111 research outputs found

    Análisis comparativo de las demandas físicas de dos tareas de juego reducido en fútbol profesional

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    El objetivo del estudio fue comparar las demandas físicas de dos situaciones de fútbol reducido, modifi cando el espacio relativo de juego. El estudio siguió un diseño pre-experimental de grupo único. Un total de diez deportistas profesionales pertenecientes a un equipo de primera división de la liga española de futbol fueron sometidos a dos tareas de fútbol reducido: 7x7 (25x45 m) y 11x11 (60x45 m). Mediante GPS se midieron las siguientes variables cinemáticas: distancia recorrida, distancia recorrida a alta intensidad, número de aceleraciones moderadas, número de aceleraciones medias, número de aceleraciones máximas, duración de las aceleraciones, y distancia recorrida durante las aceleraciones. Se procedió con estadística descriptiva y, tras comprobar la normalidad de las distribuciones, se procedió con prueba T para muestras relacionadas, estimándose el tamaño del efecto mediante el porcentaje de cambio. En la situación 11x11 los jugadores recorrieron más distancia (p = 0,003), corrieron más distancia a altas velocidades (p = 0,016) y se produjeron aceleraciones más duraderas en tiempo (p = 0,017) y en distancia recorrida (p = 0,001). En la situación de juego 7x7 se registraron mayor número de aceleraciones moderadas (p = 0,002) y medias (p = 0,004). Mientras que la carga de trabajo total es mayor en la situación 11x11, el 7x7 es más exigente en cuanto a aceleraciones y cambios de ritmo, lo que implica una carga interna distinta, de orientación más neuromuscular. A juicio de los autores de este trabajo, las demandas físicas propias del 7x7, en el que se realizan un mayor número de aceleraciones, convierten al 7x7 en un ejercicio idóneo para trabajar la fuerza específi ca en un contexto en el que se integran aspectos físico, técnico y táctico.The aim of the present study was to compare the physical demands of two SSG (small sided games) modifying the relative pitch area per player. The study followed a pre-experimental design only group. A total of ten professional soccer players belonging to a team of Spanish fi rst division soccer league were monitored during two diff erent SSG: 7x7 (25x45 m) and 11x11 (60x45 m). Using GPS the following cinematic variables were measured: distance, distance at high speed running, number of moderate accelerations, average number of accelerations, number of maximal acceleration, duration of acceleration, and distance traveled during acceleration. After checking the normal distribution, data were analyzed by T test for related sample, and eff ect size was estimated using percentage change. According to the results, in 11x11 SSG players covered more total distance (p = 0.003), covered more distance at high intensity running (p = 0.016) and accelerations occurred along more time (p = 0.017) and distance (p = 0.001). In the 7x7 SSG more number of moderate (p = 0.002) and medium (p = 0.004) accelerations were registered. Even though the total workload is higher in the 11x11 situation, 7x7 is more demanding in terms of accelerations and direction changes, which implies a diff erent internal load, more neuromuscular. Furthermore, the physical demands of the SSG 7x7, where a higher number of accelerations are performed, becoming the 7x7 an ideal task to work specifi c strength, in a context where physical, technical and tactical aspects are integrated

    Self-efficacy motor scale: psycometric properties and the results of its application to the spanish school population

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    This study analysed the new Self-Efficacy Motor Scale (seMs), the motor efficacy evaluation (Mee) in adolescents and its relation with variables such as general self-efficacy, speed-agility, dynamic coordination and cardiorespiratory adaptation. To do so, an ex post facto design was devised, using a sample of 1.288 adolescents (14.9 ± 1.7 years) from six spanish regions. The seMs is one-dimensional with a good internal consistency (a = .89). Boys reported higher motor self-efficacy than girls did, regardless of age. Among girls only, the older the age, the lower the expectations of efficacy. The Mee is closely related to the general self-efficacy variable (r= .62). we conclude that the seMs is an original, unpublished instrument that has been shown to have high reliability and sufficient validity in terms of content, construct and criteria for measuring perceived self-efficacy in challenging situations of physical activityEste estudio se ha realizado gracias a fondos parciales de los proyectos BSO 2002-00502 y SEJ2007-67267/EDUC, concedidos por el Ministerio de Educació

    A new three-dimensional measure of sport mood state: POMS-VIC

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    El presente trabajo postula de un nuevo instrumento para la medición tridimensional de los estados de ánimo: el POMS-VIC, siendo un recurso de medición psicológica formado a partir de tres escalas: intensidad, valencia o agrado, y control. El instrumento fue aplicado a una muestra de 87 jugadores de waterpolo (67% hombres). Se analizó la fiabilidad de las escalas y la normalidad de las variables. Se procedió con coeficiente de correlación por rangos de Spearman y contraste no paramétrico de grupos. Las tres escalas mostraron alta consistencia interna y elevados coeficientes de fiabilidad alfa. Los valores obtenidos y la dirección de las correlaciones permiten identificar dos grupos de estados emocionales: uno formado por tensión, depresión, cólera, fatiga y confusión; y otro formado por vigor y amistad. Las mujeres declararon mayores puntuaciones de vigor en las tres escalas. El nivel de competición en el que participan los deportistas no mostró asociación con el estado de ánimo de los mismos. Se concluye que el POMS-VIC permite conocer, además de la intensidad de los distintos estados anímicos, el nivel de agrado que motivan en el deportista y su percepción de control sobre ellos. Se considera en consecuencia que el instrumento tiene una importante y novedosa repercusión práctica para la psicología del deporteThis paper presents a new tool for three-dimensional measurement of mood: the POMS -VIC . It´s a psychological measurement resource formed from three scales: intensity, valence or pleasure, and control. The instrument was administered to a sample of 87 water polo players (67% men). Reliability of the scales and the normality of the variables was analyzed. The correlation coefficient was performed by Spearman rank nonparametric and groups . The three scales showed high internal consistency and high reliability alpha coefficients . The values and direction of the correlations to identify emotional states two groups : one consisting of tension, depression , anger , fatigue and confusion , and another consisting of force and friendship. Women had higher scores on all three scales force . The level of competition in which athletes participate was not associated with mood thereof. We conclude that the POMS -VIC allows to know in addition to the intensity of the different moods , the level of satisfaction that motivate the athlete and their perception of control over them. It therefore considers that the instrument has an important new practical implications for sport psychologyEste trabalho propõe um novo instrumento para medir os humores tridimensionais : o POMS- VIC . É um recurso de medição psicológica formado a partir de três escalas: intensidade , valência ou prazer , e controle. O instrumento foi aplicado a uma amostra de 87 jogadores de pólo aquático (67% homens) . Confiabilidade das escalas e da normalidade das variáveis foi analisada . Seguimos com coeficiente de correlação e grupos não-paramétricos de Spearman . As três escalas apresentaram alta consistência interna e altos coeficientes alfa de confiabilidade. Os valores e direção das correlações para identificar dois grupos de estados emocionais : um formado por tensão , depressão, raiva , fadiga e confusão, e um outro que consiste em vigor e amizade. As mulheres relataram maior pontuação em todas as três escalas de força . O nível de competição em que os atletas participam não foi associado com o humor dele . Concluímos que o POMS- VIC permite conhecer , além da intensidade dos diferentes modos, o nível de satisfação que motivam o atleta e sua percepção de controle sobre eles. Assim, considera que o instrumento tem uma nova e importante implicações práticas para a psicologia do esport

    Paraciclisme: estudi sobre els processos d’integració en l’àmbit internacional

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    El paraciclisme o ciclisme adaptat és una de les primeres modalitats esportives adaptades integrades en la federació internacional de l’esport corresponent. Aquest esport és un bon exemple a l’hora d’estudiar els processos d’integració en les federacions uniesportives. L’objectiu de l’estudi és analitzar el grau d’implantació d’aquests processos en el ciclisme en l’àmbit internacional i conèixer els indicadors concrets que el caracteritzen. L’estudi es va dur a terme en el Campionat del Món de Paraciclisme en ruta, disputat a Baie-Comeau (Canadà, 2010). Van participar-hi 13 països. Es va administrar un qüestionari ad hoc de 20 preguntes a un representant qualificat de cada expedició, que avaluava els àmbits de gestió, necessitats, aspectes clau i opinió sobre els processos d’integració del ciclisme al seu país. En el 61,5 % dels països estudiats era la federació nacional de ciclisme qui gestionava el ciclisme adaptat, encara que només el 30 % tenen totes les competències transferides a les federacions uniesportives. Les discapacitats menys integrades van ser l’auditiva i la intel·lectual. Els aspectes més valorats en els processos van ser la determinació de normatives específiques, la formació de tècnics esportius, l’existència d’una institució garant dels processos i el suport econòmic específic. El procés d’integració va ser avaluat de forma molt positiva pel 87,5 % dels enquestats: fins i tot sembla derivar en un augment del nombre de llicències i del rendiment esportiu. Aquests indicadors poden ser extrapolables a altres esports i útils per afavorir els processos d’integració al nostre país

    IAQ improvement by smart ventilation combined with geothermal renewable energy at nZEB

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    Producción CientíficaThe building sector has the responsibility of being a generator of high carbon emissions, due to inefficient energy consumption in the last decades. For the European Union (EU) and the building sector, this pollution has generated a great impact and concern, establishing objectives in sustainability and energy efficiency in the short term. The EU, committed to energy sustainability, has established several guidelines, aiming at reducing carbon emissions. For this reason, European directives have been published to increase energy efficiency and sustainability in buildings, with EPBD 2018/844/EU being the most up-to-date regulation. This directive mainly focuses on reducing carbon emissions and increasing the efficiency of energy systems in buildings, but it also refers to the importance of establishing indoor air quality indices and smart management of ventilation systems. Before this directive was published, many of the implemented ventilation strategies did not consider the indoor air quality (IAQ) in their scope of established comfort parameters. Therefore, this study analyses the performance of the ventilation system, controlled smartly to cover the demand and the established IAQ rates via CO2 ppm, through renewable geothermal energy systems. This study has been carried out at the LUCIA building, a near Zero Energy Building (nZEB), which belongs to the University of Valladolid, Spain. This building stands out for being one of the most sustainable buildings in the world, according to LEED certification, ranking as the most sustainable building in the northern hemisphere. This building to study is equipped with cutting-edge energy systems, with zero carbon emissions. Several parameters have been analysed (air speed, enthalpy, air flow, temperature, humidity, kWh, climate data, etc.) enabling an energy optimisation of the combined systems. All the monitoring data obtained by the smart management have been analysed, providing favourable outcomes, due to the establishment of IAQ levels, according to the EPBD 2018/844/EU. After this study, the smart management of ventilation combined with removable geothermal energy can be exported as a strategy to reach the established IAQ levels through zero carbon systems.Junta de Castilla y León - FEDER (VA272P18

    Energy Consumption Reduction of a Chiller Plant by Adding Evaporative Pads to Decrease Condensation Temperature

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    Producción CientíficaThe high energy consumption of cooling systems justifies the need for strategies to increase the efficiency of the facilities, in order to reduce the related CO2 emissions. This study aims to improve the performance and reduce the energy consumption of an 8.6 MW air cooled chiller. This installed capacity is biased due to the screw compressors, of 2.98 Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) at full load (characteristics provided by the manufacturer). The chiller unit has been modified by placing evaporating cooling pads before the condensing coils. The chiller has been monitored for three months, recording over 544,322 measurements (5 min-step data), with and without the evaporative cooling pads, to assess the performance. Data comparison has been done by selecting two days (with and without evaporative panels) with the same health care load and temperatures. Implementing the proposed strategy yields an improvement in the European Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (ESEER) from 3.69 to 4.83, while the Total Equivalent Warming Impact (TEWI) decreases about 1000 tCO2. Energy savings of up to 32.6 MWh result into a payback period lower than 2 years.Junta de Castilla y León (project VA272P18

    Una nueva medida tridimensional del estado de ánimo deportivo: el POMS-VIC

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    El presente trabajo postula de un nuevo instrumento para la medicióntridimensional de los estados de ánimo: el POMS-VIC, siendo unrecurso de medición psicológica formado a partir de tres escalas: intensidad,valencia o agrado, y control. El instrumento fue aplicado a una muestrade 87 jugadores de waterpolo (67% hombres). Se analizó la fiabilidad delas escalas y la normalidad de las variables. Se procedió con coeficiente decorrelación por rangos de Spearman y contraste no paramétrico de grupos.Las tres escalas mostraron alta consistencia interna y elevados coeficientesde fiabilidad alfa. Los valores obtenidos y la dirección de las correlacionespermiten identificar dos grupos de estados emocionales: uno formadopor tensión, depresión, cólera, fatiga y confusión; y otro formado por vigory amistad. Las mujeres declararon mayores puntuaciones de vigor en lastres escalas. El nivel de competición en el que participan los deportistasno mostró asociación con el estado de ánimo de los mismos. Se concluyeque el POMS-VIC permite conocer, además de la intensidad de los distintosestados anímicos, el nivel de agrado que motivan en el deportista ysu percepción de control sobre ellos. Se considera en consecuencia que elinstrumento tiene una importante y novedosa repercusión práctica para lapsicología del deporte

    Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Sewer Mining versus Centralized Wastewater Treatment: Case Study of Arga River Basin (Spain)

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    ABSTRACT:In the context of the EU Water Framework Directive, a Cost-Effectiveness Analysis (CEA) was performed to compare centralized and decentralized wastewater treatment strategies aimed to improve the ecological status of a Spanish river. The implementation of several hybrid membrane bioreactors within the urban framework for sewer mining (SM) was compared with the more common wastewater treatment plant enlargement option. The assessment ranked 6 alternatives based on 12 potential scenarios, aimed at narrowing the uncertainty of the CEA. The cost analysis illustrated that SM is the most expensive option regarding both investment and operation and maintenance costs. However, the effectiveness of the alternatives evaluated depends significantly on the scenarios considered, being SM the most effective in most cases. Finally, the cost-effectiveness ratio showed SM as the best cost-effective alternative. CEA provides an ecological-economic indicator useful to prioritize wastewater treatment alternatives to achieve a given objective

    Squamous basaloid carcinoma larynx. A case report

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    [EN] Introduction and objective: basaloid squamous carcinoma comprises less than 1% of squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck. Since it was described in the early eighties, it has been published around 200 cases worldwide. In various medical articles its reported as a very aggressive form of squamous cell carcinoma, because it is usually diagnosed in advanced stages. We present a new case of carcinoma basaloid of the larynx. Case description: male smoker with an exophytic lesion in the left piriform sinus whose pathology was basaloid carcinoma, T1N0M0 of supraglottis. Our patient is disease free after three years. Our surgery was left neck dissection and pharyngectomy. Discussion: We reviewed the medical literature about prognosis, involvement of regional lymph nodes, survival, pathology, differential diagnosis and treatment. Conclusions: There are controversies regarding its prognostic. It is generally considered an aggressive tumor with a high percentage of regional metástasis at the time of diagnosis. There is no consensus for treatment.[ES] Introducción y objetivo: el carcinoma basaloide escamoso representa menos del 1% de los carcinomas epidermoides de cabeza y cuello. Desde que fue descrito en la década de los años ochenta, se han publicado alrededor de unos 200 casos por todo el mundo. En los diferentes artículos médicos se describe como una forma muy agresiva de carcinoma epidermoide, debido a que se diagnostica habitualmente en estadios avanzados. Presentamos un nuevo caso de carcinoma basaloide laríngeo. Descripción del caso: varón fumador, con una lesión exofítica en seno piriforme izquierdo cuya anatomía patológica fue de carcinoma basaloide. Clasificado como T1N0M0 de supraglotis. Libre de enfermedad a los tres años tras realizarse faringectomía lateral y vaciamiento cervical izquierdo. Discusión: revisamos la literatura médica al respecto sobre su pronóstico, afectación de ganglios regionales, supervivencia, anatomía patológica, diagnostico diferencial y tratamientos efectuados. Conclusiones: existen controversias en cuanto a su pronóstico. En general se considera un tumor agresivo con un alto porcentaje de mestástasis regionales en el momento del diagnóstico. No existe un consenso para su tratamiento