131 research outputs found

    NADPH Oxidase-Dependent Superoxide Production in Plant Reproductive Tissues

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    In the life cycle of a flowering plant, the male gametophyte (pollen grain) produced in the anther reaches the stigmatic surface and initiates the pollen–pistil interaction, an important step in plant reproduction, which ultimately leads to the delivery of two sperm cells to the female gametophyte (embryo sac) inside the ovule. The pollen tube undergoes a strictly apical expansion characterized by a high growth rate, whose targeting should be tightly regulated. A continuous exchange of signals therefore takes place between the haploid pollen and diploid tissue of the pistil until fertilization. In compatible interactions, theses processes result in double fertilization to form a zygote (2n) and the triploid endosperm. Among the large number of signaling mechanisms involved, the redox network appears to be particularly important. Respiratory burst oxidase homologs (Rbohs) are superoxide-producing enzymes involved in a broad range of processes in plant physiology. In this study, we review the latest findings on understanding Rboh activity in sexual plant reproduction, with a particular focus on the male gametophyte from the anther development stages to the crowning point of fertilization. Rboh isoforms have been identified in both the male and female gametophyte and have proven to be tightly regulated. Their role at crucial points such as proper growth of pollen tube, self-incompatibility response and eventual fertilization is discussed. [EN]European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) co-financed grants: BFU2008-006292, BFU2011-22779, CSIC-201540E065, and RECUPERA2020-3.1.4.Peer reviewe


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         An explanation of the development and features of one of the bigest tourist areas in inland Andalusia, commenting on the increase in attractions and accommodation as well as in the number of visitors, the location of the tourist infraestructure near the main roads, the most important deficiencies and problems the sector has to deal with and, finally, the actions we think are necessary to reach sustainable development. In relation to the last point, a proposal has been made to turn the protected area into an ecomuseum of the culture and forest landscapes in the south of Spain.     Se explica la formación y características de uno de los mayores espacios turísticos del interior andaluz, señalando el fuerte incremento de la oferta de acogida y visitantes, el peculiar modelo de localización de la infraestructura en corredores paralelos a las principales vías de comunicación, las deficiencias y problemáticas más importantes a las que se enfrenta el sector y, por último, las claves que a nuestro entender pueden reconducir el fenómeno por criterios de sostenibilidad. En ese último sentido, se presenta una propuesta concreta que pretende convertir el territorio protegido en un ecomuseo de la cultura y los paisajes forestales del sur de España

    Identification of differentially expressed small non-coding RNAs in the legume endosymbiont Sinorhizobium meliloti by comparative genomics

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    Bacterial small non-coding RNAs (sRNAs) are being recognized as novel widespread regulators of gene expression in response to environmental signals. Here, we present the first search for sRNA-encoding genes in the nitrogen-fixing endosymbiont Sinorhizobium meliloti, performed by a genome- wide computational analysis of its intergenic regions. Comparative sequence data from eight related alpha-proteobacteria were obtained, and the interspecies pairwise alignments were scored with the programs eQRNA and RNAz as complementary predictive tools to identify conserved and stable secondary structures corresponding to putative non-coding RNAs. Northern experiments confirmed that eight of the predicted loci, selected among the original 32 candidates as most probable sRNA genes, expressed small transcripts. This result supports the combined use of eQRNA and RNAz as a robust strategy to identify novel sRNAs in bacteria. Furthermore, seven of the transcripts accumulated differentially in free-living and symbiotic conditions. Experimental mapping of the 5 '-ends of the detected transcripts revealed that their encoding genes are organized in autonomous transcription units with recognizable promoter and, in most cases, termination signatures. These findings suggest novel regulatory functions for sRNAs related to the interactions of alpha-proteobacteria with their eukaryotic hosts.Spanish Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Project AGL2006-12466/AGR)Junta de Andalucía (Project CV1-01522)NIH Grant 1R01GM070538-02FPI Fellowship from the Spanish Ministerio de Educación y Cienci

    Bridge Deformation Analysis Using Time-Differenced Carrier-Phase Technique

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    [EN] Historically, monitoring possible deformations in suspension bridges has been a crucial issue for structural engineers. Therefore, to understand and calibrate models of the "load-structureresponse", it is essential to implement suspension bridge monitoring programs. In this work, due to increasing GNSS technology development, we study the movement of a long-span bridge structure using differenced carrier phases in adjacent epochs. Many measurement errors can be decreased by a single difference between consecutive epochs, especially from receivers operating at 10 Hz.Another advantage is not requiring two receivers to observe simultaneously. In assessing the results obtained, to avoid unexpected large errors, the outlier and cycle-slip exclusion are indispensable. The final goal of this paper is to obtain the relative positioning and associated standard deviations of a stand-alone geodetic receiver. Short-term movements generated by traffic, tidal current, wind, or earthquakes must be recoverable deformations, as evidenced by the vertical displacement graphs obtained through this approach. For comparison studies, three geodetic receivers were positioned on the Assut de l'Or Bridge in València, Spain. The associated standard deviation for the north, east, and vertical positioning values was approximately 0.01 m.This research was funded by Generalitat Valenciana, grant number GV/2021/156.Jiménez-Martínez, MJ.; Quesada-Olmo, MN.; Zancajo-Jimeno, JJ.; Mostaza-Pérez, T. (2023). Bridge Deformation Analysis Using Time-Differenced Carrier-Phase Technique. Remote Sensing. 15(5). https://doi.org/10.3390/rs1505145815

    Desarrollo de las habilidades de pensamiento crítico, creatividad e innovación y resolución de problemas en Ciencias noveno año, Costa Rica

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    The present investigation was conducted during the second semester of 2018 and its purpose was to identify the development of the critical thought, creativity and innovation and problem resolution in the Sciences of the 9th year, Costa Rica, which should be addressed within other 10 more abilities, according to the proposal or curricular transformation by the Public Education Ministry. The paradigm used was naturalist with focus on the dominant qualitative and a phenomenological design, where three case studies related to everyday life were applied with the purpose of determining the development of the ability in the teaching and learning processes, the investigation subjects were 73 students from three different night schools in Heredia Educational Region. The information analysis was done by a pre-established rubric where the degree of ability development was determined. Among the main findings, it was discovered that the 3 abilities that were studied have a low development in the Science classes. Which indicates that the empowerment of these abilities has not been addressed in the classroom. Although this is required by the Science Study Program Circle III; therefore, it is fundamental that this be addressed in an integral manner with the docents through training in order to understand and internalize the importance of the pedagogical mediation in the classroom that increase the abilities applying the methodology using inquiries for Science.   La presente investigación se realiza en el segundo semestre del 2018 y tuvo como propósito identificar el desarrollo de las habilidades de pensamiento crítico, creatividad e innovación y resolución de problemas en Ciencias Noveno año, Costa Rica, las cuales deben ser abordadas entre otras 10 habilidades más según la propuesta o transformación curricular del Ministerio de Educación Pública (MEP).  El paradigma empleado es naturalista, con un enfoque cualitativo dominante y un diseño fenomenológico, donde se aplican tres estudios de casos relacionados con temas sobre a la vida cotidiana, con el fin de determinar el desarrollo de la habilidad en el proceso de enseñanza y el aprendizaje. Los sujetos de investigación son 73 estudiantes de tres colegios nocturnos de la regional de educación de Heredia. El análisis de la información se hace mediante una rúbrica preestablecida donde se determina el grado de desarrollo de la habilidad;  entre los principales hallazgos se obtiene que las tres habilidades estudiadas tienen un desarrollo bajo en las clases de ciencias,  lo que da indicios a que la potenciación de las mismas en el aula no son abordadas, a pesar de que el programa de estudio de Ciencias III ciclo lo exige, por lo que es fundamental que se aborde integralmente con los docentes mediante capacitación y se logre comprender e interiorizar la importancia de una mediación pedagógica en el aula, que potencie las habilidades mediante la metodología de la indagación para Ciencias.&nbsp

    Production yields at the distal fall-off of the β+ emitters 11C and 13N for in-vivo range verification in proton therapy

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    In proton therapy, Positron Emission Tomography (PET) range verification relies on the comparison of the measured and estimated activity distributions from β+ emitters produced by the proton beam in the patient. The accuracy of the estimated activity distributions is basically that of the underlying reaction cross section data. In this context, we have developed a new method for measuring β+ production yields combining the multi-foil technique with a clinical PET scanner, resulting in energy differential cross sections from a single irradiation. The method has been applied to the production of (t1/2 = 20.36 min) and (t1/2 = 9.97 min), the main candidates for off-line PET range verification, in carbon, nitrogen and oxygen, the main elements of the human body. The energy range studied with the 18 MeV CNA cyclotron corresponds to the distal fall-off of the activity curve, i.e. near the Bragg peak.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad RYC-2014-15271, FPA2016- 77689-C2-1-R, RTI2018-098117-B-C2

    PAX4 preserves endoplasmic reticulum integrity preventing beta cell degeneration in a mouse model of type 1 diabetes mellitus

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    [Aims/hypothesis]: A strategy to enhance pancreatic islet functional beta cell mass (BCM) while restraining inflammation, through the manipulation of molecular and cellular targets, would provide a means to counteract the deteriorating glycaemic control associated with diabetes mellitus. The aims of the current study were to investigate the therapeutic potential of such a target, the islet-enriched and diabetes-linked transcription factor paired box 4 (PAX4), to restrain experimental autoimmune diabetes (EAD) in the RIP-B7.1 mouse model background and to characterise putative cellular mechanisms associated with preserved BCM. [Methods]: Two groups of RIP-B7.1 mice were genetically engineered to: (1) conditionally express either PAX4 (BPTL) or its diabetes-linked mutant variant R129W (mutBPTL) using doxycycline (DOX); and (2) constitutively express luciferase in beta cells through the use of RIP. Mice were treated or not with DOX, and EAD was induced by immunisation with a murine preproinsulin II cDNA expression plasmid. The development of hyperglycaemia was monitored for up to 4 weeks following immunisation and alterations in the BCM were assessed weekly by non-invasive in vivo bioluminescence intensity (BLI). In parallel, BCM, islet cell proliferation and apoptosis were evaluated by immunocytochemistry. Alterations in PAX4- and PAX4R129W-mediated islet gene expression were investigated by microarray profiling. PAX4 preservation of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) homeostasis was assessed using thapsigargin, electron microscopy and intracellular calcium measurements. [Results]: PAX4 overexpression blunted EAD, whereas the diabetes-linked mutant variant PAX4R129W did not convey protection. PAX4-expressing islets exhibited reduced insulitis and decreased beta cell apoptosis, correlating with diminished DNA damage and increased islet cell proliferation. Microarray profiling revealed that PAX4 but not PAX4R129W targeted expression of genes implicated in cell cycle and ER homeostasis. Consistent with the latter, islets overexpressing PAX4 were protected against thapsigargin-mediated ER-stress-related apoptosis. Luminal swelling associated with ER stress induced by thapsigargin was rescued in PAX4-overexpressing beta cells, correlating with preserved cytosolic calcium oscillations in response to glucose. In contrast, RNA interference mediated repression of PAX4-sensitised MIN6 cells to thapsigargin cell death. [Conclusions/interpretation]: The coordinated regulation of distinct cellular pathways particularly related to ER homeostasis by PAX4 not achieved by the mutant variant PAX4R129W alleviates beta cell degeneration and protects against diabetes mellitus. The raw data for the RNA microarray described herein are accessible in the Gene Expression Omnibus database under accession number GSE62846

    Proyecto: Coche multifuncional

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    Realiza un análisis detallado sobre la viabilidad técnica de producir y comercializar del proyecto “Babevolution”, un coche multifuncional. Este es un producto innovador en el mercado, debido a que se adapta a las necesidades de transporte del bebé conforme va creciendo.Realiza un análisis detallado sobre la viabilidad técnica de producir y comercializar del proyecto “Babevolution”, un coche multifuncional. Este es un producto innovador en el mercado, debido a que se adapta a las necesidades de transporte del bebé conforme va creciendo

    Synthesis and screening of 6‐alkoxy purine analogs as cell type‐selective apoptotic inducers in Jurkat cells

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    Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion, Grant/Award Number: RTC-2017-6620; Ministerio de Educacion, Cultura y Deporte, Grant/Award Number: FPU 14/00818Purines are ubiquitous structures in cell biology involved in a multitude of cellular processes, because of which substituted purines and analogs are considered excellent scaffolds in drug design. In this study, we explored the key structural features of a purine‐based proapoptotic hit, 8‐tert‐butyl‐9‐phenyl‐6‐benzyloxy‐9Hpurine (1), by setting up a library of 6‐alkoxy purines with the aim of elucidating the structural requirements that govern its biological activity and to study the cell selectivity of this chemotype. This was done by a phenotypic screening approach based on cell cycle analysis of a panel of six human cancer cell lines, including T cell leukemia Jurkat cells. From this study, two derivatives (12 and 13) were identified as Jurkat‐selective proapoptotic compounds, displaying superior potency and cell selectivity than hit 1.Instituto de Salud Carlos III Spanish Government European Commission RTC-2017-6620Ministerio de Educacion, Cultura y Deporte FPU 14/0081