy Kocak, Michaela Pogoda, Nicolas Casadei, Carsten Köhler, Andrea Kreidenweiss, Selidji Todagbe Agnandji, Toni Gabaldón, Stephan Ossowski and Jana Held"Postprint (published version

    Widespread inter- and intra-domain horizontal gene transfer of d-amino acid metabolism enzymes in eukaryotes

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    Analysis of the growing number of available fully-sequenced genomes has shown that Horizontal Gene Transfer (HGT) in eukaryotes is more common than previously thought. It has been proposed that genes with certain functions may be more prone to HGT than others, but we still have a very poor understanding of the selective forces driving eukaryotic HGT. Recent work uncovered that D-amino acid racemases have been commonly transferred from bacteria to fungi, but their role in the receiving organisms is currently unknown. Here, we set out to assess whether D-amino acid racemases are commonly transferred to and between eukaryotic groups. For this we performed a global survey that used a novel automated phylogeny-based HGT-detection algorithm (Abaccus). Our results revealed that at least 7.0% of the total eukaryotic racemase repertoire is the result of inter- or intra-domain HGT. These transfers are significantly enriched in plant-associated fungi. For these, we hypothesize a possible role for the acquired racemases allowing to exploit minoritary nitrogen sources in plant biomass, a nitrogen-poor environment. Finally, we performed experiments on a transferred aspartate-glutamate racemase in the fungal human pathogen Candida glabrata, which however revealed no obvious biological role

    Chromatin profiling reveals heterogeneity in clinical isolates of the human pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus

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    Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis, which is caused by the filamentous fungus Aspergillus fumigatus, is a life-threatening infection for immunosuppressed patients. Chromatin structure regulation is important for genome stability maintenance and has the potential to drive genome rearrangements and affect virulence and pathogenesis of pathogens. Here, we performed the first A. fumigatus global chromatin profiling of two histone modifications, H3K4me3 and H3K9me3, focusing on the two most investigated A. fumigatus clinical isolates, Af293 and CEA17. In eukaryotes, H3K4me3 is associated with active transcription, while H3K9me3 often marks silent genes, DNA repeats, and transposons. We found that H3K4me3 deposition is similar between the two isolates, while H3K9me3 is more variable and does not always represent transcriptional silencing. Our work uncovered striking differences in the number, locations, and expression of transposable elements between Af293 and CEA17, and the differences are correlated with H3K9me3 modifications and higher genomic variations among strains of Af293 background. Moreover, we further showed that the Af293 strains from different laboratories actually differ in their genome contents and found a frequently lost region in chromosome VIII. For one such Af293 variant, we identified the chromosomal changes and demonstrated their impacts on its secondary metabolites production, growth and virulence. Overall, our findings not only emphasize the influence of genome heterogeneity on A. fumigatus fitness, but also caution about unnoticed chromosomal variations among common laboratory strains.The Science and Technology Development Fund, Macao S.A.R (FDCT) (project reference number: 0106/2020/A and 0033/2021/A1) to KHW, Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) 2016/07870-9 to GHG and 2018/14821-0 to ACC and Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) (301058/2019-9 and 404735/2018-5) to GHG. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Peer Reviewed"Article signat per 15 autors/es: Ana Cristina Colabardini , Fang Wang, Zhengqiang Miao, Lakhansing Pardeshi, Clara Valero,Patrícia Alves de Castro,Daniel Yuri Akiyama,Kaeling Tan,Luisa Czamanski Nora,Rafael Silva-Rocha, Marina Marcet-Houben,Toni Gabaldón,Taicia Fill,Koon Ho Wong ,Gustavo H. Goldman"Postprint (published version

    Chromosome-level assemblies from diverse clades reveal limited structural and gene content variation in the genome of Candida glabrata

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    Background Candida glabrata is an opportunistic yeast pathogen thought to have a large genetic and phenotypic diversity and a highly plastic genome. However, the lack of chromosome-level genome assemblies representing this diversity limits our ability to accurately establish how chromosomal structure and gene content vary across strains. Results Here, we expanded publicly available assemblies by using long-read sequencing technologies in twelve diverse strains, obtaining a final set of twenty-one chromosome-level genomes spanning the known C. glabrata diversity. Using comparative approaches, we inferred variation in chromosome structure and determined the pan-genome, including an analysis of the adhesin gene repertoire. Our analysis uncovered four new adhesin orthogroups and inferred a rich ancestral adhesion repertoire, which was subsequently shaped through a still ongoing process of gene loss, gene duplication, and gene conversion. Conclusions C. glabrata has a largely stable pan-genome except for a highly variable subset of genes encoding cell wall-associated functions. Adhesin repertoire was established for each strain and showed variability among clades.TG group acknowledges support from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MCIN) for grant PGC2018-099921-B-I00, cofounded by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF); from the Catalan Research Agency (AGAUR) SGR423; from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (ERC-2016-724173); from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation (Grant GBMF9742); from the “La Caixa” foundation (Grant LCF/PR/HR21/00737), and from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (IMPACT Grant IMP/00019 and CIBERINFEC CB21/13/00061- ISCIII-SGEFI/ERDF). PWJG acknowledges support by grants SBPLY/19/180501/000114 and SBPLY/19/180501/000356 funded by the Regional government of Castilla-La Mancha and grants SAF2013-47570-P and PID2020-117983RB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by ERDF a way of making Europe.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    The transposable element-rich genome of the cereal pest Sitophilus oryzae

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    Background The rice weevil Sitophilus oryzae is one of the most important agricultural pests, causing extensive damage to cereal in fields and to stored grains. S. oryzae has an intracellular symbiotic relationship (endosymbiosis) with the Gram-negative bacterium Sodalis pierantonius and is a valuable model to decipher host-symbiont molecular interactions. Results We sequenced the Sitophilus oryzae genome using a combination of short and long reads to produce the best assembly for a Curculionidae species to date. We show that S. oryzae has undergone successive bursts of transposable element (TE) amplification, representing 72% of the genome. In addition, we show that many TE families are transcriptionally active, and changes in their expression are associated with insect endosymbiotic state. S. oryzae has undergone a high gene expansion rate, when compared to other beetles. Reconstruction of host-symbiont metabolic networks revealed that, despite its recent association with cereal weevils (30 kyear), S. pierantonius relies on the host for several amino acids and nucleotides to survive and to produce vitamins and essential amino acids required for insect development and cuticle biosynthesis. Conclusions Here we present the genome of an agricultural pest beetle, which may act as a foundation for pest control. In addition, S. oryzae may be a useful model for endosymbiosis, and studying TE evolution and regulation, along with the impact of TEs on eukaryotic genomes.Funding for this project was provided by the Fondation de l’Institut National des Sciences Appliquées-Lyon (INSA-Lyon), the research direction of INSA-Lyon, the Santé des Plantes et Environnement (SPE) department at the Institut National de Recherche pour l'Agriculture, l'Alimentation et l'Environnement (INRAE), the French ANR-10-BLAN-1701 (ImmunSymbArt), the French ANR-13-BSV7-0016-01 (IMetSym), the French ANR-17_CE20_0031_01 (GREEN), and a grant from la Région Rhône-Alpes (France) to AH. RR received funding from the French ANR-17-CE20-0015 (UNLEASH) and the IDEX-Lyon PALSE IMPULSION initiative. The project was also funded by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (Spain) PGC2018-099344-B-I00 to AL, and PID2019-105969GB-I00 to AM and Conselleria d’Educació, Generalitat Valenciana (Spain), grant number PROMETEO/2018/133 to AM. CV-C was a recipient of a fellowship from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Spain) and a grant from la Région Rhône-Alpes (France).Peer Reviewed"Article signat per 47 autors/es: Nicolas Parisot, Carlos Vargas-Chávez, Clément Goubert, Patrice Baa-Puyoulet, Séverine Balmand, Louis Beranger, Caroline Blanc, Aymeric Bonnamour, Matthieu Boulesteix, Nelly Burlet, Federica Calevro, Patrick Callaerts, Théo Chancy, Hubert Charles, Stefano Colella, André Da Silva Barbosa, Elisa Dell’Aglio, Alex Di Genova, Gérard Febvay, Toni Gabaldón, Mariana Galvão Ferrarini, Alexandra Gerber, Benjamin Gillet, Robert Hubley, Sandrine Hughes, Emmanuelle Jacquin-Joly, Justin Maire, Marina Marcet-Houben, Florent Masson, Camille Meslin, Nicolas Montagné, Andrés Moya, Ana Tereza Ribeiro de Vasconcelos, Gautier Richard, Jeb Rosen, Marie-France Sagot, Arian F. A. Smit, Jessica M. Storer, Carole Vincent-Monegat, Agnès Vallier, Aurélien Vigneron, Anna Zaidman-Rémy, Waël Zamoum, Cristina Vieira, Rita Rebollo, Amparo Latorre & Abdelaziz Heddi"Postprint (published version

    Comparative Genomics Used to Predict Virulence Factors and Metabolic Genes among Monilinia Species

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    Brown rot, caused by Monilinia spp., is among the most important diseases in stonefruits, and some pome fruits (mainly apples). This disease is responsible for significant yield losses,particularly in stone fruits, when weather conditions favorable for disease development appear.To achieve future sustainable strategies to control brown rot on fruit, one potential approach will be to characterize genomic variation among Monilinia spp. to define, among others, the capacity to infect fruit in this genus. In the present work, we performed genomic and phylogenomic comparisons of five Monilinia species and inferred differences in numbers of secreted proteins, including CAZy proteins and other proteins important for virulence. Duplications specific to Monilinia were sparse and, overall, more genes have been lost than gained. Among Monilinia spp., low variability in the CAZome was observed. Interestingly, we identified several secondary metabolism clusters based on similarity to known clusters, and among them was a cluster with homology to pyriculol that could be responsible for the synthesis of chloromonilicin. Furthermore, we compared sequences of all strains available from NCBI of these species to assess their MAT loci and heterokaryon Compatibility systems. Our comparative analyses provide the basis for future studies into understanding how these genomic differences underlie common or differential abilities to interact with the host plant.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Comparative genomic analysis of clinical Candida glabrata isolates identifies multiple polymorphic loci that can improve existing multilocus sequence typing strategy

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    Candida glabrata is the second leading cause of candidemia in many countries and is one of the most concerning yeast species of nosocomial importance due to its increasing rate of antifungal drug resistance and emerging multidrug-resistant isolates. Application of multilocus sequence typing (MLST) to clinical C. glabrata isolates revealed an association of certain sequence types (STs) with drug resistance and mortality. The current C. glabrata MLST scheme is based on single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at six loci and is therefore relatively laborious and costly. Furthermore, only a few high-quality C. glabrata reference genomes are available, limiting rapid analysis of clinical isolates by whole genome sequencing. In this study we provide long-read based assemblies for seven additional clinical strains belonging to three different STs and use this information to simplify the C. glabrata MLST scheme. Specifically, a comparison of these genomes identified highly polymorphic loci (HPL) defined by frequent insertions and deletions (indels), two of which proved to be highly resolutive for ST. When challenged with 53 additional isolates, a combination of TRP1 (a component of the current MLST scheme) with either of the two HPL fully recapitulated ST identification. Therefore, our comparative genomic analysis identified a new typing approach combining SNPs and indels and based on only two loci, thus significantly simplifying ST identification in C. glabrata. Because typing tools are instrumental in addressing numerous clinical and biological questions, our new MLST scheme can be used for high throughput typing of C. glabrata in clinical and research settings.We thank Dibyendu Kumar (Rutgers University) for help with C. glabrata PacBio sequencing. This work was supported by NIH 5R01AI109025 to D.S.P. TG group acknowledges support from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation for grant PGC2018-099921-B-I00, cofounded by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF); from the Catalan Research Agency (AGAUR) SGR423; from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (ERC-2016-724173); from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation (Grant GBMF9742) and from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (INB Grant PT17/0009/0023 – ISCIII-SGEFI/ERDF).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version