674 research outputs found

    RRL: A Rich Representation Language for the Description of Agent Behaviour in NECA

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    In this paper, we describe the Rich Representation Language (RRL) which is used in the NECA system. The NECA system generates interactions between two or more animated characters. The RRL is a formal framework for representing the information that is exchanged at the interfaces between the various NECA system modules

    Determining the most suitable spectral range for TDLS – a quantitative approach

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    We present a mathematical method which allows determination of an optimal spectral range for gas mixture analysis based on theoretical absorption spectra. The resulting center wavelength is particularly suited for tunable diode laser spectroscopy (TDLS). The procedure contains several steps of numerical calculations which can easily be implemented in almost any programming language. We apply our method to three exemplary mixtures of hydrocarbons and present and validate the individual results.Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften HamburgBundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, Nukleare Sicherheit und VerbraucherschutzPeerReviewe

    Investieren statt spenden – neue Unterstützungsformen in der Diakonie

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    Unter dem Titel «Investieren statt spenden» hinterfragt Marc Baumann in seinem Beitrag die herkömmliche Unterstützungsform des Spendens in sozialen Vollzügen. Er macht anstelle des Spendens, das stets von einer Asymmetrie zwischen Spender und Empfänger geprägt ist, die Form des Investierens beliebt, das viel weniger von einer Asymmetrie, sondern von unterschiedlich gelagerten, aber gemeinsamen Elementen der Verantwortung und der Kooperation geprägt ist. Er illustriert diese Form des sozialen Engagements anhand der Christlichen Ostmission in Rumänien und zeigt auf, wie dort nach der Wende soziale Investitionen bzw. sogenannte «Impact Investments» funktioniert haben. Schliesslich führt er aus, wie diese Idee der sozialen Investitionen im Rahmen einer Public-Private-Partnership auch im Kanton Bern als «Social Impact Bond» zur Unterstützung der Arbeitsmarktintegration von anerkannten Flüchtlingen und vorläufig Aufgenommenen umgesetzt wurden

    Sexual function after sacrospinous fixation for vaginal vault prolapse: bad or mad?

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    Background: The main indication for sacrospinous ligament suspension is to correct either total procidentia, a posthysterectomy vaginal vault prolapse with an associated weak cardinal uterosacral ligament complex, or a posthysterectomy enterocele. This study aimed to evaluate sexual function and anatomic outcome for patients after sacrospinous ligament suspension. Methods: For this study, 52 patients who had undergone sacrospinous ligament fixation during the preceding 5years were asked to complete the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) questionnaire. The patients were vaginally examined using the ICS POP score, and the results were compared with their preoperative status. For statistical analysis, GraphPad for Windows, version 4.0, was used. Results: The 52 patients were examined during a follow-up period of 38months. No major intraoperative complications were noted. Recurrence of symptomatic apical descent was noted in 6% of the patients and de novo prolapse in 13.5%. Only one patient was symptomatic. Three patients experienced de novo dyspareunia, which resolved in two cases after stitch removal. Sexual function was good, rating higher than three points for each of the domains including satisfaction, lubrication, desire, orgasm, and pain. Conclusion: Sacrospinous ligament fixation still is a valuable option for the treatment of vaginal vault prolapse. Sexual function is satisfactory, with few cases of de novo dyspareuni

    Improving program outcomes through key competencies and relationship management

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    Thesis (S.M. in Engineering and Management)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Engineering Systems Division, 2013.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (pages 162-168).The US defense acquisition system is a massive enterprise charged with developing and acquiring state-of-the-art military technology and systems. For the past 65 years, many broad-reaching studies and commissions have endeavored to refine and overhaul the acquisition process to improve its value delivery in the form of increased capability, in less time, and for lower costs. But processes don't make things, people do; which reframes this research to focus on people over process. Acquisition people are knowledge workers, who must creatively execute defense programs within the system and processes they are given. The Government Program Manager (PM) is the primary focus of the thesis. The research explores how the PM is able to achieve improved program outcomes through a combination of leadership competencies and management of key stakeholder relationships. The examination of relevant acquisition literature provides opportunities for the application of systems, stakeholder, and negotiation theory to enable PMs to achieve value delivery on defense programs. Additional theories on organizational routines and activity systems provide insight on how effective PMs can build acquisition dynamic capabilities in the small and in the large to benefit US national security. The research gathers interview data from PM experts and leadership of several large acquisition case study programs. Unique to this research is the multi-dimensional perspective obtained from the Government PM, the lead User representative, and the prime contractor PM on the case programs. This approach enables an examination of the influence of dyadic and triadic relationships and program priorities alignment, with particular focus on the Government PM's role in establishing and managing those stakeholder relationships. The research concludes that strong dialectic leadership, with sufficient managerial and technical competence is paramount for an exceptional PM to succeed in delivering improved program outcomes. Recommendations are provided for the PM, those responsible for PM development, and the DoD to increase efficiency and effectiveness of the defense acquisition enterprise.by B. Marc Baumann.S.M.in Engineering and Managemen

    Quartz enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy on solid samples

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    Quartz-Enhanced Photoacoustic Spectroscopy (QEPAS) is a technique in which the sound wave is detected by a quartz tuning fork (QTF). It enables particularly high specificity with respect to the excitation frequency and is well known for an extraordinarily sensitive analysis of gaseous samples. We have developed the first photoacoustic (PA) cell for QEPAS on solid samples. Periodic heating of the sample is excited by modulated light from an interband cascade laser (ICL) in the infrared region. The cell represents a half-open cylinder that exhibits an acoustical resonance frequency equal to that of the QTF and, therefore, additionally amplifies the PA signal. The antinode of the sound pressure of the first longitudinal overtone can be accessed by the sound detector. A 3D finite element (FE) simulation confirms the optimal dimensions of the new cylindrical cell with the given QTF resonance frequency. An experimental verification is performed with an ultrasound micro-electromechanical system (MEMS) microphone. The presented frequency-dependent QEPAS measurement exhibits a low noise signal with a high-quality factor. The QEPAS-based investigation of three different solid synthetics resulted in a linearly dependent signal with respect to the absorption

    Theatre Quality Frame : das Qualitätsmanagement-System für Theater und Veranstaltungshäuser

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    Das Zentrum für Kulturmanagement der Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften (ZHAW) und die TQU GROUP Winterthur entwickelte mit dem Theater Winterthur als Pilotorganisation ein ganzheitliches Prozess- und Performancemodell für Veranstaltungshäuser, Gastspieltheater und produzierende Theaterhäuser (Theatre Quality Frame). Das Theatre Quality Frame ist ein wirkungsorientiertes Qualitätsmanagementsystem für Theater und Veranstaltungshäuser, welches mit der ISO 9001 kompatibel ist. Das generalisierte und daher für alle Theater und Veranstaltungshäuser anwendbare Modell enthält zwei miteinander verknüpfte Elemente: eine Prozesslandkarte, die vor allem die drei Kernprozesse Produktion, Veranstaltungsmanagement sowie Programmentwicklung und -vermittlung darstellt, und einen Performance-Monitor als Messinstrument der Organisationsziele. Das Theatre Quality Frame ist kompatibel mit den internationalen Qualitätsmanagementstandards nach ISO 9001. Bei der Entwicklung wurden besonders die künstlerisch-kreativen Produkte und Prozesse und die Anforderungen unterschiedlicher Stakeholder berücksichtigt. Das Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekt wurde von der Kommission für Technologie und Innovation (KTI) unterstützt

    Porównanie maksymalnego ciśnienia zamknięcia cewki moczowej mierzone cewnikiem typu mikrotip i cewnikiem wypełnionym powietrzem – badanie randomizowane

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    Background: Measurements of maximum urethral closure pressure (MUCP) are a part of urodynamic investigations preceding an incontinence surgery and a part of urethral function tests. Objectives: The aim of the study was to compare maximum urethral closure pressure determined by a microtip catheter with those measured by an air-charged catheter. Material and methods: A prospective randomized study in a tertiary referral centre. 122 female patients with urodynamic stress incontinence were randomly assigned to have their urethral pressure profi les measured at rest by both microtip and air-charged catheters. Intervention and Measurements: Each patient had three measurements taken by each catheter type. Means of the measurements were compared with regard to correlation and repeatability. For statistical analysis, an approach proposed by Bland-Altman was applied to assess the agreement between the two techniques. Results: Correlation coeffi cient between MUCP by the air-charged and the microtip catheter was r=0.8507(95% CI 0.7928 – 0.8934; pCel: Pomiar maksymalnego ciśnienia zamknięcia cewki moczowej (MUCP) jest częścią badania urodynamicznego poprzedzającego operacyjne leczenie nietrzymania moczu i częścią testow czynnościowych cewki moczowej. Celem pracy było porownanie maksymalnego ciśnienia zamknięcia cewki moczowej zmierzonego przy pomocy cewnika microtip i cewnika wypełnionego powietrzem. Materiał i metoda: Przeprowadzono prospektywne, randomizowane badanie w ośrodku trzeciego stopnia referencyjności. Do badania losowo włączono 122 kobiety z nietrzymaniem moczu, u których wykonywano profi l ciśnień w cewce moczowej w spoczynku przy pomocy zarówno cewnika microtip jak i cewnika wypełnionego powietrzem. Każda pacjentka miała wykonane trzy pomiary przy pomocy obu cewników. Średnie z pomiarów porównano w odniesieniu do korelacji i powtarzalności. Do celów statystycznych użyto metody Bland-Altmana oceniającej zgodność obu technik pomiarów. Wyniki: Współczynnik korelacji pomiędzy MUCP mierzonym cewnikiem powietrznym a cewnikiem microtip wynosił r=0,8507(95% CI 0,7928–0,8934;

    Hyperuricemia during Pregnancy Leads to a Preeclampsia-Like Phenotype in Mice.

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    Hyperuricemia is a common feature in pregnancies compromised by pre-eclampsia, a pregnancy disease characterized by hypertension and proteinuria. The role of uric acid in the pathogenesis of pre-eclampsia remains largely unclear. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of elevated uric acid serum levels during pregnancy on maternal blood pressure and neonatal outcome using two different murine knockout models. Non-pregnant liver-specific GLUT9 knockout (LG9KO) mice showed elevated uric acid serum concentrations but no hypertensive blood pressure levels. During pregnancy, however, blood pressure levels of these animals increased in the second and third trimester, and circadian blood pressure dipping was severely altered when compared to non-pregnant LG9KO mice. The impact of hyperuricemia on fetal development was investigated using a systemic GLUT9 knockout (G9KO) mouse model. Fetal hyperuricemia caused distinctive renal tissue injuries and, subsequently an impaired neonatal growth pattern. These findings provide strong evidence that hyperuricemia plays a major role in the pathogenesis of hypertensive pregnancy disorders such as pre-eclampsia. These novel insights may enable the development of preventive and therapeutic strategies for hyperuricemia-related diseases