96 research outputs found

    Acompañamiento Psicosocial Organizacional en Palmeras del llano S.A.

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    2El proyecto aplicado como opción de grado para optar el título de Psicóloga es una propuesta que se implementa en Palmeras del Llano S.A. la cual tiene como objetivo general diseñar una estrategia de acompañamiento Psicosocial Organizacional; y como objetivos específicos; crear espacios para fortalecer la comunicación, el desarrollo de las habilidades sociales, interpersonales y laborales que favorezcan el clima organizacional y bienestar social de los trabajadores; así como realizar procesos de evaluación que afiancen las competencias de los trabajadores y su desempeño laboral. La propuesta se enfoca en la Acción de Participación (AP) de los trabajadores del área operativa teniendo en cuenta el espacio y tiempo que sea indicado para gestionar las acciones adecuadas y constructivas mediante el aprendizaje y conocimiento a una construcción individual y colectiva que identifique las necesidades de los trabajadores, con un fin que fortalezca el clima laboral en todo el contexto laboral, teniendo en cuenta que la empresa trabaja para el desarrollo de una economía sostenible de satisfacción a las necesidades de todos sus trabajadores, de igual forma satisfactoriamente se cuenta con la participación activa de los participantes y grupos implicados, orientado a estimular prácticas transformadoras de las problemáticas de este proyecto en la empresa Palmeras del Llano S.A.The project applied as a degree option to choose the title of Psychologist is a proposal that is implemented in Palmeras del Llano S.A. which has the general objective of designing an Organizational Psychosocial accompaniment strategy; and as specific objectives; create spaces to strengthen communication, the development of social, interpersonal and labor skills that favor the organizational climate and social welfare of workers; as well as carrying out evaluation processes that strengthen the skills of workers and their job performance. The proposal focuses on the Participation Action (PA) of workers in the operational area taking into account the space and time that is indicated to manage appropriate and constructive actions through learning and knowledge to an individual and collective construction that identifies the needs of workers, in order to strengthen the work environment in the entire work context, taking into account that the company works for the development of a sustainable economy that satisfies the needs of all its workers. Active participation of the participants and groups involved, aimed at stimulating transformative practices of the problems of this project in the company Palmeras Del Llano S.A

    Suportes à base de quitosano para regeneração óssea

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    Mestrado em Ciência e Engenharia de MateriaisTissue engineering research attempts to satisfy the needs of support, reinforcement and in some cases organization of the regenerating tissue with a controlled supply of bioactive substances that might positively influence the behaviour of incorporated or ingrowing cells. As demonstrated by the recent advances on biomaterials, the ideal scaffold for tissue regeneration should offer a 3D interconnected porous structure behaving as a template to promote cells adhesion and proliferation and vascularisation as well thus stimulating the new tissue ingrowth. A special interest has been focused on chitosan (CH - the partially deacetylated derivative of chitin) scaffolds for bone regeneration due to its biological and physical properties, in spite of some drawbacks regarding its lack of mechanical strength and bioactivity. The incorporation of bioactive calcium phosphates materials in the polymer matrix is expected to reinforce chitosan scaffolds improving their mechanical performance and osteoconductivity. In the present work, chitosan based scaffolds were produced by freeze-drying CH solutions containing calcium phosphate (CaP) particles, either as fibers of hydroxyapatite (HA), platelets of monetite or a mixture of both. CaP particles were prepared by a wet precipitation method. The calcium phosphate precipitation was monitored by taking a number of samples during 3-days. Evolution of the morphology and crystal phase composition of the precipitated particles were followed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), N2 adsorption using the BET isotherm (BET), and X-ray diffraction (XRD). It was observed that the increase of refluxing temperature allowed a faster transformation of octacalcium phosphate fibers into HA fibers, hence shortening the precipitation time required for obtaining HA fibers, Chitosan based scaffolds suspensions at two different pH values were frozen at three different temperatures before freeze-drying (thermally induced phase separation-TIPS). SEM, XRD, microcomputed tomography (μ-CT) and Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) were used to analyze the physical and chemical properties of the composite scaffolds. Compressive mechanical tests were also undertaken to characterize the materials. Bioactivity studies were performed in simulated body fluid (SBF) solutions by monitoring the Ca and P concentration variations of SBF solutions. Highly interconnected macroporous scaffolds with a pore size ranging from of 50 to 250μm, interconnectivity around 91-98.5%, and porosity higher than 80% were obtained. The freezing temperature and the pH of chitosan solution/suspension revealed to play a significant influence in the pore structure. The higher pH (pH=5) and the higher freezing temperature (T=0ºC) were found as the most favourable conditions for ice crystal growth which resulted in larger pores. It was also observed that CaP particles incorporation in the CH matrix increased the scaffold mechanical strength which was also conditioned by the pore size and by the reinforcing particle morphology. The bioactivity studies revealed the CaP contribution for the scaffold bioactivity. The composite scaffolds having brushite and HA (obtained at pH=2) exhibited enhanced bioactivity as compared to composite CH/HA scaffolds based. CH based scaffolds were also prepared by incorporating HA granules loaded with dexamethasone (DEX), a drug model, in CH solution. The granules were obtained by spray drying HA nanosized particles suspended in DEX solution. The drug release profiles of DEX were determined in phosphate-buffered solution (PBS) by DEX concentration evaluation in the releasing medium by Ultraviolet (UV) spectroscopy at the wavelength of 242 nm. Among the different DEX release patterns corresponding to the various DEX loading methodologies which were tested, an adequate release profile could be selected: it showed that the release of 80% of the DEX loaded amount could be ensured during ~30 days, thus enabling a prolonged and slowest DEX release as compared to literature reports. It is thus found that the CH scaffolds engineered with a calcium phosphate based drug delivery system (DDS) provides the desirable association of a bioactive and osteoconductive matrix with an in situ controlled release of a therapeutic agent. These results point out an additional potential of the composite CH/HA scaffolds for behaving as a controlled drug release system (DDS).A investigação em engenharia de tecidos (ET) tem procurado soluções para as necessidades de reforço e de regeneração dos tecidos recorrendo por vezes a substâncias bioactivas que podem favorecer a proliferação celular. Os avanços recentes em ET têm beneficiado da utilização de matrizes tridimensionais porosas (scaffolds) que permitem a adesão, proliferação e regeneração das células bem como a vascularização, estimulando a formação de novo tecido. A obtenção de scaffolds de quitosano (CH) para a regeneração óssea tem merecido especial interesse devido às suas propriedades biológicas e físicas, apresentando no entanto o inconveniente da falta de resistência mecânica e de bioatividade. A obtenção de scaffolds compósitos por incorporação na matriz polimérica de materiais bioactivos de fosfato de cálcio, permite reforçar o scaffold, melhorando o seu desempenho mecânico e a sua osteocondutividade. No presente trabalho, produziram-se scaffolds compósitos de quitosano/hidroxiapatite por processos de congelamento e liofilização de suspensões de fosfatos de cálcio (CaP) em soluções de CH. Utilizaramse CaP sintetizados laboratorialmente, quer na forma de fibras de hidroxiapatite (HA), quer de lamelas de monetite, quer de mistura dos dois. Os CaP foram sintetizados por um método de precipitação em meio aquoso, tendo-se monitorizado a precipitação de fosfato de cálcio durante 3 dias. Avaliou-se a evolução das fases cristalinas e da morfologia das partículas precipitadas por microscopia eletrónica de varrimento (SEM), difracção de raios X (XRD) e por adsorção de N2 usando a isotérmica de BET. Os resultados evidenciaram que o aumento da temperatura de refluxo acelera a transformação das fibras de octacalcium fosfato em fibras de HÁ, permitindo reduzir o tempo de precipitação total para obtenção de fibras de HA As soluções de quitosano e as suspensões de HAP em solução de CH, a dois valores de pH (pH=2 e pH= 5), foram congeladas a três temperaturas diferentes antes de serem liofilizadas. Caracterizaram-se os scaffolds por SEM, DRX, microtomografia computorizada (μ-CT) e espectroscopia de infravermelhos com transformada de Fourier (FTIR), tendo-se ainda avaliado o seu comportamento mecânico em compressão. Obtiveram-se scaffolds compósitos macroporosos com porosidade superior a 80%, tamanho de poro na gama 50-250μm e porosidade interconectada com grau de interconexão de 91-98.5%. Verificou-se que o tamanho e morfologia de poro dos scaffolds é condicionado pelo pH das suspensões e pela temperatura de congelamento. O valor de pH mais elevado (pH=5) e a temperatura de congelamento mais elevada (T=0ºC) são as condições que mais favorecem o crescimento de cristais de gelo e por conseguinte a formação de poros de maior dimensão. Verificou-se também que a incorporação de partículas de CaP na matriz polimérica de CH aumenta a resistência mecânica do scaffold, que é também condicionada pelo tamanho de poro e pela morfologia da partícula de CaP. O estudo do comportamento bioactivo dos scaffolds compósitos em soluções simuladoras do plasma humano (SBF), monitorizando a variação das concentrações de Ca e P na solução de SBF, evidenciou o contributo das partículas de CaP para a bioactividade do scaffold. Os scaffolds compósitos em que coexistem brushite e HA (preparados a pH=2) evidenciaram bioactividade superior á dos scaffolds compósitos CH/HA. Preparam-se também scaffolds incorporando grânulos de hidroxiapatite carregados com um fármaco modelo, a dexametasona (DEX), na solução inicial de CH. Os grânulos obtiveram-se por atomização de suspensões de HA nanométrica em solução de DEX. Construíram-se os perfis de libertação da DEX em solução tampão fosfato (PBS) por determinação da concentração de DEX por espectroscopia de ultravioleta (UV) ao comprimento de onda de 242 nm. Entre as várias curvas de libertação de DEX decorrentes das diferentes metodologias testadas para carregamento do fármaco, evidenciou-se um perfil de libertação de DEX segundo o qual cerca de 80% da DEX é libertado ao longo de ~30 dias, assegurando-se assim uma libertação mais lenta e prolongada do que as referidas na literatura para a DEX As características dos scaffolds compósitos preparados no presente trabalho apontam os materiais produzidos como promissores para aplicação em engenharia de tecidos, apresentando como potencial adicional a capacidade de se comportarem como sistemas de libertação controlada de fármacos

    Efisiensi air di gas conditioning tower untuk mengurangi kadar SO2 pada emisi industri semen

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    Industri kimia dan juga termasuk di dalamnya, industri semen, menghadapi tantangan untuk dapat terus melakukan perbaikan proses untuk melakukan efisiensi sumber daya dan meminimalkan beban pencemaran ke lingkungan. Salah satu hal yang penting di industri semen adalah kandungan SO2 pada emisinya. Kandungan emisi ditentukan oleh proses pengolahan gas, yang dilakukan dengan penyemprotan air di gas conditioning tower (GCT) dan bag filter sebelum dikeluarkan ke lingkungan melalui cerobong. Di sisi lain, konsumsi air di GCT merupakan salah satu titik penggunaan air yang tertinggi di industri semen. Studi ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis efisiensi penggunaan air di GCT dengan menggunakan seven tools mulai dari analisis masalah hingga pembuatan usulan standard operating procedure (SOP) baru. Dari analisis ini didapatkan bahwa tergantung pada kadar SO2 dan SO3 di emisi dan bahan baku, maka dapat dilakukan pengendalian temperatur inlet bag filter yang selanjutnya akan mengendalikan volum air di GCT. Hasil pengembangan/inovasi ini menunjukkan bahwa SOP baru dapat menghemat air di GCT secara signifikan

    Analysis of the methodological factors that affect the speaking skill, in the students of 8th grade in Rigoberto López Pérez Institute-Managua, during the second semester 2017.

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    This study was done with the purpose of analyzing the methodological factors that affect the speaking skill in the students of 8th in Rigoberto López Pérez Institute, during the second semester 2017. To reach the research objectives several instruments were used to collect all the information that was necessary, such as a survey to the students, an interview to the teacher, an observational guide. Besides, some technological devices were needed for registration of data, like cellphones and computers. At the same time orientations from the tutor were received who helped to lead the project. All these instruments were obviously related to the objectives of this research. In this research, it was found that some of the main factors that are affecting the teaching strategies used by the teacher to develop the speaking skill are the lack of motivation in the students to participate in the English class and the lack of didactic materials, which are important in the development of the speaking skill. The population of this project was 45 students.. Finally, it is hoped that this research can help both, teachers and students in this institute for the development of speaking skill as well as to institutions that could be facing the same problem so that they can overcome the difficulties and improve the teaching learning process. Key words: methodological factors, strategies, speaking skill, teacher, students, teaching learning process

    Optimasi Biaya dalam Proses Pemurnian Metanol untuk Mengurangi Resin sebagai Limbah Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun di PT Kaltim Methanol Industri

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    Purification process of raw methanol from its impurities to produce pure methanol at PT. Kaltim Methanol Industri (PT KMI) is carried out by several steps, including degassing, distillation, and adsorption. One of the impurities, tri methyl amine (TMA), could be removed by adding NaOH. Another method to remove TMA is conducted by adsorption process on ion exchange resin on the vessel called TMA catchpot. The TMA catchpot performance is very crucial in methanol purification process. Thus, monitoring and optimization are required to be performed regularly. Once the TMA catchpot resin has exhausted, the performance will be drop and methanol purification could not be done efficiently. Furthermore, the ion exchange resin should be replaced with new resin. This study evaluates the performance of the TMA catchpot during the charge of 2010, 2012, and 2016, calculates the NaOH consumption during operational time, and optimizes the cost. Resin regeneration option was introduced and compared with the conventional method (i.e. resin replacement). Economic evaluation shows that the lowest annual cost could be obtained by fresh resin replacement every 4 years and resin regeneration every 2 years. Resin regeneration option gives not only annual cost reduction, but also positive impact to the environment, by decreasing the amount of hazardous waste (i.e. spent resin) significantly.Keywords: ion exchange resin; methanol purification; regeneration; tri methyl amineA B S T R A KProses pemurnian metanol mentah (raw) dari pengotornya untuk menghasilkan metanol murni di PT. Kaltim Methanol Industri (PT KMI) dilakukan melalui beberapa tahapan antara lain degassing, distilasi dan adsorpsi. Salah satu zat pengotor adalah tri methyl amine (TMA) yang dapat dihilangkan dengan penambahan NaOH. Metode lain untuk menghilangkan TMA adalah dengan proses adsorpsi menggunakan resin penukar ion di dalam tangki yang disebut TMA catchpot. Performa TMA catchpot sangat penting dalam proses pemurnian metanol. Oleh karena itu, pemantauan dan optimalisasi perlu dilakukan secara berkala. Setelah resin pada TMA catchpot jenuh, performanya akan menurun dan pemurnian metanol tidak dapat dilakukan secara efisien. Selanjutnya, resin penukar ion harus diganti dengan resin baru. Artikel ini mengevaluasi kinerja catchpot TMA pada penggantian resin (charge) 2010, 2012 dan 2016, menghitung konsumsi NaOH sebagai fungsi waktu operasi, dan mengoptimasi biaya pemurnian. Selain itu, disimulasikan opsi regenerasi resin, sebagai pembanding metode konvensional (penggantian resin). Evaluasi ekonomi menunjukkan bahwa biaya tahunan paling rendah didapatkan dengan penggantian resin baru setiap 4 tahun, dan regenerasi resin setiap 2 tahun. Selain biaya tahunan yang rendah, regenerasi ini berdampak positif terhadap lingkungan dengan mengurangi timbulan limbah B3 (resin bekas) secara signifikan.Kata kunci: pemurnian metanol; regenerasi; resin penukar ion; tri metil amin