369 research outputs found

    Camiñando nas marxes con Xohán Casal: espiritualidade popular e expresión literaria

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    This paper presents an approach to the figure of the Galician writer Xohán Casal (1935-1960), using Casal’s personal writings to provide new keys for the analysis of his literary figure and narrative texts. The study of these unpublished materials  preserved as Fondo Xohán Casal in the Real Academia Galega— reveals little known aspects of Casal’s ideology, aesthetics and existential position, such as spirituality and commitment to popular culture from Galicia. These new documents show how Casal took Eduardo Pondal (1835-1971) —whose worldview has left a deep mark on Casal’s thought—, Alfonso Daniel Rodríguez Castelao (1886-1950) and Luís Seoane (1910-1979) as literary and political models.Este traballo presenta un achegamento á figura do escritor galego Xohán Casal (1935-1960) a partir dos seus escritos persoais, que proporcionan novas claves para a súa caracterización. Mediante o estudo dos materiais depositados na Real Academia Galega (Fondo Xohán Casal), poñeranse de manifesto tanto a súa ideoloxía como o seu posicionamento estético e vital, no que ten unha relevancia capital a espiritualidade e o compromiso co popular. Tamén se revelarán as influencias de autores como Eduardo Pondal, cuxa cosmovisión deixou fonda pegada no pensamento de Casal, xunto con Castelao e Luís Seoane

    María Zambrano: la Antígona española del siglo XX

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Departamento de Antropología Social y Pensamiento Filosófico. Fecha de lectura: 19-03-201

    Effects of 3D nanocomposite bioceramic scaffolds on the immune response

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    The interaction of new nanocomposite mesoporous glass/hydroxyapatite (MGHA) scaffolds with immune cells involved in both innate and acquired immunity has been studied in vitro as an essential aspect of their biocompatibility assessment. Since the immune response can be affected by the degradation products of bioresorbable scaffolds and scaffold surface changes, both processes have been evaluated. No alterations in proliferation and viability of RAW-264.7 macrophage-like cells were detected after culture on MGHA scaffolds which did not induce cell apoptosis. However, a slight cell size decrease and an intracellular calcium content increase were observed after contact of this cell line with MGHA scaffolds or their extracts. Although no changes in the percentages of RAW cells with low and high contents of reactive oxygen species (ROS) are observed by the treatment with 7 day extracts, this study has revealed modifications of these percentages after direct contact with scaffolds and by the treatment with 24 h extracts, related to the high reactivity/bioactivity of this MGHA nanocomposite at initial times. Furthermore, when normal fresh murine spleen cells were used as an experimental model closer to physiological conditions, no significant alterations in the activation of different immune cell subpopulations were detected in the presence of 24 h MGHA extract. MGHA scaffolds did not affect either the spontaneous apoptosis or intracellular cytokine expression (IL-2, IL-10, IFN-gamma, and TNF-alpha.) after 24 h treatment. The results obtained in the present study with murine immune cell subpopulations (macrophages, lymphocytes B, lymphocytes T and natural killer cells) support the biocompatibility of the MGHA material and suggest an adequate host tissue response to their scaffolds upon their implantation

    Scaling Up the Family Integrated Care Model in a Level IIIC Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: A Systematic Approach to the Methods and Effort Taken for Implementation

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    Background: Family Integrated Care (FICare) integrates parents in the direct care of their child while the healthcare personnel act as teachers and guides. To this date, most reports on the feasibility of this model refer to stable preterm infants admitted to Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs).Objectives: To scale up and adapt FICare to make it suitable in level IIIC NICUs, which care for extreme prematurity and other complex medical or surgical neonatal conditions.Materials and Methods: Step 1 was the creation of the FICare implementation team (FICare-IT) and baseline analysis of current procedures for critical care to identify needs, wishes, and requirements; we aimed for protocol elaboration tailored to our cultural, architectural, and clinical context (March 2017 to April 2018). Step 2 as a dissemination strategy by FICare-IT acting as primary trainers and mentors to ensure the education of 90% of nursing staff (May 2018 to July 2018). Step 3 involved piloting and evaluation with the aim to refine the procedure (July 2018 to December 2020).Results: A rigorous but flexible protocol was edited. The FICare educational manual included two curricula: for healthcare professionals/staff (Training the trainers) and for families (Education of caregivers), the latter being categorized in two intervention levels (basic and advanced), depending on the infant care needs and parent's decision. In total, 76 families and 91 infants (74.7% preterm; 18.7% complex surgery; 6.6% others) were enrolled in the pilot. No differences in acceptance rate (overall 86.4%) or in the number of infant-family dyads in the program per month were observed when considering the pre- and post-Covid-19 pandemic periods. All families, except for one who dropped out of the program, completed the agreed individualized training. Mothers spent more time in NICU than fathers (p < 0.05); uninterrupted time spent by mothers in NICU was longer during the pre-pandemic period (p < 0.01). Observed time to reach proficiency by task was within the expected time in 70% of the program contents. The parents revealed educational manuals, workshops, and cot-side teaching sessions as essential for their training, and 100% said they would accept entry into the FICare program again.Conclusions: The principles of the FICare model are suitable for all levels of care in NICUs. Leadership and continuous evaluation/refinement of implementation procedures are essential components to achieve the objectives

    La numeración en lengua inga

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    El presente artículo es resultado directo del curso electivo de lengua inga, dictado por el Departamento de Lingüística en el segundo semestre de 1999 y de las actividades de investigación paralela que se desarrollaron en torno al mismo. Se presenta parcialmente el vocabulario de los números en inga y se describe el uso de la yupanga para el aprendizaje de los números y de operaciones matemáticas elementales. Se comentan las particularidades gramaticales y de uso de este sistema, que muestra cierta vitalidad y vigencia, frente a otros sistemas de numeración oral de lenguas amerindias que por el contrario están en progresivo debilitamiento. Se relaciona el uso actual de ciertas técnicas de apoyo a la numeración por parte de los ingas con el uso del quipu en el imperio incaico, según reseñas de las crónicas coloniales. Se comenta el interés de estos datos provisionales en el contexto de ciertos debates sobre la expansión del quechua y se formulan algunos temas de investigación

    A simple and sensitive approach to quantify methyl farnesoate in whole arthropods by matrix-solid phase dispersion and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry

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    Methyl farnesoate (MF) is an arthropod hormone that plays a key role in the physiology of several arthropods’ classes being implicated in biological processes such as molting and reproduction. The development of an analytical technique to quantify the levels of this compound in biological tissues can be of major importance for the field of aquaculture/apiculture conservation and in endocrine disruption studies. Therefore, the aim of this study was to develop a simple and sensitive method to measure native levels of MF in the tissue of three representative species from different arthropods classes with environmental and/or economic importance. Thus, a new approach using whole organisms and the combination of matrix solid-phase dispersion with gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry was developed. This method allows quantifying endogenous MF at low levels (LOQs in the 1.2–3.1ng/g range) in three arthropod species, and could be expanded to additional arthropod classes. The found levels ranged between 2 and 12ng/g depending on the studied species and gender. The overall recovery of the method was evaluated and ranged between 69 and 96%.This work has been financially supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Spain (project no. CTM2014-56628-C3-2-R), the Galician Council of Culture, Education and Universities (ref. GRC2013-020) and FEDER/ERDF. T. Neuparth was supported by a Postdoctoral fellowship from the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation (FCT), ref. SFRH/BPD/77912/2011.S

    Fortalecimiento de la lectura crítica en estudiantes de grado 6° del colegio Windsor Royal School mediante la aplicación de una unidad didáctica

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    El proyecto investigativo titulado “FORTALECIMIENTO DE LA LECTURA CRÍTICA EN ESTUDIANTES DE GRADO 6° DEL COLEGIO WINDSOR ROYAL SCHOOL MEDIANTE LA APLICACIÓN DE UNA UNIDAD DIDÁCTICA”, se centra en la lectura crítica debido a que las nuevas generaciones no le encuentran sentido a esta actividad y lo que se pretende es que los alumnos puedan desarrollar la habilidad lectora; es decir, formar lectores críticos y que estos sean capaces de reconocer, inferir, relacionar, cuestionar, discutir y proponer alternativas de solución en diferentes situaciones de la vida cotidiana. De acuerdo con lo anterior, se plantea la implementación de una unidad didáctica desde las ciencias sociales relacionada con textos continuos y discontinuos para adquirir conocimientos significativos en la que se promueva el interés hacia el acto de leer. Es por esta razón, que la óptima aplicación de esta unidad repercute en el aprendizaje de los niños. Del mismo modo, se espera que este proyecto trascienda y rompa todos los esquemas y estereotipos arcaicos que existen acerca de la lectura en los grados iniciales de la educación básica secundaria. Es un nuevo siglo que gira en torno a un mundo cada vez más globalizado por los avances tecnológicos que suponen la circulación de información amplia y variada por lo que se requiere individuos competentes que ponga a prueba en todos los campos del saber la lectura crítica.The research project entitled "Strengthening critical reading in 6th grade students at Windsor Royal School through the application of a didactic unit", focuses on critical reading because many generations do not find meaning to this activity and it That is intended that the students can develop the skill and agility in reading; That is, to form critical readers and that these have been able to recognize, infer, relate, question, discuss and propose alternative solutions in different situations of daily life. According to the above, it is proposed the implementation of a didactic unit related to continuous, discontinuous and multimodal texts to acquire significant knowledge in which to promote interest in the act of reading. It is for this reason that the optimal application of this unit has an impact on children's learning. Similarly, this project is expected to transcend and break all the archaic schemes and stereotypes that existed about reading. It is a new millennium, a new century that revolves around a world increasingly globalized by technological advances that seeks competent individuals to test in all fields of critical reading knowledge

    Microbiota, Fiber, and NAFLD : Is There Any Connection?

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    Gut microbiota can contribute to the development and progression of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). In fact, some specific changes of gut microbiota are observed in patients in what is called dysbiota. There has been a lot of investigation by using a variety of interventions, including diet, showing the possibility to modify components of gastrointestinal dysbiota towards healthy and multivariate microbiota to restore physiologic status. One of the main focuses has been dietary fiber (DF), in which most of its variants are prebiotics. The highest effective treatment for NAFLD is, so far, weight loss achieved by caloric restriction. DF supplementation with oligofructose facilitates weight loss, enhances the production of beneficial metabolites, decreases some pathogenic bacteria population by increasing Bifidobacteria, and has effects on intestinal barrier permeability. DF use has been associated with improvement in diverse metabolic diseases, including NAFLD, by modifying gut microbiota. Additionally, it has been shown that a higher insoluble fiber consumption (≥7.5 g/day) revealed improvements in 3 different scores of liver fibrosis. Further research is needed, but given the evidence available, it is reasonable to prescribe its consumption in early stages of NAFLD in order to prevent disease progression