12 research outputs found

    Assessing alternative options to improve farming systems and to promote the adoption of low-carbon agriculture in Mato Grosso, Brazil

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    Currently, our society faces a significant challenge to eradicate hunger and poverty while preserving natural resources and reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In this context, Brazil plays an important role since it is one of the most significant players in global food production and hosts a variety of ecosystems and a significant share of the Earths biodiversity. The federal state of Mato Grosso (MT) is located at the most dynamic agricultural frontier in the Cerrado-Amazon transition zone and leads the national production of grain, fiber, and meat. The need to balance agricultural production and environmental protection shifted the focus of Brazilian land-use policy toward sustainable agriculture. The federal government pledged to reduce its GHG emissions and implemented policies to enforce it. Brazils low-carbon agricultural plan offers credit with low-interest rate to farmers who want to implement sustainable agriculture practices. These include the restoration of degraded pasture, adoption of integrated systems, no-till agriculture, biological nitrogen fixation, commercial forests, treatment of animal wastes, and climate change adaptation. The present thesis contributed to the CARBIOCIAL project (Carbon-optimized land management strategies for southern Amazonia), a German-Brazilian cooperation to investigate viable carbon-optimized land management strategies maintaining ecosystem services under changing climate conditions in the Southern Amazon. In this context, this thesis examines options to improve farming systems in MT and evaluates policy measures that could promote the adoption of low-carbon agricultural systems. The work is divided into three parts: The first part is subdivided into three chapters (chapters 1, 2 and 3) and offers an overview on land use change in Brazil and explores land use decisions of farmers in MT, where highly dynamic double-crop systems currently prevail. The second part is subdivided into two chapters (chapters 4 and 5) and is dedicated to evaluating alternative options to improve farming systems in MT. The third part is subdivided into three chapters (chapters 6, 7 and 8) and investigates factors that may influence farmers to adopt IAPS, evaluates policy measures to promote the adoption of low-carbon agricultural systems, and provides a detailed quantification of individual GHG emissions of a large variety of agricultural practices and the aggregate emissions resulting from their current use in MT. To this end, this thesis develops an Integrated Assessment (IA) approach that simulates farm-level decision-making and agricultural land use change. It introduces a novel approach to evaluate the full distribution of GHG emissions related to the agricultural land-use change in MT. Our IA approach integrates three software packages: MPMAS (Mathematical Programming-based Multi-Agent Systems), MONICA (Model for Nitrogen and Carbon in Agro-ecosystems) and CANDY (Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics). Data to parameterize the model was gathered from several sources, such as field experiments, statistical offices, farm level surveys from private consultancies, life-cycle inventory databases, extension services, expert interviews, and literature. This thesis presents the first extensive study on crop yield response in MT by simulating yields in response to different climatic conditions, soil types, sowing dates, crop rotation schemes, fertilization amounts, and macro-regions. The simulation results show that biophysical constraints still play a crucial role on yield gaps in MT whereas socio-economic constraints have a slight yield-increasing effect. This thesis further examines alternative ways to improve the farming systems in MT by investigating the role of sunflower adoption in increasing farm income. We have found a substantial potential for sunflower cultivation in MT with positive impacts on both farm and regional level. Additionally, we identified bottlenecks for sunflower diffusion such as the distance from farm gate to processing facility. Regarding Brazilian agricultural policy, we have found that the Brazilian low-carbon agricultural program contributed to the adoption of integrated systems. However, we observed different adoption rates through macro-regions and types of integrated systems. Furthermore, our simulations additionally show that the ABC program also contributed to the adoption of less GHG-emitting practices, but its performance is subjected to agent expectations on prices and yieldsGegenwärtig steht unsere Gesellschaft vor der großen Herausforderung, Hunger und Armut zu beseitigen und gleichzeitig die natürlichen Ressourcen zu erhalten und die Treibhausgas (THG) -Emissionen zu reduzieren. In diesem Zusammenhang spielt Brasilien eine wichtige Rolle, da es einer der wichtigsten Akteure in der globalen Nahrungsmittelproduktion ist und eine Vielzahl von Ökosystemen und einen bedeutenden Teil der Biodiversität der Erde beherbergt. Der Bundesstaat Mato Grosso (MT) liegt an der dynamischsten landwirtschaftlichen Grenze in der Cerrado-Amazonas-Übergangszone und ist führend in der nationalen Produktion von Getreide, Faserpflanzen und Fleisch. Die Notwendigkeit, Landwirtschaft und Umweltschutz in Einklang zu bringen, verlagerte den Fokus der brasilianischen Landnutzungspolitik auf eine nachhaltige Landwirtschaft. Die brasilianische Bundesregierung hat zugesagt, ihre THG-Emissionen zu reduzieren und hat Maßnahmen zur Durchsetzung implementiert. Der kohlenstoffarme Agrarplan Brasiliens bietet Landwirten, die eine nachhaltige Landwirtschaft praktizieren möchten, Kredite mit niedrigen Zinsen. Dazu gehören die Wiederherstellung degradierter Weiden, die Einführung integrierter Systeme, die Direktsaat-Landwirtschaft, die biologische Stickstofffixierung, kommerzielles Forstbewirtschaftung die Aufbereitung von Tierabfällen und die Anpassung an den Klimawandel. Die vorliegende Arbeit trug zum Forschungsprojekt CARBIOCIAL ("Kohlenstoffoptimierte Landmanagementstrategien für Südamazonien") bei, einer deutsch-brasilianischen Kooperation zur Untersuchung von Kohlenstoff-optimierten Landmanagementstrategien zur Erhaltung von Ökosystemleistungen unter sich verändernden Klimabedingungen im südlichen Amazonasgebiet. In diesem Zusammenhang untersucht diese Dissertation Optionen zur Verbesserung der landwirtschaftlichen Systeme in MT und evaluiert politische Maßnahmen, die die Einführung von kohlenstoffarmen landwirtschaftlichen Systemen beschleunigen könnten. Die Arbeit besteht aus drei Teilen: Der erste Teil gliedert sich in drei Kapitel (Kapitel 2, 3 und 4). Er gibt einen Überblick über Landnutzungsänderungen in Brasilien und untersucht Landnutzungsentscheidungen von Landwirten in MT, wo derzeit hochdynamische Zweikultur-Nutzungssysteme vorherrschen. Der zweite Teil besteht aus zwei Kapiteln (Kapitel 5 und 6) und widmet sich der Bewertung alternativer Optionen zur Verbesserung der landwirtschaftlichen Systeme in MT. Der dritte Teil gliedert sich in drei Kapitel (Kapitel 7, 8 und 9) und untersucht welche Faktoren Landwirte beeinflussen integrierte Anbausysteme anzuwenden, bewertet politische Maßnahmen zur Beschleunigung der Einführung von kohlenstoffarmen Agrarsystemen und, quantifiziert die individuellen Treibhausgasemissionen einer Vielzahl unterschiedlicher landwirtschaftlicher Nutzungssysteme sowie die Gesamtemissionen die sich aus ihrer derzeitigen Verbreitung in MT ergeben. Zu diesem Zweck wurde in dieser Dissertation ein Integrierter Bewertungsansatz entwickelt, der Entscheidungen auf der Ebene landwirtschaftlicher Betriebe und Landnutzungsänderungen simuliert. Sie führt einen neuen Ansatz zur Quantifizierung der detaillierten Verteilung von Treibhausgasemissionen im Zusammenhang mit landwirtschaftlichen Landnutzungsänderungen in MT ein. Unser Integrierter Bewertungsansatz vereint drei Softwarepakete: MPMAS (auf mathematischer Programmierung basierende Multi-Agenten-Systeme), MONICA (Modell für Stickstoff und Kohlenstoff in Agrarökosystemen) und CANDY (Kohlenstoff- und Stickstoffdynamik). Die Daten zur Parametrisierung des Modells wurden aus verschiedenen Quellen wie Feldversuchen, statistischen Ämtern, Befragungen von privaten Beratungsunternehmen auf Betriebsebene, Bestandsdatenbanken für den Lebenszyklus, Beratungsdiensten, Experteninterviews und Literatur zusammengetragen. Diese Arbeit beinhaltet die erste umfassende Studie zu Pflanzenerträgen in MT, bei der die Erträge in Abhängikeit von unterschiedliche klimatische Bedingungen, Bodentypen, Aussaatdaten, Fruchtfolgepläne, Düngungsmengen und Makroregionen simuliert werden. Die Simulationsergebnisse zeigen, dass biophysikalische Bedingungen immer noch eine entscheidende Rolle für Ertragslücken in MT spielen, während sozioökonomische Bedingungen einen leichten ertragssteigernden Effekt haben. Außerdem untersucht die Arbeit alternative Möglichkeiten zur Verbesserung der landwirtschaftlichen Systeme in MT. Dazu gehört die Einführung von Sonnenblumen und ihr Effekt auf das landwirtschaftliche Betriebseinkommen. Wir konnten ein beträchtliches Potenzial für den Sonnenblumenanbau in MT feststellen, der positive Auswirkungen sowohl auf betriebs als auch auf regionaler Ebene hat. Zusätzlich konnten wir Engpässe für die Verbreitung der Sonnenblume ausfindig machen, wie die Entfernung vom Hoftor zur Verarbeitungsanlage. Was die brasilianische Agrarpolitik anbelangt, so haben wir herausgefunden, dass das brasilianische kohlenstoffarme Agrarprogramm zur Einführung integrierter Systeme beigetragen hat. Wir beobachteten jedoch unterschiedliche Akzeptanzraten bedingt durch Makroregionen und verschiedenen integrierten Systemen. Darüber hinaus zeigen unsere Simulationen, dass das ABC-Programm auch zur Einführung von weniger THG-emittierenden Praktiken beigetragen hat, aber der Erfolg des ABC Programms ist abhängig von der Erwartung der Agenten im Bezug auf Preise und Erträge

    Climate-related land use policies in Brazil: How much has been achieved with economic incentives in agriculture?

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    Until 2019, the Brazilian federal government employed a number of policy measures to fulfill the pledge of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from land use change and agriculture. While its forest law enforcement strategy was partially successful in combating illegal deforestation, the effectiveness of positive incentive measures in agriculture has been less clear. The reason is that emissions reduction from market-based incentives such as the Brazilian Low-Carbon Agriculture Plan cannot be easily verified with current remote sensing monitoring approaches. Farmers have adopted a large variety of integrated land-use systems of crop, livestock and forestry with highly diverse per-hectare carbon balances. Their responses to policy incentives were largely driven by cost and benefit considerations at the farm level and not necessarily aligned with federal environmental objectives. This article analyzes climate-related land-use policies in the state of Mato Grosso, where highly mechanized soybean–cotton and soybean–maize cropping systems prevail. We employ agent-based bioeconomic simulation together with life-cycle assessment to explicitly capture the heterogeneity of farm-level costs, benefits of adoption, and greenhouse gas emissions. Our analysis confirms previous assessments but suggests a smaller farmer policy response when measured as increase in area of integrated systems. In terms of net carbon balances, our simulation results indicate that mitigation effects at the farm level depended heavily on the exact type of livestock and grazing system. The available data were insufficient to rule out even adverse effects. The Brazilian experience thus offers lessons for other land-rich countries that build their climate mitigation policies on economic incentives in agriculture

    Dynamic risk assessment model to the corn production system in Mato Grosso, Brasil

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    The agricultural sector suffers the influence of various risk factors. Although there is no profit without risk, it is very important to know the risks faced and devise strategies to minimize them. In this sense, this paper proposes a new approach for risk assessment, adapting the system dynamic methodology to the study of risk in agricultural systems. From this new approach, it was possible to identify new risk factors for the maize production system in Mato Grosso, Brazil. Several simulations were carried out, in order to detect the impact of each identified variable in the profitability of the system. The most important factors influencing profitability were those that directly affect the revenues of the system, such as the exchange rate, sale price, and yield

    How eco-efficient are crop farms in the Southern Amazon region? Insights from combining agent-based simulations with robust order-m eco-efficiency estimation

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    Agricultural production plays an essential role in food security and economic development, but given its direct links within the environment, it is also an important driver of environmental degradation. It has become essential to not only produce more crops but doing it while maintaining or reducing the respective environmental impacts. A promising method for evaluating production efficiency is the nonparametric eco-efficiency analysis, which compares the economic value added against a composite environmental pressure indicator. This article proposes a novel method of evaluating the eco-efficiency scores, which does not depend on field survey data, but rather on multi-agent simulations. We present the first estimates of eco-efficiency for crop farms in the Amazon and Cerrado biomes in Brazil, identify regions and farm profiles that could be the focus of targeted interventions, and evaluate whether eco-efficiency scores could be improved using an alternative scenario. We combine a biophysical model with bioeconomic agent-based simulations to mimic land-use decisions of real-world farms. We then estimate the efficiency scores with an enhanced order-m estimator that conditions the efficiency estimates on explanatory variables, thus producing robust efficiency measures. Our simulations reveal that there are indeed differences in eco-efficiency estimates between macro-regions in the federal state of Mato Grosso. According to our simulations, the Southeast exhibited the greatest occurrences of inefficiencies, followed by the West macro-region. In our life-cycle inventory, sunflower cultivation had the lowest levels of environmental pressures. However, when evaluating it in a prospective scenario of infrastructure development, we could not observe a positive impact on efficiency. By using efficient computational methods, we replicate our simulations many times to create robust estimates that are more representative than a single field survey. In addition, our novel method combines simulated farm data with eco-efficiency analyses, allowing ex-ante impact evaluations where policy interventions can be tested before their implementation

    Impacto econômico das doenças parasitárias na pecuária

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    A visão econômica sobre intervenção na saúde do rebanho deve ser considerada para adotar decisões financeiras em relação ao investimento que será aplicado na atividade pecuária. As doenças causam impactos na produção, seja devido ao custo relacionado ao tratamento e prevenção ou relacionado às perdas produtivas ligadas ao sistema de exploração. Essa revisão de literatura abordará os aspectos da análise financeira dos custos de controle, estratégias de manejo sanitário e sua eficiência econômica para atividade pecuária. Palavras-chave: doenças parasitárias, impacto econômico, pecuária

    Growing knowledge: an overview of Seed Plant diversity in Brazil

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