33 research outputs found

    Caregiver Burden Domains and Their Relationship with Anxiety and Depression in the First Six Months of Cancer Diagnosis

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    Cancer caregiving is associated with burden and a poor psychological state. However, there is no previous information about the predictive utility of specific burden domains on anxiety and depression in the first six months after a partner’s cancer diagnosis. In a longitudinal study, 67 caregivers completed the Zarit Burden Interview (ZBI) and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) at T1 (45–60 days after diagnosis) and T2 (180–200 days after diagnosis). Most of the caregivers were female (65.7%, mean age = 51.63, SD = 13.25), while patients were mostly male (56.7%). The TRIPOD checklist was applied. ZBI scores were moderate and HADS anxiety reached significant values. There were no differences in ZBI and HADS between T1 and T2. The relationship between burden, anxiety, and depression were more consistent at T2, while emotional burden at T1 were related and predicted anxiety and depression at T2. Some burden domains were related and predicted anxiety in caregivers in the first six months after partner cancer diagnosis. This information could be useful to prevent the onset of these symptoms in the first six months after diagnosis

    UCO guide to prepare and evaluate an undergraduate final dissertation: problem analysis and merging proposal for solutions

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    El presente proyecto surge para dar respuesta a una serie de problemas que se dan durante el proceso de elaboración y defensa de los Trabajos Fin de Grado en el marco de la Universidad de Córdoba. A pesar de que actualmente existen esfuerzos por mejorar los criterios aplicados en los distintos centros de la UCO, se ha podido comprobar una falta de uniformidad en las guías y en las recomendaciones ligadas a la realización de los TFG, algo que, salvando la comprensible adecuación a las características de cada área, puede suponer un riesgo para la consecución de un sistema de evaluación justo. Además, algunas facultades carecen de criterios públicos de evaluación, lo que puede dar lugar a situaciones arbitrarias o irregulares. Para ello, en primer lugar, se ha analizado la opinión de profesorado y alumnado con respecto al TFG. Con el fin de resolver las deficiencias encontradas, se ha propuesto una solución que englobe todos los centros que forman la UCO: una herramienta que contemple las competencias básicas reconocidas por la legislación actual, comunes a todos los grados, y que tengan naturaleza transdisciplinar, para, a partir de ahí, poder construir un sistema de evaluación más razonable, coherente y uniforme para toda la Universidad de Córdoba.The present project mains to solve a series of problems that occur during the process of preparation and defence of the undergraduate final dissertation (TFG) within the University of Córdoba. Although there are currently efforts to improve the criteria applied in the different centres of the UCO, it has been possible to verify a lack of uniformity in the guides and in the recommendations related to the realization of the TFG, something that, beyond the understandable adaptation to the characteristics of each area, may pose a risk to the achievement of a fair evaluation system. In addition, some faculties lack public evaluation criteria, which may give rise to arbitrary or irregular situations. To do this, first of all, the opinion of teachers and students regarding the TFG has been analysed. In order to solve the deficiencies found, a solution has been proposed that encompasses all the centres that make up the UCO: a scale that contemplates the basic competences recognized by the current legislation, common to all grades, and of a transdisciplinary nature to be able to build a more reasonable, coherent and uniform evaluation system for the entire University of Córdoba

    Lifestyle in Undergraduate Students and Demographically Matched Controls during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Spain

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    Few studies have used a multidimensional approach to describe lifestyle changes among undergraduate students during the COVID-19 pandemic or have included controls. This study aimed to evaluate lifestyle behaviors and mental health of undergraduate students and compare them with an age and sex-matched control group. A cross-sectional web survey using snowball sampling was conducted several months after the beginning of COVID-19 pandemic in Spain. A sample of 221 students was recruited. The main outcome was the total SMILE-C score. Students showed a better SMILE-C score than controls (79.8 + 8.1 vs. 77.2 + 8.3; p < 0.001), although these differences disappeared after controlling for covariates. While groups did not differ in the screenings of depression and alcohol abuse, students reported lower rates of anxiety (28.5% vs. 37.1%; p = 0.042). A lower number of cohabitants, poorer self-perceived health and positive screening for depression and anxiety, or for depression only were independently associated (p < 0.05) with unhealthier lifestyles in both groups. History of mental illness and financial difficulties were predictors of unhealthier lifestyles for students, whereas totally/moderate changes in substance abuse and stress management (p < 0.05) were predictors for the members of the control group. Several months after the pandemic, undergraduate students and other young adults had similar lifestyles

    Lifestyle in undergraduate students and demographically matched controls during the covid-19 pandemic in Spain

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    Few studies have used a multidimensional approach to describe lifestyle changes among undergraduate students during the COVID-19 pandemic or have included controls. This study aimed to evaluate lifestyle behaviors and mental health of undergraduate students and compare them with an age and sex-matched control group. A cross-sectional web survey using snowball sampling was conducted several months after the beginning of COVID-19 pandemic in Spain. A sample of 221 students was recruited. The main outcome was the total SMILE-C score. Students showed a better SMILE-C score than controls (79.8 +- 8.1 vs. 77.2 +- 8.3; p < 0.001), although these differences disappeared after controlling for covariates. While groups did not differ in the screenings of depression and alcohol abuse, students reported lower rates of anxiety (28.5% vs. 37.1%; p = 0.042). A lower number of cohabitants, poorer self-perceived health and positive screening for depression and anxiety, or for depression only were independently associated (p < 0.05) with unhealthier lifestyles in both groups. History of mental illness and financial difficulties were predictors of unhealthier lifestyles for students, whereas totally/moderate changes in substance abuse and stress management (p < 0.05) were predictors for the members of the control group. Several months after the pandemic, undergraduate students and other young adults had similar lifestyles

    La necrópolis de Los Collados de Almedinilla (Córdoba). Historiografía de un cementerio complejo

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    The excavations in the Necropolis of Los Collados, carried out by Luis Maraver y Alfaro in the second half of the 19th century, and afterwards, those done by Pierre Paris and Arthur Engels at the beginning of the 20th century, serve to define archeologically that which would be considered Iberian culture. Since then, apart from a few reviews of materials, this site has been forgotten to the point that its exact location was unknown to researchers. It was because of this that prospecting work and excavation were carried out in May and July 2019 that allowed archeologists to locate the necropolis and recover various tombs and ritual deposits. In this work we present the preliminary results of both interventions

    Laboratorio en abierto: aprendendiendo a copiar ADN.2

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    El objetivo principal del proyecto es la puesta a punto de recursos educativos en abierto (REA) dirigidos a los alumnos de secundaria. La propuesta pretende desarrollar habilidades, para la resolución de problemas científicos, a través de retos que despierten el interés y la imaginación de los alumnos de secundaria. En esta propuesta la resolución de los problemas planteados estaría basada en la aplicación de una herramienta que ha revolucionado la genética y biología, la reacción en Cadena de la Polimerasa, conocida como PCR