779 research outputs found

    Assessment of the use of preliminary concepts test and rubrics in practical learning at university

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    Comunicació presentada al ICERI 2019 12th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (Seville, Spain. 11-13 November, 2019).The high number of students and teachers in the laboratory practices of the course Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, shared by several engineering degrees at Universitat Jaume I, makes the teaching planning and evaluation challenging. Some issues were observed in past years, such as differences in the student knowledge of basic concepts, underpreparation before practical classes, poor quality of the written reports, absence of common objective assessment criteria among teachers and low success rate. That led us to the implementation of an action for educational improvement during the academic year 2018-2019. The aim was to improve the students' level of training before attending laboratory practices, to standardize the evaluation among teachers and to involve students in the process of assessment in order to improve learning outcomes and the quality of the reports delivered. The improvement action included, on one side, carrying out an initial evaluation with a diagnostic test. The results of this test were used to estimate the basic knowledge of the students and proposing specific tutorial sessions in order to unify their level of knowledge. This method should increase the students involvement and improve the success while performing the laboratory practices. On the other side, rubrics were created in order to standardize the correction criteria. These rubrics were also made public to the students, before the classes, in an attempt to improve the quality of their reports. In addition, for some of the reports the students were asked to self-assess their own reports following the public rubric. The results indicate that teachers found the rubrics useful for objective and fair evaluation. However, the standard deviation across teachers has not been apparently reduced with respect to the previous year by the use of them, although the differences in the student cohort have to be taken into account. The effect on grades of the factors teacher and session, as well as their interaction, was significant (p<.05) according to the ANOVA tests, as already was prior to the application of the action. It was also found that the student grades in the practical classes did not improved significantly. A low implication in the preparation before classes and a low tutorial attendance were observed in the collective of students, possible explaining in part the discrete improvements obtained. The self-assessment improved the grades on average where it was applied. We concluded that the involvement of both students and teachers is necessary to promote learning quality using these techniques

    Jugar con fuego. Flamenco, juegos de lenguaje y tecnologías de la comunicación

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    La parte maldita de la cultura popular europea, que nadie como Bajtín puso de relieve, se ha dejado sentir en Andalucía a través de los caminos del flamenco. Esta creación histórica de sectores de clases populares andaluzas, que cristaliza en el último tercio del siglo XX como arte popular moderno, resistió a duras penas el intento pequeño burgués de convertir en negocio expresiones de sentimientos y emociones ambiguas e incontrolables, que brotaban entre los intersticios de la ley del más fuerte, hasta llegar a conmover. En una primera lectura abordamos las modulaciones sintácticas procedentes de la queja vocal, la deformación coherente de los significantes, y el aura de carnavalización que les da su frescura. Luego entramos en los contextos etnográficos en que afloran sus juegos del lenguaje y vigencias, que permean en la riqueza léxica y sintáctica de las clases populares andaluzas, entre las que permanecen vivas palabras y expresiones que han muerto en gran parte de España, y hasta en Andalucía. Como veremos, la función social de estas palabras y expresiones, como identidades de resistencia, burlan el orden social de la instrumentalidad gramatical a través del hacer y decir expresivos.The cursed part of European popular culture, which no one has stated as well as Batjín, has made itself felt in Andalusia through flamenco. This historic creation by sectors of the Andalusian working class, which formed in the last third of the 20th century as modern popular art, fought hard against the petite bourgeoisie in an attempt to capitalize on the expression of feelings and ambiguous and uncontrollable emotions. It sprouted from the cracks in the law of survival of the fittest until it moved people. On the first reading, we notice the syntactic modulations from the vocal groan, the coherent deformation of meaning, and the carnavalization that give them their freshness. Later, we delve into the ethnographic context where language games and values blossom, which permeate the lexical and syntactic wealth of the Andalusian working class, among whom words and expressions survive though having died for the most part in the rest Spain, and even in Andalusia. As will be shown, the social function of these words and expressions, as symbols of resistance, evade the social order of the grammatical instrumentality through expressive doing and saying

    Industrial Fieldbus Improvements in Power Distribution and Conducted Noise Immunity With No Extra Costs

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    Industrial distributed control continues the move toward networks at all levels. At lower levels, control networks provide flexibility, reliability, and low cost, although perhaps the simplest but most important advantage is the reduced volume of wiring. Powered fieldbuses offer particular notable benefits in system wiring simplification. Nevertheless, very few papers are dealing with the potentials and limitations in power distribution through the bus cable. Only a few of the existent fieldbus standards consider this possibility but often simply as an option without enough technical specifications. In fact, nobody talks about it, but power distribution through the bus and conducted noise disturbances are strongly related. This paper points out and analyzes these limitations and proposes a new low-cost fieldbus physical layer that enlarges power distribution capability of the bus and improves system robustness. We show an industrial application on water desalination plants and the very good results obtained owing to the fieldbus. Finally, we present electromagnetic compatibility test results that verify improvements against electrical fast transients on the sensor/actuator connection side as disturbances usually encountered in harsh-environment industrial applications

    Autism and children: diagnosis, functional profiles and intervention

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    In the last forty years, approaches to and the social perception of autism have changed significantly [...

    Adolescents’ Emotions in Spanish Education: Development and Validation of the Social and Emotional Learning Scale

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    This work was funded by Porticus and the Tomillo Foundation, through the R+D+i Project entitled Evaluation of the Itinerario + Educational Model-Phase I.The aim of this study was to develop and validate a scale for measuring the different areas of competence of the social and emotional learning model in students in compulsory secondary education. For this purpose, following the recommendations and quality standards established by the specialised literature, the Social and Emotional Learning Scale was constructed and administered to a convenience sample of 1385 students in compulsory secondary education. The results reveal adequate reliability of the instrument and fairly satisfactory fit indices for the structural model proposed. In addition, external evidence is provided for the validity of the instrument with the variables life satisfaction and school performance. The Social and Emotional Learning Scale is of satisfactory metric quality and provides a detailed and consolidated picture of adolescents’ level of self-awareness, social awareness, self-control, interpersonal skills and responsible decision making, which provides students with an instrument that can help to understand their interpersonal and intrapersonal skills and to establish mechanisms for their improvement.PorticusTomillo Foundation, through the R+D+i Project entitled Evaluation of the Itinerario + Educational Model-Phase

    Relaciones públicas y comunicación para un entorno de crisis. El caso de las universidades andaluzas

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    Los gabinetes de comunicación universitarios nacieron en España a partir de los pasados años 80, sin haber pasado por la experiencia previa como servicios de relaciones públicas de otros países occidentales. El artículo aborda el crecimiento de funciones de los actuales servicios de comunicación, particularmente en las universidades andaluzas; así como la irrupción de las TIC como elementos que plantean la necesidad de volver sobre el concepto de servicios de relaciones públicas al servicio de instituciones en crisis.The university press offices arose in Spain in the 80s. However, those Spanish offices did not experience the evolution from public relations services into university press offices as in other Western countries. In this article, the growth of functions of existing communication services are discussed, particularly the case of Andalusian universities, as well as the emergence of ICT as elements that suggest the need for the redefinition of the concept of public relations services of institutions in crisis

    Avances y desafíos comunicacionales en la comunidad LGBTIQ+ del municipio de Guarne Antioquia

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    No aplicaEl siguiente artículo fue elaborado como requisito del diplomado en innovación social de la UNAD. En este artículo se expone cómo se evidencian los avances y desafíos comunicacionales en la población LGBTIQ+ del municipio de Guarne, Antioquia. El trabajo se realizó utilizando un enfoque cualitativo de investigación, que incluyó la revisión bibliográfica y la aplicación de técnicas como entrevistas, observación participante, análisis de documentos y registro audiovisual. También se plantean recomendaciones que pueden contribuir a mejorar el ámbito comunicacional en este sector de la población, con el fin de garantizar que las personas sexo género diversas sean escuchadas y representadas adecuadamente.The following article was prepared as a requirement of the UNAD diploma in social innovation. This article exposes how the communication advances and challenges are evidenced in the LGBTIQ+ population of the municipality of Guarne, Antioquia. The work was carried out using a qualitative research approach, which included a bibliographic review and the application of techniques such as interviews, participant observation, document analysis and audiovisual recording. Recommendations are also proposed that can contribute to improving the communication environment in this sector of the population, in order to guarantee that people of diverse gender sex are heard and adequately represented

    Efficient and scalable starvation prevention mechanism for token coherence

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    [EN] Token Coherence is a cache coherence protocol that simultaneously captures the best attributes of the traditional approximations to coherence: direct communication between processors (like snooping-based protocols) and no reliance on bus-like interconnects (like directory-based protocols). This is possible thanks to a class of unordered requests that usually succeed in resolving the cache misses. The problem of the unordered requests is that they can cause protocol races, which prevent some misses from being resolved. To eliminate races and ensure the completion of the unresolved misses, Token Coherence uses a starvation prevention mechanism named persistent requests. This mechanism is extremely inefficient and, besides, it endangers the scalability of Token Coherence since it requires storage structures (at each node) whose size grows proportionally to the system size. While multiprocessors continue including an increasingly number of nodes, both the performance and scalability of cache coherence protocols will continue to be key aspects. In this work, we propose an alternative starvation prevention mechanism, named priority requests, that outperforms the persistent request one. This mechanism is able to reduce the application runtime more than 20 percent (on average) in a 64-processor system. Furthermore, thanks to the flexibility shown by priority requests, it is possible to drastically minimize its storage requirements, thereby improving the whole scalability of Token Coherence. Although this is achieved at the expense of a slight performance degradation, priority requests still outperform persistent requests significantly.This work was partially supported by the Spanish MEC and MICINN, as well as European Commission FEDER funds, under Grants CSD2006-00046 and TIN2009-14475-C04-01. Antonio Robles is taking a sabbatical granted by the Universidad Politecnica de Valencia for updating his teaching and research activities.Cuesta Sáez, BA.; Robles Martínez, A.; Duato Marín, JF. (2011). Efficient and scalable starvation prevention mechanism for token coherence. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. 22(10):1610-1623. doi:10.1109/TPDS.2011.30S16101623221

    Líneas de investigación del TIC-150: Proyecto SIIAM

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    En este documento se describen las diferentes líneas de investigación en las que actualmente trabaja el grupo TIC 150: Tecnología Electrónica e Informática Industrial del Departamento de Tecnología Electrónica (DTE) de la Universidad de Sevilla. Este grupo cuenta con una dilatada experiencia en proyectos de investigación, tanto de convocatorias competitivas públicas, como en proyectos de investigación en colaboración con empresas. El TIC150 destaca por su elevada trasferencia tecnológica, así como por su producción científica. En este sentido, y a modo de ejemplo, en este trabajo se describen brevemente dentro de cada línea algunos de los proyectos más representativos que reflejan el trabajo realizado. Así pues, se hará especial hincapié en el proyecto SIIAM, proyecto del plan estatal actualmente activo, ya que aúna las distintas líneas de investigación del grupo de investigación y, por tanto, supone un buen ejemplo de aplicación.This document describes the different lines in which currently works the TIC150 research group: Electronic Technology and Industrial Computer Science, joined to the Department of Electronics Technology (DTE) of the University of Seville. This group has extensive experience in research projects, both competitive public calls and collaborative research projects with companies. The TIC150 stands out for its high technology transfer, as well as its scientific production. In this sense, as an example, this paper briefly describes some of the most representative projects (of different lines) which reflect the performed work. Thus, it will place special emphasis on the SIIAM project (funding through a governmental call). It is currently active and combines several lines research of the group, being a great example of application

    Mediaciones festivas mediterráneas. Las pandas de verdiales

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    El título del presente Congreso utiliza ‘sures’ como una categoría crítica que puede poner en cuestión la cosmovisión de la realidad bajo la dicotomía Norte/Sur. Desde nuestra propuesta situamos el espacio etnográfico de esta comunicación en uno de estos ‘sures’ con el objetivo de contribuir al debilitamiento de esta representación (Norte – arriba – desarrollo / Sur – abajo – no desarrollo). Nos centramos en un análisis sobre la imbricación de expresiones festivas con los contextos ecológicos-culturales en los que tienen lugar. Nos referimos fundamentalmente a la relación de estas expresiones con los espacios simbólicos de sociabilidad y convivialidad que estos contextos cobijan (ventas, lagares…). La fiesta, como expresión y comunicación de la comunidad, construye formas de relación social que, a veces, van a contrapelo de las lógicas hegemónicas de relación (individualistas, de consumo, de rentabilidad…). Encontramos un ejemplo de estas formas de resistencia en una muy antigua fiesta que tiene su contexto de significación en los Montes de Málaga: La Fiesta de Verdiales (en ella centramos nuestra etnografía).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech