24 research outputs found

    La formación especializada en el nivel de posgrado en España : másteres y doctorados en traducción con componente tecnológico

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    Este artículo revisa la formación de segundo y tercer ciclos en Traducción en España para determinar el peso de las tecnologías en su diseño curricular. La mitad de los programas analizados recogen alguna competencia, asignatura o línea de investigación relacionada con el conocimiento y manejo de tecnologías de la traducción.Aquest article revisa la formació de segon i tercer cicles en Traducció a Espanya, per tal de determinar el pes de les tecnologies en el seu disseny curricular. La meitat dels programes analitzats recullen alguna competència, assignatura o línea de recerca relacionada amb el coneixement i ús de tecnologies de la traducció.This paper reviews postgraduate studies in Translation in Spain and determines the weight of technologies in the curricula of such studies. About half the analysed training programmes include some competencies, courses or research lines related to the knowledge or use of translation technologies

    Moving towards Entrepreneurial Translator Education: a Review of Entrepreneurship Competence in Spanish Translator Education Programmes

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    This paper reviews the entrepreneurship competences included in the curricula of undergraduate translation and interpretation degrees in Spain to determine whether they explicitly or implicitly match the competences included in the EntreComp framework. Our review reveals that the EntreComp entrepreneurial competences are underrepresented in current curricula in Spain, with some remarkable exceptions, particularly regarding the ‘resource management’ and ‘learning by doing’ competences. The SWOT analysis performed using the results derived from the descriptive analysis of the collected data suggests that the spotted strengths and opportunities can compensate for most of the weaknesses. Accordingly, it is our claim that an entrepreneurial approach to education that is compatible with the Entrepreneurship 2020 Action Plan can be introduced in Spanish translator education programmes within the current framework

    Formación transversal de traductores especializados:una experiencia didáctica interdisciplinar de traducción económica y técnica

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    The recent changes in the translation market call for a review of the teaching and learning methods used to train new professionals. The rigid traditional division of specialized translation into fields of knowledge does not correspond to market needs, which often involve working with texts that combine content from different disciplines. In this paper, we present an interdisciplinary didactic experience carried out during two consecutive academic years in which students and teachers of two specialized translation modules cooperated in an economic and technical translation project. Specifically, a research article on economic growth and human capital that combined economic content with statistical analysis methods was chosen as the source text. The design of the project required considering the competencies and learning outcomes planned for each module in order to enhance the establishment of connections between specialties. In addition, it was necessary to consider a variety of aspects related to the planning and development of the different project phases, because not all students were enrolled in both modules. For evaluation, a rubric was constructed with five criteria that were adjusted to the requirements of specialized translation and the translated genre. For each criterion, five levels of achievement were defined, four associated with the levels of evaluation of research articles, and a fifth one aimed at rewarding excellence. Both the academic results of students and their evaluation of the learning experience suggest that the method used could be a good option for meeting their interdisciplinary training needs and enhancing their motivation and involvement in learning. For the above reasons, the relevance of including modules based on the development of cross-curricular translation projects in future translation and interpreting curricula should be assessed

    Guided Inquiry and Project-Based Learning in the field of specialised translation: a description of two learning experiences

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    In recent years, university offices for learning and teaching have encouraged their teaching staff to innovate and become teachers as well as to adapt assessment methods to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). The need to adjust the learning-teaching process to the EHEA has indeed prevented us from further postponing a discussion that has been acknowledged as necessary for years: why are our students failing to learn as they should or as we would like them to? As teachers, we usually put the blame on our students and neglect the fact that we might be using the wrong approach. In this article, we present the design of two learning experiences implemented in two specialised translation courses taught in the fourth year of the Degree in Translation and Interpreting at the University of Vigo, in Spain, and we discuss the implementation of constructivism-based tasks and techniques in the classroom. Particularly, we focus on Guided Inquiry (GI) in the Business Translation course and on Project-Based Learning (PBL) and peer review in the Scientific and Technical Translation course. The work closes with a discussion of the main results, in terms of both students' performances and their reactions to the new learning experiences

    Self-Efficacy and Self-Awareness in Scientific Translators' Education: A Preliminary Study

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    In this paper, we present the results of a preliminary study on the evolution of self-efficacy and self-awareness among scientific translation students throughout one semester using data collected for three academic years. The analysis was based on the two components of self-efficacy: the perception that students have of their own capabilities to perform specific activities related to scientific and technical translation and their actual capabilities to perform those activities. To assess the self-efficacy beliefs of students, we analyzed the evolution of the self-perception of students based on the results of two questionnaires, an initial assessment questionnaire on their translation habits and problems, and a final psychometric questionnaire on the perceived usefulness of the pedagogical method used and on their self-efficacy beliefs. To assess the actual capabilities of students, we analyzed the evolution of the number of errors in each translation assignment and of the academic scores of students. The comparative analysis of the diagnostic assessment questionnaire and the diagnostic assessment translation assignment revealed low self-awareness at the beginning of the semester, as evidenced by a poor correspondence between students’ perceptions and performance. In contrast, a high degree of correspondence was found between self-efficacy beliefs and academic performance at the end of the semester, which suggests that the implemented method helped students develop realistic self-efficacy beliefs.

    Translation and interpreting pedagogy in Spain: a study of doctoral theses from 1976 to 2022

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    Considerando la Didáctica de la Traducción e Interpretación, nuestro objetivo es ofrecer un mapeo y un estudio preliminar de las tesis doctorales desarrolladas en España en este campo. Para esta investigación, se realizó una búsqueda en la Base de Datos de Tesis Doctorales (Teseo), que recopila las tesis defendidas en España desde 1976. La búsqueda se llevó a cabo empleando una combinación de descriptores definidos a partir de términos tanto del campo de la Didáctica como de los Estudios de Traducción e Interpretación. Se identificó que entre 1976 y 2022 se defendieron 86 tesis relacionadas con la Didáctica de la Traducción e Interpretación. Una vez registradas las tesis, se realizaron categorizaciones y análisis en relación con diferentes aspectos, tales como las universidades donde se localizan las tesis, su distribución temporal, autoría y dirección, temas abordados, entre otros. En general, se observa un aumento en el número de investigaciones en este campo, si bien es cierto que también se detecta cierta variabilidad en el número de tesis defendidas por año. Estos resultados demuestran que la Didáctica de la Traducción e Interpretación es un área consolidada en España como campo de estudio de gran relevancia, especialmente destacado en algunas universidades.Considerant la Didàctica de la Traducció i Interpretació, el nostre objectiu és oferir un mapatge i un estudi preliminar de les tesis doctorals desenvolupades a Espanya en aquest camp. Amb aquest objectiu, es va realitzar una recerca a la Base de Dades de Tesis Doctorals (Teseo), que recopila les tesis defensades a Espanya des de 1976. La recerca es dugué a terme emprant una combinació de descriptors definits a partir de termes tant del camp de la Didàctica com dels Estudis de Traducció i Interpretació. Vam identificar que entre 1976 i 2022 es defensaren 86 tesis relacionades amb la Didàctica de la Traducció i Interpretació. Registrades les tesis, es van realitzar categoritzacions i anàlisis en relació amb diferents aspectes, com ara les universitats on es localitzen les tesis, la seva distribució temporal, autoria i direcció i temes abordats, entre altres. En general, s'observa un augment en el nombre d'investigacions en aquest camp, si bé és cert que també es detecta certa variabilitat en el nombre de tesis defensades per any. Aquests resultats demostren que la Didàctica de la Traducció i Interpretació és una àrea consolidada a Espanya com a camp d'estudi de gran rellevància, especialment destacat en algunes universitatsThis article explores the field of Translation and Interpreting Pedagogy. It offers a comprehensive study of Spanish doctoral theses carried out in this specific field. The study was conducted using the ‘Doctoral Theses Database’ (Teseo), which compiles theses from Spain since 1976. The search conducted in Teseo used a combination of descriptors derived from commonly used terms in the field of Pedagogy, as well as in the field of Translation and Interpreting Studies. The findings revealed that a total of 86 theses related to the Translation and Interpreting Pedagogy were completed in Doctoral Programs in Spain between 1976 and 2022. Furthermore, the study included categorizations and analyses of several key aspects, such as the universities where the theses were conducted, the temporal distribution of the theses, the topics addressed in these works, as well as the supervision and authorship of the theses, along with other characteristics. The results suggest an overall increase in research activities within this field, although there is some variability in the number of theses defended per year. This demonstrates the consolidated nature of the Translation and Interpreting Pedagogy as a noteworthy field in Spain, with certain universities standing out for their significant contributions to this are

    Estudos Luso-Hispanos de História do Direito II = Estudios Luso-Hispanos de Historia del Derecho II

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    This book brings together a set of studies that were presented and discussed at the III Spanish-Portuguese Meeting of Law Historians. They deal with central themes of the History of Law and Institutions in Modern and Contemporary eras, with special emphasis on the peninsular territories and also on the territories that made up, at different times, the Spanish and Portuguese empires. As a whole, they contribute to broaden and deepen the historical knowledge of aspects related to justice and the administration of the territories, the functioning of institutions (courts, universities, courts) and the discussion of legal concepts central to the knowledge of the legal-political doctrine produced at different times of a vast chronological period.Este libro reúne un conjunto de estudios que fueron presentados y discutidos en el III Encuentro hispano-luso de historiadores del Derecho. Tratan temas centrales de la historia del derecho y de las instituciones en la época moderna y contemporánea, con especial énfasis en los territorios peninsulares y también en los territorios que compusieron, en distintas épocas, los imperios español y portugués. En su conjunto, contribuyen a ampliar y profundizar el conocimiento histórico de aspectos relacionados con la justicia y la administración de los territorios, el funcionamiento de las instituciones (tribunales, universidades, Cortes) y la discusión de conceptos jurídicos centrales para el conocimiento de la doctrina jurídico-política producida en distintos momentos de un vasto período cronológico. = Neste livro reúne-se um conjunto de estudos que foram apresentados e discutidos no III Encontro hispano-luso de historiadores do Direito. Neles são abordados temas centrais da história do direito e das instituições na época moderna e contemporânea, com especial incidência nos territórios peninsulares e também nos territórios que integraram, em momentos diversos, os impérios espanhol e português. No seu conjunto, contribuem para o alargamento e o aprofundamento do conhecimento histórico de aspectos ligados à justiça e à administração dos territórios, ao funcionamento das instituições (tribunais, universidades, Cortes) e à discussão de conceitos jurídicos centrais para o conhecimento da doutrina jurídico-política produzida em momentos diferentes de um vasto período cronológico

    Adquisición y evaluación de competencias para la traducción inversa premium de artículos científicos

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    La formación especializada en el nivel de posgrado en España : másteres y doctorados en traducción con componente tecnológico

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    Este artículo revisa la formación de segundo y tercer ciclos en Traducción en España para determinar el peso de las tecnologías en su diseño curricular. La mitad de los programas analizados recogen alguna competencia, asignatura o línea de investigación relacionada con el conocimiento y manejo de tecnologías de la traducción.Aquest article revisa la formació de segon i tercer cicles en Traducció a Espanya, per tal de determinar el pes de les tecnologies en el seu disseny curricular. La meitat dels programes analitzats recullen alguna competència, assignatura o línea de recerca relacionada amb el coneixement i ús de tecnologies de la traducció.This paper reviews postgraduate studies in Translation in Spain and determines the weight of technologies in the curricula of such studies. About half the analysed training programmes include some competencies, courses or research lines related to the knowledge or use of translation technologies