168 research outputs found

    Desarrollo de una taxonomía de las intervenciones farmacéuticas en pacientes VIH+ basados en el modelo CMO

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    Objective: To agree on a proposal for pharmaceutical interventions and establish their classification taxonomy according to the CMO-Pharmaceutical Care Model (Capacity-Motivation- Opportunity). Method: A study conducted between March and May, 2016. Two phases of development were defined. A literature review was initially conducted. Then, the DELPHI-Rand-UCLA methodology was used in order to reach a consensus about those interventions selected, and to define the taxonomy. Fifteen (15) experts, specialists in Pharmaceutical Care for HIV+ patients, were selected. This selection was explicitly conducted, following a protocol in order to avoid any bias. An initial proposal was developed according to the interventions extracted from Phase 1. These were tentatively classified according to the CMO Model, in a category based on their design and utility. Three issues were raised from the initial question: Do you agree with the proposed classification? If not, there was an option to re-categorize. Additionally, they were asked about the importance, priority and impact to achieve pharmacotherapeutic objectives that they would assign to it. Interventions were classified according to the degree of agreement. Once a consensus was reached, the final taxonomy was established. Results: Eighteen (18) articles were finally considered. The initial proposal included 20 pharmaceutical interventions with the following classification: seven in Capacity, eight in Motivation, and five in Opportunity. Those interventions considered to have greater importance and priority were: Review and Validation, Safety, and Adherence. The interventions with the greatest impact were: Review and Validation, Coordination, Adherence, and Motivation. On the other hand, the lowest scores for importance were for: Planning and Social Coordination; and in terms of impact: Social Coordination. Conclusions: The taxonomy reached by consensus will allow to classify pharmaceutical interventions with the new model, and therefore to conduct an improved research and patient care

    Comunicación política local con perspectiva de género : Análisis y propuesta de mejora del lenguaje inclusivo administrativo con perspectiva de género en la red social de Facebook de los Ayuntamientos de Arjona (Jaén) y Bollullos de la Mitación (Sevilla)

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    La idea inicial de este trabajo es analizar la posición de la mujer en la política local tanto de una forma activa, a través de la participación, como de una forma pasiva, mediante su presencia en la comunicación escrita. De este modo, los objetivos se centran en analizar la comunicación política local bajo una perspectiva de género de los Ayuntamientos de Arjona (Jaén) y de Bollullos de la Mitación (Sevilla) durante el año 2017. Para ello, se han recogido 24 muestras correspondientes a publicaciones escritas alojadas en la red social de Facebook de ambos consistorios para estudiar la perspectiva de género de las publicaciones escritas que dan como resultado el uso de excesivos masculinos genéricos, entre otros, con el fin de sustituirlos por otras opciones alternativas neutrales. De esta forma estudiaremos globalmente cómo se comunica en la red el community manager o gabinete de comunicación de ambas entidades locales aplicando un filtro de lenguaje inclusivo que permita evaluar cada una de las dos situaciones y ofreciendo una respuesta en forma de propuesta de mejora. Además, tendremos en cuenta algunos medidores como la presencia actual femenina en los equipos de gobierno con una comparativa en sus antecedentes y la situación controvertida en la que se encuentra el fenómeno del lenguaje inclusivo con perspectiva de género.Universidad de Sevilla. Máster Universitario en Comunicación Institucional y Polític

    Comunicación política local con perspectiva de género : Análisis y propuesta de mejora del lenguaje inclusivo administrativo con perspectiva de género en la red social de Facebook de los Ayuntamientos de Arjona (Jaén) y Bollullos de la Mitación (Sevilla)

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    La idea inicial de este trabajo es analizar la posición de la mujer en la política local tanto de una forma activa, a través de la participación, como de una forma pasiva, mediante su presencia en la comunicación escrita. De este modo, los objetivos se centran en analizar la comunicación política local bajo una perspectiva de género de los Ayuntamientos de Arjona (Jaén) y de Bollullos de la Mitación (Sevilla) durante el año 2017. Para ello, se han recogido 24 muestras correspondientes a publicaciones escritas alojadas en la red social de Facebook de ambos consistorios para estudiar la perspectiva de género de las publicaciones escritas que dan como resultado el uso de excesivos masculinos genéricos, entre otros, con el fin de sustituirlos por otras opciones alternativas neutrales. De esta forma estudiaremos globalmente cómo se comunica en la red el community manager o gabinete de comunicación de ambas entidades locales aplicando un filtro de lenguaje inclusivo que permita evaluar cada una de las dos situaciones y ofreciendo una respuesta en forma de propuesta de mejora. Además, tendremos en cuenta algunos medidores como la presencia actual femenina en los equipos de gobierno con una comparativa en sus antecedentes y la situación controvertida en la que se encuentra el fenómeno del lenguaje inclusivo con perspectiva de género.Universidad de Sevilla. Máster Universitario en Comunicación Institucional y Polític

    Analysis of the implementation of GESIDA quality indicators in the HIV+ cohort PSITAR

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    Objective: To determine the compliance of quality care indicators (GESIDA) for adult patients living with HIV infection in PSITAR cohort. Methods: Multi-center, prospective observational study. All adult naive patients, that began treatment during 2011 belonging to the PSITAR cohort, were selected. We recorded demographic data, virological parameters at baseline and 48 weeks of treatment and pharmacotherapy variables. The selected indicators were: The compliance of initial antiretroviral therapy with the Spanish national treatment guidelines (GESIDA) for treatment-naive HIV-infected patient (95%), undetectable viral load at 48 weeks (80%), treatment initiation with Abacavir without screening for HLA-B*5701 (0%), treatment modifications within the first year (<30%), adherence treatment measure (95%), study of resistance in the virologic failure (90%) and average expenditure per patient in the first treatment (GESIDA median). Results: In total 108 HIV+ naive patients were included, 83.3% men. The median age was 40.5 years (21-75). The most frequent combination was tenofovir-emtricitabineefavirenz with 61.0%. 28 patients (29.7%) modified their treatment during the first year. Focusing on indicators compliance, starting of treatment with a recommended regimen had 95.4% of compliance, undetectable viral load indicator 74.1%, treatment initiation without Abacavir test 0%, treatment modifications within the first year 25.9%, adherence treatment measure 86.3%, study of resistance in the virologic failure 80% and average expenditure per patient was 8,846 euros. Conclusion: Quality care follow up indicators were fulfilled in their vast majority. The worst accomplished indicators such as undetectable viral load at 48 weeks, evaluation of adherence and study of resistance must be study to examine the possible improvement points.Objetivos: Determinar el cumplimiento de los indicadores de calidad de la actividad asistencial GESIDA en la cohorte de pacientes VIH+ PSITAR. Método: Estudio multicéntrico prospectivo. Se seleccionaron aquellos pacientes VIH naive adulto que iniciaron tratamiento en 2011. Se recogieron variables demográficas, analíticas y farmacoterapéuticas. Los indicadores seleccionados fueron: adecuación de las pautas iniciales de TAR a las guías españolas (95%), carga viral indetectable al año de tratamiento (80%), tratamiento con abacavir sin HLA-B*5701 previo (0%), cambios de tratamiento durante el primer año (<30%), registro de la adherencia al tratamiento (95%), estudio de resistencias en el fracaso virológico (90%) y gasto medio por paciente en primer tratamiento (mediana GESIDA). Resultados: Se incluyeron 108 pacientes, de ellos el 83,3% hombres. La mediana de edad fue de 40,5 años (21-75). La combinación de inicio más frecuente fue emtricitabina-tenofovir-efavirenz (61%). El 95,4% de los pacientes iniciaron con un tratamiento considerado preferente. El 74,1% presentó carga viral plasmática indetectable a las 48 semanas. Ningún paciente inicio tratamiento con abacavir sin la determinación del HLA-B*5701. El 25,9% discontinuó el TAR en el primer año, registrándose una valoración de la adherencia en el 86,3% de los casos. El estudio de las resistencias en fallo virológico se realizó en el 80,0% de los pacientes y el gasto medio fue de 8.846 euros. Conclusiones: Los indicadores de calidad de la actividad asistencial se cumplen ampliamente. La carga viral plasmática indetectable, la valoración de la adherencia y el estudio de resistencia requieren de un mayor estudio para detectar puntos de mejora

    Implementation of a custom time-domain firmware trigger for RADAR-based cosmic ray detection

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    Interest in Radio-based detection schemes for ultra-high energy cosmic rays (UHECR) has surged in recent years, owing to the potentially very low cost/detection ratio. The method of radio-frequency (RF) scatter has been proposed as potentially the most economical detection technology. Though the first dedicated experiment to employ this method, the Telescope Array RADAR experiment (TARA), reported no signal, efforts to develop more robust and sensitive trigger techniques continue. This paper details the development of a time-domain firmware trigger that exploits characteristics of the expected scattered signal from an UHECR extensive-air shower (EAS). The improved sensitivity of this trigger is discussed, as well as implementation in two separate field deployments from 2016-2017


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    From September 2004 until January 2005, an interdisciplinary, technical team from the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, has been collecting data, interpreting, and making sketches of the archaeological site La Blanca, in Melchor de Mencos, Peten, Guatemala. This is part of Project La Blanca, a pilot project aimed to join the traditional archaeological and scientific methods with the restoration of cultural heritage with social development. This is done with the purpose of making the population from the surrounding area aware and learn to value the rich cultural heritage that they possess, insisting that through its protection and conservation there is, not only a historical need to recover identity, but also the possibility of social and economic improvement in the immediate area. The first step, before the archaeological work, is the process of graphic lifting in order to get to know better the architectural building, the object of study. A secure and flexible medium was sought for the information and conservation demands of the whole building and its possible restoration. The graphic material achieves two objectives: on the one hand to carry out a planimetric survey of the terrain, as complete and exhaustive as possible, that will allow an interpretation and formulation of hypothesis on the type of buildings that exist there, and on the other, to obtain graphic documentation gathering all data on the architectural elements that are visible today.Sender Contell, M.; Gil Piqueras, MT.; Cortés Alcober, MP.; Serra Lluch, JDR. (2006). El levantamiento topográfico y arquitectónico como fase preliminar a las intervenciones arqueológicas y de restauración sobre patrimonio maya. J.P. Laporte, B. Arroyo y H. Mejía. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/1260

    Cultural Adaptation and Validation of the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Disability Index in a Spanish Population and Its Association with Sociodemographic and Clinical Factors

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    Inflammatory bowel diseases generate disability. We aimed to adapt and validate the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Disability Index in a Spanish population and to analyze the sociodemographic and clinical factors associated with disability in patients with Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Cultural adaptation and validation of psychometric properties in the index were done, along with an observational, cross-sectional, and analytical approach to determine associations with sociodemographic and clinical factors. Sociodemographic data, quality of life (using the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaire-32), and indicators of disease activity were collected, among others. A total of 170 subjects participated. The index showed high internal consistency, with a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.869 and concurrent validity with the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaire-32 (r = 0.723, p < 0.001). The average score of the index was -3.91. Greater degrees of disability were found in women (mean = -6.77) than in men (mean = -1.25) (p = 0.018), in patients with Crohn’s disease (mean = -5.94) rather than those with ulcerative colitis (mean = -0.94) (p = 0.028), and in patients in the moderately active disease phase (mean = -20.94) rather than those in the mildly active disease phase (mean = -2.65) and/or those in remission (mean = -1.40) (p < 0.001). The Disability Index is a valid tool for the Spanish population and is associated with sex, type of illness, and disease activity. It is a useful index in evaluating and monitoring disability in patients with inflammatory bowel disease

    Relationship of an hRAD54 gene polymorphism (2290 C/T) in an Ecuadorian population with chronic myelogenous leukemia

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    The hRAD54 gene is a key member of the RAD52 epistasis group involved in repair of double-strand breaks (DSB) by homologous recombination (HR). Thus, alterations of the normal function of these genes could generate genetic instability, shifting the normal process of the cell cycle, leading the cells to develop into cancer. In this work we analyzed exon 18 of the hRAD54 gene, which has been previously reported by our group to carry a silent polymorphism, 2290 C/T (Ala730Ala), associated to meningiomas. We performed a PCR-SSCP method to detect the polymorphism in 239 samples including leukemia and normal control population. The results revealed that the 2290 C/T polymorphism has frequencies of 0.1 for the leukemia and 0.1 for the control group. These frequencies show no statistical differences. Additionally, we dissected the leukemia group in chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) and acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) to evaluate the polymorphism. The frequencies found in these subgroups were 0.14 for CML and 0.05 for ALL. We found statistically significant differences between CML patients and the control group (p < 0.05) but we did not find significant differences between ALL and the control group (p > 0.05). These results suggest a possible link between the 2290 C/T polymorphism of the hRAD54 gene and CML