255 research outputs found

    Organismes Transgènics: impacte en l'economia, la recerca i la societat

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    La població mundial actualment és de 6.700 milions de persones i creixerà fins als 9.200 milions d'habitants l'any 2050, segons preveuen les Nacions Unides. La lluita contra la pobresa i l'eradicació de la fam són els primers Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible,molt relacionats amb la capacitat de producció d'aliments. En aquest sentit, en aquest article s'aborda l'aportació que pot fer el desenvolupament científic en el camp de la biologia

    Análisis del potencial del marketing online para el diseño de un metabuscador

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    Las mejoras en las redes de la comunicación y la cada vez más rápida transferencia de datos mediante la red, han convertido internet en una necesidad casi diaria para la llamada nueva generación digital. No obstante, la cantidad de datos de información existente dentro de internet, puede estar fuera del alcance de un usuario básico de la red. Es por esto, que surge el fuerte auge de los llamados metabuscadores, plataformas basadas en la aglutinación de datos procedentes de diferentes fuentes para proporcionar búsquedas de información más eficaces a los usuarios online. Así pues, el presente trabajo cubre un proceso analítico de la situación actual de los metabuscadores, un estudio de aplicabilidad del concepto analizado en otros sectores poco maduros en la metabúsqueda y finalmente el diseño de una solución para el sector encontrado. En la primera parte del proyecto se organizará y analizará exhaustivamente los diferentes conceptos clave de los modelos de negocios basados en dos metabuscadores líderes en sus respectivos mercados, como son KAYAK y Rastreator.com, para tratar de extraer los aspectos diferenciales e innovadores que han conseguido convertirlos en casos de éxito en el mundo empresarial. El análisis estará enfocado en entender el potencial del marketing online en estas plataformas y evaluar las posibles carencias existentes en los casos de estudio. Una vez realizado el análisis inicial, para seleccionar el sector más adecuado donde extrapolar los aspectos diferenciales encontrados en los casos de éxito estudiados, se han escogido tres sectores (sector textil, sector electrónico y sector muebles y decoración). Para seleccionar la alternativa más adecuada se han utilizado una serie de criterios y variables, basadas en el estudio inicial, para realizar un análisis multicriterio. Tras dicho análisis el sector con más potencial para implementar un metabuscador ha sido el sector textil. Por último, los conocimientos adquiridos, riesgos encontrados y las conclusiones extraídas del estudio inicial, permitirán plantear un Business Model Canvas de un metasbucador implementado en el sector textil. La nueva propuesta, denominada Moddy, tiene como finalidad crear un concepto de metabuscador adaptado a las nuevas tecnologías y que permita solucionar las principales necesidades que aparecen en el sector. El modelo propuesto incluye una investigación del mercado donde se centra la solución, así como una simulación en tres escenarios diferentes, de los ingresos y costes que aparecen en los primeros cuatro años de funcionamiento del metabuscador

    Steel-concrete composite slabs structutal system

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    Ensuring the full connection between steel sheet and concrete after applying a load to composite slabs is still nowadays something difficult to achieve. The aim of the current project is to reveal the experimental results of a new bonding system, under patent [19] by the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) which its function is to resist the shearing forces and separating forces generated between both materials when the composite steel-concrete element is loaded ensuring the commented full connection between materials and working as a composite cross section. The new method has been validated with amount of tests which results have been compared with different commercial carbon steel sheeting slabs and ferritic stainless steel sheeting slabs, all of them with traditional embossment as a connection system. These tests have been carried out in “Laboratori d’estructures i resistència de materials” (LERMA)[2][3]. The comparison between composite slabs using traditional embossments and those which use new connection system is extremely deep. The ultimate state values of new composite slabs were reached with inexistent slippage, so the ultimate bending moment resistance is higher on new composite slabs. Moreover, theoretical predicted calculations, always by the Eurocode4[4]directions, have been done trying to predict the ultimate state service for each studied composite slab. Then it has been compared such predicted results with the experimental testing. Comparison of experimental and analytical results of the load-carrying capacity of composite slabs revealed that agreements between these values are sufficiently good

    Diseño de una embarcación tipo supply con propulsión eléctrica para tareas de apoyo al parque eólico Tramuntana

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    Diseño de una embarcación tipo supply con propulsión eléctrica para tareas de apoyo al parque eólico tramuntan

    Insight into the cellular involvement of the two reverse gyrases from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus

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    International audienceBACKGROUND: Reverse gyrases are DNA topoisomerases characterized by their unique DNA positive-supercoiling activity. Sulfolobus solfataricus, like most Crenarchaeota, contains two genes each encoding a reverse gyrase. We showed previously that the two genes are differently regulated according to temperature and that the corresponding purified recombinant reverse gyrases have different enzymatic characteristics. These observations suggest a specialization of functions of the two reverse gyrases. As no mutants of the TopR genes could be obtained in Sulfolobales, we used immunodetection techniques to study the function(s) of these proteins in S. solfataricus in vivo. In particular, we investigated whether one or both reverse gyrases are required for the hyperthermophilic lifestyle. RESULTS: For the first time the two reverse gyrases of S. solfataricus have been discriminated at the protein level and their respective amounts have been determined in vivo. Actively dividing S. solfataricus cells contain only small amounts of both reverse gyrases, approximately 50 TopR1 and 125 TopR2 molecules per cell at 80[degree sign]C. S. solfataricus cells are resistant at 45[degree sign]C for several weeks, but there is neither cell division nor replication initiation; these processes are fully restored upon a return to 80[degree sign]C. TopR1 is not found after three weeks at 45[degree sign]C whereas the amount of TopR2 remains constant. Enzymatic assays in vitro indicate that TopR1 is not active at 45[degree sign]C but that TopR2 exhibits highly positive DNA supercoiling activity at 45[degree sign]C. CONCLUSIONS: The two reverse gyrases of S. solfataricus are differently regulated, in terms of protein abundance, in vivo at 80[degree sign]C and 45[degree sign]C. TopR2 is present both at high and low temperatures and is therefore presumably required whether cells are dividing or not. By contrast, TopR1 is present only at high temperature where the cell division occurs, suggesting that TopR1 is required for controlling DNA topology associated with cell division activity and/or life at high temperature. Our findings in vitro that TopR1 is able to positively supercoil DNA only at high temperature, and TopR2 is active at both temperatures are consistent with them having different functions within the cells

    Overcoming the Model Minority Myth: Experiences of Filipino American Graduate Students

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    Filipino Americans are one of the largest immigrant groups in the United States and the second largest Asian American/Pacific Islander ethnic group. However, there is little research focusing on the unique experiences of this group, particularly in higher education. This paper presents a qualitative exploration of the experiences of Filipino American graduate students utilizing consensual qualitative research methodology. Results were categorized into domains and themes, with an example of a domain being deficiencies and lack of resources and an example of a theme being Filipino Americans as different from Asian Americans. Implications for higher education administrators and researchers are discussed

    Generating valid test data through data cloning

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    One of the most difficult, time-consuming and error-prone tasks during software testing is that of manually generating the data required to properly run the test. This is even harder when we need to generate data of a certain size and such that it satisfies a set of conditions, or business rules, specified over an ontology. To solve this problem, some proposals exist to automatically generate database sample data. However, they are only able to generate data satisfying primary or foreign key constraints but not more complex business rules in the ontology. We propose here a more general solution for generating test data which is able to deal with expressive business rules. Our approach, which is entirely based on the chase algorithm, first generates a small sample of valid test data (by means of an automated reasoner), then clones this sample data, and finally, relates the cloned data with the original data. All the steps are performed iteratively until a valid database of a certain size is obtained. We theoretically prove the correctness of our approach, and experimentally show its practical applicability.This work is partially supported by the SUDOQU project, PID2021-126436OB-C21 from MCIN/AEI, 10.13039/501100011033, FEDER, UE and by the Generalitat de Catalunya, Spain (under 2017-SGR-1749); Sergi Nadal is partly supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación , as well as the European Union - NextGenerationEU, under project FJC2020-045809-I.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version