102 research outputs found

    Clonal selection of Corymbia for energy and charcoal production

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    The genus Corymbia appears as an option to produce best quality charcoal. The selection of genotypes through multivariate analysis can be a solution when multiple variables influence the result. The aim of this study was to characterize eight genotypes of Corymbia citriodora x Corymbia torelliana for energy and charcoal production, group and indicate the genetic materials with highest potential. The woods specific gravity, high heating value and energy density was determined. Energy density was grouped by the Scott-Knott test; group 1 was appointed for energy generation. The wood was carbonized. Charcoal yield, density, fixed carbon, friability, higher heating value, ash content, fixed carbon yield and energy density were determined. Principal component analysis was performed. Principal component 3 was chosen, as the representation of the ideal genetic material. The scores were calculated, and genetic materials III, VI and VIII are selected for charcoal production. The selection has shown to be efficient

    Temporal response of post-activation performance enhancement induced by a plyometric conditioning activity

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    IntroductionTo better understand the post-activation performance enhancement (PAPE) effect promoted by a plyometric conditioning activity (CA), the aim of this study was to investigate the temporal response of PAPE after a plyometric CA.MethodsFourteen healthy and active adults visited the laboratory 3 times, with an interval of 7 days between each visit. On the first day they were familiarized with the countermovement jump (CMJ) test and plyometric CA. In the second and third visits, participants performed either plyometric CA or control (remaining seated) in a crossover design. The CMJ test was performed pre and 1-, 3-, 6-, and 9-min post the plyometric CA or control. The comparisons were performed using the repeated measure two-factor ANOVA and Bonferroni adjustment (significance level adopted P ≤ 0.05).ResultsTime (P < 0.01), condition (P < 0.01), and interaction (P < 0.01) effects were reported for CMJ comparisons. For the control condition, CMJ increased at 3 min compared to pre (P = 0.03) and at 3 min compared to 1 min (P = 0.03). For the plyometric CA, CMJ increased at 1- (P < 0.01), 3- (P < 0.01), and 6-min (P = 0.02) compared to pre. For condition comparisons, CMJ was different at 1- (P < 0.01), 3- (P < 0.01), 6- (P < 0.01), and 9-min (P = 0.02). The Effect size of the comparisons of all moments compared to pre was null (d < 0.20) for control and small (d < 0.50) for plyometric CA.DiscussionIt is possible to conclude that the plyometric CA promoted a PAPE effect for up to 9-min. Strength and conditioning coaches and practitioners may consider multiple sets of plyometric CA to produce immediate enhancement of power in the lower limbs

    Optimization and partial purification of beta‑galactosidase production by Aspergillus niger isolated from Brazilian soils using soybean residue

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    β-Galactosidases are widely used for industrial applications. These enzymes could be used in reactions of lactose hydrolysis and transgalactosylation. The objective of this study was the production, purification, and characterization of an extracellular β-galactosidase from a filamentous fungus, Aspergillus niger. The enzyme production was optimized by a factorial design. Maximal β-galactosidase activity (24.64 U/mL) was found in the system containing 2% of a soybean residue (w/v) at initial pH 7.0, 28 °C, 120 rpm in 7 days. ANOVA of the optimization study indicated that the response data on temperature and pH were significant (p < 0.05). The regression equation indicated that the R2 is 0.973. Ultrafiltration at a 100 and 30 kDa cutoff followed by gel filtration and anion exchange chromatography were carried out to purify the fungal β-galactosidase. SDS-PAGE revealed a protein with molecular weight of approximately 76 kDa. The partially purified enzyme showed an optimum temperature of 50 °C and optimum pH of 5.0, being stable under these conditions for 15 h. The enzyme was exposed to conditions approaching gastric pH and in pepsin’s presence, 80% of activity was preserved after 2 h. These results reveal a A. niger β-galactosidase obtained from residue with favorable characteristics for food industries

    A biotechnology perspective of fungal proteases

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    Proteases hydrolyze the peptide bonds of proteins into peptides and amino acids, being found in all living organisms, and are essential for cell growth and differentiation. Proteolytic enzymes have potential application in a wide number of industrial processes such as food, laundry detergent and pharmaceutical. Proteases from microbial sources have dominated applications in industrial sectors. Fungal proteases are used for hydrolyzing protein and other components of soy beans and wheat in soy sauce production. Proteases can be produced in large quantities in a short time by established methods of fermentation. The parameters such as variation in C/N ratio, presence of some sugars, besides several other physical factors are important in the development of fermentation process. Proteases of fungal origin can be produced cost effectively, have an advantage faster production, the ease with which the enzymes can be modified and mycelium can be easily removed by filtration. The production of proteases has been carried out using submerged fermentation, but conditions in solid state fermentation lead to several potential advantages for the production of fungal enzymes. This review focuses on the production of fungal proteases, their distribution, structural-functional aspects, physical and chemical parameters, and the use of these enzymes in industrial applications

    Desenvolvimento e aceitabilidade de biscoito tipo cookie, sem glúten e à base de feijão caupi branco

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    Gluten is an elastic substance, adherent, water-insoluble and responsible for the structure of different kinds of pasta, being composed of fractions of proteins, glutenin and gliadin. The celiac disease is an autoimmune disease that affects the small intestine directly interfering with the absorption of essential nutrients such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals and water. The aim of this study was to develop and sensory evaluate cookies, gluten free, white cowpea beans based, with regional and accessible ingredients. The evaluation took place by an affective test using a structured five points ideal scale referring to the attributes color, appearance, aroma, texture and flavors as cinnamon, nutmeg and beans. Furthermore, it was also carried an purchase intention test of the product. Global characteristics, such as appearance (78.4%) and color (78.4%) were those with the highest acceptance rate, followed by flavor (76.5%) and texture (68.6%). Among the percentage of identification of flavors just “bean flavor” (80.4%) had satisfactory rate, being rated as absent or weak which was a desired characteristic for this product. According to the percentage of 49% of purchase intention, the developed cookie has potential for commercialization and could become another option for people with celiac disease. Keywords: gluten-free diet, celiac disease, food technology.O glúten é uma substância elástica, aderente, insolúvel em água e responsável pela estrutura das massas alimentícias, sendo constituído por frações das proteínas gliadina e glutenina. A doença celíaca é uma doença autoimune, que afeta o intestino delgado, interferindo diretamente na absorção de nutrientes essenciais ao organismo, como carboidratos, gorduras, proteínas, vitaminas, sais minerais e água. Este trabalho teve como objetivo desenvolver e avaliar sensorialmente um biscoito tipo cookie, sem glúten, à base de feijão caupi branco, formulado a partir de ingredientes regionais de fácil acesso. A avaliação sensorial do biscoito se deu por teste afetivo com escala ideal estruturada em cinco pontos referentes aos atributos de cor, aparência, aroma, textura e sabores de canela, noz moscada e feijão. Além disso, também foi realizado teste de intenção de compra do produto. As características globais do produto, como a aparência (78,4%) e a cor (78,4%), foram as que apresentaram os maiores índices de aceitação, seguidos por aroma (76,5%) e textura (68,6%). Dentre o percentual de identificação dos sabores, apenas o “sabor de feijão” (80,4%) apresentou índice satisfatório, sendo avaliado como ausente ou de fraca característica desejada para o produto. Frente ao percentual de 49% de intenção de compra, o cookie desenvolvido apresenta potencial para comercialização, podendo vir a ser mais uma opção para pessoas com doença celíaca

    Análise da mortalidade por overdose no uso de opioides e dos fatores psicossociais relacionados

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    RESUMO: Buscar na literatura qual a correlação entre a overdose por uso de opioides e a mortalidade dos usuários dessa substância, analisando, concomitantemente, os principais determinantes sociais e psicológicos que estão ligados a esse desfecho. Revisão da literatura nas bases LILACS, MEDLINE e PUBMED, abordando as produções dos últimos cinco anos. Utilizou-se para a busca os descritores: combinações entre as seguintes palavras-chave, consideradas descritores no Descritores em Ciências de Saúde (DeCS) em português e inglês:Opioides (Opioids), Morfina (Morphine), Fentanil (Fentanyl), Codeína (Codeine), Adversos (Adverse), Efeitos Colaterais (Side Effects), Overdose (Overdose), Morte (death). Foram selecionados 20 artigos, que respondiam à questão norteadora “Qual a relação entre overdose por uso de opioides e os danos gerados ao paciente tanto psicossociais quanto em mortalidade”. Observou-se que há uma associação clara entre overdose e mortalidade. Além disso, tornou-se nítida a relação com a depressão e o uso de substâncias ilícitas entre osusuários de opioides que chegam no estado de overdose. Diante dos resultados e discussões é possível observar que há uma complexa interrelação entre uso de opioides, depressão, abuso de drogas ilícitas, overdose e morte. Contudo, mais estudos sobre o manejo adequado da dor e a identificação de condutas que não possuem evidências científicas devem ser realizados, afim de que se tenha um melhor prognóstico perante o uso/administração dos opioides


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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de doses de pot\ue1ssio e enxofre sobre o crescimento e a qualidade de mudas de Platymenia foliolosa Benth. (vinh\ue1tico), determinando a melhor dose desses nutrientes. Foi conduzido um experimento utilizando-se vasos de polietileno r\uedgido com 1,5 dm3 de capacidade e como substrato um Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo. Utilizou-se como tratamentos sete doses de pot\ue1ssio (0; 50; 100; 150; 200; 250 e 300 mg/dm3) combinadas com cinco doses de enxofre (0, 20, 40, 60 e 80 mg/dm3), as quais foram parceladas em quatro aplica\ue7\uf5es: 0, 30, 60 e 90 dias ap\uf3s o primeiro desbaste. Ap\uf3s 150 dias da semeadura foram colhidos dados de altura, di\ue2metro do coleto, mat\ue9ria seca da parte a\ue9rea e de raiz, al\ue9m das rela\ue7\uf5es altura/di\ue2metro do coleto, altura/massa seca parte a\ue9rea, massa seca parte a\ue9rea/massa seca de raiz e o \uedndice de qualidade de Dickson (IQD). A adi\ue7\ue3o de doses crescentes de pot\ue1ssio ao substrato apresentou resposta significativa (quadr\ue1tica) para todas as vari\ue1veis avaliadas, exceto para a rela\ue7\ue3o altura da parte a\ue9rea/di\ue2metro de coleto, j\ue1 as doses de enxofre n\ue3o apresentaram resposta significativa para nenhuma das caracter\uedsticas avaliadas nesse experimento, sendo observada intera\ue7\ue3o entre K e S para altura da parte a\ue9rea, nas mudas de vinh\ue1tico aos 150 dias ap\uf3s a semeadura. Diante dos resultados obtidos recomenda-se para produ\ue7\ue3o de mudas de vinh\ue1tico (Platymenia foliolosa) a aplica\ue7\ue3o de 175 mg/dm3 de K e 45 mg/dm3 de S parceladas equitativamente em quatro aplica\ue7\uf5es aos 0, 30, 60 e 90 dias ap\uf3s o primeiro desbaste.The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of potassium and sulfur on growth and quality of seedlings of Platymenia foliolosa Benth. (vinh\ue1tico), determining the best dose of these nutrients. An experiment was conducted using pots made of rigid polyethylene with a capacity of 1,5 dm3 and a red and yellow Latosol as the substrate. Seven doses of potassium were used as substrates (0, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250 and 300 mg/dm3) combined with five levels of sulfur (0, 20, 40, 60 and 80 mg/dm3), which were applied in four applications: 0, 30, 60 and 90 days after the first thinning. After 150 days of sowing collected data of height, collar diameter, aerial part dry weight and root, and the relationships height/collar diameter, height/ aerial part dry weight, aerial part dry weight/root dry weight and Dickson quality index (IQD). The addition of increasing doses of potassium to the substrate show significant (quadratic) for all variables, except for the ratio of aerial part height/collar diameter, the levels of sulfur showed no significant response to any of the characteristics evaluated in this experiment. There was an interaction between K and S to height of the aerial part in \u2018vinh\ue1tico\u2019 seedlings at 150 days after sowing. Based on these results, we recommend for seedlings of \u2018vinh\ue1tico\u2019 (Platymenia foliolosa) application of 175 mg / dm3 K and 45 mg/dm\ub3 S parceled out evenly in four times at 0, 30th, 60th and 90 days after first thinning

    Doença de Ménière e complicações: revisão bibliográfica e relato de um caso: Ménière disease and complications: literature review and case report

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    Introdução: a Doença de Ménière é uma vestibulopatia crônica idiopática caracterizada por ataques recorrentes de vertigem incapacitante que variam de 20 minutos a 12 horas, associados a perda auditiva neurossensorial flutuante, plenitude auricular e zumbidos. Os pacientes também se queixam de alterações na marcha, instabilidade postural, queda e náusea. Objetivo: Compreender as manifestações clínicas da Doença de Ménière, bem como suas principais intercorrências orgânicas associadas, por meio da descrição de um relato de caso. Método: trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva de relato de caso. Foram analisados os dados obtidos a partir da entrevista e dos laudos médicos fornecidos pelo paciente e pelos médicos, respectivamente. Uma revisão sistemática da literatura foi realizada através das bases de dados eletrônicos SCiELO, PubMed, Lilacs e Medline, entre o período de 2010 e 2020, de acordo com sua relevância. Relato do caso: paciente do sexo feminino, 46 anos, diagnosticada com Doença de Ménière, após sucessivas crises de vertigem, surdez súbita e tinnitus em ouvido direito. Sem estabilização do quadro ou melhora dos sintomas, apesar de tratamento clínico com Prednisolona via oral e medicamentos sintomáticos. Após 4 anos do uso constante do glicocorticoide, a paciente desenvolveu quadro de glaucoma cortisônico e osteopenia, sendo posteriormente diagnosticada com Síndrome de Cushing. Atualmente, a paciente relata zumbido constante unilateral e realiza o manejo de crises apenas com Betaistina. Conclusão: a Doença de Ménière é uma patologia crônica com sintomatologia variável, sendo um desafio para a classe médica. É importante compreender as abordagens terapêuticas, suas indicações e seus efeitos adversos, para evitar possíveis iatrogenias

    Propiedades biológicas y caracterización fitoquímica del extracto acuoso de Miconia chamissois Naudin

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate biological and phytochemical properties of the aqueous extract from the leaves of Miconia chamissoisNaudin (AEMC). Phytochemical properties were assessed by analyzing the chromatographic profile and the polyphenol content of AEMC. Biological properties evaluation wasconducted based on cytotoxicity assay and by evaluating the antioxidant, antimicrobial, and enzymatic inhibition activities. Results indicated the presence of phytochemicals in AEMC such as flavonoids and polyphenols, including rutin, isoquercitrin and vitexin derivatives. AEMC showed antioxidant activity, which may be attributed to the high polyphenolic content. Moreover, AEMC demonstrated in vitro enzyme inhibition activity against tyrosinase and alpha-amylase, as well as showed low cytotoxicity. On the other hand, AEMC exhibited weak antimicrobial activity against S. aureusand C. albicans. Thus, AEMC is a promising alternative in search of potential drugs for the treatment of diseases induced by oxidative stress and inflammation, conditions due to hyperpigmentation processes, such as melisma, as well as for diabetes.El objetivo de este estudio fue detectar las propiedades biológicas y fitoquímicos del extracto acuoso de las hojas de Miconia chamissois Naudin (AEMC). Las propiedades fitoquímicas se evaluaron analizando el perfil cromatográfico y el contenido de polifenoles de AEMC. La evaluación de las propiedades biológicas se realizó en base al ensayo de citotoxicidad y evaluando las actividades de inhibición antioxidante, antimicrobiana y enzimática. Los resultados indicaron la presencia de fitoquímicos en AEMC, como flavonoides y polifenoles, que incluyen derivados de rutina, isoquercitrina y vitexina. AEMC mostró una actividad antioxidante considerable, que puede atribuirse al alto contenido polifenólico. Además, AEMC exhibió actividad de inhibición enzimática in vitro contra tirosinasa y alfa-amilasa, así como mostró baja citotoxicidad. Por otro lado, AEMC demostró actividad antimicrobiana débil contra S. aureus y C. albicans. Por lo tanto, AEMC es una alternativa prometedora en busca de posibles drogas para el tratamiento de enfermedades inducidas por el estrés oxidativo y la inflamación, afecciones debidas a procesos de hiperpigmentación, como el melasma, así como para la diabetes