84 research outputs found

    Development of an instrument to assess cultural beliefs about physicians

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    Background: Beliefs about professionals' healthcare may influence healthcare behaviors. Such beliefs are in part the result of the interactions that professionals have with their patients. Recent studies highlight the importance of beliefs about physicians, their effect on health-care behaviors, and the requirement of culturally appropriate tools to measure such beliefs. Aim: To develop and validate a culturally appropriate instrument to measure beliefs about physicians. Material and Methods: Based on a “bottom-up” methodology, a culturally pertinent scale of beliefs about physicians was developed and then validated by expert judges. The resulting scale, with 26 items, was applied to 337 participants aged 31 ± 7 years (85% women). Results: Two factors, grouping 24 items, emerged from the exploratory factor analysis. The first was called negative beliefs about doctors (Cronbach’s α = 0.96) and the second was called positive beliefs about doctors(Cronbach’s α = 0.95). Both factors explain 70 % of the scale variance. Conclusions: The devised instrument has adequate psychometric properties and is also culturally relevant. It allows the assessment of cultural beliefs about physicians

    Unravelling the skills and motivations of Magdalenian artists in the depths of Atxurra Cave (Northern Spain)

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    Atxurra cave has a decorated assemblage composed of more than a hundred engraved animal depictions. All of them are located in deep parts of the cave and most of them are hidden in raised areas, away from the main path. The main sector is the ?Ledge of the Horses?, located at 330 m from the entrance of the cave. It is a space of 12 m long and 1.5 m wide, elevated 4 m above the cave floor. This area includes almost fifty engraved and painted animals accompanied by a dozen flint tools, three fireplaces, and around one hundred charcoal fragments from torches. This extraordinary archaeological record allows us to value the complexity of the artistic production inside the caves during the Upper Palaeolithic. Our study has confirmed that there is planning prior to artistic production, both in terms of the iconographic aspects (themes, techniques, formats), its location (visibility, capacity), and the lighting systems. Furthermore, the data indicates the panel was decorated to be seen by third parties from different positions and was expressly illuminated for this purpose. This evidence supports the role of rock art as a visual communication system in Upper Palaeolithic societies.This research was made inside the 4-year multidisciplinary study project (2016–2020) “Study of rock art in Atxurra cave” directed by Dr Diego Garate and funded by the Cultural Heritage Service of the Diputación Foral de Bizkaia

    Unravelling the skills and motivations of Magdalenian artists in the depths of Atxurra Cave (Northern Spain)

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    Atxurra cave has a decorated assemblage composed of more than a hundred engraved animal depictions. All of them are located in deep parts of the cave and most of them are hidden in raised areas, away from the main path. The main sector is the “Ledge of the Horses”, located at 330 m from the entrance of the cave. It is a space of 12 m long and 1.5 m wide, elevated 4 m above the cave floor. This area includes almost fifty engraved and painted animals accompanied by a dozen flint tools, three fireplaces, and around one hundred charcoal fragments from torches. This extraordinary archaeological record allows us to value the complexity of the artistic production inside the caves during the Upper Palaeolithic. Our study has confirmed that there is planning prior to artistic production, both in terms of the iconographic aspects (themes, techniques, formats), its location (visibility, capacity), and the lighting systems. Furthermore, the data indicates the panel was decorated to be seen by third parties from different positions and was expressly illuminated for this purpose. This evidence supports the role of rock art as a visual communication system in Upper Palaeolithic societies.The authors wish to thank the Cultural Heritage Service of the Diputación Foral de Bizkaia for funding the 4-year multidisciplinary study project (2016–2020) “Study of rock art in Atxurra cave” directed by Dr Diego Garate. The present study has been carried out within the framework of the research project "Before art: social investment in symbolic expressions during the Upper Palaeolithic in the Iberian Peninsula” (PID2019-107262GB-I00), PI: Diego Garate, funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (Spain), the research projet “Scientific virtual reality for the study and dissemination of the scenarios of artistic creation in Palaeolithic caves (RealCaveART)” (PDC2022-133124-I00), PI: Diego Garate, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and the European Union Next Generation EU/PRTR, and the research project “Creation and perception in Anatomically Modern Humans: analysis of the biological, cognitive and social skills linked to the production of Paleolithic art (ArtMindHuman)” (PID2021-125166OB-I00), PI: Olivia Rivero, funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (Spain). I. Intxaurbe’s PhD research is funded by a grant for the training of research personnel (PIF 2019) at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). M.A. Median-Alcaide developpes lighting system analyses inside the framework of her “A-Light” project of the HORIZON-MSCA-2021-PF-01-01 (101066376)

    Psychological burden and quality of life in newly diagnosed inflammatory bowel disease patients

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    Objective: Psychological factors, such as stress, anxiety, and depression, are frequently related to inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). However, few studies have examined these factors in patients newly diagnosed with IBD. The aim of the present study was to test the psychological burden in patients with a recent diagnosis of IBD and the factors related to this psychological burden. Methods: We performed a prospective, multi-center, observational study in patients with a new diagnosis of IBD (≤6 months). The patients were recruited from four different Spanish hospitals. Clinical and demographic characteristics were collected. Patients were evaluated using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and quality of life questionnaire for patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBDQ-32). The Scale of Stress Perceived by the Disease was used to assess stressful life events. Results: We included 156 patients newly diagnosed with IBD [69 women; 80 Crohn’s disease (CD) and 76 ulcerative colitis (UC)], with a mean age of 42.3 (SD 16.21) years. A total of 37.2% of patients had symptoms of anxiety and 17.3% had symptoms of depression. Quality of life was affected in 30.1% of patients. Factors related to anxiety in early IBD were being a woman and having CD. The only factor related to depression was the presence of comorbidity. Being a woman and having suffered previous stressful life events were factors related to impaired quality of life. Conclusion: Anxiety, depression, and impaired quality of life are frequent in patients with a recent diagnosis of IBD. This psychological burden is greater in women.This study was funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI 18/01547), ISABIAL (Alicante Institute for Health and Biomedical Research, UGP-23-071 and UGP-22-105), GETECCU (Grupo Español de Trabajo en Enfermedad de Crohn y Colitis Ulcerosa, Grant 2017), and SVPD (Sociedad Valenciana de Patología Digestiva, Grant 2017)

    Análisis Del Estrés Laboral Y Su Repercusión En La Salud Física Y Mental En Operadores De Tracto Camión

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    The Work stress (WS) is one of the leading causes of deterioration of physical and psychological well-being within organizations. In this research the multivariate dependence of some signs and symptoms of work-related illness was analyzed and calculated. A cross-sectional and descriptive study of a base of logistic operations of fleet dedicated to the transportation of beer in the center of the state of Veracruz was carried out. The population studied was 230 operators. Only male operators, active within the company, were included and operators who at the time of the study were under medical and vacation disability were excluded. The multivariate Pearson correlation was used to validate the research questions and chi-square to calculate the dependence of variables. As a result, we obtained five variables taken from two in two that were dependent on each other. We conclude that there is a healthy relationship between the observed variables, which are listed in order of pathological impact and their physiological reexaminations in the organism. The pressure within work caused by job stress represents a potent source of mental illness such as depression

    Preparación del sector judicial para la inteligencia artificial en América Latina

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    Fil: Aguerre, Carolina. Universidad de San Andrés. Centro de Estudios de Tecnología y Sociedad; Argentina.Fil: Amunátegui, Carlos. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; Chile.Fil: Aranguis, Matias. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Programa Derecho, Ciencia y Tecnología; Chile.Fil: Bustos Frati, Gonzalo. Universidad de San Andrés. Centro de Estudios de Tecnología y Sociedad; Argentina.Fil: Castaño, Daniel. Universidad Externado de Colombia. Centro de Ética Digital; Colombia.Fil: Mendoza Enriquez, Olivia Andrea. Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas. División de Estudios Jurídicos; México.Fil: Moreno González, Jimena. Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas; México.Fil: Gorgone, Bruno. Universidad de San Andrés. Centro de Estudios de Tecnología y Sociedad; Argentina.Fil: Lens, Julio. Universidad Católica del Uruguay; Uruguay.Fil: Madrid, Raúl. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Programa de Derecho, Ciencia y Tecnología; Chile.Fil: Maqueo Ramírez, María Solange. Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas. División de Estudios Jurídicos; México.Fil: Rentería Marín, César. Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas; México.Fil: Segredo, Sandra. Universidad Católica del Uruguay; Uruguay.Fil: Vargas, Fernando. Universidad de Montevideo; Uruguay."Con el objetivo de aprovechar los beneficios de la inteligencia artificial (IA), sectores judiciales de diversos países de América Latina se encuentran implementando (o en proceso de implementación) de estas tecnologías en sus procesos o servicios. En este contexto, el CETyS está llevando adelante una investigación cuyo propósito es evaluar la preparación, necesidades, obstáculos y oportunidades del sector judicial a la hora de adoptar responsablemente tecnologías de IA. La investigación involucra la identificación del uso actual de IA y tecnologías digitales relacionadas por el sector judicial; una evaluación de su potencial aplicación para abordar sus necesidades y desafíos clave; y también el debate sobre cuestiones críticas en el diseño y la implementación relacionadas con la equidad, la responsabilidad y la independencia judicial. El proyecto se destaca también porque propone y elabora un marco analítico que permite a otros agentes judiciales o actores interesados realizar el mismo trabajo de diagnóstico, evaluación y adopción de estrategias de IA en sus procesos y servicios públicos de forma responsable, desde una perspectiva regional. El marco funciona como un mapa con indicadores propios de la región sobre las normativas y actores públicos de la gobernanza digital (con énfasis en la IA); los procesos de modernización judicial; un diagnóstico y desarrollo de capacidades para su adopción; las condiciones existentes para el despliegue de IA en el ámbito judicial; y referencias a sus oportunidades y riesgos.

    Estudio De Los Proyectos De Residencia Profesional Como Generadores De Productividad Y Cambio Organizacional

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    Professional residency projects (PRP) have the theoretical knowledge and skills of the professional discipline of the students who develop them. Each professional residency project provides companies with viable opportunities and solutions that contribute to productivity. We sought to identify the influence between the application of the PRP and the changes in effectiveness and efficiency. This application affects the internal control and generates an organizational change. This paper analyzed some effects of the PRP through a descriptive and documentary study. The data collection instrument was validated through the Pearson correlation. The dependence between PRPs and the generation of productivity, change in internal control was calculated. The results obtained were generated with the chi-square statistical independence test. This test showed four variables that are more dependent on each other. The theoretical square chi of a pair of variables was graphed and the theoretical inverse function: p-value vs. square chi of 1 degree of freedom to observe the intersection. In conclusion, it was observed that the projects of professional residency influence in the internal control and the productivity of the companies via efficacy-efficiency