656 research outputs found

    As diferentes interpretações do algoritmo simplex na resolução de problemas de programação linear

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Exatas, Departamento de Matemática, Programa de Mestrado Profissional em Matemática em Rede Nacional, 2015.A principal ideia deste trabalho foi de aplicar o conteúdo Programação Linear no Ensino Médio de forma contextualizada e com a utilização dos sotwares Geogebra e o Excel. Neste trabalho abordamos a metodologia da resolução de problemas, partindo de exemplos que busquem a otimização através da programação linear. O experimento tem por objetivo principal descrever a abordagem utilizada na implementação realizada a partir desses problemas.The main idea of this work was to apply the Linear Programming in secondary education content in context and with the use of Geogebra sotwares and Excel. This paper deals with the methodology of solving problems, starting with exempls involving optimization through linear programming. The experiment's main objective is to describe the approach used in the implementation carried out from these problems


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    Analisou-se a elasticidade de transmissão de preços e a formação espacial entre as principais regiões produtoras de leite do Brasil, no período de 1997 a 2005, pela análise de co-integração, e pelo Modelo Vetorial de Correção de Erro (VEC). Os resultados evidenciaram que a variação de 1% nos preços recebidos pelos produtores de leite de Minas Gerais leva a uma variação de 0,38%, 0,72%, 0,93% e 0,26% nos preços em São Paulo, Rio Grande do Sul, Paraná e Goiás, respectivamente. Pela estimação do VEC os coeficientes do Paraná e São Paulo, em módulo, foram comparativamente maiores aos demais. São Paulo foi menos interdependente, indicando comportamento mais isolado no padrão de liderança preço. Verificou-se que, com o passar dos meses os preços de Minas Gerais, explica grande proporção da variabilidade dos preços de leite ao produtor dos estados, corroborando a importância relativa do estado na formação espacial de preços deste mercado. ----------------------------------------------It was analyzed elasticity of transmission of prices and the space formation enters the main milk producing regions of Brazil, in the period of 1997 the 2005, for the analysis of co-integration, and the Vectorial Model of Correction of Error (VEC). The results had evidenced respectively that the variation of 1% in the value receiveds for the producers of milk of Minas Gerais leads to a variation of 0,38%, 0.72%, 0.93% and 0.26% in the prices in São Paulo, Rio Grande do Sul, Paraná and Goiás. For the esteem of the VEC the coefficients of the Paraná and São Paulo, in module, had been comparativily bigger to excessively. São Paulo was less interdependent, indicating more isolated behavior in the leadership standard price. The relative importance of the state in the space formation of prices of this market was verified that, with passing of the months the prices of Minas Gerais, explain great ratio of the variability of the prices of milk to the producer of the states, corroborating.Leite, Comercialização Agrícola, Transmissão de Preços, Milk, Agricultural Commercialization, Transmission of Prices, Livestock Production/Industries,

    Comparison of the fracture torque of different Brazilian mini-implants

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    This study evaluated fracture torque by torsion, in relation to the length and diameter of orthodontic mini-implants, to demonstrate their viability for clinical and experimental use based on the torque recommended by the manufacturers. The fractures at the moment of insertion, whose incidence in the literature is around 4%, are principally due to excessive force and the inability of the implant to resist rotational forces. Thirty orthodontic mini-implants of three commercial brands available in Brazil (Neodent 1.6 x 9 mm, Dentoflex 1.6 x 9 mm and Kopp 1.6 x 9 mm) were attached to a device made specifically for this research, leaving the mini-implants with sufficient stability. The miniimplants were submitted to torsion torque, using a digital torque wrench, until their breaking point. The values obtained with the test were submitted to analysis of variance and the Tukey test. The mean values of mini-implant ruptures were 26 N.cm for group A (Dentoflex), 25.4 N. cm for group B (Kopp) and 32.8 N.cm for group C (Neodent). From the Tukey test we could observe that the relationships between the means of the Dentoflex and Neodent groups, and between the Kopp and Neodent groups, were significant. Between the Dentoflex and Kopp groups, significance was nonexistent. All the values found in our research for fracture torque were higher than the limits recommended by the manufacturers for clinical use in orthodontics. The highest values were found in the Neodent group

    Distraction osteogenesis in Goldenhar Syndrome : case report and 8-year follow-up

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    Goldenhar syndrome is a well-known condition featuring the following triad of anomalies: ocular abnormalities, microtia and vertebral anomalies. This syndrome involves structures arising from the first and second branchial arches. Craniofacial anomalies, including mandibular, zygomatic and/or maxillary hypoplasias are found in 50% of patients with Goldenhar syndrome. Patients with this syndrome may present unilateral or bilateral underdevelopment of the mandible. Several treatments for the correction of the dento-facial deformity have been described, among them distraction osteogenesis is one that shows promising results. Distraction osteogenesis is the process of bone formation that occurs during slow separation of the segments of bone after an osteotomy and it has been used to alleviate facial asymmetry. Mandibular distraction osteogenesis has been applied for many years, but long-term reports present controversial results. The purpose of the case report is to describe the immediate and long-term effects of distraction osteogenesis used to treat mandible asymmetry in a 5-year-old boy with Goldenhar syndrome

    Ecologically grounded multimodal design:The Palafito 1.0 study

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    We present results of a ten-month design study targeting the observation of creative artistic practice by a video-artist, a sculptor and a composer. The study yielded the multimedia installation Palafito/Palafita/Home-on-stilts 1.0, featuring 19:30 minutes of sonic material and video footage, and three 5x8x3-meter raw-wood sculptures. This paper focuses on the procedural dimensions of the asynchronous, ubiquitous group activities carried out by the three subjects through light-weight, off-the-shelf infrastructure. Data was extracted from a virtual forum and a file repository. The analysis of the creative exchange indicated cycles of activity alternating between reflection, exploratory action and product-oriented action. The participants were engaged in reflective activities 63% of the time, epistemic activities spanned 33% of the study and product-oriented activities accounted for only 4% of the creative design cycle. Dialogic activities did not follow a regular pattern, but a relationship between enactive and dialogic activities was observed. We discuss the implications of these results for embedded-embodied approaches to sound art

    Magnetic resonance angiography and transcranial Doppler ultrasound findings in patients with a clinical diagnosis of vertebrobasilar insufficiency

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the findings of magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) and transcranial Doppler ultrasound (TCD) in patients with a clinical diagnosis of vertebrobasilar insufficiency (VBI). METHOD: From our outpatient neurotology clinic, we selected patients (using the criteria proposed by Grad and Baloh) with a clinical diagnosis of VBI. We excluded patients with any definite cause for vestibular symptoms, a noncontrolled metabolic disease or any contraindication to MRA or TCD. The patients in the study group were sex- and age-matched with subjects who did not have vestibular symptoms (control group). Our final group of patients included 24 patients (study, n=12; control, n=12). RESULTS: The MRA results did not demonstrate significant differences in the findings between our study and control groups. TCD demonstrated that the systolic pulse velocity of the right middle cerebral artery, end diastolic velocity of the basilar artery, pulsatility index (PI) of the left middle cerebral artery, PI of the right middle cerebral artery, and PI of the basilar artery were significantly higher in the study group than in the control group, suggesting abnormalities affecting the microcirculation of patients with a clinical diagnosis of VBI compared with controls. CONCLUSION: MRA failed to reveal abnormalities in patients with a clinical diagnosis of VBI compared with controls. The PI of the basilar artery, measured using TCD, demonstrated high sensitivity (91%) and specificity (91%) for detecting clinically diagnosed VBI

    D-Dímero e Covid-19 / Covid-19 and D-Dimer

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    A utilização do exame de D-Dímero aumentou de forma significativamente com início da Pandemia COVID-19. Objetivo desse estudo foi realizar uma revisão sobre a relação entre D-Dímero e a doença causada pelo SARS-COV2. Para dar início a esse entendimento, imagine que você teve um ferimento. Nesse momento o organismo de uma pessoa saudável, se ativa, e uma cascata de fatores, chamada de cascata de coagulação, começa a trabalhar. A coagulação sanguínea consiste na conversão de uma proteína solúvel, o fibrinogênio, em um polímero insolúvel, a fibrina. O início da hemostasia inclui mecanismos locais como vasoconstrição, alteração da permeabilidade vascular e adesão das plaquetas. Além disso, ocorre a formação de uma rede de fibras elásticas que consolida o tampão plaquetário e o transforma em tampão hemostático. Após processo de formação desse coágulo, a destruição é simultaneamente iniciada, de forma gradual, para restaurar o fluxo sanguíneo normal. Esta destruição dá origem a fragmentos denominados produtos da degradação da fibrina, e o D-Dímero é um desses produtos. Os pacientes positivos para SARS-COV-2, que desenvolvem, dentre as formas graves da doença COVID-19, a coagulação intravascular disseminada, tem por sua vez, ativação da coagulação sanguínea, com consumo dos fatores de coagulação, consequentemente trombose de pequenos e médios vasos. Paralelo ao consumo, temos a destruição dessas redes de fibrinas, aumentando assim as dosagens de D-Dímero circulantes, o que gera resultados anormais. Contudo, realizar esse monitoramento, em pacientes com forma grave da COVID-19 é de fundamental importância para acompanhamento clínico e terapêutico

    Disseminated mycosis in a patient with yellow fever

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    Disseminated mycosis (DM)—with cardiac involvement and shock—is an unexpected and severe opportunistic infection in patients with yellow fever. DM can mimic bacterial sepsis and should be considered in the differential diagnosis of causes of systemic inflammatory response syndrome in this group of patients, especially in areas where an outbreak of yellow fever is ongoing. We report the case of a 53-year-old male patient who presented to the emergency department with fever, myalgia, headache, and low back pain. The laboratory investigation revealed a positive molecular test for yellow fever, hepatic injury, and renal failure. During hospitalization, the patient developed hepatic encephalopathy, ascending leukocytosis, and ascites, with signs consistent with peritonitis. On the 11th day of hospitalization, the patient developed atrioventricular block, shock and died. At autopsy, angioinvasive mycosis was evidenced mainly in the heart, lungs, kidneys, and adrenals

    Inheritance of resistance to oat crown rust in recombinant inbred lines

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    A ferrugem da folha é a principal doença que afeta a aveia (Avena sativa L.), e a resistência genética é o método mais usado para seu controle. Uma população composta por 135 linhagens recombinantes F5:6, gerada do cruzamento entre a cultivar de aveia UFRGS 8 e o genótipo Pc68/5*Starter foi avaliada quanto à resistência à ferrugem da folha (Puccinia coronata f. sp. avenae P. Syd. & Syd.). A avaliação em plântulas foi baseada no tipo de infecção produzido quando inoculadas com a raça SQPT do patógeno. A proporção entre plântulas resistentes e suscetíveis (R:S) foi de 62:64, o que indica uma herança governada por um único gene. A avaliação da herança da resistência em plantas adultas foi realizada em condições de campo nos anos 2004 e 2005. A distinção entre as classes resistentes e suscetíveis foi baseada na severidade final (SF) e na área sob a curva de progresso da doença normalizada e corrigida (ASCPD*c). As populações F5:6 e F5:7 foram avaliadas no campo nos anos de 2004 e 2005, demonstraram uma proporção de aproximadamente 1R:3S, o que se ajusta a um modelo de herança governado por dois genes.Crown rust is the main disease affecting oats (Avena sativa L.), and genetic resistance has been the chief method utilized to control this disease. A population composed of 135 recombinant inbred lines, F5:6, generated by crossing the oat cultivar UFRGS 8 with the genotype Pc68/5*Starter, was assessed on the inheritance of resistance to crown rust (Puccinia coronata f. sp. avenae P. Syd. & Syd.). The evaluation of resistance in F5:6 seedlings was based on the type of infection resulting from inoculation with the race SQPT of P. coronata f. sp. avenae. The proportion of Resistant: Susceptible seedlings (R:S) was 62:64, which indicates that inheritance was governed by a single gene. The assessment of resistance inheritance in adult plants was performed in the field during the years 2004 and 2005. The distinction between resistant and susceptible classes was based on the final severity (FS) as well as the area under the disease progress curve, which was normalized and corrected (AUDPC*c). F5:6 and F5:7 were evaluated under field conditions in 2004 and 2005, demonstrating a ratio of approximately 1R:3S, which fits with a typical two genes inheritance model
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