771 research outputs found

    The tadpole of Hypsiboas atlanticus (Anura, Hylidae) from northeastern Brazil

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    The tadpole of Hypsiboas atlanticus (Caramaschi & Velosa, 1996) is described from the municipality of Maceió, State of Alagoas, Brazil. At stage 36 the larvae have an overall elliptical body in lateral and dorsal views, oral disc anteroventral, spiracular tube sinistral, and labial tooth row formula 2(1,2)/3(1). The oral disc is surrounded, almost completely (anterior medial gap present) by a single row of marginal papillae. Described tadpoles of the H. punctatus species group can be differentiated by a combined disc oral features. Additional descriptions of H. punctatus (Schneider, 1799) tadpoles from populations throughout South America may be helpful in determining the status of these populations

    Açaí (Euterpe oleracea Martius) supplementation in the diet during gestation and lactation attenuates liver steatosis in dams and protects offspring.

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    Purpose: Maternal high-fat diet affects offspring and can induce metabolic disorders such as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). New therapeutic strategies are being investigated as way to prevent or attenuate this condition. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of açaí supplementation in the maternal high-fat diet on dams and offspring lipid metabolism. Methods: Female Fisher rats were divided in four groups and fed a control diet (C), a high-fat diet (HF), an açaí supplemented diet (CA) and a high-fat diet supplemented with açaí (HFA) 2 weeks before mating, during gestation and lactation. The effects of açaí were evaluated in the male offspring after birth (P1) and weaning (P21). Results: HFA reduced relative liver weight, fat and cholesterol liver content in dams and improved liver steatosis as confirmed by histological analyses. HFA increased serum cholesterol and expression of Srebpf1 and Fasn genes. In offspring, HFA decreased relative liver weight, and serum cholesterol only in P21. An increase in the Sirt1, Srebpf1 and Fasn genes expression was observed in P21. Conclusions: These results suggest that açaí supplementation may attenuate NAFLD in dams and protect offspring from the detrimental effects of lipid excess from a maternal high-fat diet

    New segregates from the Neotropical genus Stryphnodendron (Leguminosae, Caesalpinioideae, mimosoid clade)

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    Non-monophyly is a prominent issue in mimosoid legumes, even in some of the less speciose genera such as the neotropical genus Stryphnodendron. This genus includes 35 species occurring from Nicaragua to Southern Brazil mostly in humid forests and savannas. Previous taxonomic studies of Stryphnodendron have highlighted morphologically distinct groups within the genus, recognized by differences on leaves (number of pinnae and size of leaflets), inflorescences (a simple or compound thyrse), and fruit types (legume, nucoid legume or follicle). Recent phylogenetic analyses have confirmed the non-monophyly of Stryphnodendron, supporting the recognition of three independent and morphologically well-delimited genera. Here we re-circumscribe Stryphnodendron and propose the two new genera Gwilymia and Naiadendron. In addition, we also provide an updated taxonomic account of the closely related genus Microlobius, including the proposal of a lectotype for the single species in the genus

    Recurrent multicentric peripheral ossifying fibroma-like lesion in a child: a case report

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    Abstract\ud \ud Background\ud Gingival hyperplasias are peculiar conditions that may produce extreme growth that impairs masticatory function and causes psychological and aesthetic disturbances. They can vary from mild interdental papillae localized growth to marked swelling affecting both jaws.\ud \ud \ud Case presentation\ud The aim of this case report is to present a rare case of generalized gingival growth diagnosed in a 4 year-old Caucasian child and followed for 9 years. The lesion covered almost all of the upper and lower teeth and recurred thirty times with the same clinical and histopathological aspects. The clinical features suggested the diagnosis of idiopathic gingival fibromatosis, but the histopathological aspects did not confirm this hypothesis and were consistent with peripheral ossifying fibroma.\ud \ud \ud Conclusion\ud The present case reports a rare gingival growth with challenging diagnosis and treatment

    Water Replenishment in Agricultural Soils: Dissemination of the IrrigaPot Technology

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    The challenge confronted by farmers during prolonged periods of soil water stress is to guarantee the restoration of water and maintain the productivity of agricultural crops. Even in regions such as Amazon, the variability in the precipitation regime should be considered in agricultural planning. There are regions in which 80% of annual rainfall is concentrated between December and June. It is exactly during this period of low rainfall that small-scale family-based farmers need technological assistance to guarantee that their crops remain irrigated in order to maintain their income in this rural environment. The IrrigaPot arises as an alternative that is able to access rainfall that has been stored since the rainy season and provide it to plants when the soil is dry. The pots are maintained full with 20 liters of water, and through capillary action the soil maintains them constantly humid. This technology does not require specific knowledge with respect to irrigation regimes and is necessary for the farmer to dedicate his time to replacing water. The technology is totally automated through a simple system using a float, tubes, and connectors that connect a rubber hose to the lids of the pots buried in the soil

    Strain Classification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Isolates in Brazil Based on Genotypes Obtained by Spoligotyping, Mycobacterial Interspersed Repetitive Unit Typing and the Presence of Large Sequence and Single Nucleotide Polymorphism

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    International audienceRio de Janeiro is endemic for tuberculosis (TB) and presents the second largest prevalence of the disease in Brazil. Here, we present the bacterial population structure of 218 isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, derived from 186 patients that were diagnosed between January 2008 and December 2009. Genotypes were generated by means of spoligotyping, 24 MIRU-VNTR typing and presence of fbpC103, RDRio and RD174. The results confirmed earlier data that predominant genotypes in Rio de Janeiro are those of the Euro American Lineages (99%). However, we observed differences between the classification by spoligotyping when comparing to that of 24 MIRU-VNTR typing, being respectively 43.6% vs. 62.4% of LAM, 34.9% vs. 9.6% of T and 18.3% vs. 21.5% of Haarlem. Among isolates classified as LAM by MIRU typing, 28.0% did not present the characteristic spoligotype profile with absence of spacers 21 to 24 and 32 to 36 and we designated these conveniently as "LAM-like", 79.3% of these presenting the LAM-specific SNP fbpC103. The frequency of RDRio and RD174 in the LAM strains, as defined both by spoligotyping and 24 MIRU-VNTR loci, were respectively 11% and 15.4%, demonstrating that RD174 is not always a marker for LAM/RDRio strains. We conclude that, although spoligotyping alone is a tool for classification of strains of the Euro-American lineage, when combined with MIRU-VNTRs, SNPs and RD typing, it leads to a much better understanding of the bacterial population structure and phylogenetic relationships among strains of M. tuberculosis in regions with high incidence of TB

    Magnon delocalization in ferromagnetic chains with long-range correlated disorder

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    We study one-magnon excitations in a random ferromagnetic Heisenberg chain with long-range correlations in the coupling constant distribution. By employing an exact diagonalization procedure, we compute the localization length of all one-magnon states within the band of allowed energies EE. The random distribution of coupling constants was assumed to have a power spectrum decaying as S(k)1/kαS(k)\propto 1/k^{\alpha}. We found that for α<1\alpha < 1, one-magnon excitations remain exponentially localized with the localization length ξ\xi diverging as 1/E. For α=1\alpha = 1 a faster divergence of ξ\xi is obtained. For any α>1\alpha > 1, a phase of delocalized magnons emerges at the bottom of the band. We characterize the scaling behavior of the localization length on all regimes and relate it with the scaling properties of the long-range correlated exchange coupling distribution.Comment: 7 Pages, 5 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Coherent coupling between radio frequency, optical, and acoustic waves in piezo-optomechanical circuits

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    The interaction of optical and mechanical modes in nanoscale optomechanical systems has been widely studied for applications ranging from sensing to quantum information science. Here, we develop a platform for cavity optomechanical circuits in which localized and interacting 1550 nm photons and 2.4 GHz phonons are combined with photonic and phononic waveguides. Working in GaAs facilitates manipulation of the localized mechanical mode either with a radio frequency field through the piezo-electric effect, or optically through the strong photoelastic effect. We use this to demonstrate a novel acoustic wave interference effect, analogous to coherent population trapping in atomic systems, in which the coherent mechanical motion induced by the electrical drive can be completely cancelled out by the optically-driven motion. The ability to manipulate cavity optomechanical systems with equal facility through either photonic or phononic channels enables new device and system architectures for signal transduction between the optical, electrical, and mechanical domains