20 research outputs found

    Ampelographic and Genetic Characterization of Montenegrin Grapevine Varieties

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    Montenegro is a small country in Balkan Peninsula with very long tradition of grapevine growing and wine making that originate from the pre-Roman period. Dominant place in Montenegrin viticulture belongs to autochthonous grapevine varieties Vranac, Kratosija, and Krstac, while in minor part, the other varieties are presented. Among many literature sources, the oldest historical document that pointed out the importance of autochthonous varieties is The Medieval Statute of Budva from fifteenth century. In order to better present Montenegrin germplasm, this research provides an overview of literature, ampelographic, and genetic analysis on autochthonous and domesticated varieties. Achieved results showed an important breeding history of grapevine and a large number of unique DNA profiles. Montenegro has the richness of grapevine diversity that can significantly enrich the diversity of vines in Europe

    The impact of oenological means on glycerol content in Montenegrin wines Vranac and Kratošija

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    The influence of three different commercial yeasts (BDX, BM4X4 and ICV D21) and two different lactic acid bacteria (LAB), on glycerol content in Montenegrin wines Vranac and Kratošija were studied during 2012 vintage. Basic quality parameters of grape must (sugar content, total acidity, pH, tartaric and malic acid) were determined, as well as glycerol content after alcoholic and malolactic fermentation. It was found that within both wines, the highest content of glycerol was reached when BDX yeast was used. There were no significant differences within glycerol content when different LAB was used. In Kratošija wine glycerol content for BDX treatment varied between 9.02-9.09 g L-1 , while in Vranac wine varied from 8.88-8.95 g L-1. Slightly higher glycerol content in wines with BM4X4 and ICV D21 commercial yeast were achieved also in Kratošija wine


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    This study aimed to show aromatic profile of wines produced from two autochthonous grape cultivars Krstač (K) and Žižak (Z). During the wine production two enzymatic preparations (EP) Lallzyme cuvee blanc (CB) and Lallzyme enzymatic preparation β (EB) and different time of skin contact (4 and 8 h) were applied. Aromatic compounds were detected by GC/FID–MS analysis. Significantly higher content of total detected aromatic compounds compared to appropriate controls (168.54 and 161.72 mg L-1 ) was observed for K EB4h (176.33 mg L -1 ) and Z CB4h (177.29 mg L -1 ) wines. Skin contact and usage of EP mostly increased content of 2-phenylethyl and isoamyl alcohols. Wines from both varieties showed higher content of hexanoic and octanoic acids compared to the control. It is interesting to emphasize that content of esters that are responsible for fruity aroma of wine which is important for plea- sant taste (isoamyl acetate – banana, ethyl hexanoate – ripe banana, 2-phenyl- ethyl acetate – powerful fruity rose like) were increased in all samples com- pared to the controls. The highest grades, after sensory evaluation, were obtained for K EB 8h (18.0 out of 20.0) and Z CB 8h (18.2 out of 20.0).Ова студија је имала за циљ да прикаже профиле ароматичних једињења вина про- изведених од аутохтоних сорти грожђа Крстач (K) и Жижак (Z). Током производње вина од обе сорте коришћени су ензимски препарати (EP): Lallzyme cuvee blanc (CB), Lall- zyme enzymatic preparation β (EB) и различито време контакта покожице (4 и 8 h). Аро- матична једињења су анализирана GC/FID–MS техником. За вина K ЕВ4h (176,33 mg L -1 ) и Z CB4h (177,29 mg L -1 ) уочава се значајно већи садржај укупних ароматичних једињења у поређењу са одговарајућим контролним винима (168,54 and 161,72 mg L -1 ). Про- дужење времена контакта покожице и употреба ЕP углавном повећава садржај 2-фенил- етил- и изоамил-алкохола. Вина обе сорте су показала већи садржај хексанске и октан- ске киселине у односу на контролна вина. Занимљиво је поменути да је у свим узорцима повећан садржај естара који су одговорни за воћну арому вина, која је заслужна за при- јатан укус (изоамил-ацетат – банана, етил-хексаноат – зрела банана, 2-фенилетил-аце- тат – јак воћни мирис руже), у поређењу са контролним винима. Највише оцене, након сензорног оцењивања, добијене су за K EB 8h (18,0 од максималних 20,0) и Z CB 8h (18,2 од максималних 20,0)

    The Impact of Oenological Means on Glycerol Content in Montenegrin Wines Vranac and Kratošija

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    The influence of three different commercial yeasts (BDX, BM4X4 and ICV D21) and two different lactic acid bacteria (LAB), on glycerol content in Montenegrin wines Vranac and Kratošija were studied during 2012 vintage. Basic quality parameters of grape must (sugar content, total acidity, pH, tartaric and malic acid) were determined, as well as glycerol content after alcoholic and malolactic fermentation. It was found that within both wines, the highest content of glycerol was reached when BDX yeast was used. There were no significant differences within glycerol content when different LAB was used. In Kratošija wine glycerol content for BDX treatment varied between 9.02 – 9.09 g L-1, while in Vranac wine varied from 8.88 – 8.95 g L-1. Slightly higher glycerol content in wines with BM4X4 and ICV D21 commercial yeast were achieved also in Kratošija wine

    Research of origin and work on clonal selection of Montenigrin grapevine varieties cv. vranac and cv. kratosija

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    Viticulture production and winemaking of Montenegro are mostly based on growing of autochthonous grapevine varieties. Besides Vranac variety, Kratosija variety takes a significant place in Montenegrin autochthonous grapevine varieties. According to many literature data, Kratosija is an autochthonous grapevine variety whose origin and cultivation started earlier than with Vranac variety. Because of its heterogeneity, it is not so much represented in Montenegrin vineyards and it is mostly found in combination with Vranac variety. The research results about the origin of Vranac variety are shown in this paper. Furthermore, genetic identification which approved originality of Vranac variety is shown and it has also been approved that autochthonous variety Kratosija has the same genetic profile as cv. Zinfandel. The paper presents multi-annual results of examination of variability of their populations and work on clonal selection. Mother vines were selected and vineyards of pre-base and base category of Vranac variety potential clones were planted. The results achieved, in view of manifesting agro-biological, economic and technological characteristics, point to the need for further work on clonal selecton of these grapevine varieties

    The influence of different enzymatic preparations and skin contact time on aromatic profile of wines produced from autochthonous grape varieties Krstač and Žižak: Scientific paper

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    This study aimed to show aromatic profile of wines produced from two autochthonous grape cultivars Krstač (K) and Žižak (Z). During the wine production two enzymatic preparations (EP) Lallzyme cuvee blanc (CB) and Lallzyme enzymatic preparation β (EB) and different time of skin contact (4 and 8 h) were applied. Aromatic compounds were detected by GC/FID–MS ana­lysis. Significantly higher content of total detected aromatic compounds com­pared to appropriate controls (168.54 and 161.72 mg L-1) was observed for K EB4h (176.33 mg L-1) and Z CB4h (177.29 mg L-1) wines. Skin contact and usage of EP mostly increased content of 2-phenylethyl and isoamyl alcohols. Wines from both varieties showed higher content of hexanoic and octanoic acids compared to the control. It is interesting to emphasize that content of esters that are responsible for fruity aroma of wine which is important for plea­sant taste (isoamyl acetate – banana, ethyl hexanoate – ripe banana, 2-phe­nyl­ethyl acetate – powerful fruity rose like) were increased in all samples com­pared to the controls. The highest grades, after sensory evaluation, were obtained for K EB 8h (18.0 out of 20.0) and Z CB 8h (18.2 out of 20.0)

    The influence of different enzymatic preparations and skin contact time on aromatic profile of wines produced from autochthonous grape varieties Krstač and Žižak: Scientific paper

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    This study aimed to show aromatic profile of wines produced from two autochthonous grape cultivars Krstač (K) and Žižak (Z). During the wine production two enzymatic preparations (EP) Lallzyme cuvee blanc (CB) and Lallzyme enzymatic preparation β (EB) and different time of skin contact (4 and 8 h) were applied. Aromatic compounds were detected by GC/FID–MS ana­lysis. Significantly higher content of total detected aromatic compounds com­pared to appropriate controls (168.54 and 161.72 mg L-1) was observed for K EB4h (176.33 mg L-1) and Z CB4h (177.29 mg L-1) wines. Skin contact and usage of EP mostly increased content of 2-phenylethyl and isoamyl alcohols. Wines from both varieties showed higher content of hexanoic and octanoic acids compared to the control. It is interesting to emphasize that content of esters that are responsible for fruity aroma of wine which is important for plea­sant taste (isoamyl acetate – banana, ethyl hexanoate – ripe banana, 2-phe­nyl­ethyl acetate – powerful fruity rose like) were increased in all samples com­pared to the controls. The highest grades, after sensory evaluation, were obtained for K EB 8h (18.0 out of 20.0) and Z CB 8h (18.2 out of 20.0)

    SSR molecular marker analysis of the grapevine germplasm of Montenegro

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    Aim: Given that the information about the origin, genetic relationships, and diversity of Montenegrin grapevines is still partial, we performed a detailed analysis of the germplasm in this country using simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. Our main goal was to determine the identity of cultivars unique to Montenegro and those shared with other countries, especially the neighbouring ones. Methods and results: Seventy samples were collected and 14 genotypes were found. After SSR profile comparison with available molecular databases and literature data, the identity of each genotype was established. Five well-known cultivars were found, the others being minor, lesser-known cultivars. Conclusion: This research provides an overview of the Montenegrin grapevine assortment. There are cultivars shared with other countries, mainly the neighbouring ones, while others are likely native to Montenegro. The Kratošija population (alias Primitivo, Zinfandel and Crljenak Kaštelanski) has a large number of different names in Montenegro and also a wide morphological variability. Therefore, Montenegro is the best candidate as the origin and spreading point of this cultivar. Significance and impact of the study: The present study adds information on the identity, origin, diffusion and variability of some grapevine cultivars, allowing us to reconstruct the history and evolution of national and transnational ampelographic assortment of Montenegro

    The significance of genomic technologies in exploration and valorization of genetic diversity in Montenegro

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    Trabajo presentado en el 1st International Conference on Vranac and other Montenegrin, celebrado en Podgorica (Montenegro), del 20 al 22 de noviembre de 2017Peer reviewe

    Wine or beer?

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    Wine and beer are nowadays the most popular alcoholic beverages, and the benefits of their moderate consumption have been extensively supported by the scientific community. The main source of wine and beer’s antioxidant behavior are the phenolic substances. Phenolic compounds in wine and beer also influence final product quality, in terms of color, flavor, fragrance, stability, and clarity. Change in the quantity and quality of phenolic compounds in wine and beer depends on many parameters, beginning with the used raw material, its place of origin, environmental growing conditions, and on all the applied technological processes and the storage of the final product. This review represents current knowledge of phenolic compounds, comparing qualitative and quantitative profiles in wine and beer, changes of these compounds through all phases of wine and beer production are discussed, as well as the possibilities for increasing their content. Analytical methods and their importance for phenolic compound determination have also been pointed out. The observed data showed wine as the beverage with a more potent biological activity, due to a higher content of phenolic compounds. However, both of them contain, partly similar and different, phenolic compounds, and recommendations have to consider the drinking pattern, consumed quantity, and individual preferences. Furthermore, novel technologies have been developing rapidly in order to improve the polyphenolic content and antioxidant activity of these two beverages, particularly in the brewing industry