630 research outputs found

    El contenido médico en el Lapidario alfonsí

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    Calisto, entre amor hereos y una terapia falaz.

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    Este articulo se centra sobre el debate sostenido entre Calisto y su criado Sempronio en la escena segunda del Auto primero de La Celestina. Enfocado este tramo textual desde una perspectiva fisiátrica, resulta ser una parodia del concepto de medicus gratiosus, tan caro al paradigma curativo hipocrático-galénico imperante en la Baja Edad Media y encamado por Sempronio. Rojas, al poner en el banquillo de los acusados los presupuestos epistemológicos en que se basa dicho paradigma, denuncia festivamente la ineficacia de la medicina académica de su tiempo.Y ello lo realiza tomando como eje ideológico la adulteración de otro concepto, el del amor hereos y la conducta de su malversador, Calisto. A lo largo de este artículo se hace referencia a las más importantes auctorirates de la ciencia médica medieval, como Hipócrates, Galeno, Actius de Amida, Avicena, Amau de Vilanova, Bernard de Gordon y el contemporáneo de Rojas, Francisco López de Villalobos, entre otro autores.From a medical perspective, the debate between Calisto and Sempronio (Celestina, Act 1, .scene 2) reflects a crude, unsympatbetic view of the kind of academic medicine practiced by university-educated physicians during the late Middle Ages. Thus, if Sempronio represents the parodie incamation of the highly respected figure of the medicus gratiosus, bis master, Calisto, is a pathetic personification of the noble afflicted by amor hereos. In fact, Rojas succeeds in showing bis readers how ridiculously ineffective certain therapeutic remedies are in the treatment of such a malady. lo justify the conclusions drawn, the writings of different medical authorities (classical, Arabie and Christian) are referred to

    Forest Charges and Trusts: Shared Benefits with Clear Responsibilities

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    This paper examines the Community-Based Forest Management Program (CBFM) and Industrial Forest Management Agreements (IFMA) within the context of efficient forest management. Investigation on ways of accomplishing the objectives of the agency, community and commercial forestry in decreased costs is conducted. Results show a need for DENR’s redirection of financial and human resources to focus on critical environmental tasks. Focus on higher-value timber opportunities can increase the potential for sustainable management and increase in the government revenue collection.forestry sector, rent and fee

    Forest Charges and Trusts: Shared Benefits with Clear Responsibilities

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    This paper examines the Community-Based Forest Management Program (CBFM) and Industrial Forest Management Agreements (IFMA) within the context of efficient forest management. Investigation on ways of accomplishing the objectives of the agency, community and commercial forestry in decreased costs is conducted. Results show a need for DENR’s redirection of financial and human resources to focus on critical environmental tasks. Focus on higher-value timber opportunities can increase the potential for sustainable management and increase in the government revenue collection.forestry sector, rent and fee

    Distribution and genetic variability of Staphylinidae across a gradient of anthropogenically influenced insular landscapes

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    This paper describes the distribution and genetic variability of rove beetles (Coleoptera Staphylinidae) in anthropogenically influenced insular landscapes. The study was conducted in the Azores archipelago, characterized by high anthropogenic influence and landscape fragmentation. Collections were made in five islands, from eight habitats, along a gradient of anthropogenic influence. The species of Staphylinidae from the Azores collected for this study were widely distributed and showed low habitat fidelity. Rove beetle richness was associated with anthropogenic influence and habitat type, increasing from less to more anthropogenic impacted habitats. However, genetic diversity of profiled species (i.e. with three or more specimens per species/habitat) does not seem affected by anthropogenic influence in the different habitat types, isolation or landscape fragmentation. COI haplotypes were, as a rule, not exclusive to a given island or habitat. High level of genetic divergence and nucleotide saturation was found in closely related morphological designated species, demonstrating possible disparities between currently defined taxonomic units based on morphology and molecular phylogenies of Staphylinidae. This study found evidence of cryptic speciation in the Atheta fungi (Gravenhorst) species complex which had thus far remained undetected. Similar trends were found for Oligota parva Kraatz, Oxytelus sculptus Gravenhorst, Oligota pumilio Kiesenwetter. Previous studies with lower taxonomical resolution may have underestimated the biotic diversity reported in the Azores in comparison to other Macaronesian archipelagos.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Diferencias de género en los ejecutivos locales: políticas públicas y transferencias intergubernamentales en un estado brasileño

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    Feminist theory has offered new institutionalism key contributions as to how gender relates to public policy. Feminist institutionalism has researched the many ways wel­fare policies have impacted women and the many ways women, as elected officials, have im­pacted those policies in turn. As substantive representation research turns its eye towards legislative representatives, women in executive offices and their actions have been overlooked. As studies show, there are certain policy areas that face gender stereotypes: education, health, arts, family protection, and other welfare areas. Brazilian federalism and its execution of welfare policies is quite specific in its institutional design. Since the end of the last dictator­ship, there have been efforts towards decentralisation. States have more control over their spending; however, municipalities face stricter rules regarding taxation and how to spend it. Municipalities are in charge of executing most of Brazilian public policy, but have little control in designing them. What they are allowed to design tends to be induced through programmes and resources. Those resources for the execution of programmes come from several kinds of transfers, from federal and state governments. In the state of Minas Gerais, in Brazil, the Robin Hood Law states that municipalities that create institutions and/or policies in certain welfare areas will have access to slightly more resources. Research has shown that municipalities do invest in bettering themselves in this institu­tionalisation process, despite the small amount of funds that come with them. Therefore, our research asks: are female mayors more efficient in accessing specific resources from govern­ment transfers? Using regression analysis and other statistical tools, we hope to able to dem­onstrate how gender might play a role in the division of those funds.La teoría feminista ha ofrecido contribuciones claves al nuevo institucion­alismo sobre cómo el género se relaciona con las políticas públicas. El institucionalismo femi­nista ha investigado las muchas formas en que las políticas de bienestar han impactado en las mujeres y las muchas formas en que las mujeres, como personas electas, han impactado esas políticas, a su vez. A medida que la investigación sustantiva de la representación vuelve su mi­rada hacia los representantes legislativos, las mujeres en las oficinas ejecutivas y sus acciones han sido mayoritariamente ignoradas. Como los estudios demuestran, existen ciertas áreas de la política que sufren con estereotipos de género: educación, salud, las artes, seguridad familiar y otras áreas de bienestar. El federalismo brasileño y su aplicación de las políticas de bienestar son específicas en su diseño institucional. Desde la última dicta­dura, se ha hablado de descentralización. Los estados tienen más control sobre sus gastos; sin embargo, las municipalidades están sujetas a reglas estrictas sobre cómo cobrar y usar impuestos. Los municipios están a cargo de ejecutar la mayor parte de la política pública brasileña, pero tienen poco control al diseñarlos. Lo que se les permite diseñar tiende a ser inducido a través de programas y recursos. Esos recursos para la ejecución de programas provienen de varios tipos de transferencias, de gobiernos federales y estatales. En el estado de Minas Gerais, en Brasil, la Ley Robin Hood establece que los municipios que crean instituciones y/o políticas en ciertas áreas de bienestar tendrán acceso a un poco más de recursos. Investigaciones han demostrado que los municipios sí invierten en mejorarse a sí mismos en este proceso de institucionalización, a pesar de la pequeña cantidad de fondos que vienen con ellos. Por lo tanto, nuestra investigación pregunta: ¿son las alcaldesas más eficientes en el acceso a recursos específicos de las transferencias del gobierno? Usando análisis de regresión y otras herramientas estadísticas, esperamos poder demostrar cómo el género podría desempeñar un papel en la división de esos fondos

    Redes sociales basadas en imágenes como herramienta de comunicación museística. Museos y centros de arte Moderno y Contemporáneo de España en Pinterest e Instagram

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    Los museos y centros de arte alrededor del mundo, especialmente los catalogados como de arte Moderno y Contemporáneo, siguen el ejemplo de grandes marcas, empresas e instituciones y experimentan las ventajas de integrar a su plan de comunicación redes sociales basadas en imágenes como Pinterest e Instagram, que son las redes de esta tipología que mayor crecimiento de usuarios han experimentado en los últimos años. Una vez exploramos teóricamente qué son y cómo funcionan las redes sociales Pinterest e Instagram, y como están siendo aprovechadas por marcas e instituciones culturales, nos adentramos a descubrir qué nivel de participación tienen los museos españoles en las mismas. La población de la presente investigación la compone el universo de museos y centros de arte Moderno y Contemporáneo de España, en principio relacionados por dos condicionantes comunes; el arte moderno y contemporáneo como temática museológica y encontrarse localizados físicamente en territorio español. Analizaremos, cuáles de los museos y centros de arte Moderno y Contemporá- neo de España son partícipes activos de estas dos redes sociales y si hacen uso de las mismas para la promoción de productos culturales, con miras a determinar si estas instituciones reconocen o no el potencial de ambas en la elaboración de una estrategia de comunicación online acorde a los nuevos tiempos.This article presents an overview of Pinterest and Instagram, both image-based social media networks that have experienced the biggest growth in the last few years. The most active museums in social media around the world and specially those identified as museums of Modern and Contemporary art, use this kind of social networks in their communication strategies. For these reasons it is interesting to analyze Spanish museums of Modern and Contemporary Art with similar characteristics that are participating actively in Pinterest and Instagram and the strategies they are using. Our research scope is the overall population of museums of Modern and Contemporary art in Spain, these museums are related by two conditions: Modern and Contemporary art as principal scope and being located in Spanish territory. We want to analyze Spanish museums of Modern and Contemporary art actually using Pinterest and Instagram, and which of these museums are using these social media networks to promote their cultural products, recognizing the potential of both image-based social media networks in cultural communication

    El poder terapéutico de la parodia en el "Cancionero de Baena": cuartanario está el condestable

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