23,059 research outputs found

    Two-phase RTD-CMOS pipelined circuits

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    MOnostable-BIstable Logic Element (MOBILE) networks can be operated in a gate-level pipelined fashion (nanopipeline) allowing high through output. Resonant tunneling diode (RTD)-based MOBILE nanopipelined circuits have been reported using different clock schemes including a four-phase strategy and a single-phase clock scheme. In particular, significant power advantages of single-phase RTD-CMOS MOBILE circuits over pure CMOS have been shown. This letter compares the RTD-CMOS realizations using a single clock and a novel two-phase clock solution. Significant superior robustness and performance in terms of power and area are obtained for the two-phase implementations

    Examining the Impact of Innovation Forms on Sustainable Economic Performance: The Influence of Family Management

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    The aim of this research is to explore the effect that innovation, as a potential source of sustained competitive advantage and firm growth, has on the achievement of sustainable economic performance. In particular, this paper empirically examines the influence of four innovation forms (intramural R&D, extramural R&D, product innovation, and process innovation) on firms’ sustainable economic performance, considering the moderating effect of family involvement in management. To test the hypotheses, random-effects regression analyses are applied to a longitudinal sample of 598 Spanish private manufacturing firms throughout the 2006–2015 period. The results show a negative effect of intramural and extramural R&D on sustainable economic performance and a positive effect of process innovation on sustainable economic performance. Moreover, a reinforced relationship between process innovation and sustainable economic performance is also revealed when family involvement in management acts as a moderator. The findings make several contributions to research and practice

    MANFRED, Frank. El dios venidero

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    Nuevos documentos inéditos y desconocidos de Rubén Darío: sobre "La Isla de Oro", el "Poema del Otoño" y los años de "Mundial"

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    This article studies and reproduces a group of documents that includes some hand-written and typed texts most likely authored by Rubén Darío, along with others where Darío’s authorship can be easily contested. These documents seem to have originated during the years of Mundial Magazine (1912-1914), and besides the interest for their probably unpublished nature, they also show the cooperation between Darío and his collaborators in the preparation of his original manuscripts right before being sent to the publishers.En este artículo se comenta y reproduce en parte un lote de documentos que incluye unos textos manuscritos y mecanografiados de casi segura autoría dariana y otros de autenticidad más dudosa. Este lote, cuyo origen parece estar en los años de Mundial (1912-1914), además de contener algunos poemas inéditos, incluye otros textos que mostrarían la cooperación entre Darío y sus secretarios o colaboradores en la preparación de los originales inmediatamente antes de ser enviados a la imprenta


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    Obra ressenyada: Hans Robert JAUSS, Las tranSfOrmaciones de lo moderno. Suhrkamp Verlag, 1989. La Balsa de la Medusa, 1995
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