122 research outputs found

    GROWTH OF Litopenaeus schmitti (BURKENROAD, 1936) AND Farfantepenaeus paulensis (PEREZ-FARFANTE, 1967) SHRIMP REARED IN RECIRCULATION CULTURE SYSTEM

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    Os camarões Litopenaeus schmitti e Farfantepenaeus paulensis capturados pela pesca artesanal nos estuários são comercializados como iscas vivas na pesca esportiva. Como alternativa à atividade extrativista foi avaliado o cultivo dessas espécies em sistema de recirculação de água. Para cada espécie foram realizados dois ciclos de produção de 120 dias, utilizando 3300 juvenis em cada um, com média de 25 mm de comprimento e 0.9 gramas em peso, dispostos em 12 tanques de 1500L e 1.32 m2, na densidade de 208.3 camarões m2. Os parâmetros de crescimento foram obtidos utilizando-se o modelo de von Bertalanffy baseado nos dados de comprimento (mm) e idade (semanas). Os ajustes foram feitos no ambiente R utilizando o método não-linear de mínimos quadrados. O modelo de von Bertalanffy apresentou ajuste adequado, com coeficientes de determinação de 0.900 para L. schmitti e 0.841 para F. paulensis. Os valores de L∞ e k foram 172.66 mm e 0.027 para L. schmitti e 110.13 mm e 0.050 para F. Paulensis, respectivamente. No presente estudo L. schmitti apresentou crescimento alométrico negativo (p=4.314x10-18) e F. paulensis crescimento isométrico (p=0.267). O crescimento obtido dos camarões no sistema de recirculação proposto atende ao mercado de iscas vivas da pesca esportiva.The Litopenaeus schmitti and Farfantepenaeus paulensis shrimp captured in estuaries are marketed as live bait for recreational fishing. As an alternative to shrimp extractive activities, the authors evaluated the rearing of these species in a recirculation culture system. For each species, the grow-out study was carried out in two 120-day production cycles, using 3,300 juveniles of an average length of 25 mm and weight of 0.9 grams in each, distributed in 12 tanks of 1,500 liters and 1.32 m2, at a population density of 208.3 shrimp per m2. The growth parameters were obtained using the von Bertalanffy model based on the length (mm) and age (weeks) data. The adjustments were made in the R environment of the non-linear least-square method. The von Bertalanffy growth model showed a proper fit, with determination coefficients of 0.900 for L. schmitti and 0.841 for F. paulensis. The values of L∞ and k were 172.66 and 0.027 mm for L. schmitti and 110.13 mm and 0.050 for F. paulensis, respectively. In the current study, L. schmitti showed negative allometric growth (p=4,314x10-18) and F. paulensis isometric growth (p=0.267). The growth of shrimp obtained in the proposed recirculation system can supply live bait for the sport fishing market

    Bioactive compounds and physico-chemical characteristics of guavas bagged with different materials

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    There are several alternatives to bags used for field fruit bagging but little is known about their management in the orchards and the influence of the materials on the phytochemicals and on the physicochemical properties of the fruits after harvest. This study aimed at evaluating fruit bagging with different materials regarding its management and interference in bioactive compounds and physico-chemical features of guava cultivars ‘Paluma’, ‘Século XXI’ and ‘Pedro Sato’, which were cultivated in an organic farming system. The experiment was carried in Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation in 2014/2015 and 2015/2016 harvests. Guavas underwent the following treatments: no bagging (witness); non-woven fabric (TNT); kraft paper; white paper and transparent perforated polyethylene. The following fruit quality variables were analyzed: total phenols; antioxidant activity; carotenoids; peel color; soluble solids; pH; and titratable acidity. This study found that bagging materials interfered both in the phenol content and in the antioxidant activity of the three guava cultivars even though they did not affect pulp carotenoids. Fruit bagging with TNT and transparent perforated polyethylene provided more resistance against weather adversities. Bagging of guava cultivars ‘Paluma’, ‘Século XXI’ and ‘Pedro Sato’ changed the phytochemical and physicochemical features of the fruits.There are several alternatives to bags used for field fruit bagging but little is known about their management in the orchards and the influence of the materials on the phytochemicals and on the physicochemical properties of the fruits after harvest. This study aimed at evaluating fruit bagging with different materials regarding its management and interference in bioactive compounds and physico-chemical features of guava cultivars ‘Paluma’, ‘Século XXI’ and ‘Pedro Sato’, which were cultivated in an organic farming system. The experiment was carried in Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation in 2014/2015 and 2015/2016 harvests. Guavas underwent the following treatments: no bagging (witness); non-woven fabric (TNT); kraft paper; white paper and transparent perforated polyethylene. The following fruit quality variables were analyzed: total phenols; antioxidant activity; carotenoids; peel color; soluble solids; pH; and titratable acidity. This study found that bagging materials interfered both in the phenol content and in the antioxidant activity of the three guava cultivars even though they did not affect pulp carotenoids. Fruit bagging with TNT and transparent perforated polyethylene provided more resistance against weather adversities. Bagging of guava cultivars ‘Paluma’, ‘Século XXI’ and ‘Pedro Sato’ changed the phytochemical and physicochemical features of the fruits

    Bilateral extradural hematoma caused by rupture of the superior sagittal sinus:

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    O hematoma extradural bilateral é considerado raro, quando comparado ao hematoma extradural unilateral. Os autores relatam dois casos de hematoma extradural bilateral devido à laceração traumática do seio longitudinal superior. Foram diagnosticados pela tomografia computadorizada e estavam localizados, respectivamente, na região frontal e occipital. Os doentes foram submetidos ao tratamento cirúrgico e com resultados bons. Essa lesão pouco descrita na literatura apresenta prognóstico favorável quando o tratamento é instituído precocemente, conforme foi observado em nossos pacientes._________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT: The occurrence of bilateral extradural hematoma is considered rare. The authors report two cases of traumatic bilateral extradural hematomas caused by rupture of the superior sagittal sinus. The hematomas were localized in the frontal and the occipital regions, respectively. Both patients were operated successfully. This rare lesion presents good prognosis when treated precociously as observed in our patients

    Solid waste management performance: a case study in a research institution / Desempenho da gestão de resíduos sólidos: um estudo de caso em uma instituição de pesquisa

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    Waste is a environmental problem. Waste generation increases exponentially, and the management to minimize environmental impacts. The launch of the 17 (SDGs), by the U. N., aimed to mobilize to implement public policies based on the pillars of sustainability. At (studied company) routines of research laboratorial activities, farms and administrative areas generate waste. We evaluated the waste management at the (studied company) research institution. We applied methodologies for a comprehensive view. Gravimetric method for characterization of waste in each category. Monitoring of waste generator points resulted in the diagnosis of waste separation. The methodology of the Discourse of the Collective Subject was used to understand the perception of employees. We development the SWOT matrix, to identify the factors that affect the waste management. We understand and rank the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, and they can be used for the development of management

    Raleio mecânico de frutos e flores em pessegueiros

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    Techniques that improve process efficiency are important to reduce the operational cost of orchards. Two mechanical devices were tested to verify the efficiency of peach tree thinning and the influence on fruit production and quality characteristics. The experiment was conducted using the Maciel cultivar in a commercial orchard in Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The treatments consisted of mechanical flower blossom thinning using the Carpa ElectroTM and “trimming” equipment; mechanical fruit thinning using the “trimming” equipment; and manual fruit thinning. The mechanical thinning associated with manual thinning of peach trees may be a viable alternative to manual thinning since it reduces the execution time. Both equipment can be used for mechanical thinning since they didn't change the production per plant, number of fruits per plant, fruit mass, fruit diameter, physicochemical characteristics, and bioactive compounds of the fruits.Técnicas que melhorem a eficiência do processo e reduzam o custo de operação são importantes ferramentas na redução dos custos. Dois dispositivos mecânicos foram utilizados para testar a eficiência no raleio de frutos e flores em pessegueiros e a influencia nas características produtivas e qualitativas dos frutos. O estudo foi realizado na cultivar Maciel em pomar comercial no município de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Os tratamentos foram: raleio mecânico de flores com o equipamento Carpa Electro® e “derriçadeira”, raleio mecânico de frutos com o equipamento “derriçadeira” e raleio manual de frutos. O raleio mecânico associado ao repasse manual em pessegueiros pode ser uma alternativa viável ao raleio manual, pois reduz o tempo de execução desta prática. Os dois equipamentos podem ser utilizados para o raleio mecânico, pois não alteraram a produção por planta, o número de frutos por planta, a massa dos frutos, diâmetro dos frutos, as características físico-químicas e os compostos bioativos dos frutos

    Uso da torta de mamona na produção orgânica de morangos cv. Camarosa

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    No Brasil, a cultura do morangueiro possui grande importância, necessitando de novas alternativas orgânicas para o controle de fitopatógenos no solo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência de tratamentos alternativos para o controle fitossanitário via solo, na produção e qualidade de pós-colheita de morangos cv. Camarosa. O experimento foi realizado em uma área com nove parcelas de 1,2 m2, por tratamento, distribuídos aleatoriamente, onde o solo foi tratado por 45 dias antes do plantio das mudas, com os tratamentos de 1,5 Kg de torta de mamona com lona preta, biofumigação com 1,5 Kg de torta de mamona, biofumigação com 0,75 Kg de torta de mamona, incorporação de 0,75 Kg de torta de mamona, incorporação de 1,5 Kg de torta de mamona, alqueive e solarização. Para as análises foram utilizados 20 pseudofrutos, com três repetições por tratamento, avaliando-se massa fresca, sólidos solúveis, acidez titulável, pH e ácido ascórbico. Para a acidez, a lona+1,5 Kg e biofumigação+1,5 Kg demonstraram que a torta de mamona elevou a acidez dos frutos. Os sólidos dos morangos na solarização foi superior aos demais, seguido pelos lona+1,5 Kg e incorporação de 0,75 Kg. O pH foi menor nos frutos do incorporação de 0,75 Kg, seguido pelo tratamento com biofumigação. Solarização apresentou a menor massa fresca e ácido ascórbico. O presente estudo demonstrou que a torta de mamona manteve a qualidade dos morangos

    Comparison among chemical thinners applied to ‘Maciel’ and ‘Sensação’ peach trees

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    Peach tree thinning, which aims at reducing plant load so as to ensure productivity and fruit quality, has been manually carried out within a short period of time in the stage of fruit development. Due to the need and shortage of qualified man power, chemical thinning is one of the alternatives that can solve these difficulties found in manual thinning. This study aimed at evaluating the effect of different products which have been applied – either alone or in combination – to fruit thinning of peach tree cultivars ‘Sensação’ and ‘Maciel’ in Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul (RS) state, Brazil. The experiment was conducted in the 2015/2016 crop in a commercial peach orchard located in Morro Redondo, RS, Brazil. The following seven treatments were carried out 40 days after full bloom (DAFB): plants with no thinning, manual thinning, metamitron, benzyladenine, benzyladenine + metamitron, ethephon, ethephon + metamitron. Fruit abscission, effective fructification, number of fruits and production per plant, mean mass and fruit classification into caliber classes, epidermis color, pulp firmness and soluble solids were evaluated. Production and number of fruits per plant decreased excessively, whereas fruits placed in categories of higher caliber increased when ethephon was either used alone or in combination with metamitron. When both metamitron and benzyladenine were applied, either alone or in combination, they led to fruit abscission and resulted in mean fruit size and weight, at harvest time, similar to those found in manual thinning. Application of chemical products – either alone or in combination – may be an alternative of peach tree thinning in orchard management