199 research outputs found

    Strategic Environmental Planning for Deep Seabed Mining in the Area

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    Discussions approximately an environmental control method for deep seabed mining in the Area had been underway for some the years. Both states and scientists have known for such an environmental control method. In 2018, the International Seabed Authority has followed its first 5-year strategic plan, masking all elements of its mandate. This article examines the brand-new strategic plan integrates factors of an environmental control method and what is probably missing. It demonstrates that even as a few overlaps exist, there are numerous key gaps left via way of means of the modern strategic plan which will be stuffed via the way of means of an environmental control method. To operationalize those desires and objectives, development ought to be measurable; thus, objectives are set, reviews are assessed, and suitable responses are awarded. Many control equipment and toots are relevant for accomplishing environmental desires. To date, the ISA has taken into consideration marine spatial making plans in large part across the modern exploration settlement blocks. Other factors of environmental control, which include the necessities for baseline studies, effect assessment, post-effect tracking, and the remedy of dangerous consequences and extreme damage want to be carried out to assist well-described environmental desires and objectives. We advocate that this making plans be done for scales largethan man or woman blocks, through a Strategic Environmental Management Plan, to make certain sustainable use of ocean assets throughout the Area

    La violencia hacia el adulto mayor y sus consecuencias

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    Una de las variantes preventivas  de la violencia que posee mayor factibilidad de aplicación, radica en la localización y  protección de los adultos mayores. Objetivo: Caracterizar al fenómeno del maltrato al adulto mayor denunciado en flagrancia en el período enero 2016 a diciembre del 2017 de la ciudad de Quito. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio epidemiológico descriptivo. Resultados: se estudiaron 219 casos en los cuales prevaleció el sexo masculino (55,7%), el estado civil casado (57,1%) e instrucción primaria (45,7%). Las agresiones se presentaron en la tarde (12:00 a 18:00) (36 %). Las lesiones fueron de carácter leve (85,4%), producidas por las extremidades del agresor (53%) y localizados en la cabeza (61,2%).  Conclusiones: se observó que el adulto mayor más vulnerable presenta bajos niveles de escolaridad, los agresores usan sus extremidades para agredirlos sobre todo en lugares de fácil acceso como la cabeza de las víctimas

    Observational study of lipid profile and LDL particle size in patients with metabolic syndrome

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The atherogenic lipoprotein phenotype is characterized by an increase in plasma triglycerides, a decrease in high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDLc), and the prevalence of small, dense-low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDLc) particles. The aim of this study was to establish the importance of LDL particle size measurement by gender in a group of patients with Metabolic Syndrome (MS) attending at a Cardiovascular Risk Unit in Primary Care and their classification into phenotypes.</p> <p>Subjects and methods</p> <p>One hundred eighty-five patients (93 men and 92 women) from several areas in the South of Spain, for a period of one year in a health centre were studied. Laboratory parameters included plasma lipids, lipoproteins, low-density lipoprotein size and several atherogenic rates were determinated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found differences by gender between anthropometric parameters, blood pressure and glucose measures by MS status. Lipid profile was different in our two study groups, and gender differences in these parameters within each group were also remarkable, in HDLc and Apo A-I values. According to LDL particle size, we found males had smaller size than females, and patients with MS had also smaller than those without MS. We observed inverse relationship between LDL particle size and triglycerides in patients with and without MS, and the same relationship between all atherogenic rates in non-MS patients. When we considered our population in two classes of phenotypes, lipid profile was worse in phenotype B.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In conclusion, we consider worthy the measurement of LDL particle size due to its relationship with lipid profile and cardiovascular risk.</p


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     RESUMEN En este artículo se propone un modelo jerárquico de roles de usuario para el diseño de sistemas Web que permite un diseño estructurado de la interfaz de usuario, una mejor adaptabilidad al perfil del usuario y la simplificación de la especificación de tareas del sistema. Dicho modelo ha sido aplicado al desarrollo de un sistema Web, denominado Tutor, que da soporte a la docencia, al aprendizaje y a la gestión de datos académicos (de alumnos, profesores, titulaciones, etc.) relacionados con asignaturas de la Universidad de Granada. El equipo de desarrollo ha estado formado por profesores, estudiantes y técnicos de los servicios de informática y redes de comunicaciones de dicha universidad, por lo que desde el principio se ha tenido presente la finalidad pedagógica de cada utilidad a la hora de incluirla en el sistema. El sistema implementado ofrece una serie de servicios electrónicos, siendo algunos de ellos de acceso libre, mientras que otros son de acceso restringido sólo a usuarios registrados en el sistema (cuando se requiere proteger la privacidad de los datos). La principal finalidad de nuestro sistema consiste en lograr algunos de los objetivos establecidos en el contexto del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior, que fija y unifica los criterios de calidad que deben cumplir los estudios superiores en los estados miembros.  PALABRAS CLAVESSistema Web de Apoyo a la DocenciaSistema Web de Soporte al AprendizajeTecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC)Aplicadas a la EducaciónInnovación Docente  ABSTRACT In this paper, we propose a hierarchical model of user roles to be applied in the development of Web-based applications. The model facilitates a structured design of user interfaces, a better adaptability to user profiles and the simplification of the specification of system tasks. This model has been applied to the development of a Web-based system, called Tutor, that provides support for teaching and learning some subjects taught at the University of Granada, and for the management of academic data (of students, teachers, degrees, etc.) related with these subjects. The development team is made up of teachers, students and technicians of computer science and communication network services belonging to this university. For that reason, we have always had in mind the pedagogic purpose of each utility included in the system. The implemented system offers a series of electronic services, some of them are free access, while others are restricted access only to users registered in the system (when data privacy protection is required). The main aim of our system is to achieve some of the objectives established in the context of the European Space of Higher Education, which sets and unifies quality criteria that the higher studies within its member states must satisfy.  KEYWORDSWeb-Based Teaching-Support SystemWeb-Based Learning-Support SystemInformation and Communication Technologies Appliedto EducationTeaching Innovation


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     RESUMEN En este artículo se propone un modelo jerárquico de roles de usuario para el diseño de sistemas Web que permite un diseño estructurado de la interfaz de usuario, una mejor adaptabilidad al perfil del usuario y la simplificación de la especificación de tareas del sistema. Dicho modelo ha sido aplicado al desarrollo de un sistema Web, denominado Tutor, que da soporte a la docencia, al aprendizaje y a la gestión de datos académicos (de alumnos, profesores, titulaciones, etc.) relacionados con asignaturas de la Universidad de Granada. El equipo de desarrollo ha estado formado por profesores, estudiantes y técnicos de los servicios de informática y redes de comunicaciones de dicha universidad, por lo que desde el principio se ha tenido presente la finalidad pedagógica de cada utilidad a la hora de incluirla en el sistema. El sistema implementado ofrece una serie de servicios electrónicos, siendo algunos de ellos de acceso libre, mientras que otros son de acceso restringido sólo a usuarios registrados en el sistema (cuando se requiere proteger la privacidad de los datos). La principal finalidad de nuestro sistema consiste en lograr algunos de los objetivos establecidos en el contexto del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior, que fija y unifica los criterios de calidad que deben cumplir los estudios superiores en los estados miembros.  PALABRAS CLAVESSistema Web de Apoyo a la DocenciaSistema Web de Soporte al AprendizajeTecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC)Aplicadas a la EducaciónInnovación Docente  ABSTRACT In this paper, we propose a hierarchical model of user roles to be applied in the development of Web-based applications. The model facilitates a structured design of user interfaces, a better adaptability to user profiles and the simplification of the specification of system tasks. This model has been applied to the development of a Web-based system, called Tutor, that provides support for teaching and learning some subjects taught at the University of Granada, and for the management of academic data (of students, teachers, degrees, etc.) related with these subjects. The development team is made up of teachers, students and technicians of computer science and communication network services belonging to this university. For that reason, we have always had in mind the pedagogic purpose of each utility included in the system. The implemented system offers a series of electronic services, some of them are free access, while others are restricted access only to users registered in the system (when data privacy protection is required). The main aim of our system is to achieve some of the objectives established in the context of the European Space of Higher Education, which sets and unifies quality criteria that the higher studies within its member states must satisfy.  KEYWORDSWeb-Based Teaching-Support SystemWeb-Based Learning-Support SystemInformation and Communication Technologies Appliedto EducationTeaching Innovation

    A Case Study of available methodology for the identification of Vulnerable Ecosystems/Habitats in bottom deep-sea fisheries: Possibilities to apply this method in the NAFO Regulatory Area in order to select Marine Protected Areas

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    Information is critical to Ecosystem Approach and to research about Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems/Habitats (VME/Hs), fishing impacts on habitats and ad-hoc management measures are high-priority. Therefore, this paper presents the ECOVUL/ARPA Interdisciplinary Approach, a case study of methodology for the identification of VME/Hs in order to advise on conservation measures such as marine protected areas (MPAs). By means of an interactive process involving Conventional Fisheries Science, Geomorphology, Sedimentology and Benthic Ecology, the methodology developed under the ECOVUL/ARPA project, has been useful in order to contribute to define practical criteria to the identification of VME/Hs, to improve the knowledge about VME/Hs distribution and the adverse impacts of bottom trawl fisheries and to produce high quality advice on habitat protection. Applying an interdisciplinary approach, the project identified the deep-water bottom trawl fishery footprint on the Hatton Bank Western slope (NEAFC Regulatory Area), mapped the main fishing grounds and related seabed habitats and studied the interactions between fishing and cold-water corals. This approach was used to suggest, with high level of precision, the spatial limits of an area closed to bottom fishing, as an essential conservation measure to protect the cold-water corals in the framework of the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries management. We present here the methods used, the main results obtained and discuss on the utility of this approach and the possibilities to apply it in the NAFO Regulatory Area, with the aim to advise on measures for reducing the interactions of bottom fishing with sensitive high-seas habitats and to contribute to implement the UNGA recommendations about habitat conservation

    Module 5: Addressing Climate Change - Project: Training educators for the development of educational activities on climate change

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    This document addresses both global and national (Bolivian) responses to climate change and how to appropriately address it; includes cases studies documented in Bolivia

    Module 3: Causes of Climate Change - Project: Training educators for the development of educational activities on climate change

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    This document provides detailed explanations and information about the natural and human causes of climate change

    Module 2: Greenhouse Gas Effect - Project: Training educators for the development of educational activities on climate change

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    This document provides detailed information and an explanation of the Greenhouse Gas Effect and its associated cycles