992 research outputs found

    Benefits of Older Volunteering on Wellbeing: An International Comparison

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    Healthier aging implies lower health service expenditure and the possibility for individuals to make a longer and more valuable contribution to society. Lifestyles, including volunteering, affect our health. The policy implications of the present study are that it aims to broaden the state of knowledge and be useful to public decision-makers: if voluntary activities enhance the integration of older people into society, their participation will help to generate economic resources and improve their own welfare; if, however, health and participation do not show positive synergies, then policymakers must act independently in each of these fields. In this work, we focus on the societies of Chile, Mexico, and Spain because they have significantly aging populations and share common traits but also exhibit important differences. The empirical study employs micro-data from the World Value Survey (1994–1998, 2005–2009, and 2010–2014) and macro-data from the statistics of the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development). Micro- and macro-data are merged by national and temporal identifiers. Our main results provide empirical evidence that volunteering might improve every indicator of wellbeing except happiness. Different kinds of activities have different impacts on individual wellbeing. For example, volunteering in activities related to social awareness is positive for male life satisfaction, whereas volunteering in activities related to religious issues is positive for male life satisfaction but also female happiness. In general, voluntary activities have a stronger impact on male wellbeing than female wellbeing

    Les vies romanes del territori valencià

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    Introducción al estudio de las vías romanas del País Valenciano, con aportaciones desde la geografía, historia y arqueología

    Los hallazgos arqueológicos de 1827 en la construccción de la carretera de Madrid por Las Cabrillas (Buñol, València)

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    En este artículo estudiamos los hallazgos arqueológicos que tuvieron lugar en el año 1827 durante la construcción de la carretera de Valencia a Madrid a su paso por el paraje de Las Cabrillas (Buñol). Las piezas mencionadas en la noticia manuscrita que el director de las obras, J. Cortines, envió a la Real Academia de la Historia permiten deducir la existencia de un asentamiento ocupado entre los siglos II aE y II dE y posiblemente situado junto al camino que desde la ciudad de Valentia se dirigía hacia la Meseta. Entre las piezas encontradas destacan dos figuras de bronce que representan a Hércules y un jinete ibérico, la única conservada en el Museo Arqueológico Nacional

    Una inscripció àrab apareguda a Benassal

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    Fou trobada fa uns quinze anys en terres d'El Mas de Rupert de Baix, en desfer el marge d'un bancal per a obrir un portell. Es una placa d'arenisca ocre ataronjada

    Off-odor compounds responsible for quality loss of minimally processed baby spinach stored under MA of low O2 and high CO2 using GC–MS and olfactometry techniques

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    Strong off-odor development is still one of the major problems associated with quality loss of baby spinach stored in MA with low O2 and high CO2. Freshness has been generally evaluated by sensory techniques that allow the description of aromatic profiles but it does not identify the responsible compound(s). An approach including sensory analysis and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC–MS)/Gas Chromatography-Olfactometric (GC-O) techniques were applied to elucidate the complex combination of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) responsible for the off-odor perception of intact baby spinach without generation of new volatiles due to tissue manipulation. After 14 days, levels of low O2 and high CO2 (0.3 and 9.3 kPa, respectively) were achieved and off-odors development was detected. After GC–MS/GC-O analysis, there were 39 main compounds with olfactory activity, identified as alcohols associated with lipid peroxidation or LOX pathway; sulfur compounds from amino acid degradation; and alkanes from lipid autoxidation processes or carotenoid degradation. Odor-active compounds were grouped into the six odor categories as described by the sensory panel, with rotten and fishy being the strongest odors perceived after storage. The isolated VOCs grouped in the rotten descriptor were the alcohols 1-pentanol, (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol and 1-octen-3-ol, and the sulfur compounds methanethiol and dimethyl disulfide. A compound responsible for fishy notes was dimethyl sulfide but some evidence indicated that amine compounds with low odor thresholds could be also implicated. Since sulfur compounds were perceived by all sniffers and easily detected by mass spectrometry, they may be good candidates as biomarkers of off-odors in baby spinach

    Morphological studies of Hapalospongidion macrocarpum and Nemoderma tingitanum (phaeophyceae) from the Salvage Islands (Madeira archipelago).

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    Two species of encrusting brown algae (Phaeophyceae) are newly recorded for the Salvage Islands (Madeira Archipelago) viz. Nemoderma tingitanum and Hapalospongidion macrocarpum. The species are described, and information is presented concerning their ecology, morphology and geographical distribution in the Atlantic
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