103 research outputs found

    Fisioterapia en la lumbalgia mecánica con el método de cadenas musculares y articulares G.D.S.

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Escuela Universitaria de Enfermería, Fisioterapia y Podología, leída el 04-10-2010Depto. de EnfermeríaFac. de Enfermería, Fisioterapia y PodologíaTRUEunpu

    Effects of Cervico-Mandibular Manual Therapy in Patients with Temporomandibular Pain Disorders and Associated Somatic Tinnitus: A Randomized Clinical Trial.

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    Objective. This randomized clinical trial investigated the effects of adding cervico-mandibular manual therapies into an exercise and educational program on clinical outcomes in individuals with tinnitus associated with temporomandibular disorders (TMDs). Methods. Sixty-one patients with tinnitus attributed to TMD were randomized into the physiotherapy and manual therapy group or physiotherapy alone group. All patients received six sessions of physiotherapy treatment including cranio-cervical and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) exercises, self-massage, and patient education for a period of one month. Patients allocated to the manual therapy group also received cervicomandibular manual therapies targeting the TMJ and cervical and masticatory muscles. Primary outcomes included TMD pain intensity and tinnitus severity. Secondary outcomes included tinnitus-related handicap (Tinnitus Handicap Inventory [THI]), TMD-related disability (Craniofacial Pain and Disability Inventory [CF-PDI]), self-rated quality of life (12-item Short Form Health Survey [SF-12]), depressive symptoms (Beck Depression Inventory [BDI-II]), pressure pain thresholds (PPTs), and mandibular range of motion. Patients were assessed at baseline, one week, three months, and six months after intervention by a blinded assessor. Results. The adjusted analyses showed better outcomes (all, P < 0.001) in the exercise/education plus manual therapy group (large effect sizes) for TMD pain (g 2 P ¼ 0.153), tinnitus severity (g 2 P ¼ 0.233), THI (g 2 P ¼ 0.501), CF-PDI (g 2 P ¼ 0.395), BDI-II (g 2 P ¼ 0.194), PPTs (0.363< g 2 P < 0.415), and range of motion (g 2 P ¼ 0.350), but similar changes for the SF-12 (P ¼ 0.622, g 2 P ¼ 0.01) as the exercise/education alone group. Conclusions. This clinical trial found that application of cervico-mandibular manual therapies in combination with exercise and education resulted in better outcomes than application of exercise/ education alone in individuals with tinnitus attributed to TMD.post-print543 K

    Design, methods and demographic findings of the DEMINVALL survey: a population-based study of Dementia in Valladolid, Northwestern Spain

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    Producción CientíficaThis article describes the rationale and design of a population-based survey of dementia in Valladolid (northwestern Spain). The main aim of the study was to assess the epidemiology of dementia and its subtypes. Prevalence of anosognosia in dementia patients, nutritional status, diet characteristics, and determinants of non-diagnosed dementia in the community were studied. The main sociodemographic, educational, and general health status characteristics of the study population are described. Methods: Cross-over and cohort, population-based study. A two-phase door-to-door study was performed. Both urban and rural environments were included. In phase 1 (February 2009 – February 2010) 28 trained physicians examined a population of 2,989 subjects (age: ≥ 65 years). The seven-minute screen neurocognitive battery was used. In phase 2 (May 2009 – May 2010) 4 neurologists, 1 geriatrician, and 3 neuropsychologists confirmed the diagnosis of dementia and subtype in patients screened positive by a structured neurological evaluation. Specific instruments to assess anosognosia, the nutritional status and diet characteristics were used. Of the initial sample, 2,170 subjects were evaluated (57% female, mean age 76.5 ± 7.8, 5.2% institutionalized), whose characteristics are described. 227 persons were excluded for various reasons. Among those eligible were 592 non-responders. The attrition bias of non-responders was lower in rural areas. 241 screened positive (11.1%). Discussion: The survey will explore some clinical, social and health related life-style variables of dementia. The population size and the diversification of social and educational backgrounds will contribute to a better knowledge of dementia in our environment. Keywords: Dementia prevalence, Epidemiology, Undiagnosed dementia, Population-based survey, Seven-minute screen, Anosognosia, Nutritional assessmen

    Banco de recursos didácticos sobre Métodos Específicos de Intervención en Fisioterapia

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    Depto. de EnfermeríaSección Deptal. de Radiología, Rehabilitación y Fisioterapia (Enfermería)Fac. de Enfermería, Fisioterapia y PodologíaFALSEsubmitte


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    Comunicación presentada a FENS Forum 2022Alzheimer¿s disease (AD) is pathologically characterised by the presence of amyloid-beta plaques, neurofibrillary tangles containing hyperphosphorylated Tau protein, neuroinflammation and neuronal death leading to progressive cognitive impairment. The ¿4 allele of the gene encoding apolipoprotein E (APOE), which is mainly expressed in glial cells, is the strongest genetic risk factor for sporadic AD. Increasing evidence has shown that APOE4 may disrupt normal astrocyte activity, potentially contributing to AD pathology, but the impact of different APOE alleles on astrocyte differentiation, maturation and function is not yet fully understood. To go in depth on these questions, we obtained induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from fibroblasts of AD patients carrying ¿3 and ¿4 alleles (in homozygosis) and from healthy patients. We also used gene-edited iPSC lines homozygous for the main APOE variants and an APOE knock-out line. iPSC-derived human astrocytes were generated by establishing a differentiation protocol through the consecutive addition of small molecules and growth factors, and the expression of typical markers (GFAP, GLT1, AQP4 and S100beta) and APOE was analysed. In addition, astrocytes exhibited functional features like glutamate uptake capacity and calcium waves production. They also responded to an inflammatory stimulus (IL-1beta and TNF-alpha) or to the presence of amyloid-beta 1-42 peptide by changing their morphology and increasing the expression levels of pro-inflammatory factors and cytokines. Our results shed light on the potential dual role of APOE polymorphism and the individual¿s genetic background in favouring or perhaps preventing AD pathology


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    Comunicación presentada en Global Summit on Neurodegenerative Diseases NEURO 2020/22The ε4 allele of the gene encoding apolipoprotein E (APOE), which is mainly expressed in glial cells, is the strongest genetic risk factor for sporadic AD. Increasing evidence has shown that APOE4 may disrupt normal astrocyte activity, potentially contributing to AD pathology, but the impact of different APOE alleles on astrocyte maturation and function as well as their inflammatory profile is not yet fully understood. To answer these questions, we obtained induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from fibroblasts of AD patients carrying ε3 and ε4 alleles (in homozygosis) and from healthy patients. We also used gene-edited iPSC lines homozygous for the main APOE variants and an APOE knock-out line. iPSC-derived human astrocytes were generated through the consecutive addition of small molecules and growth factors to the culture medium, and the expression of typical markers (GFAP, GLT1, AQP4 and S100beta) was analysed. In addition, astrocytes exhibited functional features like glutamate uptake capacity and calcium waves. They also responded to an inflammatory stimulus (IL-1beta and TNF-alpha) or to the presence of amyloid-beta 1-42 peptide by changing their morphology and increasing the expression levels of pro-inflammatory factors and cytokines. Our results shed light on the potential dual role of APOE polymorphism and the individual's genetic background in favouring or perhaps preventing AD pathology

    Volume 279, February 2024, 127572

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    16 p.-4 fig.-4 tab.The filamentous cyanobacterium Limnospira platensis, formerly known as Arthrospira platensis or spirulina, is one of the most commercially important species of microalgae. Due to its high nutritional value, pharmacological and industrial applications it is extensively cultivated on a large commercial scale. Despite its widespread use, its precise manipulation is still under development due to the lack of effective genetic protocols. Genetic transformation of Limnospira has been attempted but the methods reported have not been generally reproducible in other laboratories. Knowledge of the transformation defense mechanisms is essential for understanding its physiology and for broadening their applications. With the aim to understand more about the genetic defenses of L. platensis, in this work we have identified the restriction-modification and CRISPR-Cas systems and we have cloned and characterized thirteen methylases. In parallel, we have also characterized the methylome and orphan methyltransferases using genome-wide analysis of DNA methylation patterns and RNA-seq. The identification and characterization of these enzymes will be a valuable resource to know how this strain avoids being genetically manipulated and for further genomics studies.This work was supported by projects S2013/ABI-2783 (INSPIRA1-CM), S2018/BAA-4532 (ALGATEC-CM) from “Comunidad de Madrid /ESF-ERDF”; RTI2018–094399-A-I00 (SETH) from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity; RobExplode PID2019-108458RB-I00 (AEI/10.13039/501100011033) and by Sycosys TED2021–130689B-C33 from Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN) grants.Peer reviewe

    Medio siglo de cribado neonatal en España: evolución de los aspectos éticos, legales y sociales (AELS). Parte II, marco legal

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    El cribado neonatal es una actuación sanitaria regulada específicamente en nuestra legislación. El ordenamiento jurídico establece que el cribado sanitario es una actuación de salud pública, enfocada a la prevención de la salud de la sociedad en general y, a la vez, una prestación sanitaria, es decir, un derecho de los individuos, cuyo interés constituye el eje de la regulación. En su diseño e implantación están involucradas las autoridades sanitarias estatales y autonómicas. La eficacia, eficiencia y calidad son los criterios para valorar su idoneidad, y la adopción de medidas que garanticen los derechos de los participantes, la trasparencia y la voluntariedad, son imprescindibles para su aprobación. Estas exigencias generales se refuerzan cuando el cribado se dirige a la población pediátrica y cuando se trata de cribados genéticos, caso en que está prevista la revisión por parte de un comité de ética como requisito previo a su autorización.Neonatal screening is a health action specifically regulated in our legislation. The legal system establishes that health screening is a public health action, focused on the prevention of health of the community in general and, at the same time, a health service, that is, a right of individuals, whose interest is the focus of the regulation. In its design and implementation are involved the State and Regional Health Authorities. The effectiveness, efficiency and quality, are the criteria for assessing its suitability, and the adoption of measures to ensure the rights of participants, transparency and voluntariness, are essential for approval. These general requirements are reinforced when the screening is aimed at the paediatric population and when it comes to genetic screening, in which case a review by an ethics committee is foreseen as a prerequisite for authorization