476 research outputs found

    Utilização da simulação computacional na verificação da cooperação de uma população em um ambiente simulado = Use of computer simulation to verify the cooperation of a population in a simulated environment

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    En el presente artículo realizamos un análisisde comportamientos de cooperación enambiente simulado. El presente estudio tienecomo finalidad observar los resultados de la interacciónde los caracteres egoísta, vengativo yaltruista en constante interacción a lo largo degeneraciones. Durante el proceso se desarrollaronalgoritmos que emulan una de las aplicacionesde la teoría de los juegos, el dilemadel prisionero y otro que utiliza la forma en quelos autómatas móviles se mueven-sedientosde una malla virtual. La contribución que conseguimoses dar un valor porcentual máximo auna población aceptada con carácter egoísta yverificar que los caracteres vengativo y altruistatienen un tiempo de vida muy próximo

    Performance of Nelore Cattle on \u3cem\u3ePanicum maximum\u3c/em\u3e Pastures in the Brazilian Cerrado

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    With the increased demand for meat products, associated with environmental concerns due to global climatic and land use changes, the need to efficiently use pasture and forage resources will increase (Boval and Dixon 2012). Efforts to breed and release new forage cultivars must incorporate these concerns, ensuring that introduced material is of high quality, especially under grazing (Euclides et al. 2008). In this study, we aimed to evaluate the average daily weight gain and stocking rate of Nelore beef cattle grazing new genotypes of Panicum maximum during the rainy season in the Brazilian Cerrado

    Screening analysis of biodiesel feedstock using UV-vis, NIR and synchronous fluorescence spectrometries and the successive projections algorithm

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    This paper investigates the use of UV-vis, near infrared (NIR) and synchronous fluorescence (SF) spectrometries coupled with multivariate classification methods to discriminate biodiesel samples with respect to the base oil employed in their production. More specifically, the present work extends previous studies by investigating the discrimination of corn-based biodiesel from two other biodiesel types (sunflower and soybean). Two classification methods are compared, namely full-spectrum SIMCA (soft independent modelling of class analogies) and SPA-LDA (linear discriminant analysis with variables selected by the successive projections algorithm). Regardless of the spectrometric technique employed, full-spectrum SIMCA did not provide an appropriate discrimination of the three biodiesel types. In contrast, all samples were correctly classified on the basis of a reduced number of wavelengths selected by SPA-LDA. It can be concluded that UV-vis, NIR and SF spectrometries can be successfully employed to discriminate corn-based biodiesel from the two other biodiesel types, but wavelength selection by SPA-LDA is key to the proper separation of the classes.Fil: Insausti, Matías. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Instituto de Química del Sur. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Química. Instituto de Química del Sur; ArgentinaFil: Gomes, Adriano A.. Universidade Federal da Paraíba; BrasilFil: Cruz, Fernanda V.. Universidade Federal da Paraíba; BrasilFil: Pistonesi, Marcelo Fabian. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Instituto de Química del Sur. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Química. Instituto de Química del Sur; ArgentinaFil: Ugulino de Araújo, Mário C.. Universidade Federal Da Paraíba; BrasilFil: Galvão, Roberto K.H.. Universidade Federal da Paraíba; BrasilFil: Pereira, Claudete F.. Universidade Federal da Paraíba; BrasilFil: Fernández Band, Beatriz Susana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Instituto de Química del Sur. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Química. Instituto de Química del Sur; Argentin

    Comportamento de novas progênies de sorgo forrageiro para o Semi-Árido Pernambucano

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    This work is related to 45 recently developed forage sorghum varieties. It aims to offer to Pernambuco Semi-Arid region farmers forage sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) varieties with higher yield capacity. The trials were carried out in Caruaru, São Bento do Una, Arcoverde and Serra Talhada involving nine different environments made up with combinations of years and localities. The experimental design was in randomized blocks with three replications in 1982, and without replications in 1983 and 1984. Analysis of dry matter (DM) productivity stability was also realized using the linear regression coefficient following the Eberhart & Russel Model. Progenies 467-4-2, 380-5-1, 322-1-3 and 484-1-1 showed outstandig behavior across the environments. The two first ones yielded 12.47 and 11.45 t/ha of DM and had a linear regression b = 1.03. The last two ones yielded 10.67 and 10.49 t/ha of DM and had a linear regression b = 0.90, which characterizes them as adapted to a less favorable environment. The sorghum variety IPA 7301218, previously recommended for planting in Pernambuco, had inferior performance among all other treatments. Este trabalho relata o desempenho de 45 novas progênies de sorgo forrageiro (Sorghum bicolor L.) objetivando propiciar aos produtores do Semi-Árido de Pernambuco cultivares de sorgo mais produtivas. Os testes foram conduzidos em Caruaru, São Bento do Una, Arcoverde e Serra Talhada, totalizando nove ambientes distintos, formados pelas combinações de anos e locais. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso, com três repetições, em 1982, e sem repetição, em 1983 e 1984. Efetuou-se, também, a análise de estabilidade da produtividade de matéria seca, pela estimativa do coeficiente de regressão linear, de acordo com o modelo proposto por Eberhart & Russel. As progênies 467-4-2, 389-5-1, 322-1-3 e 484-1-1 destacaram-se favoravelmente nas avaliações. As duas primeiras apresentaram uma produtividade média de 12,47 e 11,45 t/ha, respectivamente, de MS, e um coeficiente de regressão linear b = 1,03 que as caracterizam como estáveis. As duas últimas apresentaram uma produtividade média de 10,67 e 10,49 t/ha de MS, respectivamente, e um coeficiente de regressão linear b = 0.90, que as caracterizam como adaptadas a ambiente menos favorável. A cultivar de sorgo forrageiro IPA 7301218, previamente recomendada para plantio em Pernambuco, teve um desempenho inferior a todos os demais tratamentos.

    Performance of grain sorghum gonotypes

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    Foram avaliadas treze linhagens e oito híbridos de sorgo granífero em dez ambientes, formados pela combinação de cinco locais e dois anos. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso com três repetições, sendo observadas as produções de grãos, de palhada, ciclo, peso de 1.000 grãos e o percentual de acamamento. Procedeu-se à análise da variância e da estabilidade de produção para os dois primeiros parâmetros. Quanto à produtividade de grãos, as linhas IPA 7300201, 7300206, 7300940, 7300980, 7300985, 7300988, 7301011 e o híbrido BR 300 apresentaram-se como estáveis ou adaptados a ambientes desfavoráveis. A produtividade de grãos e de palha apresentou correlação significativa, indicando ser possível selecionar genótipos para estes dois caracteres simultaneamente. O acamamento foi mais severo em Arcoverde e São Bento do Una em 1985, tendo os híbridos sido mais tolerantes do que as linhagens. O híbrido BR 300 deve ser recomendado para plantio, face a elevada produtividade de grãos, estabilidade de produção e baixa incidência de acamamento. A linhagem IPA 7301011 pode continuar a ser recomendada, especialmente no Sertão de Serra Talhada e áreas similares.The experiments were conducted aiming to evaluate 13 lines and 12 hybrids of grain sorghum under different environments composed by five sites and two years, in the Semi-Arid region of the State of Pernambuco. The experimental design used was in randomized complete blocks with three replications. The following characters were studied grain yield, straw production, cycle, 1000 grain weight, and lodging. The variance and stability analysis for grain yield and straw production showed that lines IPA 7300201, 7300206, 7300940, 7300980, 7300985, 7300988 and 7301011 as well as the hybrid BR 300 had acceptable level of stability for adaptation under unfavorable environments. The data for grain yield and straw production demonstrated that there was a significative correlation, indicating that a selection procedure for both characters can be made simultaneously. The lodging effect was more important in Arcoverde and São Bento do Una in 1985, where the lines were more susceptible than the hybrids. The sorghum hybrid BR 300 can be recommended due to the high grain yield, stability and tow lodging percentage. The line IPA 7301011 can still be used, specially in Serra Talhada and similar regions

    Levantamento molecular de micoplasma hemotrópico em mão-pelada (Procyon cancrivorus) do sul do Brasil

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    Hemoplasmas are non-cultivable bacterial parasites of erythrocytes that infect domestic and wild animals, as well as humans. Their means of transmission and pathogenesis remain contentious issues and difficult to evaluate in wild animals. Procyon cancrivorus is a South American carnivore and occurs in all Brazilian biomes. In this study, we aimed to investigate occurrences of hemoplasmas infecting P. cancrivorus and to identify their 16S rRNA gene, in southern Brazil. DNA was extracted from spleen and blood samples of P. cancrivorus (n = 9) from different locations. Hemoplasma DNA was detected in six samples, based on 16S rRNA gene amplification and phylogenetic analysis. Four of the six sequences belonged to the “Mycoplasma haemofelis group”, which is closely related to genotypes detected in Procyon lotor from the USA; one was within the “Mycoplasma suis group”, closely related to “Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum”; and one was within the intermediate group between these clusters. Thus, these sequences showed that the molecular identity of hemoplasmas in the population studied was very variable. In five positive animals, Amblyomma aureolatum ticks and a flea (Ctenocephalides felis felis) were collected. The present study describes the first molecular detection of mycoplasmas in P. cancrivorus.Os micoplasmas hemotrópicos (hemoplasmas) são parasitas bacterianos não-cultiváveis de eritrócitos que infectam tanto animais domésticos e selvagens, como seres humanos. A transmissão e a patogênese são discutíveis e difíceis de avaliar em animais selvagens. O mão pelada (Procyon cancrivorus) é um carnívoro Sul-americano, que ocorre em todos os biomas brasileiros. O objetivo do presente estudo é o de investigar a ocorrência de hemoplasmas infectando P. cancrivorus e identificar seu gene 16S rRNA no Sul do Brasil. O DNA foi extraído do baço e amostras de sangue de P. cancrivorus (n= 9). O DNA de hemoplasma foi detectado em seis amostras, com base na amplificação do gene 16S rRNA e na análise filogenética. Quatro das seis sequências pertencem ao “Grupo Mycoplasma haemofelis”, que estão intimamente relacionadas aos genótipos detectados no Procyon lotor dos EUA; uma dentro do “Grupo Mycoplasma suis”, que está intimamente relacionado ao “Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum”, e uma dentro do grupo intermediário entre esses clusters, mostrando assim que há uma diversidade genética de hemoplasmas na população estudada. Em cinco animais positivos, foram coletados carrapatos Amblyomma aureolatum e uma pulga Ctenocephalides felis. O presente estudo traz a primeira detecção molecular de micoplasmas em P. cancrivorus

    Extending the ecological distribution of Desmonostoc genus: proposal of Desmonostoc salinum sp. nov., a novel Cyanobacteria from a saline–alkaline lake

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    Cyanobacteria is an ancient phylum of oxygenic photosynthetic microorganisms found in almost all environments of Earth. In recent years, the taxonomic placement of some cyanobacterial strains, including those belonging to the genus Nostoc sensu lato, have been reevaluated by means of a polyphasic approach. Thus, 16S rRNA gene phylogeny and 16S–23S internal transcribed spacer (ITS) secondary structures coupled with morphological, ecological and physiological data are considered powerful tools for a better taxonomic and systematics resolution, leading to the description of novel genera and species. Additionally, underexplored and harsh environments, such as saline–alkaline lakes, have received special attention given they can be a source of novel cyanobacterial taxa. Here, a filamentous heterocytous strain, Nostocaceae CCM-UFV059, isolated from Laguna Amarga, Chile, was characterized applying the polyphasic approach; its fatty acid profile and physiological responses to salt (NaCl) were also determined. Morphologically, this strain was related to morphotypes of the Nostoc sensu lato group, being phylogenetically placed into the typical cluster of the genus Desmonostoc. CCM-UFV059 showed identity of the 16S rRNA gene as well as 16S–23S secondary structures that did not match those from known described species of the genus Desmonostoc, as well as distinct ecological and physiological traits. Taken together, these data allowed the description of the first strain of a member of the genus Desmonostoc from a saline–alkaline lake, named Desmonostoc salinum sp. nov., under the provisions of the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi and plants. This finding extends the ecological coverage of the genus Desmonostoc, contributing to a better understanding of cyanobacterial diversity and systematics

    Margens cirúrgicas no dermatofibrossarcoma protuberans: relato de caso e revisão da literatura

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    Introduction: Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (DFSP) is a rare dermal fibrohistiocytic tumor that affects the skin, accounting for 1% of soft tissue sarcomas and representing less than0.1% of all malignancies. The main characteristic of this type of tumor is a high rate of local recurrence after surgical excision. Deciding the proper surgical margin for complete resection is a challenge. Case report: 24 year-old, shows a reddish vegetative asymptomatic tumor on the left shoulder. She has a positive family history of DFSP in the lower limb. The definitive histopathological report confirmed Dermatofibrossarcoma protuberans. Discussion: The histological feature of the tumor is the presence of tentacle type projections of neoplastic cells in the periphery extending through the subcutaneous tissue to the muscular fascia. Of course, the most important factor for local control is the achievement of free surgical margins. Excision through Mohs micrographic surgery is a great option in regions where wide excision is not desirable, as in the face. The standard margin in most pf the literature is 3 cm resected to the muscular fascia, and it can be reduced to 2 cm in places where the extensive excision impairs the conformation of the site, as in the face.Introdução: O dermatofibrossarcoma protuberante (DFSP) é um tumor fibrohistiocítico de origem dérmica raro, que acomete a pele, representando 1% dos sarcomas de partes moles e menos de 0,1% de todas malignidades. A principal característica deste tipo de tumor é a sua elevada taxa de recidiva local após excisão cirúrgica. Decidir a margem cirúrgica adequada para a ressecção completa é um desafio. Relato de caso: 24 anos, apresenta lesão tumoral vegetante avermelhada no ombro esquerdo, assintomática. Possui história familiar positiva de DFSP em membro inferior. O laudo histopatológico definitivo confirmou Dermatofibrossarcoma protuberans. Discussão: A característica histológica do tumor é a presença de projeções tipo tentáculos de células neoplásicas na periferia que se estendem através do tecido subcutâneo até a fáscia muscular. Certamente, o fator de maior importância para o controle local é a obtenção de margens cirúrgicas livres. A excisão através da cirurgia micrográfica de Mohs é uma ótima opção em regiões onde a excisão ampla não é desejável, como na face. A margem padrão estabelicida em grande parte da literatura é de 3 cm com ressecção até a fáscia muscular, podendo ser diminuida para 2 cm em locais em que a excisão ampla prejudique a conformação do local, como na fac

    Novel ocellatin peptides mitigate LPS-induced ROS formation and NF-kB activation in microglia and hippocampal neurons

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    © The Author(s) 2020. Open Access. This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Cre-ative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article’s Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article’s Creative Commons license and your intended use is not per-mitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.Cutaneous secretions of amphibians have bioactive compounds, such as peptides, with potential for biotechnological applications. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the primary structure and investigate peptides obtained from the cutaneous secretions of the amphibian, Leptodactylus vastus, as a source of bioactive molecules. The peptides obtained possessed the amino acid sequences, GVVDILKGAAKDLAGH and GVVDILKGAAKDLAGHLASKV, with monoisotopic masses of [M + H]± = 1563.8 Da and [M + H]± = 2062.4 Da, respectively. The molecules were characterized as peptides of the class of ocellatins and were named as Ocellatin-K1(1-16) and Ocellatin-K1(1-21). Functional analysis revealed that Ocellatin-K1(1-16) and Ocellatin-K1(1-21) showed weak antibacterial activity. However, treatment of mice with these ocellatins reduced the nitrite and malondialdehyde content. Moreover, superoxide dismutase enzymatic activity and glutathione concentration were increased in the hippocampus of mice. In addition, Ocellatin-K1(1-16) and Ocellatin-K1(1-21) were effective in impairing lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation and NF-kB activation in living microglia. We incubated hippocampal neurons with microglial conditioned media treated with LPS and LPS in the presence of Ocellatin-K1(1-16) and Ocellatin-K1(1-21) and observed that both peptides reduced the oxidative stress in hippocampal neurons. Furthermore, these ocellatins demonstrated low cytotoxicity towards erythrocytes. These functional properties suggest possible to neuromodulatory therapeutic applications.Alexandra Plácido is a recipient of a post-doctoral grant from the project FCT (PTDC/BII-BIO/31158/2017). Renato Socodato and Camila Cabral Portugal hold postdoctoral fellowships from FCT (Refs: SFRH/BPD/91833/2012 and FRH/BPD/91962/2012, respectively). This work was funded through project UID/QUI/50006/2013-POCI/01/0145/FEDER/007265 (LAQV/REQUIMTE) with financial support from FCT/MEC through national funds and co-financed by FEDER, under the Partnership Agreement PT 2020info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio