1,326 research outputs found

    Un camino hacia el aprendizaje positivo

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    Treball Final de Màster Universitari en Psicologia del Treball, de les Organitzacions i en Recursos Humans. Codi: SBE013. Curs: 2015/2016El presente trabajo de Fin de Master tiene como objetivo plasmar las competencias adquiridas desde primera persona, construidas a partir de la realización del Master en Psicología del Trabajo, de las Organizaciones y de los Recursos Humanos. En primer lugar se muestra un breve recorrido por los aspectos clave de las asignaturas impartidas a lo largo del máster, seguido de las nueve competencias que se han desarrollado en plano académico y de estancia en la empresa, mediante la descripción detallada de las diferentes actividades implicadas en la transferencia y consolidación del conocimiento. Por último se expone una valoración personal sobre los aspectos más relevantes del master tanto a nivel personal como profesional y una autorreflexión sobre cuáles son las perspectivas que se nos presentan el futuro tras finalizar el master.This work aims to describe the skills acquired from the first person, constructed from the realization of the Master in Psychology of Work, Organizations and Human Resources. First a brief overview of the key aspects of the subjects taught throughout the master, followed by the nine competencies that have been developed in academic level and stay in the company, by the detailed description of the various activities involved shown in the transfer and consolidation of knowledge. Finally a personal assessment on the most relevant aspects of the master both personal and professional and self-reflection on what the prospects we face the future after completion of the master are exposed

    Search for torsional oscillations in isolated sunspots

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    In this work we seek evidence for global torsional oscillations in alpha sunspots. We have used long time series of continuum intensity and magnetic field vector maps from the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) instrument on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) spacecraft. The time series analysed here span the total disk passage of 25 isolated sunspots. We found no evidence of global long-term periodic oscillations in the azimuthal angle of the sunspot magnetic field within \sim 1 degree. This study could help us to understand the sunspot dynamics and its internal structure

    Stability analysis of flow structures in hovering using robotic experiments and flow visualizations

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    We investigate the kinematics and stability of hovering flight making use of a robotic experimental device that simulate the movement of insects or birds. We carried out this analysis based on the characterization of this movement with flow visualizations and particle image velocimetry -PIV-. First, we characterized the kinematics of the robotic device inside water. Therefore, it has been verified that the robotic experiments follow the desired input signal precisely. Second, we give qualitative and quantitative information from the experimental tests as a function of frequency and angular amplitude. The kinematics of the hovering flight produces vortices that are stable or unstable around the rigid flat plate, as well as one transient regime that has been also found between these two latter states. Finally, dimensional velocity field plus associated vorticity have been characterized in these flow regimes through PIV measurements, and we also validated the reproducibility of experiment finding excellent agreement between different set of experiments.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Destinos turísticos consolidados ante el cambio del modelo turístico: Costa del Sol occidental

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    En una situación de competencia mundial entre los espacios turísticos, los destinos consolidados proponen como alternativa planes de renovación con fuertes inversiones públicas. El objetivo de esta comunicación es abarcar el estado de la cuestión de la renovación en el marco de la mutación internacional del modelo turístico-hotelero hacia el turístico-residencial, y como estos procesos globales han sido escasamente relacionados en la literatura y no tenidos en cuenta en las estrategias concretas de los planes de renovación. Estas relaciones son una aportación interesante respecto a otros trabajos. Como caso de estudio se presenta el plan de recualificación turística del la Costa del Sol occidental y su escasa incidencia en la renovación del modelo turístico.In a situation of global competition between tourist areas, consolidated destination propose as alternatives renewal plans with heavy public investment. The aim of this paper is embrace the state of the renewal in the context of the international mutation from tourism hotel-based model to residential-based, and how this global processes have been poorly related and have not been taken into account in concrete strategies on renewal plans. These relationships are an interesting contribution with respect other works. As a case of study presents the tourist requalification plan in western Costa del Sol and its low impact on the renewal of tourism model.La investigación que da lugar a esta comunicación se financia con el proyecto de investigación titulado "La geoeconomía y la geopolítica turística. Análisis de la glocalización turística balear, implicaciones socioambientales” (CSO2009-08400) del Plan Nacional de I+D+i del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación

    Teacher educators beliefs on EFL pre-service teachers willingness to communicate in the L2

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    Tesis (Profesor de Inglés para la Enseñanza Básica y Media y al grado académico de Licenciado en Educación)This qualitative study is set up on the perceptions that four English teachers, from a private university in Santiago, have regarding their beliefs on EFL pre-service teachers’ willingness to communicate. In order to discover their beliefs, semi-structured interviews and observations were carried out. The motivation of this study is to contribute with information regarding willingness to communicate in the Chilean context, especially concerning higher education, also add to the reflection of teachers on their practices inside the classroom. Based on that information, the aims of this study were the following. Firstly, to explore teacher educators’ beliefs about their influence in developing EFL pre-service teachers’ willingness to communicate. Secondly, to investigate teacher educators’ beliefs about the factors that influence EFL pre-service teachers’ willingness to communicate. Thirdly, to understand teacher educators’ beliefs about the practices that can best help EFL pre-service teachers to develop willingness to communicate. Lastly, to explore to what extent the beliefs of teacher educators are reflected in their classroom practices. The main results showed that most of the beliefs that teachers mentioned to hold, matched with what they actually do in their lessons.Este estudio cualitativo se basa en las percepciones que tienen cuatro profesores de inglés de una universidad privada en Santiago con respecto a sus creencias sobre la disposición de los estudiantes de la carrera de Pedagogía en inglés para comunicarse en una segunda lengua. Para descubrir sus creencias, se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas y observaciones. La motivación de este estudio es contribuir con información sobre la voluntad de comunicarse en el contexto chileno, especialmente en lo que respecta a la educación superior, además de aumentar la reflexión de los profesores sobre sus prácticas dentro del aula. Con base en esa información, los objetivos de este estudio son los siguientes. Primero, explorar las creencias de los educadores de docentes acerca de su influencia en el desarrollo de la disposición de los futuros profesores de inglés para comunicarse en una segunda lengua. En segundo lugar, investigar las creencias de los educadores de docentes sobre los factores que influyen en la disposición de los futuros profesores de inglés a comunicarse. En tercer lugar, para comprender las creencias de los educadores de docentes sobre las prácticas que pueden ayudar mejor a los futuros profesores de inglés a desarrollar la voluntad de comunicarse. Por último, explorar hasta qué punto las creencias de los educadores de docentes se refleja en sus prácticas en el aula. Los principales resultados arrojan que la mayoría de las creencias que los maestros mencionaron que tienen a lo largo de las entrevistas, coinciden con lo que realmente hacen en sus clases

    Evaluation of the Environmental Performance of Adsorbent Materials Prepared from Agave Bagasse for Water Remediation: Solid Waste Management Proposal of the Tequila Industry

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    In the present research work, the use of agro-industrial waste such as agave bagasse from the tequila industry was carried out. The agave bagasse was treated to obtain biosorbent and hydrochar materials. Direct Blue 86 was used as an adsorbate model to evaluate the performance of both materials. The adsorption studies showed an adsorption capacity of 6.49 mg g(-1) in static and 17.7 mg g(-1) in dynamic, associated with a physisorption process between functional groups of the material and the dye. The characterization of the biosorbent showed that the material was mainly composed of macroporous fibers with a surface area <5.0 m(2) g(-1). Elemental analysis showed a majority composition of C (57.19 wt%) and O (37.49 wt%). FTIR and XPS analyses showed that the material had C-O, C=O, -OH, O-C=O, and -NH2 surface groups. RAMAN and TGA were used to evaluate the composition, being cellulose (40.94%), lignin (20.15%), and hemicellulose (3.35%). Finally, the life-cycle assessment at a laboratory scale showed that the proposed biosorbent presents a 17% reduction in several environmental aspects compared to hydrochar, showing promise as an eco-friendly and highly efficient method for the remediation of water contaminated with dye, as well as being a promising alternative for the responsible management of solid waste generated by the tequila industry.Direccion de Investigacion-Universidad Autonoma de Guadalajara through "Convocatoria Proyectos de Investigacion para incidir en el entorno UAG 2022"Direccion de Investigacion-Universidad Autonoma de Guadalajar

    Promoting critical interculturality in an english classroom with students from 6th grade at a public institution

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    Este proyecto de investigación cualitativa tiene como objetivo mostrar la importancia de la interculturalidad crítica en relación a como puede ser promovida en un aula de enseñanza del idioma inglés. Por ello, este proyecto plantea cómo la interculturalidad crítica sirve para vincular el aprendizaje de una cultura, como una forma de incrementar la capacidad de comunicación intercultural en los estudiantes, incorporándose al currículo de la institución, además como la interculturalidad crítica puede ser una herramienta de ayuda en la comprensión de las demás culturas y, en consecuencia, de lo que su interacción conlleva.This qualitative research project aims at showing the importance of critical interculturality in relation to how it can be promoted in an EFL classroom. For that reason, this project lays out how critical interculturality serves to link the learning of a culture, as a way to increase the capacity for intercultural communication in students, joining the curriculum from the institution, with how critical interculturality can be a tool for helping the understanding of countries and consequently of their language. The research continues with the results obtained through three instruments that were student artifacts, an interview and teacher journals of each implementation that at the end, we divide into four categories which explain the knowledge and the misunderstanding that students had bout culture and interculturality, the point of view that students have about other cultures and the attitudes, disposition or receptivity that the students show towards the issues in question. This shows that critical interculturality can be a bridge between the teaching of a language and the cultural reflections EFL students can engage in about cultures that are different from theirs. Finally, the research concludes with some ideas and suggestions on how Critical Interculturality can be use as a tool for English teaching as well as the challenges that still remain to be resolved

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